The Wildcat that Tamed the Tycoon (2 page)

BOOK: The Wildcat that Tamed the Tycoon
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The moment she recognized the hunk
from the café, she cursed.  She should have known he was some rich, hunky …
damn Tycoon!  The car and the confident way he prowled closer testimony to his
status in life.  A life she let behind eight years ago!

“Why are you following me?” 

She came straight to the point and he
just knew sex with this woman would be explosive.  His eyebrows rose
sardonically.  His eyes caressed her face and swept down her body and back up,
hesitating for a moment on her luscious lips.  His deep green eyes were as hot
as burning coals when they met hers. His voice was deep and rough when he
answered, and a thrill shivered down her spine.

“Because, Wildcat, I want you and I’d
be damned if I let you get away.”  His strong declaration caused her groin to
tighten in anticipation,

“I suppose you always get what you


He conceded with a grin and hauled her
tight against him.  His head swooped down to close around her surprised lips
which he forced open too easily. His tongue surged inside to take command of
her mouth.  It was as if he made wild love to her mouth and her body caught
fire from one heartbeat to the next.  His tongue tangled with hers and demanded
her response.

When she did it was with such sensual
intensity, his semi hard shaft sprang to immediate attention.  He moved her
hips in a tight circle against his, introducing her boldly to his arousal and
he swallowed her gasp into his mouth.

Heat spread through both of them and
Madison was thrilled at his hard arousal pressed against her stomach … so hard
and tempting her insides quivered!   Heat swirled down her body wetting her

A large haul truck went by and the
driver hooted causing them to break apart and Madison tore from his arms.  She
stared at him and pointed a stiff finger at him, but no words followed.  His
eyes widened questioningly. 

“Cat caught you tongue, Wildcat?”

Her eyes narrowed and her fists went
back on her hips.  She stared into his eyes directly and he waited expectantly.

“You shouldn’t have done that, Babe.” 

His gut tightened at her soft, husky
voice calling him Babe so comfortably and it sounded so right.

“I’m waiting with bated breath.”

“I am very possessive with the man in
my bed and I do not share.  Somehow, I don’t think you’re a one woman man.”

Her eyes stoked the fire inside him
higher as they caressed all the way down his body and back up to boldly
hesitate on the bulge in his pants.  She licked her lips and he growled.  Her
smile was sensual and her eyes kept his hostage as she strapped her helmet on.
She shook her head.

“Such a pity though …”

She trailed a finger down his chest,
tickling his torso and his breath caught in his throat.  She turned around and
threw her leg over the bike and retracted the kickstand, settling on the seat
and balanced the bike with her feet on the ground. Next she flipped the kill
switch, disengaged the clutch and pushed the starter button. The powerful
engine purred to life.

She stiffened when his arms stroked
down her sides and back up to test the weight of her full breasts in his
hands.  His warm chest pressed against her back.  Her breath hissed past her
lips as his fingers stroked over her nipples as soft as a butterfly’s touch.
The traitors shriveled immediately into tight painful buds and he reacted
immediately, pinching them softly.  He kissed the soft skin in the curve of her
neck.  He pulled it between his lips and sucked hard forcing a sensual purr to
rumble in her throat.

The moment his lips left her neck she
released the clutch lever and twisted the fuel throttle. Her bike shot forward,
ripping her from his arms.  She looked in her rearview mirror.  He stood tall
and straight, his hands low on his hips watching her speed away.

He turned and got back in his car.  He
grabbed his phone from the passenger seat and opened the gallery on his phone,
chuckling when he opened the last picture he took with his phone camera.  He
magnified the image and smiled when the registration number of her bike was
clearly visible.

“Yip, Wildcat … I always get what I

Chapter Two

am still mad at you, Maddy!  When are we ever going to see you again?  I so
wish you and Dad could patch things up.  Could you please try?”

“I phoned him before I left, Grace. 
He did not even utter one word; he just put the phone down.  I am afraid he
will never forgive me for keeping Grand Pops inheritance to myself.”

“But you didn’t!  You gave half of it
to David and me!  Just so that you know, we have not used any of that money. 
We both decided it is your due otherwise he would not have given it to you. 
With what is going on between you and Dad, we will get enough from him.  Hold
on …” 

Madison flinched, but knew her father
already disinherited her the same day she walked out of his house. 

“David said he already transferred the
money back into your account this morning.”

“Grace, no!”

“No Maddy, it is done.  It is your
money, with interest it earned the past eight years.  If you don’t want it,
donate it to welfare or something. Now tell me, what does your new boss look

Madison laughed.  “I have no idea.  I
only arrived yesterday morning and have been unpacking the whole day.  I
suppose I will only meet him tomorrow, which is my official starting day.”

“I’ve read up on the Dalton’s.  They
are one of the riches Oil Magnate’s in the USA.  They also made all their
refineries and rigs as green as possible.  Oh, and they are hunks!  Better hold
on to your panties, sis!  You know what the Texan’s are like!”

“I’m afraid I don’t. But I do agree;
there are major hunks in this town.”  Her mind wandered to the scene on the
side of the road yesterday morning and she felt her groin tighten.  She learned
very quickly what Texan’s were like! Or rather one specific Texan!

“Mad … you’re not still hung up on
Andreas, are you?”

“No.  I’m afraid I think you may have
been right.”

“That you didn’t really love him?  I
knew it!  There was no spark between you.  You are too fiery for someone like
him.  But that means you could come back!”

Madison sighed.  “No Grace.  I thought
about it long and hard before I took this job.  Moving so far away from
Washington was the right thing to do.  I had three offers in the surrounding
area I could have taken.  It is time for me to be me.  I would never be able to
do that there.”

“I understand.  The local tabloids to
this day write articles about you.”

“What do you mean?”

“Argh … me and my big mouth.  There
was an article about you walking out on your fiancé.  How he was not of the …
right stature for the high and mighty Phillips family.”

Madison sighed.  “I just hope no one
here realizes who I am.  I am so sick and tired of all the … imagine that … I
walked out on him.  They did not even bother to find out the truth.”

“Well, I’m sorry to say, sis.  They
got the story from him.  That was his rendition of what happened.”

“That bloody snake!  I should have
castrated him when I found him with that air hostess!” 

They chatted a while longer and then
said their goodbyes.  Her good mood properly destroyed.

Madison was the eldest daughter of the
prestigious Phillips Financial Corporation family.  Her father was the founder
and CEO of one of the biggest and most successful Banks in the United States. 
As the eldest sibling it was expected that she follow in her father’s footsteps
and take over as CEO one day.  Throughout her school years she was pushed in
Accounting and Financial development, even attending Varsity classes from the
age of fourteen on Financial Banking.

With an IQ of one hundred and forty
five she was exceptionally gifted and matriculated at the age of fifteen and
immediately went to Harvard University who already accepted her application a
year prior.   She passed her Financial Business degree and continued to a
Master degree which she achieved Cum Laude, at the young age of twenty. Her
father burst with pride and pushed her to enroll for her PhD.  Her life
consisted of studying, working at the Bank, socializing with the elite of
Washington and studying some more.  The day she walked into the Bank it was as
the COO, she was that good and she had just turned twenty.

Madison hated every moment of it.  Her
fiery nature was too strong for such a strict environment.  The walls around
her every day of her life entrapped her.  She had no life as a young teenager. 
She was not allowed to go to parties, sleepovers with friends and dating was
never an option. Her social life consisted of stiff corporate functions rubbing
shoulders with the rich and famous and she had no friends left by the time she
left Varsity.  She was living the life of a hardened business woman at the age
of twenty one. Her parents of course were blissfully unaware of her
unhappiness.  She knew and had no choice but to accept that it was her legacy.
It was her duty as the eldest daughter and she would fulfill their

When Grand Pops became sick, she was
devastated.  He was the only one that understood her and tried to be a buffer
with her family.  On his deathbed he told her every person was the driver of
their own happiness, no one else. 

“Do what makes you happy, my little
girl.  Find that which feeds your soul and enriches your life. Do not allow
others to force you on a path you don’t want.  You owe that to yourself.  You
don’t owe anyone else anything, not even your parents.  Remember that, my
darling Mad.  I made sure you will have the ability to do that.  We got your
pilot’s license without them knowing and I know that is your passion. Promise
me you will find yourself.  Promise me, Mad!”   

She cried on his chest and he stroked
her hair and she promised on a whisper.  He smiled, kissed her forehead and
passed away with a smile on his face.

He left his whole estate to her and
she became a Billionaire overnight.  Her father was livid and made it clear
that the estate belonged to the family and she should transfer everything into
a family trust fund.  The funds would then be utilized to expand and fund new
developments at Phillips Financial Corporation.  She refused, remembering his
words and her promise on his deathbed.  They had a major fall out. 

That was when Madison stood up against
her formidable father for the first time.  The end result was that she walked
away.  She walked away from Phillips Financial Corporation, she walked away
from the hateful socialite life her status forced on her, she walked away from
the continued studying, and she walked away from her father and mother.  It was
only her brother and sister, who were twins and eighteen at the time that still
kept in contact with her.  They were very upset when she left Washington, but
she did what was best for her.

She grimaced.  Unfortunately, when she
left, they were pushed in the same direction as she.  Now at twenty six, Grace
served on the Executive level at the bank and David as the COO.  She was not so
sure Grace really wanted to work so close to her father, but David as the
strong one of the twins, as well as the oldest, stood up to Bill Phillips and
was well liked by everyone at the Bank.

She smiled thinking of Grand Pops.  He
knew about her passion to become a pilot and desire to fly all types of
aircraft and he made sure she could.  She got her pilot license when she turned
sixteen and continued until she had licenses and full competence on Boeings and
helicopters as well. 

Airwolf!   She chuckled.  That was
where it began.  She watched reruns of the television series Airwolf with Grand
Pops and since then it was all she wanted to do.  She kept her promise to her
grandfather and she became the best she could be as a pilot.  She shot to the
top, but flying Boeings were boring and Andreas her fiancé cheating on her with
Sheila Brookes, gave her the reason she was looking for to make a chance.

The offer from Dalton Oil was not the
best she got, but it sounded the most exciting.  An added benefit was the fact
that it was in Texas, away from the Phillips regime that still ruled her life
even though she walked away from it eight years ago.

finished unpacking the last of her books and took a quick shower.  Tomorrow was
her first day, and she wanted to get to bed early and be well rested.  She was
not sure exactly what was expected of her apart from always being on hand to
fly the brothers all over the world, but was still excited about the direction
her life has taken.

Get up, little bro.  There is a problem at the Keller plant.”   

Logan shook him, but only elicited a
groan and he turned over on his stomach. 

“Shane!  Bloody hell … well, you asked
for it!”  

He grabbed his shoulder on the far
side and rolled him roughly over and stepped back when he fell on the floor
with a thump.  He sat up looking around dazedly and growled at Logan.

“Was that bloody necessary?”

“Get over it.  Keller … get dressed. 
I’ll phone the pilot.”

“Ehm … she only starts tomorrow.”

Logan waved at the digital clock on
the bedside table.  “It is already tomorrow.  Five minutes!”

He walked back to his bedroom,
snapping his jeans shut.  He picked up the phone on the bedside table and
dialed the number six, the direct connecting line to the pilot’s cottage.  He
thrummed his fingers on the table listening to the ring tone, a grin on his


He nearly laughed aloud at the sleepy
mumble in his ear.  He made his voice stern and sharp.

“Wake up miss.  This is Logan Dalton. 
We have a crisis at the Keller plant.  Have the chopper ready in five.”


His grin widened.  What was her name
again?  “Madison Phillips!”


Now he got irritated.  If he had to
battle this much to wake her in the middle of the night, giving her a chance
was going to be a short one!

“MADISON!”  He shouted in the phone.

“Up … I’m up.”

“You better be.  Five minutes!” 

He dropped the phone, quickly finished
dressing and ran downstairs.  He shouted at Shane that he was leaving.  He sat
rapping his fingers on the steering wheel when Shane came running out and
grumbled as he got into the car.

“It was not necessary to push me off
the bed.  I’ve got a lump the size of a golf ball on my head!”

“Seems you and my new pilot has the
same problem.  It took forever to get through her sleepy haze.  I’m still not
sure she actually woke up.  Let’s see if giving her a chance ends right here.”

“That’s not giving her a chance!”

Shane released a sigh of relief when
they pulled into the hanger and saw that the chopper was already started up and
the blades turned slowly.  He looked at Logan and winked at him.

“It seems she can titivate in a few


They walked towards the chopper, Shane
got in at the back and Logan headed for the front seat.  He was also a qualified
pilot and was the backup pilot should something go wrong during a trip.  He
worked a lot whilst travelling to and from sites, which was why he decided to
appoint a pilot six years ago.

They settled the earphones on their
heads and he watched the pilot scan the build-in GPS for the pre-programmed
coordinates.  There was a lot of additional modern equipment specially built in
to make piloting it easy.  He was surprised and suitably impressed that she
knew what to do and where to touch.  She wore a tight fitting pilot suit and
had a cap on her head that was pulled down low over her eyes.  Her hair was
caught in a pony that was pulled through the opening at the back of the cap,
but her face were in the shadows, so he could not form an opinion on her as yet.

“Morning, Madison, I am Logan Dalton
and in the back is Shane.”   He saw her back stiffen and her head swung in his

“No bloody shit!” 

Desire slammed through him
instantaneously when he recognized the husky voice and a slow grin formed on his

Shane literally jumped forward between
the seats and she glanced at him.  “Hot damn!”  He stared at her and looked
towards Logan noticing the grin on his mouth.

“I guess the world is a small place,
after all.” 

Logan drawled in his sexy warm voice
and Madison snapped her head forward and nearly screamed in frustration.  She
nearly jumped off the chopper when he leaned over and pulled the collar of her
jumpsuit away.   His finger was fire on her skin when he softly stroked the
love bite in her neck.  She slapped his hand away and he laughed.

“Very small indeed!”

What bloody luck! How could fate be so
cruel? She bit her lip and straightened her back.  She reached for the throttle
and opened it all the way.  When proper RPM was reached she pulled the
collective up, pushed the left pedal down as the pitch increased and adjusted
the cyclic to level the chopper.  Once high enough, she pressed forward and
immediately increased speed and pointed the chopper’s nose as directed by the
GPS on the small screen in front of her. 

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