The Vengeful Djinn: Unveiling the Hidden Agenda of Genies (26 page)

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Authors: Rosemary Ellen Guiley,Philip J. Imbrogno

Tags: #Gnostic Dementia, #Conspiracy Theories, #Retail, #21st Century,

BOOK: The Vengeful Djinn: Unveiling the Hidden Agenda of Genies
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The figure seemed to radiate evil and was unnerving. It would
speed around and suddenly appear and disappear. The employees
also noticed some of their tools began disappearing. They would
come to work in the early morning to find tools that they used on
the cell phone tower components misplaced or completely gone. If
missing, the tools were usually returned within a few days, but to a
different spot in the workplace.

After months of nearly daily appearances by the shadow man,
one employee took remedial action. He brought a crucifix and a
portrait of the Virgin Mary, and hung them on the wall by his
workbench. Every morning, he said prayers for protection. Soon
afterward, the shadow man stopped coming. Was it religious intervention-or had the shadow person gotten all the reconnaissance
it needed?

More Connections

In our investigations of highly active sites, we have found shadow
people to be part of a much bigger picture that includes other phenomena and entities. There may be certain areas or portals where
the djinn can be comfortable and relatively stable, leaving and entering our dimension at will. Perhaps they assume a wide variety of
shapes-maybe, to paraphrase the late John Keel, just to confound

T MUST BE REMEMBERED THAT except for those djinn who are in
between dimensional rifts, the majority of this ancient race exists in another reality very close to our world. According to recent
theories in theoretical physics, this other reality is located at a right
angle to a right angle from any position that we are facing. Thus,
we three-dimensional beings would not be able to turn and look
into that area of space. This is because as we move, that area of
space also moves with us, and so we can never move fast enough to
peer into this other reality. The only possible way that this could
be achieved is to bend space itself or perhaps move faster than the
speed of light.

For centuries, the djinn seem to have been quiet. Only in the past forty or so years have they once again become more active in our world. There could be a variety of reasons and explanations as to why the djinn are increasing their activity in this reality. The theory that makes the most sense to us, and could explain why the appearance of djinn in this world is cyclic, is that they are composed of plasma and are greatly affected by changes in magnetic fields. They seem to avoid intense magnetic fields and appear irritated when in close proximity to devices that might be able to divert, disrupt, or slightly change the polarity of plasma. For centuries, the magnetic field of our planet may have protected us from the djinn by closing off their reality from ours. Recently, scientists have discovered that Earth's magnetic field changes over a period of time; since the nineteenth century, its strength has decreased by ten percent!
Due to this decline, areas of negative magnetic anomalies have increased, creating loops or portals through which the djinn can once again enter our world.

It must be further noted that our sun is very quiet despite the fact that we are in a period of maximum solar flare activity. The peak of solar activity is set for 2012, and solar astronomers at Kitt Peak National Observatory expect (or fear) that the sun may make up for its inactivity and balance itself out.2
This would result in massive solar flares and coronal emissions. The particles and energy reaching earth would strike our magnetic field and weaken it considerably, causing life on our planet to be subjected to intense solar radiation. The weakening of the magnetic fields may be what the djinn are waiting for so they can safely enter our dimension by coming through vortexes or holes in our planet's natural defense shields. The legends about the djinn returning to take back
what they believe is rightfully theirs may not be all fairy tales and
amusing stories from ancient Arabian mythology-they may in
fact contain a considerable amount of truth. If our suspicions are
correct, in the years that follow 2012, we should continue to see
an increase in paranormal activity and a great change in our perception of what we consider to be reality.

Return of the Djinn

As we progress further into the twenty-first century, the djinn
race are once again manifesting in our world after a long absence.
In the past, they have appeared as human-like genies, angels, demons, gargoyles, and other mythological creatures. However, this
time they are taking the form of UFOs, aliens, fairies, ghosts, spirits, shadow people, and creatures that seem out of time and place.
They may be responsible for a great deal of channeling, visions,
and other forms of psychic contact. It is evident from our research
that the djinn are intensely interested in the current human condition and want to learn more about the technologies we have developed over the past century. They also appear to need human
beings and other life forms in this reality to help them make the
transition into our world. Perhaps the many stories of aliens from
other worlds that are creating hybrid species in order to live on our
planet are not merely the tales of over-imaginative peoples' minds
or flights of fancy. The "aliens" from other star systems may actually be dimensional beings trying to create a new race-a sentient
race with free will that can exist not only in our reality but also the
world of the djinn. Like Bilqis, the Queen of Sheba, such a race
would be quite formidable, as they would combine the power of
the djinn with the aggressive, creative mind of a human.

Judging from the increase in paranormal activity around the
world, it is apparent that the djinn are not restricted to the Middle
East. Over the past ten years, we have investigated many claims
of "haunted homes" and other places, and it is clear that in a fair
percentage of these cases, something else is at work rather than (or
in addition to) ghosts. The activity in many of these places is more
Trickster-like, which has always been an identifying djinn quality.
In some cases, people have been driven from their homes by activity that takes a sudden, malevolent turn. This paranormal activity may include disembodied voices in the night, apparitions of
human-like beings or monsters, strange lights and flashes, poltergeist activity, missing objects, electrical malfunctions in the home,
shadow people and figures, nightmares (especially of hideous creatures), and adverse animal reactions. Dogs and cats seem to be able
to sense and perhaps see a djinni that is invisible to the human eye,
which always induces fear in the animal. In addition, humans who
live or spend a lot of time in environments occupied by djinn may
experience harmful health symptoms that defy medical diagnosis,
as well as negative psychological effects such as depression, suicidal
thoughts, irritability, aggression, and excessive paranoia. In some
cases, married couples begin fighting with each other, and may
even separate. This is how the djinn work: if they can't scare the
people out, they may resort to trying to turn couples and family
members against each other. In the Middle East, couples will often
go to religious counselors when they are having difficulty since
they feel a djinni is trying to break up their marriage.

Phil has concentrated his research in the northeast United States,
while Rosemary has conducted investigations in other states and
foreign countries. When we compare notes and findings, many cases
bear striking similarities. The experiences mentioned earlier seem to
provide a foundation for understanding the relationship between
humans and djinn.

We now consider the possibility of djinn in our paranormal investigations, and encourage other investigators to venture beyond their conventional explanations of ghosts, poltergeists, ETs, demons, and supernatural creatures. Djinn are everywhere, sometimes hiding in plain sight. The following are a few cases we believe involve djinn.

Skinwalker Ranch

A ranch in Utah has become famous in paranormal circles-the "Skinwalker Ranch," named after one of the dominant phenomena said to command the area. So much negative activity occurred there that owners left and sold it to the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS).3
The story of the NIDS investigations at the ranch is documented in Hunt for the Skinwalker (2004) by Colm A. Kelleher, former deputy administrator of NIDS, and George Knapp, a broadcast journalist. We stress that the interpretation of djinn is our own, and is not made in the book.

In Native American lore, skinwalkers are evil, shapeshifting sorcerers who travel about very rapidly, especially at night. They cause illnesses, incite people to violence, rob graves, and can even kill people. The ranch is situated on land in the Uinta Basin, an area renowned for supernatural lore and activity. The ranch is said to violate skinwalker pathways, making it a particularly unlucky place. Locals either avoid speaking of skinwalkers or talk about them in hushed tones so as not to attract unwanted attention. We believe skinwalkers may actually be djinn in disguise: their activities and powers fit the descriptions, and humans fear them in the same ways.

Activity witnessed at the ranch includes intense poltergeist activity; strange orbs of light that seem to possess intelligence; supernatural, bullet-proof wolves; dark entities; mutilated cattle and missing animals; large, black triangular objects in the sky; other UFO activity; crafts or objects that glide around and land on the property; and sightings of the Men in Black.

One of the most peculiar sightings was of an orange mass that repeatedly appeared in the western sky, seemingly a window into another reality. One night, the mass appeared in the nighttime sky, and Tom (the pseudonym of the ranch owner who sold the property to NIDS) looked at it through a telescope:

In the middle of the orange mass, Tom could see what looked to him like "another sky." Through the magnifying scope he distinctly saw a blue sky... like it was a window into somewhere else where it was still daylight. Tom felt like it could have been a tear or rent in the sky about a mile away, and through the rent he could see a different world or perhaps a different time. It was nighttime as he gazed through and it was daytime "on the other side." [He] began to think that the strange events on the ranch might be explained in terms of different dimensions, alternate realities, and such.4

Flying, fast-moving objects, including one described as black in color, were observed emerging from this hole in the sky. Tom became convinced that "his ranch was the site of some kind of dimensional doorway through which a flying object entered and maybe even exited this reality."5

On another occasion at night, one of the NIDS investigators witnessed a yellow light manifest on the property, which turned into a tunnel. A large black humanoid creature about six feet tall
with no facial features crawled out of the tunnel and walked away.
The tunnel shrank and disappeared, leaving behind a pungent
smell of sulphur. The creature resembles descriptions of shadow
people, and sulphur could indicate its origin as subterranean, a
preferred djinn dwelling place. It seems the investigator, like Tom,
observed an actual interdimensional opening, as though an unknown intelligence had thrown open a door in order to access our

The NIDS investigators witnessed other phenomena, but were never able to capture any of it on camera, due to mysterious malfunctions and destruction of equipment. It seemed as though whatever was causing the phenomena played a cat and mouse game with them-another hallmark of djinn. Some of the investigators experienced health issues while at the ranch, such as intense migraine headaches, which also is characteristic of djinn.

After several years of investigation, NIDS had "very little physical evidence of anomalous phenomena, at least no physical evidence that could be considered proof of anything. This was in spite of hundreds of days of human monitoring and several years of camera surveillance."6
The investigation was officially ended, but we do not doubt that phenomena there and in the area continue.

The ranch and surrounding environs sit on a negative magnetic anomaly, according to US Geological Survey maps. As mentioned previously, negative magnetic anomalies are often found in paranormal hot spots.

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