The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven (148 page)

BOOK: The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven
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Roman didn’t laugh and still didn’t move. At a loss for what to do, I just stood there, and waited for a reaction. Slowly he took the wash basket from my hands and placed it on the broken washer next to him. He took a hesitant step toward me. I looked up at him, half expecting him to turn and walk away, but instead he reached out for my wrist and pulled me closer. I held my breath as he looked deep into my eyes.

What he did next not only shocked me, but it took my breath away. He bent down and pressed his lips sweetly to mine. They were soft and tender and missed so much. Not wanting to seem too eager I kissed him back gently. I wanted to devour his lips the moment they touched mine, but I didn’t want to scare him off.

He pulled back too soon and I regretted not taking as much of him as I could. “Ella,” he spoke softly, still holding on to my wrist. “I love you,” he whispered.

Those three words were enough to break my heart all over again, but I kept my cool and tried not to cry. “I love you too,” I said, hoping he believed I did.

He leaned back against the washer making my heart sputter uncontrollably. “I’ve done a lot of thinking while I was home,” he began.

“And?” I pushed having no patience.

“And I do want to be with you, but I just can’t go back to the way things were.”

“I understand.” I stepped away and leaned on the dryer, disappointed. I dropped my head and let my hair cover my face to hide the tears I could no longer stop.

Roman stepped in front of me and picked up my chin, forcing me to look at him. His face fell when he saw my tears. “Ella, I don’t think you were really listening to me. Unless you were hoping I said I didn’t want to be with you?”

“No,” I shook my head. “I want to be with you and I want you to want to be with me, but?” I knew he was holding something back.

“But…we’re going to have to take it slow,” he said, wiping the tears from my face. “Think of it as starting over.”

“I don’t know how to do that?” I said, scared this might not work.

“It’s easy. Watch,” he said, walking out of the room. I stood there dumbfounded. He returned not seconds later and walked in pretending he didn’t know me. He picked up my clothes and started doing laundry. I stood there and wondered what the hell was going through his mind. When he was done loading the washer, he turned to me, and smiled that amazing smile I missed so much. He leaned up casually against the washer and looked me up and down like he was checking me out. He extended his arm and said, “Hi, I’m Roman.”

“Do you always wear women’s underwear?” I asked, pointing to the basket he
for his little demonstration.

He blushed slightly. “I was trying to make a point and didn’t have much to work with.”

“I see,” I said, trying not to laugh.

“Okay, how about we try this one more time now you know what I mean,” he suggested.

“Okay,” I agreed, willing to try anything to make this work.

“Hi, I’m Roman,” he said extending his hand.

“Ella,” I smiled, taking his hand and shaking it. When our skin made contact I felt that shock I felt the first time I touched him. I knew he felt it to by the look on his face. I refused to let go. I forgot how good I felt when we touched. I looked up into his eyes hoping he was feeling what I was.

He answered my hindering thoughts by pulling me tight to his body and kissing me hard. My whole body melted into liquid by the intensity of the kiss. I let myself fall into him. Not willing to let him go this time, I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back with everything I had. He spun me around and lifted me on top of the washer and worked his way in between my knees. I ran my hands down his chest and up the back of his shirt. He grabbed my hips and pulled me closer to him. A tiny gasp escaped my lips. His hands slipped under my shirt and then quickly tugged it off. Wanting to feel his bare skin against mine I tugged on his shirt and he let me pull it off. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him as close to me as I could. His skin was warm to the touch and I couldn’t get enough of it. My hands roamed every inch of his bare skin as he kissed me. I dug my fingers into his shoulders as his tongue explored the inside of my mouth.

I ran my nails down his back and gripped the belt loops on his pants. Roman let out a grunt, pressed his hand into my lower back, and tugged me so close to him our stomachs collided. Things had gotten hot and heavy. A little too hot. I pushed back suddenly, gasping, and burning. Obviously Roman was a little out of practice because he had burned my back with his hand. “What’s wrong? What is it?” he asked panicked, seeing the pained look on my face.

“You burned me,” I said giggling.

“Ella, that’s not funny. Where?” he asked, looking me over. I hoped off the washer and turned around pointing to my lower back. I could only imagine, but I had a feeling it probably looked like a giant hand print. “Oh,” he said. “How about I go get you some ice?”

“Yeah, and maybe next time try to actually take things slow, for real,” I smiled.

“I thought we were?”

“That’s what you call slow?”

“I didn’t feel you pulling away,” he teased. “It’s not my fault you can’t keep your hands off of me,” he smiled cockily. I threw his shirt at him and he laughed as he took off out the door.

I picked up my shirt and then turned around to actually do my laundry. I had a smile on my face that I couldn’t seem to get rid of. I was so afraid Roman would have decided not to be with me and who could blame him, but I was wrong and I couldn’t stop smiling. I closed the lid on the washer and pushed start, but nothing happened. “Huh?” I double checked to make sure it was plugged in. As I bent down to check the outlet all the lights went out. I stood up. “Seriously?”

This was one of those situations that never ended well. “Roman, ha-ha very funny,” I said, hoping this was one of his sick jokes since he can generate power. “Roman?” I called. I heard nothing but the clanking of old pipes which just made the situation even creepier.

I tried to adjust and refocus my eyes to the pitch black. It was odd, being able to see in the dark. It was almost like looking through blurred night vision goggles. I could make out shapes and some objects, but not much else. I guess my powers were still growing. I relied on my other senses and took a step forward and then another and another until I was out in the hall. “Roman?” I called again.

A loud clank, like the sound of a pipe bursting, caused me to stumble backwards into the laundry room. Instead of backing into one of the dryers like I hoped I would. I fell into someone, someone I did not know, and someone who was not a friend.

I spun around quickly ready to attack, but there was no one behind me. I looked to my side and then back around again, nothing. I heard a sound coming from down the hall. It sounded like a pipe dragging on the ground. “Elllaaa,” a strange voice whispered.

Whatever was going on was not good and I needed to find a way out of there fast. The noise was getting closer and I was running out of time. I had nowhere to go and now my only option was to stay and fight. “Elllaaa,” the voice called again. “You can’t beat me,” it hissed, sending cold spikes down my spine.

I took a step back. Panic surged through my body. I bumped into someone again, but this time I turned swinging. I punched air. I was starting to think I was losing my mind. Smoke started billowing up from the ground and encircled me. I was surrounded by it and coughing from the immense thickness of it. I waved the smoke away from my face and in the distance I caught a glimpse of two glowing dots. I squinted through the sea of black cloud and the glowing dots appeared to be getting larger and appeared as if they were coming straight for me.

I gasped when I realized what they were. They were eyes and eyes I knew well. Jack’s face jumped out of the smoke. “Boo,” he said and I screamed.

I felt hands on my shoulder and I screamed again, jumped, and did not hesitate to attack. “Ella,” Roman said, ducking and grabbing my fist before I socked him.

“Roman,” I cried, throwing myself in his arms.

“Are you okay?”

“No. He’s here…I…I saw him,” I stammered, not so sure.

“Where?” Roman growled, jumping in front of me.

“I don’t know. I mean it was weird. I heard a woman’s voice calling my name and then there was all this smoke and it was as if Jack appeared out of nowhere.” I looked around again. “I just don’t know?” I said, looking over my shoulder.

“Ella, you’re shivering,” Roman said, wrapping his arms around me. “Let’s get you back to your room and call Gabe.”

I let Roman cradle me close to him as we walked back to my room. My eyes were darting everywhere, afraid of what might pop out at me. The lights were still out by the time I reached my room and it made it hard to find my phone to call Gabe. “Ella, look out,” Roman called too late. I stumbled over my suitcase and fell head first into my bed post.

“Son of a –” I yelled, gripping my head.

“Ella, are you alright?” Roman asked, rushing to my side.

“Yeah, I’m just a dumbass klutz,” I laughed, holding my hand to my head.

The lights came back on and Roman bent down in front of me. “Let me take a look,” he said, pulling my hand away. “You’re bleeding. I think we should go to the nurse.”

“No,” I protested. “I’m sure it’s nothing. Besides, I’d like to make it at least a weak without having to visit the infirmary.”

Roman smiled as he helped me up off the floor and gently onto the bed. He got a damp washcloth and wiped the blood from my forehead before placing a small bandage over it and kissing it gently. “You know, for someone as tough as you, you seem to get hurt a lot,” he teased.

I laughed knowing how true that statement was. “Grace is not my strong suit.” We sat there for a moment in awkward silence. “Is this how it’s going to be? Can we really start over?”

“I think maybe we’re rushing it. So I think I should go,” he said, getting up. I wanted him to stay, but he was right. If we just jumped back into things it wouldn’t work. Not until that little black cloud above us was gone. “I’ll call Gabe and tell him what happened and make sure they do a perimeter check.”

“You don’t have to do that. I’m sure it was nothing. Probably just stress of not knowing where he is.”

“Are you going to be okay? I mean if you want me to stay I can?”

I smiled at him and got up off the bed. “I’ll be fine. I promise.” He nodded and walked to the door. I followed him and leaned up against the frame.

He turned around and gave me a sweet smile. “Goodnight Ella.”

“Goodnight Roman.” He hesitated for a moment, not sure, and then he bent down and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. I smiled as I watched him walk down the hall. “Hey Roman?” He turned. “Breakfast tomorrow?”

“Breakfast sounds great,” he said as he walked backwards down the hall.

After I was able to calm myself down from the freak incident in the laundry room, I laid down to rest. I heard wolves howling outside and I got up to see they were doing a perimeter check. Clearly Roman was more worried than he put on and decided to call Gabe anyways.

Sometime after one I started to get really hot, like sweating, burning hot. I knew it wasn’t that warm outside and I was even chilly when I went to sleep so I didn’t understand why all of a sudden I was burning up. I pulled the covers off of me to reveal a large man’s arm draped over my body. I turned to look who was next to me and I found Roman in his boxers.

I smiled and cuddled up closer to him despite the heat he was radiating. The feel of his body next to mine gave me comfort and allowed me to sleep peacefully.

BOOK: The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven
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