The Wildcat that Tamed the Tycoon (3 page)

BOOK: The Wildcat that Tamed the Tycoon
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Logan was impressed with her take off
and how she controlled the large chopper.  There was not even a slight shudder
during takeoff, which most skilled pilots battled with when flying a strange
helicopter for the first time.

Her voice rasped softy in the
headphones, calling the control tower at the Meacham International Airport,
logging their flight route.  The minute the call was logged the man asked

“Bubblelicious?  Maddy, is that you?”

Logan’s hand fisted and Madison groaned.

“Hi Daniel, yes it’s me.”

“Wow, what are you doing in Texas?  We
were all quite upset when we heard you left American Airlines. Wait … NO …
you’re Dalton Oil’s new pilot? Well, that’s good news.  Phone me when you’re
off, we’ll get together.”

“Will do.  Any traffic ahead?”

“None. Have to go … remember to call,

She chose to ignore the direct stare
from the man sitting beside her and concentrated on getting them to Keller as
quickly as possible.  She read up some on oil refineries and knew there were a
lot that could go wrong on a rig.  She was told by the agent that interviewed
her for the job that the Daltons were hands on with all aspects of their
operations.  Hence the reason for a pilot to be on hand twenty four seven.

Shane could not contain his curiosity
any longer and leaned forward between the seats.

“Bubblelicious?  It sounds … “

“Stupid, something only Varsity pals
can come up with.”

“Tell us more.”  She glanced at him
and smilingly shook her head.

“I’d rather not.  May I ask what the
problem is at Keller?”

Shane sat back in his seat and left it
to Logan to respond.  His answer was abrupt and short.

“There are labor disputes and someone
got hurt.”

She waited for more, but he was
clearly annoyed.  Damn Daniel.   Literally ten minutes on the job and she was
in trouble already.

“I’d appreciate you keeping your
lovers in check when you’re on duty.” 

“Guess there goes this job for me

His head swung in her direction.  “And
why is that?”

“I wouldn’t want to keep you in check,
Babe.  Besides, I have a very strict rule never to sleep with my boss … and I
have every intention sleeping with you.”

Shane laughed so hard it was a wonder
he didn’t fall out of the chopper.  The arousal Logan tried to keep under
control since he heard her voice, slammed instantaneously and fully erect
against his pants again.

“You should wait until you’re invited,

“Waiting makes for long, lonely
nights, Babe and I am not getting any younger.  I believe in taking action …
much like you, I suppose … if memory serves me right?”

“Wow … what did I miss? Come on,
Logan, out with it”

“None of your business, little bro.  I
wonder … is this bravery of yours a front to put me off, or is this your
roundabout way of telling me hands off.”

“Damn, you are as clever as they say!”

Shane laughed even harder and Madison
couldn’t help but chuckle with.  She glanced at Logan and noticed his hard,
unsmiling stare and she swallowed her laugh.  She cleared her throat.

“I am sorry, sir.  Sometimes my mouth
tends to run away with me.  Grand Pops always used to say, I should really
think before I yak.  Guess this was one of those times.”

Fortunately for her they reached the
rig at that point and she circled to land on the clearly lit helipad.  She
noticed the group of rowdy workers standing on the side of the plant.  A tall
grey haired man was trying to reason with them and assist those hurt at the
same time.

Both the Dalton’s jumped from the
chopper before it even settled on the ground and she shut it down and did all
the checks before she slowly walked around the chopper, not sure what she was
allowed or not allowed to do in such situations.  She decided to walk closer
and see if she could assist with those hurt.  Over the years she also qualified
as a medic and could assist in any medical emergency if needed.

She opened the side panel and lifted
the heavy emergency kit and jogged closer.  She assessed the injuries and
immediately headed for a large blond man bleeding profusely from a gash on his
head.  Before she reached him her path was blocked by snarling riggers.

“Stay away bitch!”

She looked up and pushed her cap
back.  The redhead giant in front of her flinched when he met her gaze.

“And how would you know, buster?  You
don’t know me, and I sure as hell don’t want to know you.  Now, is he one of

“Yes, and no Dalton is going to lay
their hands on him.”

She noticed a frantic movement in her
direction and she shook her head slightly, hoping Logan would pay her
attention.  She dumped the heavy kit and slammed her fists in her waist.

“Correct me if I am wrong, buster, but
do you all not work for the Daltons?”

“Yes, but …”

“And do they pay your salaries every

“Yes, but …”

“And was it them that hurt these men
over here?”

He was silent for long and shifted his
weight from one foot to the other, his eyes darting to his mates all drooping
their shoulders.

“Well, no, but …”

“Yes, your damn butt should be kicked
to Dallas and back!  These men are hurt.  They are your men, your friends, hurt
by you, and yet you would not let me help them?  When they bleed to death … are
you still going to blame the Daltons, or are you going to lie awake at night
realizing you are all to blame because you refused any medical team to assist

She got angrier by the moment since
she noticed the emergency services were held off at the gate leading to this

The red head rubbed his neck and
scuffed his boots in the ground. His voice was softer and more controlled.

“We just wanted to get their
attention.  We did not want to hurt anyone.  Some of the younger guys got a bit

“Ever thought of just asking for a
meeting to sort out whatever issues you have?”

“We did yesterday afternoon!  We want
to talk to Logan.  He listens and always takes our suggestions into
consideration, but since his father took over this plant, everything has gone
to hell!  Especially this last week!  We’re not bloody sheep!”  He got angrier
and his voice rose, and the discontent mounted in the group behind them again.

She felt hard hands fold over her
shoulders.  Logan turned her towards the hurt man and faced the angry mob.  He
looked at Red and shook his head.

“I expected more from you, Red.  You
know better, how could you have allowed this get out of control?”

“Sorry, Logan.  We just got so
frustrated. Jonathan … well I respect your father, but this past week, he
treated some of the guys … well bad.”

“I am here now, so let’s go to the
office and talk.  But first, let the emergency team in to look after these
mates of yours.”

He nodded and shouted instructions and
everyone scattered to obey.  Logan searched for Madison and watched in
amazement as she efficiently cleaned the wound and took out a syringe.  The
next thing he knew, she was stitching up the gaping wound on the temple of the
injured man. He shook his head and called Shane over.

“Keep an eye on her.  I’d like you to
chat to Larry’s team and see if you can find out who started the violence. 
This was more than just excitement getting out of hand.  It was planned, and I
want to know how serious of a threat this can turn into.”

Shane nodded and started
chatting with some of the men.  They were well liked by all their staff and it
was easy to get them to talk.  He kept an eye on Madison and smiled when he
thought of her spunk.  The three of them stood watching with their jaws slack
when she stood up to the mountain sized man, Red Schultz.

The cap on her head had
disappeared a while ago and he only noticed now that her face was free of any
make up.  She was just as beautiful as when they saw her in town.  He grinned,
thinking of how she sassed Logan. He was used to women falling at his feet,
flattering their lashes in sweet innocence, wanting to be pampered and acted
the way they thought he wanted them to.  Little did they realize, he just
didn’t care.  To him they were there for release when he needed it. He never
had to work to get any attention from females; rather they fell over their feet
for his favors.  Maybe she was the one that could get past the iron shield, he
casted around his heart when he was still a little boy.

Chapter Three

you do realize what led to triggering this incident in the first place?”

Logan stood staring out of the window
into the darkness, his back to the room.  They were in Jonathan’s luxurious
office.  Shane and his father sat on the comfortable couches behind him.  He
heard his father sigh and turned around to watch him run his hand through his
silver hair.

“Yeah, I know and I am sorry.”

“I am not the one you should apologize

“I know that too, Logan!  I am not

His amber colored eyes flashed at
Logan.  He shook his head and a small smile hesitated on his lips.

“Where are the days when you were
scared of me?  You have become a real force to reckon with, even for me.”

Logan did not return the smile.  He
knew what type of man he was, ruthless and merciless some said; others hard and
cold and then those that saw him as loyal and fierce.  To date, there has been
none who called him caring, loving and tender.  His mouth tightened in an even
thinner line.  There probably never would be.  The same hate that drove his
father the past week, was what drove him to become the man he was today; from
the day of his tenth birthday.

The very day his mother packed her
bags and left them. He did not start to hate immediately.  It took another two
years of praying and wishing for her return, before he realized she really did
not care.  She never phoned, she never asked to see them; she just left them
with Jonathan Dalton, who became hard, uncaring and ruthless. 

Logan grew up very quickly.  He became
the mother of the house.  He protected his brother that was three years younger
than him, especially during the times his father took to the bottle to try and
forget the deceit of his one true love.   Logan shook his head to clear his
mind.  After clearing the air with Red and the team he realized with a start
that for once in twenty five years, he did not brood over his mother and how
she left on his tenth birthday.  His thoughts the whole of yesterday was filled
with a sexy long legged wildcat.

He sighed and copied his Dad’s gesture
and ran his hands through his short cropped hair.

“It has been twenty five years, Dad. 
Maybe, it’s time to let it go.”

Shane held his breath and looked at
Logan in shock.  He knew how much he hated their mother, perhaps even more than
their father did.  He had to grow up and become the adult in their household at
the age of ten.  When their mother left, Jonathan became a shell of the man he
used to be and put all his energy in his work.  He left the boys to their own
defenses more often than not.  Logan became his father, his mother … his
protector.  He did not have a youth or even the carefree life someone of their
financial means usually had.  Not like he made sure Shane had. His head swung
to his father and his eyes widened when he saw the defeated look in his eyes.

“Maybe we should have let it go years
ago.  I am sorry boys.  My bitterness against your mother has made your lives
hell, especially yours Logan and for that I am sorry.  You have not had a
proper birthday in twenty five years and it is entirely my fault.  I fed your
hate with my actions. You closed your heart against all love and feelings,
something that should never have happened.  I only came to that realization
this week and that is why … why I have been so … argh dammit!”

He looked at his eldest son with
torture in his eyes.  “I am so sorry, my boy.  You had to take a whole
household on your shoulders from your tenth year.  I was lost and so full of
hate that I did not see what I was doing to you. But you are right, it is time
to let it go, starting right here and now.  I know it is a day late, but
tonight we are going out to town and celebrate your birthday properly.”

Shane jumped up from the couch and
slapped Logan on his back.  “I’m in!  Come on, big bro, what do you say?”

Logan saw the regret in his father’s
eyes and he nodded.  “Why the hell not!”  He returned his father’s relieved

“Where shall we go?  We are not
limited to Dallas … we have us a pilot now.”  Shane stood rubbing his hands.

Jonathan’s eyes widened when he
noticed the look of possessiveness that flashed in Logan’s eyes at Shane’s
words and he smiled.  His son has found his future, the one that could defrost
the ice around his heart! He just didn’t realize it yet.

“The little spitfire outside is your
new pilot, Logan?”

He nodded and Shane smiled broadly at
the warning glare he got from him.

“A female?  You appointed a female

“Shane did.”

“Hmm … and you allowed her to stay?”

“I allowed Shane a respite to give her
a chance.  It is too soon for a verdict”

A slight movement by the door drew
their attention and Logan’s breath caught when his Wildcat walked in.  He
realized for the first time she wore no make-up and was just as beautiful as
when he saw her in the Bistro.  The now familiar tightening in his groin

“Am I interrupting?”  Her eyes locked
on Logan.

“Of course not.”  Shane walked closer
and took her by the elbow and led her to his father. 

“Dad, this is Madison Phillips,
Logan’s pilot, Madison, our Dad, Jonathan.”

They shook hands and Jonathan was
impressed with her strong handshake and how she unflinchingly returned his
direct look.

“I want to thank you for assisting the
hurt people out there and your quick, albeit reckless stance against that rowdy
bunch.  You even stitched some wounds … that are more than what first aiders
normally are capable of doing?”

“American Airlines embarked on
additional development for their staff and safeguarding passengers at the same
time.  I volunteered to qualify as a Medic.”  She shrugged.

“Impressive, but not something
normally done in a year or so?”

“I’ve been told I have an above
average IQ.  I just wanted to tell you all the injured people have been seen
to.  Is there anything else you require from me, sir?”  She turned her
attention to Logan and he grinned.

“Sir?  Don’t you think we moved past
that, Wildcat?”

She blushed and glanced at his father
who watched the interlude with interest. She glared back at him and his grin

“That was before I realized you are my
new employer.”

“So, you are a fickle woman after

Her glare turned him to cinder.  
“What do you mean?”

“It seems you changed your mind.  You
made it very clear earlier that you were not taking the job and why.”

Her face flushed a deep red and her
eyes glittered warningly.  “Mr. Dalton, you are being deliberately obtuse.  You
know exactly why I said what I did.”

“This sounds like a very interesting
discussion.  Care to enlighten me, son, so I also understand the hidden meaning

Logan ignored his father and kept his
burning eyes on Madison.  Jonathan turned a questioning look at Shane, who only

“Sorry Dad, at this point both of them
is likely to clobber me over the head if I said anything.”

“That is a pity.  Are you sure you
won’t reconsider?” Logan asked softly.

“No. I’ll wait at the chopper. 
Evening, Sir.” She nodded at Jonathan and escaped out the door.

All three men stood watching her
leave.  Jonathan was the first to come out of the trance.  He lifted his
eyebrows and turned to his sons.

“Well … she is quite a beauty, I must
say.  If I was twenty years younger …”

Anger flashed in Logan’s eyes and
Jonathan laughed.  Shane was too shocked to laugh.  He shook his head and
stared at his brother.

“Hell … you really have it bad, don’t
you?  Getting angry at a simple joke!  I never thought to see the day!”

“Don’t be silly, little bro.  As soon
as she has scratched the itch … I’ll move on to the next one.”

“ITCH!  You atrocious jerk!  You … you
… hormone … no, testosterone enriched asshole!  Listen and listen well, Logan
Dalton.  I. Will. Never. Scratch. Your. ITCH!”

She swung around amidst his laughter
in her ear and she screeched loudly in anger as she stormed down the
passage.    Before she slammed outside, she recalled the reason she went back
there.  Thankful now she did.  At least now she knew for a fact what he wanted
from her.  She sighed and turned around back to the office, thumping her boots
loudly as she neared the door.  The murmuring inside stopped.  Three pairs of
eyes met hers the minute she walked through the door.

Logan thought he has never seen
something as enticing, and full of fire as her.  He wanted her with a desire
and burning passion he never felt before in his life. 

“Sir, Red asked that you please come
outside.  They want to apologize to you personally.”  She spoke directly to
Jonathan and spun around and stomped outside again.

Shane and Logan started to follow her.

“Boys.   I … I am going to look for
your mother.”

Logan froze.  His heart beat a mile a
minute and he struggled to breathe.  He turned very slowly to face his father. 
His face turned to stone.


“As you said, it is time to forget. 
Biggest part of that is for me to forgive your mother.  For you, Logan, to
forgive me.”

“What do you mean?”

Jonathan shook his head, his eyes
veiled.  “For being blind to how my actions affected how you see women and
relationships today.”

“Do you know where she is?”  Logan
chose not to respond to his statement.


“I do.”

Both of them turned to Shane where he
still stood in the doorway.   His smile nearly wrapped all the way around his

“She is in Florida.”

“How do you know?”

Shane returned their stares and
swallowed at the lump in his throat.  It has been very difficult for him to
keep it from them over the years.  That he has been visiting her for the past
five years, since he found her.

“I started looking for her when I
turned twenty one.  I found her eight years ago.  Since then we have been in
contact and I have been to visit her a few times as well.”

“What … how is she?”  Jonathan’s voice
was strained.

“She is fine and hea …”

“Let’s go.  It has been a trying
morning and I’d like to get home and take a shower.”  Logan interrupted shortly
and stalked outside.

looked at his father.  “Give him time Dad.  His hate runs very deep.  Even
though he is the one that said it is time to let it go.  Coming face to face
with her is not part of that.”

was instructed to have the private plane ready for them at their private
airstrip at the Meacham International Airport at five o’clock to fly them to
Las Vegas.  Logan owned two private planes, a Bombardier Global Express XRS Jet
that seated nineteen people and a Boeing BBJ that seated sixty three people.
Both were kept in the private hangar they owned at the airport.

She overheard the discussion so she
knew they were going to celebrate Logan’s birthday.  Her heart was in a
quandary.  Compassion on the one side for the little boy deserted and who
clearly had to take on responsibilities no one at that age should be expected to.
Fury on the other for indicating she was only good enough to scratch his …
itch!  That more than anything cooled her ardor for him.  There was no way she
was becoming another notch on his damn bedpost!”

“How many passengers do I log, sir?”

“Ten … eleven, including you.  Make
sure you take a party dress with.”

“What time should I log the return
flight for?”

“Hmm … what do you think, Wildcat? 
One, two in the morning?”

“I’m sure I don’t know your partying
habits, sir.”

He chuckled. She was entertaining.  Her
panties were still in a knot about what she overheard earlier at Keller.

“Let’s make it around one am.”

“Very well, sir.” 

She abruptly cut the connection and he
smiled at her audacity.  He looked forward to taming his wildcat!  He startled,
realizing his possessiveness towards her for the first time.  He has been
calling her his wildcat since he saw her in the Bistro.  His smile broadened. 
Yes, she would be his and somehow he knew a few romps between the sheets would
not be enough for him.  He wanted her too much and his lust would not be
expunged that easily.

Madison seethed.  Plain and simple,
that man was a … jerk … a snake …a rake … a libertine!  If he thought for one
moment she was going to join his party to look on whilst he seduced some
socialite, he was in for a surprise.  She might have to be on call twenty four
seven, but nowhere in her contract was she expected to join him for anything
else, except to pilot his goddamn expensive and top of the range planes and

Her eyes narrowed.  She knew he wanted
her.  He made no effort to hide the desire and lust for her when he looked at
her.  He could have had her, easily, because she has never wanted a man as much
as she did him.  That was until he admitted it would only be to scratch his itch!

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