The Vengeful Djinn: Unveiling the Hidden Agenda of Genies (24 page)

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Authors: Rosemary Ellen Guiley,Philip J. Imbrogno

Tags: #Gnostic Dementia, #Conspiracy Theories, #Retail, #21st Century,

BOOK: The Vengeful Djinn: Unveiling the Hidden Agenda of Genies
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Glowing orbs are often spotted in areas where UFOs are seen,
but can also appear in haunted or cursed areas, and other locations
rife with paranormal activity. In recent years, thousands of people
have been coming forward with photographs of strange orbs of all
shapes and colors they have digitally captured. Although imaging
scientists and photographic experts have a multitude of explana tions for a good number of them, there are an equal number that
baffle even the most skeptical. Ghost hunters believe the orbs are
discarnate spirits; UFO hunters think they represent some type
of alien probe; some channelers and spiritualists believe they are
angels; and some paranormal investigators think they represent a
phenomenon called a "spook light." Perhaps none of these theories
are correct.

It could very well be that the glowing lights are green djinn.
A possible reason why they are appearing more and more is because our reality is merging with the djinn world. In many cases,
these orbs are invisible to the naked eye and can only be occasionally picked up on digital cameras. These so-called invisible orbs
have been imaged in and around the mysterious stone chambers
of New York, and also around places Native Americans believe are
sacred. Whatever they are, they seem to be dimensional in nature
and most likely are always around us, but out of our limited range
of perception.

The Cursed Estate: A Djinn Portal

The following case came to our attention in the fall of 2007,
shortly after Phil did a radio interview for a syndicated show that
broadcasted over most of northeast America. It involved a retired
man named Martin who purchased a house in Holmes, New York.
Martin's wife had passed away a number of years ago from a longterm illness, and his children were all adults, married and with children of their own. Martin said he was ready to spend some time
alone and continue with his life. His home was on several acres of
property, and despite being built in 1830, was in pristine condition. He remarked that he was surprised he was able to purchase
the four-bedroom home plus the land at a phenomenally low price.
The deal seemed too good to be true, and it immediately made
him suspicious. However, the building inspector said the home was sound, so he went ahead and purchased it. After Martin moved in,
he would discover the real reason why the house had so many owners since its construction, and why it was always offered well below
market value.

Martin moved into the new home in the fall of 2006 and was
quite excited-it was in a beautiful location and had quite a bit of
room for a study, library, and workshop. From the first day Martin moved in, strange things began to happen. Lights would turn
off and on by themselves, objects such as loose change, car keys,
books, food, and even furniture would disappear overnight and
never return. During the night, he heard footsteps in the house
and unusual sounds he thought were electrical in nature. Doors
would slam in the wee hours of the morning, causing him to jump
out of bed in fear of home invasion. He never found anything.
On numerous occasions, the faucets in the kitchen and bathrooms
would be left running overnight and while he was out of the
house, resulting in floods that damaged floors and ceilings.

On more than one occasion, Martin saw shadowy images in the
rooms and heard sounds like a group of people chanting in some
ancient language he could not identify. One winter evening while
downstairs having coffee with two friends, they all heard heavy
walking in the bedroom above. He told us, "It sounded like someone had boots on and was pacing back and forth." Martin and his
friends ran upstairs to investigate, but found nothing.

Objects such as plates, pictures, and even candlestick holders
would jump off tables and fly across the room, striking him. Despite all of these events, Martin decided to stick around, hoping
that perhaps the strange occurrences would eventually stop. He
was sure the activity was due to an angry ghost that would eventually give up and leave him alone, but his mind would change after
one night and one experience that had him packing his bags.

A Nighttime Visit from the Lizard People

In the spring of 2007, Martin woke up from a deep sleep at about
two in the morning: he heard sounds coming from the next room
as if someone had broken into the house. He was very concerned
because he was completely alone-the nearest neighbor was much
too far away to hear anything. He immediately picked up the phone
in his bedroom to dial 911 but was shocked to find the phone
dead. Martin then heard the sounds getting closer and closer. He
jumped out of bed waiting for the intruders to enter the bedroom.
He tried to turn on the light, but there was no power. Then, four
small "lizard-looking people" entered the room, stood motionless,
and stared at him. He said their eyes were reptilian and their skin
had the appearance of being dark, rubbery, and scaly. The four beings approached him. Being an ex-marine, Martin was not going to
go down without a fight. He grabbed one of the creatures, telling
us its arm felt like a "dead fish, cold and slimy." He took a swing at
another creature. The creature turned into smoke and his arm and
hand went right through it. The creature then reformed into the lizard being. Martin yelled, "I am not going with you!" He picked up
a lamp on a small table by the bed and threw it at them, along with
everything else he could find, including a small hammer. The objects had no effect-they bounced off the creatures "as if they had

One of the beings raised his hand and a yellow light came from
his palm. Martin was instantly paralyzed and fell back on the bed.
The beings approached him and did something with their hands.
Another yellow light appeared, followed by some type of instruments that materialized in mid-air. The next thing Martin knew, it
was nine in the morning and he woke up with a severe headache.
He couldn't find any evidence of his nighttime visitors, but he was
sure the previous night's experience was not a dream.

One week later, nearly exactly the same experience took place,
except this time, Martin did not get out of bed and fight. He
awoke to see the beings enter the room and was unable to move.
Having had enough, Martin soon sold the house, taking a loss on
the property. As of the writing of this book, the house's new owners have not reported any strange happenings; they thought our
inquiries were ridiculous and they did not want to be bothered
with "such nonsense."

The characteristics in the cases mentioned in this chapter appear
to be more like close encounters with djinn than aliens. Although
many UFO investigators may consider experiences such as Martin's
to be alien abductions, we believe what actually took place was contact with a dimensional intelligence (the djinn). The creatures Martin encountered appeared solid, yet at least one was able to turn
into "smoke" and re-morph into a physical being. Also once again,
the preferred appearance was reptilian. We like to note that the
reptilian manifestation nearly always induces more fear than the
beautiful, angelic appearance; perhaps this is the reason the djinn
choose to appear as such. Fear is a powerful emotion that generates
a great deal of energy: it raises a person's pulse, and sends the brain
into a "panic" mode. Remember that according to Islamic belief,
djinn can subsist on physical food and energy, although judging by
their "costumes," they seem to prefer the latter.

In Closing

Many encounters with what people believe are aliens could actually be djinn. It can be argued that the djinn prefer using the extraterrestrial guise in order to hide their true identity. As for the
abductions, we do not know why they could be abducting people.
Abductees' reported "medical tests" could be a diversion that hides
something more sinister. Since the 1950s, stories of contact with aliens have changed from benevolent (involving beings that were
merely curious about the humans) to frightening stories of horrible monsters that want to experiment on the people of earth like
laboratory animals. It seems the days of "We Come in Peace" are

HADOW PEOPLE ARE ONE OF the most terrifying, yet least
understood, of all supernatural experiences. Shadow people
exhibit the characteristics of all the negative entities we have discussed in this book-but no one knows exactly who or what they
are. We have been studying shadow people in-depth for several
years, and believe that djinn are behind them-or behind at least
many so-called shadow people experiences.

Since 2005, we have compiled an extensive database of shadow
people experiences and lore. Rosemary was inspired to start the
project after receiving a continuous stream of emails and letters
from people who described similar, unusual experiences and wanted
explanations. In the years since, she has given numerous presentations and media interviews on the subject, and each time she does,
we receive a new wave of letters from more people about their experiences. Hundreds have poured in, indicating to us that this phenomenon is far more widely experienced than most paranormal researchers realize. Clearly, something strange is going on in the
dark corners where dimensions intersect.

All the descriptions of shadow people given in this chapter
come from reports in our database. The phenomenon is broad and
complex, and we can hit only the highlights here-but they amply
demonstrate the case for djinn involvement.

Shadow People Experiences

Our examination of hundreds of cases shows that there is a dominant, "core" shadow person experience: A person wakes up in bed
to see a tall, solid, black silhouette of a man in the bedroom. It
may be standing right beside the bed, or in a corner or the doorway. The person may actually see it slide out of a closet, come in
the door, materialize through a wall, or slide out from beneath the
bed. It does not walk-it glides, and it moves incredibly fast.

Its shape has the form of a human with what appears to be legs,
arms, a torso, and a head, without any features. It is as if a person's
shadow is moving along the wall and through the room.

The figure usually appears to be wearing a coat or cloak, and
often a hat or something rumpled on its head. Again, there are
seldom facial features, details, or colors-everything is pitch black,
or "blacker than black," as many experiencers say. If the room is
dark, the shadow person's blackness stands out against the darkness. It seems solid, thick, and with physical mass, for it blocks
out whatever is behind it. Even though the entity has no facial
features, the victim knows it is staring at him with great intensity.
Said one experiencer:

This shape had the form of a human with what appeared to be
legs, arms, torso, and head but there were no features to be seen.
It was as if a "shadow" was moving along the wall with the shape
of a human but featureless. It was watching me.

The shadow man radiates powerful hostility, anger, malevolence,
and even evil. People usually react with great fear, panic, and hysteria. They scream, jump out of bed, and tear out of the room, or
turn on a light. Often, the shadow person disappears, sometimes
into thin air. Other times, it slips back into the closet or beneath
the bed, or melts through a wall or window. What at first seemed
solid suddenly has no solidity at all.

In addition, shadow people are silent. They do not communicate, though sometimes people mentally pick up on an intention,
as does this man, a repeat experiencer:

There's this black figure, kind of like a three-dimensional
shadow. It doesn't really talk, but it always makes its intentions
clear to me. Well, not really its intentions. I'm not sure how to
explain it. The thing sends off vibes of pure malevolence. It's like
evil incarnate. It always starts out the same. It's like I'm awake
in bed and this thing (shadow) comes to visit me. It's usually
outside my front door trying to get into my house. Sometimes
it gets to my bedroom door. And once in awhile, it makes it to
the foot of my bed. Words cannot explain the complete evil that
emanates from this thing. It causes absolute panic and terror,
like it knows just how to get to you.

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