Thin Ice 7 - Echoes of Reckoning (42 page)

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No, Aarick, you did that, you and your refusals to see yourself for who you really were,” Horse told him. “Now it’s time to keep my promise,” he went on taking the safety off the gun.

The women turned their backs to the sight, not wanting to see the man executed. Tae’s mind was of course still on her sister wanting very much a chance to see her before they left, but knowing it wouldn’t happen.

The blood calls out for vengeance,” Horse spoke evenly as he cocked the powerful weapon.

This bullet satisfies the call,” he finished pulling the trigger and sending the bullet deeply into the man’s skull.

Horse put two more bullets into his skull before turning and striding from the room. Tariq hear the door unlock moments later as they all poured from the room, everyone hugging each other. Walking into the room he stood over his father’s dead body a torrent of emotions flooding him as he stood there.

Come on Top, let’s get the hell out of this nuthouse,” Mook told him gently pulling him away.

Allowing himself to be led away Tariq got into the truck as everyone made room and they drove away, alive to fight yet another day.

Strange Bedfellows


Ray checked on Brent once more, finding his son sleeping peacefully in the second bedroom of the suite and returned to the living room where the other men sat and continued to talk. Everyone wanted answers about the events that’d taken place tonight.

You said you worked for my father,” Ian threw out as Horse again nodded.

Until the day he died,” he added as Ryan grunted slightly.

It would seem beyond his death as well,” Ian remarked as Horse smiled a little.

I like to keep my promises,” he said simply.

So this fool had been running around for twenty years with a grudge, plotting to get even with whom exactly,” Ryan questioned.

Horse sighed deeply telling them the story from the beginning. He told them that Roderick was the man who infiltrated their father’s and Hangman’s organization.

He used Hope to get information and feed it back to the Feds,” Horse patiently explained. “The problem was his true nature began to stand up and the internal struggle began,” he told them as they nodded.

He couldn’t admit that he was in love with not only Hope but the entire lifestyle that your father lived,” Horse told them.

He was definitely sick in the head,” Ryan said simply, inhaling deeply the cigar he just lit.

He was weak,” Ray spoke and Horse agreed.

How the hell did you get mixed up in all this, Ray,” Ian asked curiously.

Ray smiled slightly, deferring to Horse to answer the question.

Happened about a year or so ago,” Horse began.

Of course we kept a close eye on the resting places of Socrates and Hangman,” he told them; even though Carlo’s ashes had been spread, an urn had been interred beside Socrates so the two would remain partners even in the afterlife.

We also watched Hope’s,” he added as Ian spoke.

You figured this idiot would come to visit one or all of them,” he threw out as Horse nodded.

The gamble paid off when he sent Blue to place flowers on the grave the anniversary of her death,” Horse told them.

We cornered him asking why he was there, what he knew about Hope,” he continued as Ian and Ryan continued to listen. “He told us he knew Lauren, which of course intrigued us, so we invited him back to the house to talk,” Horse enlightened.

He told them that the liquor helped relax Blue and they began to talk.

Seems he wasn’t too happy with Roderick’s plans to kill Lauren,” Horse told them as Ian frowned deeply and Ryan swore lightly.

What did he think that would do,” Ryan asked again thinking how far away from sane the man was.

In his crazy ass mind it would end the Cisneros curse I guess,” Horse replied shrugging slightly.

Speaking her name set Ian’s mind to flight once more. She’d left with Blue telling him she wanted a divorce. That was bad enough but the love and sacrifice he’d seen her make for Tariq hurt him to his core. He wanted Kaitlyn to love him that way.
What happened to us,
Ian continued to ponder quietly as they all still sat. He couldn’t let it go that easily. He didn’t for one minute buy into the notion that Kaitlyn loved or cared for Blue anymore. She was simply making a strategic maneuver to serve the purpose of the moment.
I’ve got to find a way to slow down or block this divorce,
Ian thought, rising and making himself another drink.

When did you and Gabrielle become an item,” Ray asked, coming over to the bar and standing beside him.

Ian looked up and took in the man’s demeanor. He didn’t seem upset about it, rather curious.

It just sort of came about,” Ian replied shrugging lightly.

Hmph,” Ray replied. “I can understand that, but what are you going to do about her now,” he threw out as Ian sighed deeply and told him he wasn’t sure just yet.

Gabrielle was still being held under the watchful eye of one of Ray’s soldier’s until he made a decision. There was no doubt in Ian’s mind she would abort the child she carried given the opportunity. Right now he wasn’t sure if that was what he wanted.

Once Blue told us what was going on, the when’s and the where’s, we set things in motion,” Horse told them.

Socrates had always spoken of Mr. Lockhart and his admiration of how he handled business, as well as the extensive connections he had,” he told them. “So it was a natural move to get him involved,” he finished as Ian and Ryan both nodded their understanding.

So you knew the girl was his daughter,” Ian asked.

Horse sighed deeply and told them that was actually a bit of luck on their part.

Sa’Cari meeting and falling for her was definitely a plus, especially when he brought her home to meet us,” Horse told them as everyone again murmured understanding.

How deep is little brother in the life,” Ryan asked.

He liked the young man so far.

Very shallow water,” Horse replied. “I let him do a few things here and there, money transfers, pickups, that sort of thing,” he told them.

Don’t get it twisted though, Sa’Cari is every bit your father, and he’d just as soon kill a man as look at him,” Horse advised as Ryan smiled slightly.

I know he wants to build a relationship with the two of you and I hope you’re open to that,” Horse began anew.

Ryan told him he thought it would be interesting, Ian concurring.

So now that the debt has been paid, I’m returning to Chicago when my plane leaves at noon,” Horse told them rising and stretching.

Is that where Blue and Kaitlyn went,” Ian asked calmly.

Horse eyed the man for a while before answering.

No,” he said simply. “Whatever you’re planning Socrates son, you cannot spill his blood,” Horse added as Ian acknowledged the statement and said nothing more.

Exhausted everyone rose and began fanning out to their rooms, leaving Ian and Ryan alone.

You’re not going to divorce her are you,” Ryan asked calmly.

Not without one hell of a fight,” Ian replied simply.

And Bri,” Ryan again queried.

I’ll have that decided by morning,” Ian again replied calmly.

Ryan decided to leave the subject alone knowing his brother would share when he was ready, but not before. Instead he turned the conversation to their younger brother and what if any part they wanted him to play in their operation.

I think he could be very useful,” Ian replied to Ryan’s inquiry. “Far better than Jalen’s weak and obsessive ass,” he added as Ryan chuckled.

You both share the same taste in women it would seem,” Ryan teased as Ian smiled.

Speaking of, have you checked on Nikki and Rayne,” he asked seriously.

Ryan told him that was the first call he’d made, waking her out of her sleep, but assured that they were fine.

I’m going to have to visit her little friend when I get back,” Ryan told Ian as his brother raised an eyebrow.

What little friend,” he tossed back as Ryan smiled slightly.

The one she’s thinks I don’t know about, that I told to stay away from her,” he answered cryptically as Ian shook his head and lit another cigar.


Blue glanced over at Lauren at she slept. She’d closed her eyes about thirty minutes into their road trip, drifting off. He knew it was the residual effects of the sedative she’d been given. Thinking back on the evening, Blue sighed deeply knowing the only reason she’d come with him was to save the other man’s life.
He’s the one she loves,
his mind told him as he again sighed slightly. It was definitely going to take some serious work on his part, but Blue had weapons no one knew about. He’d hadn’t told Horse everything when they talked about King Diesel and what he was planning. Blue didn’t share with them the arsenal of information the man had gathered on both Socrates and Hangman over the years. True, he’d given him most of the information on Socrates, but Blue had kept the Hangman files for himself. He needed Lauren to see the information they held and hopefully give him a chance to find his way back into her heart.

Kaitlyn stirred and woke, sitting up and stretching slightly.

I’m sorry,” she told Blue as he smiled and told her it was fine.

How are you feeling,” he asked, recalling she’d said something about being nauseated earlier.

Better,” Kaitlyn replied as he grunted and told her that was good to hear.

I need to get home,” she told him giving Blue a look.

Yeah, I’m heading to Overton Park now,” he advised as she thanked him.

Lauren there’s some stuff I need to share with you, to show you,” Blue told her.

She gave him a quizzical glance asking if they could stop for something to eat.

Sure,” Blue replied. “Do you mind if we crash for a few hours at a motel, I’m beat,” he threw out, actually wanting to buy time and get her started with the information he had.

Kaitlyn shrugged slightly and told him that was fine, she simply needed to beat Ian back to their home so there would be no drama concerning the girls.

Not a problem, after I get about 5 hours sleep, we can be back on the road,” Blue told her, adding that Ian and Ryan more than likely wouldn’t leave Atlanta until later today.

He actually was repeating information that Shango texted earlier heading back to his own hotel.

Yeah, that’s fine,” Kaitlyn again told him amiably.

Finding a fast food place that was still open they ordered and headed to the motel they’d seen down the street. Checking in Blue asked for two beds, not wanting Lauren to feel that he was rushing her. Coming into the room they sat the food on the small table contained and Lauren headed to the bathroom. Blue took out one of the three folders inside the briefcase he carried and laid it on the bed. She returned moments later as he went inside, washed his hands and used the facilities, coming back out so they could eat.

Either I’m hungry or this is the best fried chicken ever,” Blue teased as Kaitlyn chuckled aloud.

Probably a combination of both,” she replied devouring hers as well.

Once they were both full, they rose and headed to their separate beds.

What’s this,” Kaitlyn asked, picking up the folder.

Blue walked over to her and took it from her, laying it back onto the bed.

Lauren, I know the things you went through with your father,” he began as her face shadowed.

That folder contains a lot of his life after he was arrested and locked away,” he went on as Kaitlyn regarded him silently. “Tomorrow, when we’re on the road again, I’m asking you to take a deep breath, open that folder, and begin to read it,” Blue said evenly.

Kaitlyn looked into his eyes questioningly and he smiled at her.

Tomorrow,” he said simply, kissing her lips softly and telling her goodnight as he turned and put the folder up, getting into his bed.

Still curious about the request, Kaitlyn thought about it a few moments more before fatigue forced her to climb into her own bed, closing her eyes and sleep finally claiming her.


Are you sure you won’t stay,” Cyiarra asked softly as Tariq tucked Hasaan in and left the bedroom.

He stood looking at her silently for a few moments more seeing the love and longing in her eyes.

No CiCi,” he told her gently as the hurt mirrored her face. “It’s best that I don’t,” he added and kissed her cheek before turning and leaving her alone to her thoughts.

Getting into his car, Tariq’s mind spun. He replayed the events of the night again and again. He kept seeing his father sitting on that makeshift throne and heard the insane things he was spouting about blood, and curses, and witches. It began to make him physically ill. Managing to make it back to the house he went inside and grabbed the bottle of cognac, sitting down and pouring a drink. He threw back three shots consecutively before rising and going to his closet, once more pulling down the box of photos. Tariq slowly began looking through the stacks, pictures of himself and his brother when they were young, their parents smiling as they stood behind them. He couldn’t fathom that his father was a DEA agent and their entire lives had been once sequence of lie after the other.

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