The Ufo Silencers: Mystery of the Men in Black (15 page)

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Eventually my family returned from the drive-in and I told them of the experience. My boy said, "let's look at the driveway," and he got a flashlight. He wanted to see if there were any tire marks. And right in the middle of the driveway we found a series of marks that looked like a stalled caterpillar tractor-trailer, not indented in the top but there was some sand and stuff that had blown on the driveway and the marks were in the sand. The marks were about 4 inches wide and continued for about a foot-and-a-half. The driveway was not clean; there had been a storm, and there was a lot of sand blowing around, and if anything had been moved out of the driveway there would be a continuous track, and no automobile could possibly have made it, being that the driveway is too narrow for a car to get far enough so its wheels could get in the middle of it. Also, they had been too deep and distinct to have been made by a motorcycle. A rubber tire doesn't make a track that looks like that—even snowtreads. This looked like it was an imprintable metal—a clean-edged metal.

The marks were gone the next day and the driveway had not been used in the meantime. And there was no high wind during the night. It had been quite calm. No traffic in the driveway. Immediately after everything had been destroyed I called a woman reporter I knew who had been doing a story on this particular case for the National Enquirer. I asked her to tell them not to publish anything on the case, that I would not endorse it. I wanted this stopped right then and there. And I really hated to spoil those tapes. They weren't hurting anybody.

I was still terrified though I slept well that night. A week later I had recurrent nightmares in which I could see this creature's face getting bigger and closer. The nightmares stopped in about a week and they did not come again. But since then I had an awful lot of trouble with the telephone. And I just about drove the telephone people crazy with my complaints. I had this difficulty with the phone going dead and not being able to call outside. Patients would complain that they were unable to reach me, and wasn't I answering the phone anymore. And time and time again they would get a voice telling them that the number they'd dialed was no longer in service. That's a standard tape the telephone company uses. And I assured them that the phone was in service, never has it been out of service, and never will it be out of service—as long as I'm alive anyway.

I had to inform them when they had trouble reaching me to immediately contact the phone company and tell them it's a medical emergency and that the operator would get hold of me. In several instances, however, they couldn't even reach me through this method. The operator said she just couldn't get through. In one particular case, a patient had to get through to me, so the operator rerouted the call. I've also had calls cut off, and people getting quite upset with me because they'd said I'd hung up on them. I had to assure them over and over that this just wasn't true. Lots of times there have been clicks following background sounds indicating an open line someplace, and I could hear things going on, and they weren't going on here or at the other end of the telephone line. I never heard any voices. I just heard sounds, something being moved, or paper rustling, or whatever. I did some complaining myself to the telephone company—many times— but there was no way, they informed me, that anybody could get through my line, except at the central station, where a repairman could —but there was nothing there. No repairman was on the line—at any time.

They had telephone men come out here and listen. They connected a "demand-on" tape recorder, so that anytime the phone would be used, the recorder would start automatically. It would also start any time the instrument would ring. In fact, the mechanism was locked in. I couldn't take it off even if I wanted to. The telephone people contacted me and reported there was no question about it: somebody was tampering with the telephone. So they put in a separate relay stack for my phone, locked in a separate steel box, so nobody—absolutely nobody—could touch it.

In summation, there is no telephone close enough to my back door that he could have made it there by the time I turned the light on. I don't have enough basic knowledge to guess about this, the only thing I know for sure, from what he said about the coin, is the reference he made about the coin: that it was no longer on this plane. He didn't say planet, or place—but plane. Scientists have theorized for years on alternate dimensions. As to what I think this man was, or where I think he

may have come from, from his statement, and from the fact that the coin did vanish, is that there are other dimensions. And, I truly believe that this individual undoubtedly was from another plane. I must then go along with what many think: that there are other dimensions. And I think this man undoubtedly was from such a place. He is not an invader. I don't think so, anyway. But I do feel he—and others like him—are around, nosing about. I don't think they intend to do harm to any of us, and certainly as the known record verifies, they haven't hurt anyone as yet. Now there is this nagging, pinching question in the back of my mind that disturbs me quite often—what really happened to Barney Hill?




Just as investigator Spiegel was concluding the interview, Dr. Hopkins' wife walked into the room. She was prompted to discuss the strange events which had so discombobulated her husband.

"When we came home that night he was so shaken that he couldn't remain still for very long. He had the gun out on the table. I'd never seen my husband that way—so shook up like that. He said that he just didn't want to have anything further to do with UFOs. He was all white and shaking. We saw him destroy everything he had on the subject (as he was told to). Or else, as he related it, he would join Barney Hill. We didn't want that alternative. As he brought out in the interview, we've had more trouble with our telephone since the incident. People can't seem to reach us. They call—the line is busy. We're not on the phone. There have been days—two days in a row—that people just couldn't get us. He's had it, you know. He didn't want to talk about it. He was afraid to! He didn't know what would happen to him. That was quite a night, one we'll always remember. Coming home and seeing the gun out like that on the table. He was that scared. And as John, our son said, 'Dad, what good is the gun to a person like that. The bullet will probably pass right through him.' I said that I wished we'd been here—he might not have come. Now, every time we go out to a movie, I'm afraid to leave him here alone. I'm always fearful now, if he opens his mouth, what might happen next?"

Researcher Pat Dela Franier of the Stratford UFO Research Team in
, was not shy about reporting on this MIB episode.




It looks like there might have been an MIB incident at
is a Canadian Forces Base located just outside of
. I was engaged in writing the story at the back of the September issue [of my publication] at the time it happened, and I was stuck at the scene of the radar room. Tracy, one of my members, was going to
with her father, and said she would ask if I could get into the radar room there. When they arrived at the camp they pulled up to one of those gate stations where the cars are checked when they go in. The public can enter this base but have to state who they are going to see to get in. Lou had been there many times before, being a Korean War Veteran.

The station had one of those bars they can lower to block the road and stop the cars, but the man standing at the station didn't seem to know that he was supposed to use it, or else he just didn't want to. A car was proceeding through as they pulled up to the man. Lou, her father, had never had any problem getting into
before, but this time was different. The man put his hand up to stop them, and walked over to the car.
saw that he wasn't much taller than the top of their car because he hardly had to bend over to look inside. His shoulders were incredibly wide—almost out of proportion with the rest of his body. His hat didn't seem to fit him right—it appeared too big for his head. He was wearing dark sunglasses and when he bent over to look into the car,
could see above them. She said his eyes were very strange—reminding her of Mongoloid eyes. They were large and shaped oddly.

The man asked her father to step out of the car and accompany him into the building. He spoke very softly with almost a female sounding voice. Lou pulled the car to the side of the road to let the traffic pass and went with the man into the station. There were two cars behind them—one was a military car, the other just a regular car. Both cars proceeded through without having to stop or be questioned. This guard seemed interested only in Lou, and both of them went inside the station.
was left in the car by herself. The military car pulled over to the side of the road directly in front of their car and two men were in it talking back and forth.
got out of the car and was at the side of the road playing with a woodchuck that had come right up to the car. She was amazed that the animal wasn't frightened of her. When she stopped playing with it, she walked up past the military car and could hear both men talking. When she approached it, both men shut up right away and just sat there in silence. She felt she was intruding and went back to the car. Her dad came back out and got in the car, and just at that moment the military car started up and drove away.

quizzed her father on what happened. He told her that the man had told him directions on how to get to their friend's house in the camp (directions that Lou already knew), but the man gave him the wrong directions! You would think if the man worked at the base he would know where the officer lived!! Lou said he talked and talked, but really about nothing, almost as if he was trying to hold him up. When they finally got going and drove into the camp, they saw the friend they were going to see, driving out. They had to make a U-turn and chase him out. As they went through the gate station again, the man was on the other side watching them leave. The gate station was pretty wide, and there were cars passing by the station unattended on the entrance side. It took them close to eight miles before they caught up with the man and he stopped. There was no time then to talk to him so they made another date to have him over their place in

The man came down to
and visited them, and Lou asked him about me getting into the radar room. He told them there should not be any problem—and he was sure I would get in. He promised to call and let him know. Days passed and he didn't call. Lou tried calling him, and got through—but nobody knows where he is. To date, they still haven't gotten ahold of him! No one knows where he is! I never got into the radar room, so I had to use whatever knowledge I could get from some of my members to write the scene. I think it turned out alright—but it could have been better if I could have gotten in to

Former Air Force Project Blue Book consultant, Dr. J. Allen Hynek noted during his interviews with various UFO witnesses, that many felt certain they were being followed, their mail was being opened, and their phone tapped by unknown forces.


An Astronomer's Valued Investigation

The late Dr. J. Allen Hynek by no stretch of the imagination could have been considered a crackpot. His credentials were respected even by skeptics, and furthermore he was employed for many years as a consultant to the United States Air Force to analyze data as part of their now defunct Project Blue Book.

A full-time astronomer who taught at several universities over the years, Hynek eventually formed the Center for UFO Studies in Evanston, Illinois, and even acted as special consultant to producer Steven Spielberg on the blockbuster motion picture Close Encounters of the Third Kind (he had a bit part in the movie also, right near the end of the film). It was Hynek, in fact, who derived the various "classifications" that helped place into separate categories the various types of sightings, landings and face-to-face contacts with UFOnauts.

One thing can be said for certain, and that is that Dr. Hynek was very "conservative" in his approach to UFOs. He would seldom go "out on a limb," nor was he prone to accept some of the far-out cases which may have intrigued his fellow associates. Hynek felt that investigating the "nuts and bolts" cases would best prove most helpful in convincing the scientific community that UFOs were worthy of consideration as a legitimate phenomenon.

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