This Is Forever (11 page)

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Authors: S.A. Price

BOOK: This Is Forever
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Sensation shot through her and she bit her bottom lip as his tongue slid between her lips. She opened her thighs more, and he gripped her hips, lifting her partially off the counter. “Winter…” she moaned as his tongue slipped into her entrance. She closed her eyes as he licked and sucked at her, shuddered as he retreated and replaced his tongue with two fingers.

“Fuck I
love how good you taste…” he groaned and found her clit, and sucked it hard between his lips as his fingers worked her. She all but vibrated as the orgasm crawled up her spine, and unfurled in her core.

She shattered, Cried out as he took her higher. It was soon too much, and she had to push him away, whimpered as she did so. She panted and opened her eyes to see
Winter licking his lips like a cat that just got the cream. His features went from rapturous to smug as he caught her watching him.

“Three minutes.
New record.” He offered and winked, and then leaned in and kissed her hard. He grabbed her hand and placed it on his jutting shaft as it tented his Boxers and she gave him a languid smile.

“See what you do to me sweets? I missed that, though I enjoyed it more when I could wak
e you up with those sexy moans, then slide into you. But that’s for later.” He winked and stepped back.

She chuckled and cocked her head. Truth was she missed that too.
Missed the feel of him inside her, filling and stretching her. No one took her like Winter did. “So you just going to sport that magnificent hard on all day?” she asked as she levered herself forward, and gathered the towel around her.

He shrugged. “I’ll live. He wants reacquainted with you, but he can wait for the real thing.”

She was about to offer that reacquaintance when there was a knock at the door. Winter grinned. “Get that. I’ll be out in a minute.”

She nodded, and grabbed a robe and then went to the door. Ten minutes later
Winter was out of the shower, a towel wrapped around his waist as he sat across from her. They ate in silence, Nat drinking a soft herbal tea, munching on pineapple and a Danish, while Winter devoured a waffle the size of his head.

It was comfortable, nice. While her thoughts kept flittering to the naughty things he had done to her not minutes before, and her body was reacting to it even now, the residual aftershocks doing nothing to cool her ardor,
she was really enjoying the quiet time with him, the familiarity of it. They had fallen into a place they once were, as if no time had passed, and she loved it.

“So?” he said as he finished chewing the last of his waffle. “How long will it take for you to get ready?”

“A couple minutes, why? You in a rush?”

He nodded. “Aside from the museum,
there’s a couple other places I wanna hit while in Center City.”

“South Street?” she asked. She had never been there, but understood it was very much like the village of New York City, only on one strip.

He nodded. “Gotta hit Jims. Best cheese steaks in the city.” He stood and let the towel fall as he turned from her, and she got an eyeful of taught and perfect ass.

I say Goddamn!” she called after him as he went through his bag and grabbed clothes.

“So do I get the same treatment?” he asked and looked over his shoulder.

Nat smirked and stood, the robe falling from her shoulders at the same time that she hit her full height. She sauntered past him, felt his eyes on her as she moved. Her nipples pearled, her pussy got wet all over again, as she caught that hungry gaze.

swore. “Baby…” she gained him and wrapped her arm around his waist. Using him as leverage, she went up on tip toes and kissed him soundly, her breasts pushed against his chest.

His hands went into her hair as he
deepened the kiss and she melted into him. When he finally pulled away from her they were both panting. “So fucking hot…” he breathed and then smiled.

She moved off, her body thrumming, awakened by his attentions. She knew what he was doing. Keeping her on edge, stoking the fire between them, teasing her to make it all the better when he finally gave in. She loved when he would play like this with her, denying them both what they really wanted. It helped to make it sweeter, always did.

“Get dressed,” he said and pulled a pair of jeans from his bag. “We got things to do.”




“Thank you goodnight!”

walked off stage, soaking wet, sticky, slimy and needing a shower. Rhys brushed past him to a waiting Saffron, and Tosh was welcomed by two girls Winter had never seen before. He assumed they were the girls he had traveled to Philly with.

Nyx walked up to him and sighed. “Fuck its hot out there
tonight. Unseasonably warm for Camden, no?”

He nodded. “I haven’t needed a shower after a set like this since Voodoo.”

She scrunched her nose up and nodded. “Seriously. For all of us baby.”

He laughed and nodded.
“On my way.”

“Where is Lo?” She asked with a frown.

“She had that interview with that music channel and then she was getting onstage.”

She nodded. “Enjoy your shower.”

“And what about you?”

She smirked. “
I’m using the one in the Angel’s trailer.”

“Hot date?”

“My cousins are in from AC. I’m going to the city with them.”

He nodded. “Have fun.” Nyx winked and
walked off towards the Strange Angels’ camp. He pulled out his cell and texted Lola.


Off stage. Hot as balls out there tonight. Have a good set. I’m going to get all soapy in the rain locker. X


He hit send and walked past Rhys and Saffron who were talking to some fans that had gotten some backstage passes. He nodded to Rhys, who just rolled his eyes. No doubt the lead singer wanted a shower as well, he sweated more than the rest of the band put together, but Saffron was having none of that. He made it past the main stage area when his cell went off.


I expect visual conformation. That means suds in the best of places. Try to make the set ok? XO


He texted her back a quick “ok” and laughed.

Winter…” He heard and frowned. He had been lucky, no one had been waiting to talk to him as soon as he got off but clearly they had been lying in wait. He turned and smiled, not recognizing the voice.

The girls standing there were smiling, dressed in short shorts, shades shirts that were either cut up and reconstructed or tied in a knot to accentuate their breasts. Three of them,
A blonde, and two red heads, with very little makeup, though the kohl they wore around their eyes was enough to constitute a painted face.

He returned their smiles and addressed them.
“Hi ladies.”

“You were super good tonight.” One of the red heads said.

Ok this could go one of two ways. “Ah, thanks. Hot tonight right?” he said, attempting to make polite conversation.

The Blonde smirked.
“Totally. That shirt is practically see-through. So what you got going on tonight?”

Ah so it was going that way. “
Right now I’m heading back to our camp, then back to the stage to see Strange Angels play.” He said, being honest.

The red head that had been quiet, but eye fucking the shit outta him licked her bottom lip. “You wanna hangout a bit? Maybe we can come with

watched as the three of them got closer, cuddling to each other, hands caressing bare skin. Ah so they knew his preferences.  He shook his head. “I’m going to have to say no, ladies, and it really kills me to do it. You guys seem like a wild time.”

The first red head pouted. “
You sure we can’t tempt you?”

He laughed. “I’m sure you could tempt a priest. I’m already engaged for this evening,” And every evening after if he had his way, “And it wouldn’t be fair.”

“But we wanted a long hard Winter.” The blonde said as the two red heads starting kissing. “Come on, Winter.”

He shook his head, eyes riveted to the girls making out. “I honestly wouldn’t be any fun right now,
but might I suggest you guys offer that hot as fuck opportunity to Liam Angel?”

The blonde shrugged and walked closer and handed him a piece of paper.
“My number. Your other plans fall through, call. We got a suite at the Sheraton and six bottles of champagne we were hoping you would lick off us.”

He shook the paper at her and slipped it into his pocket. “Have a great night girls.” He said and turned away, to hear one of them say to the other two, “Seems word is right. Wonder who the girl
is, can’t be Lola though I think Sissy was wrong.”

Word was getting out but nothing concrete. Well that would have to change. He had been working diligently at seducing Lola (and Nat if he was honest because the two were two different sides of the same coin), and today had been a huge step forward.

They had walked around the Rodin museum, quiet and in their own heads. He loved that she understood the way the sculptures spoke to him, how they didn’t need to fuck about to have a good time together in such a situation. He took her down into Center City proper, walked around Walnut and Chestnut, window shopping. It was great to be someplace where neither of them
was recognized and they could just be Winter and Natasha, two people just hanging out.

He took her to his favorite ice cream shop, a place where they milled any flavor combination together into soft serve that was also the oldest chocolate shop in the city. Of course, she was pleasantly seduced. The woman loved chocolate, and ice cream.
They had stocked up on chocolate covered pretzels, chocolate covered popcorn and Nat had all but screamed when she found out they did chocolate covered honey comb there. Almost two hundred dollars and four bags of boxed chocolates later they had left with ice cream concoctions that would scare any dentist.

They spend the rest of the afternoon at the hotel room, napping. When they went to the venue they had split up, Lola called to do an interview or two,
Winter a meet and greet with Shades. He had been lucky that the groupies hadn’t swarmed him then. Still the girls that had propositioned him weren’t the most aggressive he had ever had approach him so for that he was grateful.

Another five minutes and he had made it back to the Shades trailer and ten minutes after that he was groaning under the hot water as it washed the grime off him.
His phone buzzed on the counter and he grabbed it.


Where’s my evidence baby?


He smirked and took a quick shot of his chest all soapy and sent it to her. Seconds later he got a response.


Hot, but not what I’m looking for.  You can do better than that.


He shook his head and chuckled to himself , then angled the phone, posted and clicked the button. If a picture of him fisting his cock didn’t do it for her he didn’t know what would.  He got his answer quickly.


Now that’s what I’m talking about. He got any plans tonight?


Plans? Fuck yeah he had plans.


You will just have to see won’t you. You on yet?


He rinsed the soap off and then grabbed his phone again when it buzzed.


Three minutes. You going to make it?


He turned the water off and grabbed a towel and his phone.


Trying. You keep interrupting me


Ooh. Well get a hop on it. XO


He laughed again and shook his head. He liked seeing her play. Loved watching her shake her ass out there. Not a shot in the ten hells he was going to miss it.

Winter?” he heard his name from the front area of the trailer.

Saff?” he answered as he slipped his jeans on.

Oh good. Thought those wannabe feathers grabbed you and absconded with you.”

“They tried to. How did they get back stage?” he asked as he walked out of the back area, smoothing a shirt over his chest.

“Not one clue. Wasn’t us or SA. Gotta watch those security people.”

“Not a bad idea. Where is
lover boy?”

“Outside talking to some reporter from MTV Canada.
I didn’t ask, though I’m going to mention to Swann that all interview requests need to be on schedule. Between the Much Music people and the magazines, you guys are already spread thin.”

“Hazards of getting bigger I guess.” He offered and slipped his socks and then sneakers on.

“You ain’t whistling Dixie. Off to watch Lola?”


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