This Time Around (Maybe) (15 page)

Read This Time Around (Maybe) Online

Authors: Chantal Fernando

BOOK: This Time Around (Maybe)
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“They aren’t my ex
es,” he snaps, brows drawing together.

“Whatever.” Ex
es or not, they still had him.

“This torture starts from the next time t
hough, right?” he asks hopefully. He sticks out his bottom lip in a pout and I want to suck on it.

“No,” I say
smiling up at him innocently and batting my eyelashes. I kiss him on his mouth and then walk out of the office, back to chat with Tag.



Reid and I stare at the shabby looking building and cringe.

“She lives here?” Reid growls, looking around the not
-so-nice neighbourhood. The surrounding houses are old and not so well kept, with brown grass covered in rubbish. The building itself doesn’t look so bad, except for a few broken windows I can see from here.

“Not for long,” I add, trying to calm my nerves. We walk into the building, and take the stairs to the third floor. The elevator
is out of order. Knocking on the door, I wait a few seconds before knocking again. The door swings open, and there she stands. Our baby sister. Shoulder-length blonde hair, warm brown eyes and a small petite body. She looks so cute, like a little angel. And then she opened her mouth.

“Who the fuck are you?” she asks rudely, her head looking from me to Reid multiple times.

I open and close my mouth, looking at Reid for help. “We need to talk,” Reid says.

“Do I need to get my gun?”
Persephone asks, sounding bored. She even glances down and inspects her fingernails.

“You don’t have a gun,”
I tell her. At least, I hope she doesn’t.

“I could have a gun,” she says, a little defensively.

“Are you Persephone Knox?” I ask, wanting to make sure it really is her.

“What’s it to you?” she asks, her eyebrows drawing together suspiciously.

“We just want to talk,” I say, trying to smile to make her feel more comfortable.

“Look, I get that I’m the hottest chick in the building
, but I’m not into,” she waves her hand around animatedly, “whatever double teaming shit you’ve got going on over here.”

Reid makes a choking noise and I scrub my hand down my face. So many things wrong with that statement.

“What?” she shrugs. “I read, a lot. I know what people are into these days.”

. This is awkward as fuck. “No, we are actually here for the opposite of whatever it is you’re thinking about now?” I ramble.

Her face takes on a thoughtful expression. “You want to go rescue animals with me?”

What the fuck. “How is that the opposite of sex?”

She smirks. “Sounds pretty fucking opposite to me.” It’s official. My sister is weird.

Reid cuts into our weird and slightly disturbing conversation. “We’re here about your father.”

“My dad’
s a deadbeat,” she says, fidgeting with the sleeves of her white top. Her expression falters a little but she tries to quickly mask it.

“We know
. He’s also our father,” I add in softly. There is a beat of silence.

She looks interested, but still a little unsure. “Prove it.” Reid pulls out his driver’s licence and shows it to her. She looks at us both
. I mean really looks at us, and then opens the door wide. We walk in and take a seat on a new looking pink couch. She sits opposite us and sighs. “Start from the beginning.”

And we do. We tell her everything up until we received the letter.

“So I have elder twin brothers,” she says, her lips curving.

“I guess you do,” Reid says, smiling a little.

“So tell us about you,” I say, eager to know more.

She lifts her shoulder in a shrug. “Haven’t seen
Dad since I was a kid. My mum died a few years ago. I’m a uni student, studying law. I work part time at a café. That’s about it.”

Even though I had nothing to do with it, I can’t help but feel proud. She’s studying and working, making something of herself. “Good,” Reid says softly, and I know he feels what I’m feeling right now.

“So start packing your shit and get ready to go,” Reid tries to say casually but fails.

I groan, pinching the bridge of my nose.

“What the hell are you on about?” she asks, sitting up straighter.

“What Reid is trying to say is you can come live with us. I have plenty of room, and we own a bar you could work in, and we want to take care of you and make up for lost time,” I try to explain.

“Yeah, I don’t think so,” she says, standing up. The universal gesture for ‘time to go.’ “I’m happy to have met you guys, and I would love to get to know the two of you and have you in my life, but I’m not moving.”

“But…” Reid starts, until he sees the stubborn look on Persephone’s face.

She grins. “I get that you are clearly both used to getting your way, but not this time.”

, will you let us take you out for lunch now?” I ask, not wanting to leave her just yet.

“Sure, I’d like that,”
she says, smiling. “Only if I get to choose the place.”

,” Reid and I say at the same time, sharing a relieved look, and then taking our baby sister out to lunch.


“We have to get some real food,” I say after we drop Persephone off at home.

“Agreed, seriously. I think she took us to that place on purpose,” Reid says, staring at the road.

“I know she did,” I grumble. Her eyes were alight with mischief as she watched us order from a menu of rabbit food. “She’s probably not even vegetarian.” Reid grunts in agreement. We glance at each other, and both start chuckling. She’s something, that girl.

“I feel like a weight
’s been lifted,” I tell my brother. “I wish she’d move in with us. Hell, we could try to get her an apartment here in the building.”

“We’ll wear her down eventually,” he says with confidence.

I’m not so sure. “Stubborn seems to be her middle name.”

“Why do you think he sent us to her?” Reid asks suddenly.

I shrug. “Maybe because she has no other family.” From what Persephone told us, it was just her and her mother. She isn’t close and doesn’t keep in contact with anyone from her mum’s side. So it looks like we’re it for her.

“Maybe he felt guilty,” I say, looking out the window. Maybe, just maybe
, he felt a little remorse for all the things he’s done over the years. At least now, we can look after Sephie so she’s not alone.

“As he should,”
Reid growls, clearly not wanting to discuss our father.

“I’m fucking exhausted,” I say, changing the subject. “Are you going to the gym or home?”

“Summer’s meeting me at the gym,” he says, turning onto the main road. “You want me to drop you off at home or at the bar?”


“I’m really happy you and
Taiya sorted your shit out,” Reid says.

“Me too,” I breathe. More than anyone could fucking

“So you’re solid?”

“Yeah, we’re solid.”

“Good,” he says quietly.
“Everything’s still on then?”

Yep,” I answer.

Reid drops me
off, and I head into the bar, grinning when I see a familiar face. “About time you came out to play,” I tell Dash, taking a seat next to him.

“Trust me, after the month I’ve had
, I deserve some time to relax,” he says, twirling his glass before taking a sip.

“What do you want
, boss?” Jade asks, looking a little bored.

“Nothing for me
, thanks, Jade,” I say, turning my attention back to Dash. “Anything I can do for you, my man?”

He tightens his lips. “No, but thanks for the offer.”

Dash is a proud man. He won’t ask or accept any help. “This about your sisters? You know we can always watch the younger ones for you.”

His violet eyes find mine. “It’s not the younger ones
who are causing trouble. I hope I never have any daughters; that’s all I’m saying.”

“How old is the trouble maker?” I ask him.

“Fifteen. I’m the only one she listens to, so I’m trying to be at home as much as possible.” Dash looks tired, and worn out.

“Let me know if we can help. I’m sure
Taiya and Summer will be happy to keep her occupied.”

actually a good idea, thanks.”

“No problem.”

“I heard about you and Taiya. About fucking time, man,” he says, smirking.

“Thanks and I couldn’t agree more,” I say,
looking around the bar, taking in the customers. A few of the usuals and a few newbies. “Come by and see us if you’re around. Hell, bring the tribe with you.”

Dash nods, like he’s considering it. “
All right.”

“You need to get your mind off things?” I ask, nodding towards two women at one of the tables. Awkward when I realise I’ve actually been with one of those two women.

Dash laughs. “No thanks. Your sloppy seconds don’t sound very enticing,” he says, brushing off my offer. I can’t remember the last time I saw Dash with a woman. I know he was interested in Summer, but I don’t think he’s been interested in anyone else since.

“How do you know it’s my sloppy seconds?” I ask, frowning.

Dash chuckles, downing the rest of his drink before answering. “You should call this place Knox’s pussy.”

I cringe, glad
Taiya isn’t here to hear that. “Nice, real nice, Dash,” I mutter, running my hands down my face.

“It’s the truth,” he says, smiling and showing off those twin dimples I hear women swooning

“It’s the past,”
I counter, standing up and walking behind the bar. “How’s work?” Dash is a mechanic and runs his own business.

Good,” he answers. I pour him another drink, and place it in front of him. My phone vibrates so I pull it out of my pocket, glancing at the screen.

How did everything go?
– Taiya

Really good
. Will tell you everything when I get home. – Ryan

I put my phone away and head into the office. Time to do some work.

Chapter Twenty

bounces up and down on my cock, riding me hard. I stare at her beautiful body, at the expression of ecstasy on her face and can’t believe that she’s mine. She’s exquisite, perfect. And I’ve taught her just how I like it. She lowers her head to kiss me deeply, still grinding her hips, not losing rhythm. My hands squeeze the globes of her ass, lifting my hips up to meet hers. She tears her lips from mine, tilting her head back in abandon. I sit up and lean forward to capture one of her nipples in my mouth, drawing deep and sucking. It pushes her over the edge, just like I knew it would. She whispers my name as pleasure takes over her. I roll her over onto her back, still connected, and thrust into her, my mouth finding hers once more. No one has ever felt better than this, made me feel like this. Like I would do anything to protect her. Anything. Conquer the world if I had to. Taiya is the only woman I’ve ever made love to, and the only woman I’ve ever been with without using a condom. I buck into her once more as I feel myself erupt.

“You bring me to my knees,” I
say in a hoarse whisper as I pull out of her, resting my forehead against hers. We’re both panting, and damp with sweat. Taiya doesn’t say anything but kisses me sweetly, saying more with one kiss than I could ever do with words.

“I love you
, wife,” I say, kissing down her neck and playfully biting.

She laughs, wriggling her body. “Love you too
, husband.” I sigh into her hair, just enjoying the moment. “When do I get to meet your sister?” she asks after a few minutes of silence. I told her everything that happened, and how proud I am of Persephone.

“I’ll invite her over for dinner or something, and everyone can meet her.”

“Good,” she says softly, her voice a little roughened. “Now, I want you again.”

I lift my head up. “
Hmmmm. Greedy little thing, aren’t you?” I trail my fingers down her flat stomach. When I reach her sex, she leans into me, silently asking for more.

“When it comes to you, yes,” she gasps. Good answer.
I roll on top of her, pinning her with my weight.

“Thank you for coming back to me,” I whisper into her ear. “Now
, I’m never letting you go.”

My thumb circles her clit and she gasps.
I lick my tongue across the tattoo behind her ear, the one that bears my initial. My stamp of ownership.

Keep doing that and I won’t be going anywhere.”

I chuckle huskily, kissing up her neck. “You never used to be this….”

“Demanding?” she says, smiling so much that her dimple pops up.

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