The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales (45 page)

Read The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales Online

Authors: Carl East

Tags: #group, #erotic, #erotica, #oral, #lesbian, #romance, #fiction, #sex, #threesome, #incest, #mom, #son

BOOK: The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales
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As I reentered the night I wondered how this
would all turn out, I had killed the leader of the resident
Vampires in this town, and knew that they would want revenge. I did
have one thing in my favor; they wouldn't know who had killed him,
or where he was killed. That was a comfort to me, knowing that Pam
would be alright, I walked into the night thinking of my next


The End


Jessica's Satanic Rite of


Chapter 1


Jessica moved closer to the wall pretty sure
they hadn’t seen her. She’d spotted her friend Melanie going into
the chapel and was trying to find out what was going on. Melanie
had been so secretive over the past two months, never telling
Jessica where she went every Wednesday Night. This in itself was
strange for Melanie never normally kept secrets from her best
friend, in fact they shared everything together, even


Jessica had done a good job of tailing her,
and was convinced she hadn’t been spotted. Once she saw the chapel
door closing she ran over to it, testing the door handle slowly,
but finding it had been locked. Fortunately she knew this Chapel
well, and remembered a side door, quickly going around she soon
found it and hoped it was unlocked.


As luck would have it, it was, so at this
point she had to be very careful. Popping her head around the door
to see if the coast was clear, she entered. She could hear voices
almost immediately so walked to where they were emanating from, and
soon found that she was looking out towards the altar. She could
see Melanie, along with about seven or eight bikers, all wearing
leather studded jackets, and holding a lighted candle.


Jessica wondered what on earth they could be
up to, deciding that if she was going to find out she’d better get
a little closer. Slowly she made her way past the large pillars,
until finally she had a view that was both clear from any obstacles
and in the shadows. She could see now that most of them were
drinking alcohol, laughing and having a good time, and then she
watched as Melanie was placed on the altar.


Melanie seemed to be giving them a show, for
she was dancing on the top of the altar, and slowly peeling her
clothes away. Jessica almost gave her position away by laughing at
that point, for Melanie had clearly drunk one too many, her dancing
left a lot to be desired. Then she saw the bikers starting to
remove their clothes, and realized that she was about to witness a
gang bang.


By the time Melanie was naked, the others
were ready to go, but then they seemed to go through some sort of
ritual, for they bound her hands in the position of a cross, and
opened her legs with one man on each ankle. Then she heard the
chanting, and could just make out some of the words.


“Satan, accept this offering, pass into our
seed the power to vanquish our enemies, and live forever in the
afterlife,” said what appeared to be the leader.


“So, they are Satanists,” thought Jessica, as
she watched the first man to mount the table.


Standing between Melanie’s open legs, he
pulled on his semi-hard cock looking down on Melanie, who was
licking her lips and obviously looking forward to this. Jessica
couldn’t help but get turned on by all this. She suddenly thrust
her right hand down her panties, rubbing her clit to the action
unfolding before her.


Then she saw her friend being fucked for the
first time that night, a fucking that was almost violent in its
ferocity, he was pounding her like he’d never had sex before. The
screams of more coming from Melanie however showed otherwise, for
she was clearly enjoying this. Jessica could see two others
standing on either side of the altar, both playing with her


Jessica decided to remove her panties at this
point, for she needed better access, this was really turning her
on, so much so in fact that she wished she was part of it all. Then
she witnessed the first guy coming all over Melanie’s stomach, and
being replaced by another. Jessica thrust a finger deep inside her
wet pussy, inadvertently letting out a moan of pleasure, and
looking up to find her hiding place had been discovered.


Quickly straightening up, she got to her
feet, in an effort to leave, but was grabbed by one of the guys
before she could move three steps.


“Don’t go, you have nothing to fear from us,
why don’t you come and join us?” he said, pointing to the


Jessica was undecided for a moment, and then
she heard Melanie calling over to her that everything was all
right. She made up her mind in that instant to have a little fun
also, so she walked over to join the party.


“Did you follow me here Jessica?” asked


“Yes, I wondered where you were going every
Wednesday, and when you wouldn’t tell me I thought I’d find out,”
she replied, watching another man mount her friend.


Then she felt hands on her legs, lifting the
hem of her dress up from both sides. She allowed this to go on, and
then reached towards the nearest man she could touch, getting a
handful of cock through his trousers, and rubbing him up and down.
He responded by removing his trousers, revealing a good sized and
very hard cock.


Grasping hold of his manhood, Jessica pulled
him gently towards her, feeling it pulse in her hands. Then she
heard Melanie telling them to get her onto the altar, to which they
all must have approved for suddenly she was naked and being lifted
into position.


The same ritual as before was then
re-enacted, with a biker whose name was Mathew, standing between
her open legs chanting what Jessica had already heard. There was a
big difference this time however, for as he finished his chant and
was about to get between Jessica’s spread legs, screams could be
heard throughout the chapel.


Jessica looked up to see Mathew’s eyes turn
red, his muscles seemingly bulging through his jacket until it
actually ripped. She then quickly looked at the others around the
altar, all of them seemed to be in some discomfort, their eyes
changing color as Mathew’s had done.


Jessica looked back at Mathew; to find he had
removed his torn clothing revealing a greenish tint to his skin,
but what was stranger was his cock, which now seemed to be growing.
She struggled with her bindings, trying desperately to extricate
her self from this event, but finding it useless to struggle.


Then the voice, it was a low guttural sound
that seemed to echo throughout the chapel.


“I do not get invited to these things
anymore,” said Mathew, as he pulled his now twelve-inch cock to and
fro, and then laughed out loud.


Jessica watched amazed as his cock hadn’t yet
stopped growing, and then turned to see similar sights around the
altar, with two of them taking Melanie on the floor, one fucking
her mouth, while the other screwed her from behind. Jessica then
felt her assailant getting between her legs, and pushing his cock
into her pussy.


“I am going to give you the fucking of your
life,” he said, as he thrust forward.


Jessica moaned out loud, her body numb by the
events unfolding, but she couldn’t deny it was making her very wet.
Then the onslaught began, this monstrous cock was being plunged
into her moist pussy at an alarming rate, with her first orgasm
coming soon after.


Then she felt someone near her head, turning
to see whom it was another monstrous cock was thrust into her
mouth. She was sure she couldn’t take such a beast, but found it
sliding down her throat like it was second nature. Her orgasms were
now coming back to back, as the thrusting into her pussy had not
slowed or ceased during this period.


She could hear the cries of pleasure coming
from Melanie, but couldn’t see her. Her own orgasms were coming so
often that she started to feel faint, yet still the onslaught
continued. She suddenly realized that she was lost in this moment,
and decided to have some fun of her own.


Taking hold of the large cock in her mouth,
she began to pull him out only to let him back in again, but using
her tongue from tip to base to feel his entire length. Then she
could feel his cock jerking and recognized the signs of imminent
ejaculation. She was not ready for what happened next though, for
when he came he fairly flooded her mouth with a bitter sweet
substance she didn’t recognize as a man seed.


Her thighs were now tingling with the
feelings of yet another orgasm, before feeling his hot seed
blasting her insides. Their seed was gushing out, running both from
her mouth and pussy in great gobs of thick ooze. Her body felt used
as never before, when they both finally pulled their cocks out of
her body.


She closed her eyes, wondering what they
would do with her now, and soon found the answer, for three others
replaced them, all willing and able to give her what she now
craved. She suddenly found her body being picked up and placed on
top of another cock, only this time it was pushing into her


Then she felt another at her mouth, with a
third pushing into her cunt she now had all three holes covered.
They behaved like animals all wanting to get into her as far as
possible, until she was struggling to keep up with what was
happening to her. The cock thrusting into her throat was making it
hard to breathe, while the one in her ass made her gasp out loud
with both pain and joy.


Her orgasms never seemed to stop for almost
an hour, before they all came inside her at once, the hot seed
running out and splashing onto her body, and then she past out.
Upon waking she found all the bikers lying on the floor, along with
Melanie. At first she thought they were all hurt, but soon
discovered they were asleep.


Looking down she saw no evidence of what had
happened, for there was no seed, men’s or demons to be seen, yet
she knew she hadn’t imagined it. Stranger still she didn’t feel
sore or used in any way, only content. Getting off the altar she
quickly got dressed and woke Melanie, whom it transpired had no
recollection of what had happened.


Deciding that she should keep what happened
to her self, she left the chapel still wondering if it really
happened, or had it just been an illusion.


Chapter 2


Jessica hadn't been able to sleep now for
three days; her encounter in the chapel was something she just
couldn't get out of her mind. As she lay in her bed thinking about
the demons, or what she thought were demons, she began to get wet,
remembering how she'd been fucked like never before.


Her mind wandered for a moment, before she
realized that her bedroom was getting darker, but unnaturally so,
for although it was nighttime the streetlights always gave some
light. She sat up rubbing her eyes, thinking maybe it was her
vision that was suffering, but no the bedroom was visibly


Then she saw a pinprick of light appear in
the corner of the room, which immediately started to get bigger and
bigger, until finally it was the size and shape of a door. Her eyes
were glued to this spot, waiting for whatever was going to happen
to do so, and then it did. A dark shape appeared and entered the
room, followed by another and yet another, and then the light
vanished and Jessica could hear heavy breathing at the foot of her
bed, but still she could only see shapes.


"Jessica, I have come for you," said a sweet


Jessica sat up straight, holding the
bedcovers closer to her body, as if they were some sort of shield,
and then replied.


"Who are you?"


"I have many names, my sweet Jessica, but you
may call me Pride, for I am proud of my skills," said the dark


"Your skills...what do you mean?"


"I am a succubus, the tamer and the lust of
all men, I roam the earth looking for women such as yourself, women
who have a natural ability to please men," replied Pride.


"What do you do with them, once you find


"I bestow the gift of immortality, and allow
them to become a teacher of the fine art of sex, but before I
bestow this gift, I like to witness the subject being taken."


"Being mean sexually?" replied
Jessica, getting excited at the prospect.


"Exactly, I have brought two subjects that
have proven their prowess in this matter time and time again, if
you can survive their attentions, I think you are the right woman,
do you give permission of your own free will?"


Jessica had doubts, but the more she thought
of the other night, the more she wanted to experience it once
again, so almost without regret she said yes.


Two large shapes suddenly appeared, one on
either side of the bed, and then the lighting started to return to
normal. She focused first on Pride who was still at the foot of the
bed. Her beauty had no equal, as she stood there completely naked
with lips that were full and red, and breasts that defied gravity.
Then she looked at the figures beside her as they bent over to take
the sheets away. As she suspected they were the same as the other
night, humanoid but with red eyes and greenish skin.


Her hands were placed onto their genitals, as
they both leaned a little closer to run their hands over her body.
She was shocked at how big their cocks were, for as she ran her
hands along them she wondered where they ended. She spotted Pride
fingering herself, as she watched the proceedings, and started to
cum for the first time that night.

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