Read The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga) Online

Authors: Stephanie Hudson

The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga) (99 page)

BOOK: The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga)
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Nearly once
but my heart had already been captured by another
but it was still flattering to know how Jack felt about plain old me. He was also one of the only people that knew my true past which was special for other reasons. I could trust Jack, I knew that
and it gave me so much comfort to know.

“Hi there, nice to meet you
” he said and this time she
gave him more of a reaction than
she had done with poor Mike.

o there, Keira didn’t tell me she had a friend that works as a model
” She said
shamelessly flirting. Jack smiled and then she was lost, that smile was all it took for any female with a sexual urge and Hilary had that in the millions.

“Did they teach that English charm at your school?” Jack asked flirting back causing Hilary to flutter her fake eyelashes at him.

“Oh no, I was just born with it
” She replied winking
which almost made me want to gag! I cleared my throat and tried to put a spanner in the works before the engine went
into over

“Umm Jack, is RJ here?”

“Oh Kizzy C
at, more handsome friends for me to meet
” She said putting on her nicest charm that I knew was a
fake as the platinum hair on her head! A moment ago she was biting my head off,
now I was Kizzy C

“RJ is my sister and I think she’s on her way with the rest of the gang.” Jack said tearing his eyes away from Hilary and back to me.

“Designated driver tonight then?”

“You got it!” He said and gave me an affectionate chin shake like I was a child. Hilary looked like she wanted to sc
ratch my eyes out because of it and
this made me smile.

“But hey, can I get you lovely ladies a drink
?” This wa
s when Hilary barged in front of me and took her place next to Jack.

Jack bought us both a drink
but by the time the rest turned up I was already on my third while the other two were still on their first. I had quickly become the third wheel and if it hadn’t been for Mike I would have been stood there like a right loner! They were flirting with each other like peacocks show their feathers to attract a mate. It wouldn’t have surprised me if the humping would soon begin. Hilary would flick her hair back every now and again which would land in my face. Jack would try and include me but before I could an
swer Hilary would interrupt as though
the question had been aimed at her.

Thankfully RJ’s pink spikes came into view and I almost ran into her arms.

“Whoa there sparky, where’s the fire?” I gestured over my shoulder at the corrupt and the corrupter that were so close it looked as though they were sharing air!

“Ah the dreaded cousin has landed then
” She said dryly.

“Please help me

“Lead the way my young
” I laughed at her Star Wars reference.

this is my sister RJ
” Jack said as he received an elbow in the side.

“Oh hi, Keira mentioned you
” She said rudely making RJ turn an evil glare her way. If there was something you didn’t do, it was piss off RJ!

” She said
unimpressed and turned back to her brother.

“Yo Bro
ou wanna get me a drink or what
!” She said clicking her black painted nails at him to get his attention awa
y from

“You know I’m not your wallet Rach
” He only ever called her this when he disapproved of something his sister did.

“Shut up Jack! Anyway I bought you the T shirt you

wearing, so if it wasn’t for me you would be half naked by now...and this is the thanks I get...I don’t know, kids today
” She said to me with a smirk.

naked sounds good to me
” Hilary said
making Jack blush slightly before giving her a wink.

“Come on Hilary
I will show to our usual spot
” Thankfully RJ intervened and dragged her away, leaving me and Jack at the bar. We needed to talk.

I think I need to warn you about my cousin

“Warn me, she seems really nice
” He said smiling. Deluded but smiling.

but I know her
she’s...” Before I could continue he stopped me.

if this is going to
a bitch session I’ll pass. I like to make my own judgm
ents if that’s alright with you?
” It was the first time Jack had ever snapped at me and I was gobsmacked. But I didn’t give up.

I’m just trying to warn you that’s all. She may seem nice but....”

“That’s enough! Look
you might have some issues
but here she is, come all this way to see you and this is how you treat her, trying to warn your friend against her. Frankly I’m surprised at you, I wouldn’t have pegged you for the jealous type
but I guess what she says is true...”

” I shouted making some of the other customers stare at me. Did I miss something?

“She doesn’t know why you act this way towards her but she can’t help that you’ve always been jealous of her. I think it’s sad that you make her feel this way, she clearly loves you
” By th
is time I know my mouth was gap
ing open but it couldn’t be helped. All that came to mind was what I said.

“BITCH!” I know it was
tactless but after three Corona
with tact! Jack looked at me like he was really seeing me for the first time and he didn’t like what he saw. He shook his head and left muttering something to himself. GREAT! This was just bloody marvellous! Now I was the bad guy. One thing was for sure, this had been one shitter of a day and there was only one answer for it....

ots and lots of tequila!











































Chapter 43

A Little Too Much F



So that’s what I did! As the night went on I drank lots. I drank more than lots. I drank until I got drunk and the pain of the day’s events didn’t bother me anymore. RJ had helped me in this. As it turned out she hated my evil cousin just about as much as
I did. She had got pretty fe
d up of her stupid personality
quicker than most. Sorry for the weak
insult but when your drunk it
s hard to come up with more complex name calling. I still had fun though.

It was just me and RJ at the bar drinking and bitching about my horrid cousin. Soon I had forgotten all about stupid men in the world that hated me right now. Instead me and RJ solved all the world’s problems and soon the answer became clear.

“MEN! Bloody men! The
re all the sodding same!” I said not being able to help the full northern accent that came through whenever I was drunk. This made RJ giggle, which turned out to be her drunken trait.

“You know Draven’s mad at me
” I said after swigging back my seventh

“Really, why?” She said swishing her rum and coke around in her short glass.

“Because I said something really stupid

“Did you mean it?” She asked in earnest, which for drunk
was surprising.

“Mean what?” I said missing the conversation because I was concentrating o
n the ice swirling around in her I needed to get a grip.

“You know
what you said, that made him mad?”

“ I don’t know. Do you wanna know the worst thing about dating Draven is?” This made her turn serious. She whipped her head round and tried to focus on my face, which looked more difficult than it sounds.

“I didn’t think there could be anything bad about dating that God of a man
” RJ said
sighing as if imagining it for herself. Of course I laughed and said

“Well yes
he is a God. King, God and supernatural wonder sex but that’s beside the point!” I’m thankful that when I said this she didn’t take it as literal as I had meant it or I could have more explaining to do and not just to RJ!

“Damn it! I knew the sex would be amazing you lucky cow!”

“Yes, yes it is, oh my god it’s mind blowing but

” I said getting horny just thinking about it.

“But what
? What else matters
” We giggled before I came back to what I was trying to say.

so you were saying the worse thing is...” She held out her hand to prompt me back.

“It’s being with someone that has the longest string of amazing looking girlfriends to contend with and when I say amazing, I really mean drop dead gorgeous, Angels falling from the sky type of shit!” Another thing about my getting drunk is not only does my accent come through but I don’t hold back quite as much on the swearing part. God
I was starting to sound like Hilary!

“Ouch! That gotta hurt the ego
!” RJ said
shaking her spikes.

“You have no idea, I met one of them today and
almost fell in love with her!” I said making her giggle again.

this calls for another drink!” She said standing up from the stool and nearly falling down it. My hand flashed out to steady her so quickly I surprised myself. For one
I sure had good reactions for a drunk
person and when did I get that strong?

“Wow, good a cat...Kizzy cat hehe!” She sniggered and we both laughed again. After we had finished laughing stupidly she got Mike

s attention
who had clearly found the whole of our drunken display funny. He had a constant smirk every time he looked our way.

my good fellow
could you please get me and my lovely pink hair
friend here a drink of your finest
” I said putting on the poshest English accent that I could in my state. He laughed as I waved at him like the queen does and RJ copied.

“Wish I could girls
but I have had my orders, no more alcohol

“What! That’s bullshit!” RJ said and I stopped her and said that wasn’t the English way and showed her how it was done.

“Now, now my good man surely not, be a doll and replenish our drinks
” Of course this was followed by a hiccup
which made us all laugh.

BOOK: The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga)
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