This Is Forever (14 page)

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Authors: S.A. Price

BOOK: This Is Forever
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Lola was thankful that the party Dustin had set up for after the show was limited to close friends, family and the bands. It was more laid back, a quiet affair, a complete one eighty from his normal shindigs.

Oh yeah people were rowdy, but everyone there knew someone in the bands, if not the entire band. No feathers in attendance, no random fans, no strangers.  It felt good to not have to work the crowd and relax a bit. Letting the collective guard
down was something neither band did in public very often, so this house, this haven, was a paradise.

She stood in the kitchen with Saffron, Xxieda and Nyx, talking. It felt nice to just have the girls around. Xxieda had flown out to see how the tour was going, and check the binding on Lola which, by the
witch’s proclamation, was holding up even better than the one she had marked Rhys with once upon a time. It was good to hear. Lola hadn’t felt the stirrings of Shesha since the original binding, but she was vigilant, and would continue to be.

how’s everything going?” Xxieda asked as she took a sip of her Woodchuck cider.

Lola smiled. “Things are good.”

“Yeah, so good that they put Rhys and me to shame with their cuteness.”

Lola grinned at Saffron. “
It’s all new and…”

Nyx laughed. “Oh we don’t have to hear about it. We see it baby.”

“And what about you Nixie?” Xxieda asked as she hopped up on the granite countertop.

Nyx gave them all a half smile. “I know you guys think I’m repressing issues with
Toshy, but I’m not. We are both cool. We had our fun, and as much as we both care for each other, we aren’t right for each other.”

“So who is right for you
Nyxie, cuz girl, in the years I have known you, men last as long as a menstrual cycle with you.”

Nyx gave them all a coy smile. “Once upon a time there was a boy at my sweet sixteen. He was my first, and as awesome as every guy has been since him, none have been as good as he was. So I guess I’m looking for that again.”

Xxieda blinked. “A guy? Got a name? Why don’t you see him anymore? Details!”

Nyx shook her head. “I don’t know his name, and that story is better left for a girlie sleepover, believe me.
As to where he is? Not a clue. One night only.” She offered and then took a long tilt of her beer.

“But he was at the party? I mean…”

Nyx shook her head. “A happy accident I’m sure.” She winked at Lola.

Lola was about to ask another question when Dante walked in. He opened the fridge, grabbed himself a beer and a cider for Xxieda. He passed the bottle to Xxieda and then kissed her on the cheek. “Tosh just bet Liam that he can get the nine
ball in the far corner pocket and not use his hands.”

Xxieda arched a brow. “
How’s he going to hold a stick?”

Apparently all he needs to do is thrust.”

Lola and Saffron both choked on their waters and Nyx rolled her eyes. “Suckers bet. Guy can
hammer a spike into a rail road tie with that monster. How much is on the table?”

Dante laughed.
“Almost two bills.”

eyes went wide and she pushed away from the counter she was leaning on. “Pardon me…” she said and walked through the door Dante had come in through. “I want in on this. Fifty bucks says he can do it, and with only one bank…”

Xxieda arched a brow at Dante. “She has faith.”

“Yeah I would have faith too if I was toting the third leg that guy is carrying around.” Dante frowned. “I swear I have had my quota filled of cock since I met you at least four times over.”

Xxieda grinned. “Don’t tell me
you’re jealous.”

The man grabbed Xxieda off the counter and grinned. “Of th
ese little boys?” he asked and kissed her senseless. Seconds later Xxieda was giggling and blushing and Dante winked at Lola. “Pardon us.”

She nodded and he carried her out of the room, leaving Lola alone for the first time that night. She heard the cat calls from the Billiards room, Halfway across the house, and then both cheers and curses. Apparently Tosh had made the shot.

“Holy shit!” she heard Toro’s voice before she saw him. “Why can’t he swing my way!”

Lola smirked at the doorway just as Toro walked through.
“Because you’re not that lucky T. How much did he win?”

Toro frowned. “I have half a mind to dislike his sexy ass till he rides me like a pony.”

Lola’s eyes went wide. “Seriously?”

He frowned harder. “No, but
it’s just not fair. Stingy fucker.”

So how much did he win?”

“Almost four.
Crais is betting double or nothing he can’t do a trick shot. Personally that’s a suckers bet. The guy is hiding Quatto in his pants!”

She laughed at the
Total Recall
reference. “So I have heard.”

“And where is your
hunka man meat?”

She shrugged. “I think on the phone with his mother.”

Toro laughed. “Twisted Twyla?”

“Yes, and she says
hi,” they both heard from the doorway.

Lola grinned. “
How’s momma dukes doing?” she asked as he crossed to her. She knew that Twyla had become a bit more scattered after Phaedra died, but after the events of last year’s voodoo with Rhys and a very tangible Phaedra, Twyla had let go of her ire and came back to being a somewhat normal person, or as normal as the hippie could get. Her relationship with her only surviving child was still strained but Lola knew that Winter made it a point to keep the lines of communication open with his mother, in order to give her a sense of normalcy.

“She’s fine. Said Uncle
Cleetus and Mavis will be by for the upcoming holiday.”

She shook her head. “It always makes me chuckle you have relatives with back country yokel names.”

“Believe me, I try to forget,” he offered in a dry tone. “She said to say hello to you though.”

Lola smiled. Twyla didn’t like many people, but she liked Lola, always had.
Winter’s father was a stodgy work obsessed lunatic and barely tolerated Winter or his “inconsistent” lifestyle. She was pretty sure that he didn’t like her much either for the exact same reason. But Mr. Tulane didn’t need to like her. Only Winter did.

“Hey, we are taking the party to the pool, you guys coming?” Tosh said from the doorway. “
Crais bet me he could hold his breath longer than I can.”

Lola laughed. “Chlorine and these streaks don’t get along well. Pass.”


Toro looked at Tosh and cocked his head. “I’m mad at you.”

Tosh grinned. “Sorry man… though if I ever decided to rock someone of the male persuasion, you will be the first I call. Deal?”

Toro sighed.
“Fine. I suppose I’ll come with you.”

“Now don’t get all sour man… you did get to see it…”

Toro followed Tosh towards the doors that lead to the pool. “Yeah you fucking Tease!”

Alone in the kitchen,
Winter turned to Lola. “Our friends are weird.”

“To say the least.
So what do you wanna do since the pool is occupied by like everyone?”

“Wanna play 8-ball?”

She quirked a brow. “I hope you got Lysol.”

“Way ahead of you.”
He winked and pulled her with him towards the billiards room.

The room, now devoid of all life except them was a study in seedy pool hall chic.
The lights were low, the table illuminated by an overhead stained glass canopy. The felt on the table was purple, a custom job, and the actual table itself was a mahogany monstrosity, gleaming with the result of daily cleanings with wood polish.

Smaller tables with chairs and several overstuffed chairs filled the periphery, but the focus of the room was the table. He turned as she followed him into the room and smiled. The look he was giving her gave her the
butterflies, making things clench low in her center.

You’re not thinking about playing pool are you?”

He pulled her to him and kissed her hard.
“Hell no.”

“Your thinking about fucking on this pool table
, aren’t you?”

He kissed her again and picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Seconds later she was sitting on the edge of the corner and he was working his way down her throat, his hands stealing under her skirt.

She moaned as he found her, his fingers slipping  past the edge of her barely there panties to pet her. He growled when he  found her wet. “Always ready for me baby…” he murmured and nuzzled her collarbone.

She leaned back, and his free hand guided her, poised at the small of her back.
He dipped his head low and grasped the bottom of her t-shirt with his teeth and dragged it north, over her flat stomach and breasts, exposing everything to the cool air of the room.

His mouth planted searing kisses across her skin, and at intervals he would nip or lick at her. She arched harder, her arms lifting to lie on the table itself, above her head.

“You look so fucking hot Nat..” he murmured and she heard the muffled staccato of his button fly being pulled open. Seconds later she was gasping as he sunk home.

“Now that’s what I’m talking about…” he growled and latched onto a nipple, wetting it, abrading it through the lace material.

She lost herself in sensation, the raw need and power he took her with. “So close…” she moaned, her hands lifting from the pool table to run through his hair. He pulled away from her breast and then kissed her. “Scream for me Nat…”

She did, though it was muffled by his own mouth. She shattered, her body shaking with the force of it. Fast and dirty, it wasn’t romantic, it was naughty and decadent and she loved it.  He followed her over the brink, panting, a look of contentment on his face.

“Ummm I needed that.” He whispered in her ear.

“You’re not the only one.” She offered and sat up kissing him hard.

They uncoupled and righted their clothing, and
Winter went back to her and pulled her close. “Naughty girl…”

“Naughty Boy…”

He nodded. “Especially when it comes to you baby. You know, I could do with a shower and an early night in.”

She knew exactly what that meant and nodded. “
That sounds fabulous, especially since I’m not at all tired.”

The look in his eyes was heated.
Oh no he was nowhere near done with her. “I think I can remedy that.”

Laughing, Natasha jumped off the edge of the pool table and scampered off towards their room. 
Winter as her lover was awesome, but Winter as her friend and lover was so much better than anything they had before. Now all that was left was to take care of Shesha, and they could live happily ever after.







Saffron walked into the living room, her laptop in hand, and a frown gracing her face.
Winter noticed immediately that her eyes were narrowed on the screen, and she wasn’t watching where she was going.

Saff, girl watch out…” He called and she narrowly missed the ottoman that was in her path to the couch. She looked at them and shook her head.

Winter.” She said softly and shook her head again, her eyes going back to the screen.

“Well good morning to you.
What’s got your panties in a bunch?”

“Oh trust me, this is not a good morning… well maybe it is. Depends on how everyone is going to take this.”

Rhys raised a brow.

“News from the net,
apparently you guys, with your new mega rock star status, have hit the Nail-list dot com’s radar.”

“Well I think we have arrived then wouldn’t you say?” Rhys commented and got up from the small table he was sitting at near the window. “Well come on, what’s it say about me?”

“As if you need a larger fucking ego,” Saffron rolled her eyes settled in on the couch on the vacan’t cushion next to Winter.

“Baby, you should be excited,
you’re currently nailing a hot commodity!” Rhys said and slipped onto the couch next to her, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. “So, all of us or just me?”

, who was leaning on Lola, looked at her, praying it was just Rhys. The last thing he needed in this bid to keep Lola was to have all his dirty laundry printed on that list.

And that’s what it would be, because groupies that started those things didn’t have any shame, and wore their conquests on their sleeves like a badge of honor.

“As of right now, just you and the Sultan over here,” she said and shook her head. “Though I think that is because Tosh and Chand haven’t forsaken their normal playmates like you two have.”

Lola turned her head and smirked. “The Sultan?” she asked and Saffron went to answer her but
Winter, knowing exactly why saffron had called him that, laughed.

“Well read it off, since
Winter has his nervous laugh going.”

Saffron looked at Lola and gave her a wan smile.
“Hmmm okay well…”

Rhys looked over her shoulder and his eyes lit up as Saffron read from the website.

“Ok so Rhys Bellamy from Thirteen Shades of Red,” she started and then scoffed. “Boy belongs on the dark side. Long, thick and can go all night, though he’s been known to pass out once he’s hit the finish line. Won’t do oral, though will gladly accept it. Kinky to a point, will keep in touch with the ones he likes the most. Word has it he’s totally taken now by his girlfriend Saffron Richards, and she doesn’t share.”

Rhys looked up and grinned. “All true. At least they got it right.”

Saffron shook her head. “Love how I’m the bad guy in all this. Not the jerk that refuses to do oral, no he’s on a pedestal.”

“As you recall I didn’t refuse with you…”

“I didn’t have a choice did I? Had I…”

knew the kinds TMI conversation they were about to get into when he heard two words from Lola he didn’t want to hear.

Winter?” Lola asked.

Saffron looked at
Winter, whose eyes went wide. He hoped the point came across loud and clear or he was going to have a lot to explain.  Saffron winked and shrugged. “Nothing special, you know...”

“So say it.”


Lola waved at her.

Saffron looked at
Winter again, and then shrugged again, as if to say
Sorry buddy,
and handed the tablet over to the other girl. Winter blanched and exercised a small amount of power, so the hand off was slowed. He spied what was on the screen and almost grabbed for the device.


Winter Tulane--- 13 Shades of Red

Wicked and wild.
Hung perfectly with one hell of a back swing if you get my meaning. Likes his interludes with no less than five girls at a time. Loves oral, watching, and always uses condoms. King of dirty talk. Likes it rough. Likes to keep in touch for future encounters. Insatiable.



He sighed and pulled back on the power, giving himself a mild headache. Lola palmed the tablet and her eyes went to the screen.
Well now she knew why Saffron called him the Sultan.

He watched her face as she read the small entry.
And then again. Shit shit shit. Finally her gaze met his and he winced slightly, seeing a mixture of astonishment, you-gotta-be-kidding-me and… pride reflected to him. Surprised, he gave her a lazy smile and arched a brow.

“I think we will leave you two alone…” Saffron said and levered herself off the couch and then pulled Rhys up. They walked out seconds later, leaving
Winter alone in the spacious living room with Lola.

She was
quiet a few minutes and then bit her bottom lip, as if she was trying to figure out what to say.

licked his bottom lip and sighed. “I told you…”

She shook her head.
“Five at a time?”

He cringed.
“On a slow day. If I’m being honest it was more like five was when I was under the weather.”

She laughed and got off the couch and turned towards him, her hands on her hips. “
You’re like McDonalds! My god, I thought it was exaggeration when I saw all those girls wearing that fucking “Long Hard Winter” t-shirt at the last three shows! Clearly you have been busy.”

“And I didn’t hide that from you.” He said quietly, watching her as she paced.

“I honestly thought stories of your exploits were exaggerated.”

He held up his thumb and forefinger.
“A teeny bit.”


“I’m not saying I didn’t make a fuck ton of mistakes Nat.” he used her real name and then shook his head. Fuck if she hated him because of his man whoring, things were going to get shitty quick. “I don’t regret my actions either.”

She gave him an incredulous look.

“I mean I was single, painfully so. I did what I did, at least I own it.”

She sat down on the chair facing him. “
Winter, no offense but, between our first breakup and then the little unpleasantness of that misunderstanding with Rhys, you weren’t prolific, not like this. What changed? I mean…”

He sighed. Fuck he didn’t wanna have to go there with her, not now.

“Look I’m trying to be cool about this, but… help me to understand why I should be cool with this?”

He sighed again. The only smart option was to tell her the truth, none of this
nancy pussy footing about and being a jerk about something he couldn’t control. He swore he would never be the kinda guy that would just be an asshole because he couldn’t talk about his feelings, and take shit out on the woman in his life. Too many jerks already populated the world already; he didn’t need to add himself to it. Being straight with her was the smartest thing he could do, if he wanted to keep her.

“You’re right. And after that shit with Rhys and you left, and we weren’t talking, I was angry, and bitter. Then I saw you were dating Cosmos, right after, and two weeks later word reached us about your engagement. I said fuck it, and drowned my sorrows in pussy. I figured since you forgot me so easily, I could at least try.”

She blinked at him. “You’re telling me that it took five girls at a time to drown the feelings you had for me?”

He shook his head. “More like ten most of the time. Unless I saw something about you on the net, or someone mentioned you and him. Then it was like Caligula’s court in my room. Not one compared. I learned that twenty girls
at once had less than a glimmer of what you gave me. So I drank, I watched. I tried to forget you. Then I found out you guys broke up. By that point I had made my bed, I just continued on. What happened with the two of you anyway?”

She shook her head, her gaze guarded. “That’s a story for another day. Today we are dealing with your
Appleseeding across this great land.”

He looked horrified. “I do not have kids peppered around!”

She waved him away. “You know what I mean.”

He nodded. “I’m sorry, I really am. My actions in the past might fuck with our future and that’s something I need to own.  You know, at this point in my life Lo, I could have anyone I wanted, anytime, anywhere and any way. Hell I have.  It doesn’t interest me. Not anymore.” He got off the couch and crawled across the room to her and knelt at her feet.

“What does interest me is you, that bed in the other room, and the sounds I’m going to hear from that sexy mouth soon after I carry you in there. I choose you, baby. Sex is nothing, not unless it’s with you.  They couldn’t replace you, couldn’t compare. I choose you baby, I always will because I am nothing without you. I knew that then, and I know that now.”



Lola looked at him, surprised at the raw emotion on his face. True, his words were just bordering on king-ego-
dickish, but he was sincere. He never minced words before, and she had to give him props for his honesty.

No, she wasn’t happy about how much trim he fucked. No she wasn’t happy about the crazy shit he did. But it
in his past. He had been committed to her since New York, a month, and didn’t even look at another girl, let alone flirt with them. He was choosing her, over everything, was committed to what they had going. If not, this entire situation would have blown up into a hellish fight, which is what she had been ready for as soon as Saffron and Rhys had left the room. That it didn’t said a lot about how far they had come, as a couple and individually.

She looked at it from an outside standpoint. She knew he wasn’t a saint when they broke up, knew that he had his wild times, and if she was honest with herself, Cosmos was a passing fancy that was meant to hurt him, especially her reckless actions with him, which had been a large contributing factor to her situation with Shesha.

So in effect, her actions had fueled his reaction. That was on her. What was on him was him continuing down the path. People made mistakes. Hell she wasn’t safe from that adage herself. It just depended on if you cared enough about the person that made the mistake to accept it as a lesson and move on.

She looked at
Winter, really looked at him. He was holding his breath. He was so goddamn scared…

She gave him a small smile. “It is kinda flattering, in a twisted, bizarre way. I mean most girls would be so disgusted, and tell you to fuck off, that you have had your quota of women for the next several lifetimes.”

He blinked.

I’m not most girls though.”

He blinked again.

“I know what comes with the territory Winter, I’m not stupid. Hell if Saffron can be confronted with copious amounts of Rhys’ conquests, that he still talks to, I can be ok with this… I mean it’s not like you are carrying on with them anymore.”

He shook his head. “So you forgive me?”

She touched his face, her palm cradling his stubble roughened cheek. “Nothing to forgive. It’s not like you cheated on me. That,” she commented, her eyes going narrow, “would end up with your balls in a vice.”

He smirked.
“Never going to happen. I’m an asshole, but I’m loyal.”

“Yes you are.
So? What was that about a bedroom and me making lovely little sounds?”

grinned at her and swooped in, claiming her lips with his. She kissed him back, hungry for him. Everything else fell away, everything but the feel of his lips on hers. His hands gripped her hips and pulled her down off the couch, her legs straddling his as he settled her on the floor. He leaned her back so she was propped on the couch cushions and moved his kiss down her throat, and nipped at her collar bone.

“You made me forget every one of them when you walked back into my life Nat,” he growled and lifted her up, his hands on her ass. “I’m never giving you up, not again.”

She smiled. Gods she loved him. “So let’s get to that bedroom. You have some convincing to do.”





Vegas during the day
was as bright as it was at night, the sunshine gleaming off all the metal and reflective surfaces. A forever light patch in the darkness of the desert.  The buses had pulled into the Carnegie hotel and casino a little after six in the morning, but you wouldn’t know it to see the copious amounts of people still milling around the strip.

The only good point about getting in so early was that the fans hadn’t amassed and their check in was swift and painless. Saffron had grabbed the Shades rooms while the new tour management for the Angels, A
meely young guy named Kevin with watery eyes, handled Lola’s band.

She didn’t have much of a chance to talk to
the guy, what with him thrown on in Chicago and her spending more time with Winter and Shades than on her own bus. All she knew was the guys were ok with him, and he didn’t mistreat her rabbit so he was ok in her book.

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