This Is Forever (13 page)

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Authors: S.A. Price

BOOK: This Is Forever
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She didn’t have to finish her sentence, he knew what she needed, he always knew. Perk of revisiting the man who taught you all about what your body liked.

He kissed his way north, nipping in places, amping her up all over again. His hands found hers, and he lifted her arms over her head as he got on his knees between her thighs.

Looming over her she watched as he transferred both her hands to one of his, and felt the soft material wrap around them. She looked up, to see him buckling her into fur lined leather manacle.

“This better not be rabbit fur.” She breathed as both his hands skittered down her arms slowly. His fingertips tickled, the delicious feel of the calluses on his fingertips made her shiver as he reached the swell of her breasts. 

Chinchilla.” He grinned. His hands had passed her breasts and were playing on her ribcage now, and moving ever south. She watched him, her arms immobile above her.

“So you got kinky then?”

Winter winked. “Got? Always was. I plan to introduce you to everything.” His hands settled at the flair of her hips.

Her gaze went lower, to
Winter, his cock thick and at attention. She bit her bottom lip again. Was that… She looked up to his face and the smirk there told her everything. Her lover had gone and gotten pierced. “That’s new.” She said of the reverse fernum piercing and he nodded.

Maiden voyage in fact.”

Her pussy clenched at his words. He got pierced recently? She looked back at him and he grinned.


He gave her a very triumphant and heated stare.
“You know why… Now let’s see how loud I can get you to moan.”

He shifted, notching himself at her entrance and gripped her hips tight as he slowly slid into her. He hissed as she felt the invasion, the snugness, and the little extra that tapped at her G-spot. Even at this angle, it was going to send her sky rocketing.

“Nat,” he groaned. “Look at me… Look me in the eye when I take you. I need you, needed this so much.”

She nodded and licked her lips.

“Now make some room for me baby, not too much, fuck I love how tight you are. That’s it…” he growled as he seated himself inside her fully. “Absolute heaven.”

She chuckled. “Bet you say that to all the girls.”

The look in his eyes was hard, possessive. “Never. You are my other half Nat, the other piece of my soul. You feel like forever, and so fucking good.”



She arched, reveling in the glide she felt with the piercing on her inner walls. Leave it to
Winter to get pierced just to please her. And that was why. She had always told him it turned her on when they were younger. He had balked at the idea of a sharp piece of metal going anywhere near his cock, but it seemed he had gotten over that little issue, for her.

Fucking sweet hell it felt good to have him inside her again, the thickness stretching her, filling her so perfectly. Yes, he fit her like a key to a lock, always had.
Everything about this felt right, in a way no other man in her life had. Winter belonged with her.

He gripped her hips and took her slowly, leaning down to kiss and lick her flesh, murmuring words of love and need to her. She closed her eyes, losing herself in the feeling as he took her higher.

“I got you baby… let go…” he grated out just before he sucked hard on her nipple and gave her a firm thrust. It was enough to send her over the edge, the piercing applying the most delicious pressure, prolonging the pleasure.

She moaned his name, panting as a second orgasm rose on the heels of the first just as he retreated, then thrust again.

“My god you’re like a vice baby… feels so fucking good. Gimme another…”

She moaned and
wrapped her thighs closer to his hips. “Faster, please.”

grinned at her and leaned forward, capturing her lips with his own and he took her harder, faster and at the angle he was now in, deeper.  She gasped and arched harder, causing him to groan. “Nat, baby you are going to kill me…”

She was close again.
Winter always knew how to play her body, but with his new little extra he was rocking the hell out of her quicker than ever. And gods was his technique so much better. Gone was the fumbling boy of their youth, and the mildly confident guy of later. He was a master of his movements. Precise, measured, perfect. Now, he was a fucking sex god. And he was all hers again. Finally.

“That’s it baby…” he whispered as she went over the edge again, sobbing his name. He held still, and she shivered with the feel of her body grasping his, fluttering around the column of flesh. She gasped and smiled, her hands grasping in the soft double manacle to touch him. She needed her hands on him, needed as much skin on skin contact as possible.

“Please… I need…”

Once again he understood and uncuffed her. Like a shot she was touching him, aroused all over again. Muscles tight, tensed as he pulled her up. He pulled out and she immediately felt the loss. She frowned at he and he grinned and kissed her, then turned her so her back was facing him.

Seconds later he was slowly lowering her down his shaft, one hand on her breast, the other on her hip. She moaned, the feeling of him filling her once more, the piercing torturing already sensitive tissue turning her on more. He pinched her nipple, and she arched hard as his hand on her hip slipped down to play on her clit.

Winter…” she breathed and turned her head, her arm slung back to grip the back of his head.

He kissed her, his tongue lapping at hers. She shuddered and he stopped. “Now fucking
ride me Natasha…”

She did. Boy did she like this position.
His hands busy between her thighs and her breast, his mouth planting kisses and bites on her shoulder and neck, his cock thick and demanding inside of her. She sobbed as she came again and he reached up to her hair and gripped it, forcing her to kiss him. Then she was pushed forward, her hands going to the bed to stabilize her.

His hand was still wrapped in her hair, pulling her head back. She moaned as sensation shot to her core. She liked him being a little rough, likes the possession in the hair pulling. He reared up on his knees
,  and took her more forcefully, his hands going to her hips to pull her onto his length.

She bit her lip, lowered her shoulders and cried out as she felt him. “Harder
Winter, I need you..”

“You’re going to have me Natasha…” he growled and leaned down and bit her spine. She screamed. The action triggered another orgasm
. Her vision went black, spots appearing as she closed her eyes. Vertigo assailed her, taking her to new depths of pleasure. One second she was moaning his name the next she was exploding anew, her nerve endings sizzling. The high left her sensitive, and she felt everything. Winter called her name and followed her over the brink, and she felt the pulse of him deep inside her.

They came down together, and she realized she was on her side, cuddled to him, and he was still inside her, nestled perfectly. Did she black out? She grinned to herself and then leaned down and kissed his forearm.

“You okay?” he murmured into her shoulder.

“I think you broke me.”

He chuckled. “Nah. You just haven’t had it good in a long time.”

“Not to feed your ego here but I never had it like that.”

“Are you suggesting I wasn’t proficient before?” he said with amusement in his voice.

She scoffed. Bastard wanted her to stroke his ego. Well, ok he did deserve it. She sighed. “I’m suggesting that
you’re on another level entirely now.”

He kissed her shoulder softly. “Then I have done my job.”

“And that piercing…”

He chuckled again. “I figured.
I’m glad I did it.”

can’t believe you did.”

“Why not?
I’m not the guy I used to be Nat. we grow up, and grow into ourselves. Learn things about ourselves that we never thought possible. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. And you appreciate it.”

“Damn right I do.”

He sighed. “So I broke you, and you wore me out.”

It was her turn to laugh. “Oh? You’re not going to demand round two?”

H cuddled her closer. “Not this time. My girl was very demanding. Now I just want to hold her.”

“Won’t hear me complaining.”

“Good. Now shut up. We really are ruining a damn good afterglow.”

She kissed his forearm again and settled in. soon she was slipping into unconsciousness. She felt his hold on her body tighten, heard his soft words in her ear as she finally went dark.

“It’s a good thing you still love me Nat cuz I am keeping you forever.”






Saint Louis was chaos. The venue grounds were crawling with fans, and you could barely navigate through the backstage area. The general admission area was probably impassable. Lola grinned. She loved shows like this. The energy was everywhere, buzzing, and it fed into the performers. Shows like this the band was high on the atmosphere, and played some intense sets. Saint Louis was going to be one hell of an experience for everyone. She side stepped around a bunch of roadies who nodded to her, and made her way towards the stage, where she knew Winter was just getting his rig set up.

Since Philly things between them has been much like they were before they had broken up. They were rarely apart, choosing instead to spend their off time and travel time together mostly on the shades bus, which had become more the couples bus as
Winter and Lola were always with Saffron and Rhys, and Nyx, though it never felt like she was a third wheel. She understood Nyx’s need to be in her own space, Lola was like that herself on past tours. But her space didn’t seem so important when she put it up against snuggling with Winter on the Shades bus watching TV or sleeping.

Rococo, much to
Winter’s delight, stayed on the Angels’ bus most of the time, as the back section had been converted into a sound proof chamber that the guys affectionately called the Bunny den. Though she was sure there was a dual meaning for that but she wasn’t going to get into it.

So they had the chance to really reconnect, and it was awesome. She loved the guy he was before, but the man he had become was infinitely more appealing to her. Gone was the insecurity, replaced with a swagger that had he
r panting. And Sweet Jesus she didn’t know where he had got his dirty talking skills, but she was glad for them. She had always liked it, but before, it sounded comical coming from him. Now, now she was always close to vibrating waiting to see what he was going to say to her in his sexy as fuck gruff voice. Winter had become everything she had heard in rumors. And he was hers now. Only hers.

The backstage area here was larger than the previous dates, due to the grounds, and while normally that was a great thing, with the influx of people it just made it more tedious to get to where she was going.
People would call her name, and she would stop, pose of a picture or call back to them or spend a few seconds chit chatting the fans. She had been stopped by several fans to take a group shot, ones that were part of the Angels’ fan club. She loved the fan club people, because they understood that she was working and they couldn’t monopolize her time. It was as she was leaving the most recent group that she noticed something that had her smirking.

Two girls were up ahead wearing what looked like homemade decal shirts that said “
I’ve had a Long Hard Winter” across the chest. Huh. Well hell. She had to give it to the girls, wonderful play on words. She wondered if he had seen them. She was about to approach the girls with her phone, to take a picture with them and send it to him for shits and giggles when she noticed four more girls with the same shirt walking up to the original two.

Maybe Winter had his own group of fans here. It was possible. Crais, her drummer, had his “Cuties”, the girls that considered themselves his personal harem. Of course, they could just be feathers…

Six girls with the shirt
were daunting, but manageable. It was as she got closer to the stage that she saw another four, all and frowned. Ten girls. Ten? In one place? Now, she could be jumping to conclusions, she knew people traveled to follow bands, but ten was a large concentration.

Saffron was just ahead scribbling on her clipboard.

“Saff,” she said as she approached. The other woman looked up. “A word?”

Saffron smiled. “Sa
w the shirts eh? Did you see the ones that say ‘Rhys Rocked Me’ yet? There’s about forty of them wearing it.”

Lola shook her head. “So it’s nothing to be worried about?”

Saffron gave her an incredulous look. “Really? The boy is head over heels for you and you’re worried about a bunch of feathers?”

She realized how silly it seemed. Still… “And you don’t have a problem with it?”

Saffron scoffed. “If I got all bothered about girls that have either slept with my boyfriend, want to sleep with my boyfriend or get all agro over the fact that they c
sleep with my boyfriend because I don’t share I would be bald and the new proactive poster child. I trust him, that’s all I need to know.”

Lola considered this. Saffron always saw things from a
better perspective them most women, and Lola had always admired her ability to distance herself from the petty jealousies that girls got about the guy they were nailing. It worked for her and Rhys. Lola wasn’t stupid either. The life didn’t lend itself to jealousy, and she, by nature wasn’t a jealous person. Everyone had a past. Winter’s was just current.

“True. You have any idea where
Winter is?”

Saffron nodded.
“Stage right with Toro.”

“Thanks.” She said and left the other girl to her job, and went in search of




“Those shirts are pretty… interesting.” Toro offered absently as he watched his tuner.

Normally the Tech’s were doing this job but Toro had just had his new guitar delivered and, as he put it, “Much like my hob, I get to play with it first.” So
Winter was there with him, hanging out now that his rig was set up, keeping him company.

“Feathers are out in force. I shouldn’t be
surprised; St. Louis was one of the places that have been a stop for us since the beginning. Body count is high. For all of us.”

“You stud you.” Toro offered and rolled his eyes. “The shirt is
hella suggestive though.”

“Have you seen the one about Rhys?”

Toro waved that away. “That can be taken two ways… Hell I can see rock moms wearing that one. The one about you? Unless your rocking the cougar contingent, not going to happen. Have they approached you?”

shook his head. Some of the girls he knew he had slept with, and only once. Some, he wasn’t sure if he had even been in the same room with them, but his entertaining was more about quantity not quality. For all he knew, they could all have, in fact, had him. My god he was a whore.

I always wonder about shit like that.”


“They want everyone to know they planted their flag, but they won’t even talk to you? It’s just weird to me.”

shrugged. Truth was he didn’t wanna talk to them anyway. He kept up with girls like Stoli and Gatsby because they didn’t advertise, and he preferred that.

“You think Lo is going to shit kittens?” He asked Toro.

The other man fiddled with his guitar a moment and then looked at the tuner. “Hard to say. I mean she isn’t stupid. She knows you haven’t been a choir boy. I think the sheer volume might get you a night on the couch, but she’s a realist. Advice? Don’t broach the subject till she does. Less of a chance of a fight.”

“That’s a lot like keeping secrets.”

Toro looked at him. “Secrets my ass. How’s this, the elephant in the room is better left alone till your both in a better place, morally, to address it.”

frowned. “I feel like I should be reading between the lines here.”

“You said it I didn’t.  And speak of the devil.”

Winter turned around to see Lola walk up, dressed in her Japanese school girl outfit, her makeup and hair flawless. His girlfriend was fucking hot. He smiled and pulled her to him when she got within reaching distance.

“Saffron said you were hiding here with Toro.
He telling you about his new crush?”

arched a brow. “New crush?”

Toro waived the question away. “That’s a conversation for a few beers and several shots. I’m in not headspace to open that can of worms. And you are on in fifteen.”

Toro with a crush was nothing new, but the fact that he wouldn’t just gab about it was. But when the guy was ready to talk, he supposed he would. “Chicago?” he asked.

Toro nodded.
“Deal. I can’t wait for a couple nights with family.”

Toro’s rich cousin Dustin owned a huge house just outside Chicago and both bands were going
to stay at ‘Dustin’s party mansion’ for a few days. With two dates, and 2 days between them, they had the better part of a week to relax before things got hairy on the west coast. And he was going to get to spend the time with Lola, without a bus and checkout times to interrupt. They could pretend to be normal for a few days.

“It should be good.” He nodded.

Lola laughed. “I just hope we aren’t going to walk into party central again.”

Toro shook his head.
“Nah. He takes his girls to the penthouse in the city. Claireridge is now family only.”

“Well thank god for small favors.” Lola said and leaned in “I have a great room at
Claireridge, you are going to love it.”

The sound of her voice, the low dulcet tones of a partially aroused Lola shot blood straight to his cock. He pulled her closer and nibbled on her ear.
“Can’t wait.”

Winter? That’s the ten…” he heard Tosh call as he walked by.

He unwrapped from Lola. “You

She nodded.

He kissed her softly. “Aces. And tonight?”

She smiled.
“Suite at the Hyatt.”

He frowned. “The evil little bastard is going to be with us isn’t he?”

She laughed and pushed him towards his band. “I promise, no hair chewing, and no biting.”

He took two steps and grabbed her, pulling her close once more. “I can’t promise there won’t be biting, in fact, you can count on it.” He murmured in her ear before he leaned down and bit the tender s
kin at the junction of her shoulder and neck.

She gasped and shivered.

Toro laughed. “Oh god, scoot already! The two of you make we wanna vomit you are so goddamn cute.”

They both grinned and Lola kissed him. “Have a good set baby.”







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