Thin Ice 7 - Echoes of Reckoning (32 page)

BOOK: Thin Ice 7 - Echoes of Reckoning
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Dee was glad he didn’t ask her to return the favor. While she had no problem with giving head, she wasn’t with him like that. She smiled slightly thinking it probably sounded pretty selfish, but hey if he wanted to do it, who was she to say no? She quickly reined her thoughts in as Shango’s lips found her own again, his tongue sliding into her mouth as his hard sex rubbed against her own dripping wetness. Dee was turned on beyond belief as he continued to arouse her, now enjoying her breasts as he continued to grind her.

You have condoms,” Dee asked as his movements became more deliberate.

Yeah, one sec,” Shango replied hoarsely.

He rolled over, reaching inside the now open nightstand drawer and retrieving the double-x magnums.
Well damn,
Dee thought watching him easily fill the condom with little room to spare. Shango began kissing and caressing her again, his fingers gently massaging her hard clit as she began flowing freely once more. He pulled her atop him as his manhood slid inside her like a hot knife into butter. Dee loved the feel of him as they began rocking in rhythm together, eyes closed, each trying to reach the pinnacle of release.

Shango was breathing deeply trying to hold the orgasm as long as possible. The inside of her felt incredible he was thinking behind the closed lids. Dee was riding him like an expert having already hit orgasm number two as they indulged.
This damned woman is the shit,
he thought his toes curling as the sensations continued to rock him. Dee looked down at him and smiled slightly deciding to mess with his head. Abruptly stopping movement, she climbed off him as his eyes popped open regarding her questioningly.

Relax boo,” Dee told him sweetly as she climbed up again, this time turning her back to him and riding him with her butt in his face.

Shit,” Shango murmured, grabbing her hips and holding her as he hit it hard and her butt shook with each thrust.

Dee loved the sensation she derived when she rode this way and found herself coming yet another time as Shango cried out shortly and his body shook violently before becoming still. Dee managed to wipe the smile from her face before climbing off him and now laying beside him as he rested with his eyes closed. She heard his breathing grow even and knew he was dozing. Dee rose and began dressing as Shango turned and opened his eyes again.

You’re leaving,” he asked, giving her a look.

She smiled slightly.

Yeah boo, I have an early day tomorrow,” she told him calmly.

You can stay the night you know,” Shango tried.

Dee again patiently explained she had to leave. He grudgingly rose and walked her to the door.

So, I’m here until Saturday,” Shango told her.

OK,” Dee replied. “Give me a call and if I’m not already occupied, I’ll come see you,” she added coolly, gathering her purse, and kissing his cheek softly walking out of the door.

Shango was outdone with her demeanor.

Damn,” he whispered softly a new respect for her.

That chick is colder than a damned pimp,” he laughed now, praying when he called her again she wasn’t busy.


Creeper awoke feeling like a train had hit him. He quickly looked around recalling the last thing he remembered finding himself in a small cell, Pirate right next to him still out.

Pirate,” Creeper called out in a hushed whisper still unsure where they were or what the hell was going on.

His friend began to slowly come around his eyes finally opening and him jumping to his feet, holding his head as the headache hit him full force.

Man, what the fuck,” he questioned making his way to where Creeper stood.

Their cells were adjoining.

Shit, I have no fuckin’ idea,” Creeper returned, having a very bad feeling.

I don’t see Ice or Ryan,” Pirate told him looking around at the other cells in the room, seeing them all empty except one.

Who is that,” Pirate asked nodding toward the cell at the very end of the room.

No clue man,” Creeper returned.

The person in the cell was still lying on the cot, immobile. Turning their attention once more to their predicament they continued to talk amongst themselves.

Where are Ice and Ryan,” Creeper threw out rhetorically.

You think they set this up,” Pirate questioned as Creeper frowned deeply.

No, shit they were stuck in the house with us,” he reminded Pirate who nodded.

Good morning gentlemen,” the computerized voice greeted the technicality.

It was the wee hours of Friday morning, though still dark outside.

Please make yourselves comfortable,” it went on as Pirate and Creeper looked around finally seeing the camera’s mounted in the corners of the cells.

Your stay doesn’t need to be unpleasant and all your questions will be answered in due time,” the voice finished and grew silent as the doors opened and they saw two men enter with trays.

They sat the trays down containing food and drink, turning and just as silently leaving as they’d entered.

Creeper picked up the bottled water examining the seal. After assuring himself it hadn’t been opened he twisted the cap and drank the contents. The food he didn’t touch and pushed it back outside of the cell. Pirate followed suit, drinking only his water, not trusting the still unknown and unseen captor.

Where are our partners,” Creeper called out, looking directly into the camera.

For a few moments there was nothing except the sounds of their own voices before they received a response to their query.

You should be more worried about yourselves,” the voice said simply. “However to appease your curiosity, your partners are also captive,” it said casually before the silence returned.

Pirate gave Creeper a look as they both turned their backs to the camera, leaning close to the bars and speaking.

This is some crazy ass shit,” Pirate whispered as Creeper immediately agreed with him.

We gotta figure out how to get out of these damned cells,” Creeper whispered back.

Pirate nodded slightly as they parted and each went and sat on their bunks slowly casing every inch of the cells and the room, looking for any hint of weakness so they could escape. King Diesel smiled slightly taking them in, impressed with their determination. He’d of course heard their conversation. The cameras in the corner were only for show. Each of the cells had been fully integrated for sight and sound no matter what angle they turned or how low they whispered. Smiling still he turned his attention to the other set of cameras.


Ian was awake and alert. He’d come too almost an hour ago and taken in his surroundings. The room as small with a private bath attached. There were no windows and it only contained a single twin sized bed. Ian saw the cameras mounted on both walls turning with his every move. His mind raced wondering where his brother and his partners were.

Good morning Ice,” the voice interrupted his thought.

Ian’s eyes looked up be he remained mute. The TV screen came on without warning and he saw Ryan pacing inside another room the exact duplicate of his own.

As you can see, your brother is fine,” the voice continued, now cutting to Creeper and Pirate in their respective cells.

You will be able to see and hear what I choose to show you from this closed circuit monitor,” the voice continued.

The next scene made him frown deeply the hate etched on his face. Gabrielle sat huddled in a corner on the twin bed crying softly.
Who the fuck was this,
Ian’s mind raced trying to think of anyone who would go to these links to capture him, Ryan, and his partners; not to mention snatching his mistress.

She’s fine, by the way,” the voice told him as Ian said nothing. “But she won’t stay that way if you don’t behave,” the threat came.

What’s your game,” Ian asked finally breaking his silence.

There was a slight chuckle before the answer came.

You’ll see,” the voice returned saying nothing more and quickly turning the monitor off.

The small slot in his door opened and a trade was slid inside. Ian regarded the food before turning his back and returning to the bed and sitting on it. The absence of windows was annoying him right now making him feel closed in. The lights began to flicker on and off, reminding him of effects inside a club with a huge disco ball turning. It began to annoy him, making his head hurt as Ian closed his eyes to block out the images. He noticed the noise then. It started as a soft murmur but increased in intensity until it was a screaming howl in his ears. Ian covered both ears with his hands as the sounds and lights took him back to the mental institute and the months of electroshock. King Diesel watched him as Ian cringed on the floor trying desperately to block his present reality. Smiling slightly seeing that his plans were going the way he desired, he began to slowly lower the volume of the noise and stopped the lights flickering. Ian was breathing hard, his face showing his distress as the room grew silent and he once again pushed himself onto the bed, this time laying back on it as he tried to gather his breathing and stop his mind from spinning.


Hello Ryan,” the voice greeted as he stopped pacing and spun around, the look on his face deadly.

King Diesel smiled. He’d always thought Ryan was the stronger of the two brothers. As with Ian, the monitor in his room came to life and he saw his brother and their partners in their respective confinement. The feed was interrupted as it cut to Nikki and Rayne as they slept peacefully in their home.

What the fuck,” Ryan growled.

Relax Ryan,” the voice told him. “As long as you behave, your family will be fine,” it added as Ryan continued to breathe hard and his expression remained unchanged.

This will all be over soon enough,” the voice once again commented.

What the fuck do you want fool,” Ryan asked acidly.

Seeing his family vulnerable was eating him up inside.

I want you to relax and go with the flow,” the voice told him evenly.

Ryan took a deep breath and tried to calm himself.

What’s the flow,” Ryan asked again.

He heard a small chuckle before the camera cut to the cells again focusing on the one with the man still resting on the cot.

The camera zoomed in and Ryan saw the identity of the man.
Who the fuck is behind this bullshit,
he continued to brood as the monitor now showed Ian. Ryan could tell something was wrong. His brother’s breathing was rapid and shallow; his eyes had a haunted far away look to them.

What the hell did you do to my brother,” Ryan barked angry all over again.

Nothing,” the voice told him. “He had a bad dream,” it once again replied.

Hmph,” Ryan replied but said nothing else.

Looking at his brother still Ryan knew it must have been one hell of a dream. He hadn’t seen Ian that uneasy in a very long time.

Again, how long is this bullshit supposed to go on and what do you want,” Ryan tried again.

Patience, Ryan,” the voice returned. “I realize yours is very short, but perhaps you should work on that during the time you spend here,” the voice advised.

Ryan’s temperature shot up but he remained silent. It made him think of his father and his constant chastisement that he needed to learn more patience. Ryan was trying to do better, but there were always jokers like the idiot holding them now, that made that pursuit extremely difficult. He heard movement and turned to see the tray sliding under his door containing food.

It’s not drugged or poison,” the voice advised as the monitor went black again and the silence returned.

Ryan didn’t trust anything right now, simply grabbing the water examining it before drinking it and returning to his twin bed, his mind racing.


King Diesel turned to Blue and smiled slightly.

TGIF,” he told him chuckling now as Blue smiled as well.

Have you talked to Mason,” he asked as Blue told him he had earlier.

Hmph, good,” King Diesel returned but said nothing more.

We have a lot of work to do today,” he added as Blue assured him everyone as ready to handle the tasks.

That’s good,” King Diesel told him, his mind already hours ahead.

We should be heading out,” he told Blue who readily agreed.

I have a stop to make,” King Diesel told him as Blue caught the frown.

He knew that meant they would be stopping by Layla’s for him to get a blow job or sex, whichever one struck his fancy at the moment.

Blue thought the woman was straight trash, but he wasn’t the one dealing with her, so he kept his opinions to himself.

That’s cool,” Blue returned without much emotion as they made their way to the truck.

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