The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales (41 page)

Read The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales Online

Authors: Carl East

Tags: #group, #erotic, #erotica, #oral, #lesbian, #romance, #fiction, #sex, #threesome, #incest, #mom, #son

BOOK: The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales
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He just wasn’t ready for this event, for the
structure was very impressive, and also guarded. He could tell that
the surroundings were open spaces, making it impossible to creep up
on. Even if he could reach the city before being detected, he knew
that the odds were against him, simply because water was their
home. Then he had an idea; he would surrender himself, in the hopes
that they would take him into the city before executing him.


If they did this, his sword would get him out
of harms way, but of course there was a flaw in his plan, for they
would surely take his weapon away first. Unless, he thought to
himself, they didn’t see it, with that he took his sword out of its
scabbard and placed it down his trouser leg. Luckily it was a short
sword and not all that heavy, he knew it was a long shot but he had
to get inside.


Setting off from behind his hiding place, he
started to swim towards the guards who quickly spotted him


“I wish to surrender,” he said, surprised
that he could talk down here.


They grabbed each arm and escorted him into
the city, which brought a smile to his face. Once inside he was
amazed yet again that it was dry, and quite taken aback that the
mermen that held him captive had magically developed legs. He was
taken aback by the beauty of this place, amazed by how they had
managed to build such a structure, it was beyond his


He waited to see where they were taking him,
before making a move, and realized very soon that they were not
interested in talking to him, for each time he spoke they hit him.
He soon learned to be quiet, and found himself thrown into a
dungeon. He hadn’t expected that, he assumed that he would be taken
to their leader, where he would find out what had happened to


Taking his sword out from its hiding place,
he placed it back into its scabbard and then looked around the
dungeon, for a means of escape. Finding none he sat down heavily on
the stone floor, and then as if an idea never came to him in a
flash he sprang to his feet.


“Blare, does your power still work if the
person you are protecting tries to kill himself?” he asked, waiting
for a response.


“Yes, but if you are thrusting the blade into
yourself, you will still be thrusting in when you reappear in
another spot.”


“Oh, I see, so there is no way of fooling the


“Now you ask, yes there is, you see you don’t
have to be holding me when you are about to die, you only have to
have me about your person.”


“Let me get this straight, as long as I am in
touch with you, I am protected?”


“Correct, and if say that contact was little
more than a piece of string attached to your hilt and my wrist, you
would still have me about your person.”


“Tell me this then, if I placed such a tether
about your handle, and then tied the other end to my wrist,
finally, jamming you, blade up in the ground and threw myself on
top, where would you be when I reappeared.”


“Probably on the floor next to you, but if
you’re asking if I would still be blade up, then the answer is I
don’t know, simply because it’s never been done.”


Cole got to work, ripping some threads from
his clothes and making short twine of his material. Once that was
done, and making sure they were still joined together, he jammed
the hilt of the sword into the dirt between the stones and readied


“I want you to know Blare, that I in no way
blame you if this goes wrong, and would like to take this
opportunity to thank you for saving my life.”


Blare stayed quiet, not sure how to take all
this, but hoped that it worked.


Suddenly Cole threw himself forward, and then
landed on the floor just a few feet from the outside of his
dungeon, lying next to him still tethered was Blare. He picked his
sword up, breaking the twine as he did so, and then placed it back
into the scabbard. Now all he had to do was find Avery, storm the
walls and escape, he laughed to himself as he thought that.


He suddenly remembered how the mermen were
dressed in just a loincloth, having no need for clothes down here.
He decided to remove his top and tear his trousers making them into
shorts, and then if he was spotted he might get away with not being
scrutinized. After all they looked just like he did, the only
difference being that they could grow fins.


After searching for sometime, he finally came
upon a lift that seemed to go all the way into the top of this
impressive structure. Deciding that Avery would probably be taken
to the highest authority, he stepped into the lift and pulled the
lever down. Pulleys were seen through cracks in the ceiling to be
taking up the strain and lifting him up towards god knows


He could see the entire city after only
twenty feet, and wondered what lay ahead. He didn’t have to wait
long, for when it stopped he was confronted with four guards, all
with their backs to him. Creeping up behind them as quietly as he
could, he peered over their shoulders, and there in a large oval
shaped room was Avery about to be beheaded.


If he was going to act, it had to be now,
swinging his sword around to hold by the blade, he managed to club
two of the four in front of him, and then tripped the first one
that came at him over onto the floor. Quickly swapping his blade
back the right way up, he fended the final guard off, and then
brought his free fist up under his chin sending him crashing to the


Luckily this commotion had stopped the
execution, making it a necessary evil, as he kicked the one he
tripped earlier in the head. Then he leaped into the oval shaped
room, ready for just about anything. Anything except the two dozen
mermen running towards him from the other side, he had to ignore
them for a moment so that he could reach Avery.


Fortunately Avery was closer to him than he
was to them, and managed to untie his hands and feet, plus uncover
his mouth, before meeting the onslaught of the guards. Avery then
went into action, speaking just a few words and freezing everyone
in the room, everyone except Cole and himself of course.


“Your timing was impeccable my boy,” said
Avery, slapping Cole on the back.


“Your welcome,” replied Cole, holding onto
Avery’s cloak and shaking a little.


“Now then, let’s see what’s been going on
here,” said Avery, speaking out loud.


He used another spell that Cole had never
heard before, only this one didn’t seem to do anything.


“As I thought, they are all under a spell,
probably a slave spell.”


“What’s a slave spell?”


“It’s used in the Black Arts, to make anyone
do your bidding, they were probably told to kill anyone who came
near,” hypothesized Avery.


“Can you remove it, or is it hidden inside
something as before in the Elves’ home?”


“No, this one is easy to remove, there it’s
done,” replied Avery, seemingly doing nothing.


The guards that were rushing forward stopped
in their tracks, looking confused, and then they spotted the


“Hold, how comes you here?” asked one of


Avery went on to explain how they had been
used for evil, and how they were now free. A grand buffet of foods
was brought forward shortly afterwards, all to celebrate their
rescue with Cole and Avery being the honored guests.


The wine was served in great amounts, but the
best part of that night was to follow, for shortly after the food
was brought out, the mermaids appeared. Cole realized that as yet
he hadn’t seen a single mermaid, and believe me, he would have
remembered for they were stunning.


They were both asked if they would like to
partake in the communal bathes, to which the response was a
definite yes. They were then led into a large room, which had a
bench going all around the wall. The mermaids, of which there were
five, all started to undress them, and then once naked they were
led into another room.


This room had ten large tubs, but only two
were filled with warm soapy water, it was to these two tubs that
Cole and Avery were directed. Having climbed into one of the tubs,
Cole lay back to relax, watching as the mermaids removed what
little clothing they had on, and then with two of them starting to
bathe Avery, Cole looked forward to what the other three had in
store for him.


Their bodies were more than enough to elicit
a reaction from Cole’s member, but their touch on his bare chest
made him feel harder than he’d ever felt before. The girls giggled
with each other as they saw how big Cole was, and then they must
have decided to tease him, for they all started to pay close
attention to his now erect cock.


Swapping his soapy hardness between the three
of them, they seemed to delight in running their hands from base to
tip, before handing it back to one of the others. He watched
closely as they all leaned over paying more and more attention to
his private parts, their breasts swinging back and forth.


Reaching out he decided to fondle the breasts
nearest to him, being rewarded with a smile from the owner of the
one’s he now held. Her nipples became hard as he pinched them
lightly between finger and thumb, and then finding her responding
in a more seductive way, as she suddenly climbed into the tub with
him, leaving her two companions to play with his hardened cock.


Standing over him and moving closer to his
face, Cole reached up to grip her buttocks, and then pulled her
close to him. Her fine hair covered pussy was now near enough for
Cole to reach with his tongue, as it darted out to taste her moist
loins. She suddenly pushed forward, her hands gripping the back of
Cole’s head, as she felt his tongue running over her clit.


His cock was now throbbing as the other two
girls had suddenly decided to suck it between them, swapping back
and forth as he continued to service the mermaid on his face. Cole
could hear Avery’s companions starting to get excited, but didn’t
bother to look at what he was getting up to.


Then he felt the surge as he began to
ejaculate, his tongue working faster on the sweet pussy before him
as he shot his first load into one of the mermaid’s mouths. She
took it all, and then quickly swapped with her friend, allowing her
to take the second. Cole moaned out loud, as he sucked into his
mouth the little bud that tasted so good.


The recipient writhed back and forth as she
too started to cum, seemingly trying to pull his head closer as her
orgasm reached a peak. Lapping up her juices Cole could feel his
cock being sucked dry and staying hard, and then he felt another
mermaid climbing into the tub and lowering herself onto his
hardened cock.


By now Cole had finished servicing the pussy
with his tongue, and was able to see who was now riding his cock.
The water seemed to be going in all directions, as she repeatedly
dropped down onto his member, making her breasts bounce up and down
in an almost hypnotic fashion.


She felt so tight, which gave him sensational
feelings as she started to scream out with pleasure. Knowing she
was about to cum, he held off as long as he could, timing it to
perfection, for as she came so did he, and then it was all over,
and Cole and Avery were getting redressed, with the giggling
mermaids going about their various duties.


“That was quite extraordinary,” said Cole, as
they left the baths.


“I know, I had experienced it all before many
years ago, so I knew what to expect,” replied Avery.


The merfolk saw them off with great fanfare
and ceremony, giving them food and advice as to the safest route to
follow, then wishing them luck they left our heroes to carry on
their journey.


Chapter 7: Fairies,
Fairies Everywhere


Avery studied the map he’d been given,
looking for the best route to the troll domain and deciding that
the fairies’ wood was probably the best way to go. The Fairies were
a gentle folk and incorruptible, so dark magic would find it hard
to control them. However, Avery knew that who ever it was
unleashing all this mischief on the world, would at least try to do
something nasty to the fairy folk.


By the time they’d reached the edge of the
wood, Cole was ready for something to eat but Avery assured him
that the Fairies would wine and dine them, so they carried on. Upon
entering the wood, Avery could see almost immediately that there
had been some disturbance here, for some of the trees were


Using a couple of protection spells on both
of them Avery led the way, hoping against all hope that they would
find the Fairies unharmed. Once they had reached the Fairies
circle, Avery’s worst fears were brought forth, for there in the
middle lay several dead Fairies. Rushing over to see if there was
anything that could be done, Cole discovered that one of them was
still breathing.


Avery placed a healing spell upon the limp
figure, whilst holding it gently in the palm of his hand, and then
waited for it to recover. Pretty soon the Fairy was flapping its
wings once more, responding nicely to the spell Avery had cast.
Cole was the first to ask the obvious, being impatient to find out
what they were up against.

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