Read The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga) Online

Authors: Stephanie Hudson

The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga) (97 page)

BOOK: The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga)
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I don’t remember feeling him removing the rest of our clothes but when I looked down there was ripped material in pieces around us. I gathered that Draven couldn’t wait either because after lifting me once more he hovered me over the growth of him. I felt the end wet and mingle with my own wetness.

I wanted it so badly I could have shouted out to the heavens but I knew why he was waiting...I had my eyes closed. See the thing wi
th Draven is he is all about
. He likes to experience mine as he makes me his own, as he fills my body with more pleasure I can take...he likes to watch. So I opened my eyes and stared into his.

“Good girl
” He said before letting gravity take care of the rest. He shot up through me, making me scream at the extreme pressure having him inside me felt like. He was big, there was no getting around that and I don’t think it helped that I was small but somehow we just fit. I don’t know how he didn’t hurt me as much as he should but his movements were gentle to start
so as that I could adjust to his size. And boy did I.

The rhythm picked up as Draven lost his gentle control. He did most of the work, holding my behind in a firm grip and moving me to his tempo. I
of course
didn’t care what song it was, it was all amazing to feel. He seemed to know exactly the right moments when I was close to finding my release because he would pick up speed to drive me over the edge. He seemed to love the feel of my muscles constricting around him inside of me because he would close his eyes and lift his face towards the ceiling.

Meanwhile I was digging my nails into his back and screaming out in a pleasure so great, I could hardly stand it.  I didn’t know how many orgasms I could take and every time Draven seemed more eager to p
ush the limits. My limits that was!
He slowed down slightly to allow me time to regain my breath but it was only a minute and then he would be forcing my body down on him once again with a furious energy. I was panting and every twinge of great pleasure had me gripping onto him once more. Then this time he lent me back so my breasts came forward and protruded from my chest. This gave him full access as he clamped his mouth around one nipple and began to suck.

I found this so fulfilling that it only took a few seconds to make me cry out mercy for I was coming yet again. He loved it but this time he couldn’t stop. He carried on pumping and sucking so that I wasn’t the only one finding my release. He held on to my back as he t
rust up one last time then I felt the shuddering of him exploding inside me.  He cried out a growl and then bit down on my nipple like a wild beast, sucking the blood out from me which in turn caused me to experience an orgasm within an orgasm. I came like never before and ended up collapsed on top of him.


That’s when everything went dark.   
























Chapter 42 –

Cruel interruptions.



I don’t know how I got to where I was now but it was beautiful. It was a golden meadow that glistened in the sun’s rays. Little daisies danced in the gentle breeze and when I looked down my skin was covered in a flowing white material that seemed alive. It snaked round my shoulders and worked its way down my naked body like it owned me. It wa
s almost like invisible hands w
ere behind the way it moved and when one side cupped my breast I was convinced it was Draven’s doing. Where was I?

” I called out but my voice echoed like I was somewhere else. It bounced off walls that weren’t there and came back to me. I tried again.

“Draven, where are you?” I called out but once again
it didn’t come from my mouth
, it came from a memory I couldn’t see. I held my hands up to my throat but found other hands already there waiting for me. They weren’t my own. I turned quickly but found no face to blame. I wished I could just relax into this dream world but my uncertainty wouldn’t let me. I started to feel cold and held my arms with my hands. I felt safer hugging myself but not safe enough. I started to feel a presence close by but not a soul
apart from mine
was in this golden circle. I looked around more closely trying to study my surroundings.

There was a dark forest that acted like bars of a cage, edged around the sides that blocked any other view beyond. The trees seemed to sway from side to side like they were caught in a secret storm I couldn’t see. The white sheet had pulled in tighter forming its self around me like a second skin. It tingled under the sun and sparkled as though wet. I lifted the ends that skirted around my legs and held it to my face t
o find that it was wet. It smelled
like blossoming lilies and felt like it was made from their petals.

“Why am I here?” I asked out
to no one but I was answered by a whisper that came flowing out from deep within the deadly looking forest.

“Because I want you
” It wasn’t a voice I recognised and made me shudder from the possessive tone from which it spoke.

“Am I dreaming?” I asked nervously while holding myself.

“You are
” The voice made me jump as this time it came from close behind my ear. I could feel a large body behind me and I instantly relaxed as I knew it to be Draven. I felt his large hands rest on my shoulders and his fingers curled up to hold my neck.

“Why am here if I’m asleep?”

“Because I can control your dreams
” Once again the answer blew into my neck, covering me in a calm ha
ze. I felt my tensed muscles lo
se tension and I lowered my body slightly.

“Why would you want to?” I asked
feeling like a child.

“You ask a lot of questions don’t you
” His deep voice held humour which I found strange. It felt different to how I imagined it would. I don’t know why but something deep inside was trying to tell me something was wrong. Hands then tensed around my neck into a hold before a more urgent voice spoke.

“Don’t listen. Just hear my voice, take it in and do as I say,... yes....say yes to me
” I was slipping away to somewhere I knew I would most certainly be lost. It felt like I was drunk but at the moment you say to yourself “You

drunk!” I knew it was wrong whatever it was but I couldn’t stop myself from saying

” causing his hands to relax.

“Good. Do you like it here Keira?” His hands ran down to my sides because my body started to sway. I was drifting further down and could only nod my answer.

“Would you like to stay here, here with me....forever?” It was such a seductive voice that there wasn’t one fibre in my body that could have said no. I truly wanted to stay. I wanted these arms to remain around me till the end of time. Keeping me safe from everyone who wanted to hurt me. My mind flashed back to Morgan and my prison. My concrete cell that was a basement in
. I saw myself being touched by unwelcomed hands as they roamed my body, invading my soul with venomous thoughts. I saw myself crying in my sleep as I pretended it to be in my dreams but deep down I knew it was real, I knew it was happening, that’s why I cried. After these visions stopped the arms that held me pulled me closer into a deep cage of muscle and bone.

“I would never let anyone hurt you...Never!” He said in anger and I had never believed in a voice with so much certainty before this moment...even if it was all a dream.    

“Oh Draven
” I said softly find
ing words one last time before I
gave myself to this place forever.

“I’m sorry Keira....... but not even he can get to you here

That’s when I cried and crumbled to the floor despite the arms around me. My legs folded underneath me and I felt his body do the same. I cried out at him

“NO... NO,...PLEASE.... NO!” I turned to face the man and without looking, through fear, I pounded my fists against a huge chest of pale muscle.

“You can’t take me! I want to go back...please let me go
” I pleaded with the man in between sobs. He lent his head down to rest on mine and soothed back my hair that was flowing wildly in the wind. I looked up to see his blond hair doing the same but the colour was darkened by the now stormy skies. It was like the Gods had turned angry and had taken away the sun as punishment.

He waited for me to calm and then whispered down into my ear.

“It is too late for that now...far too late. Even your dreams are not safe from me. You will be mine will be mine and
!” With that I finally looked up to find Lucius staring down at me with eyes filled with blood. Red tears ran down his cheeks and landed on my hair, making the contrast scream out. They weren’t just filled with blood, but they looked as though made of blood. The irises were flamed and licking out at the deep veined liquid that made every living thing possible.

His blood was on fire.

I screamed out and used every last shred o
f strength I had to pull my
mind back to my own control. I thought of Draven and the love we had shared not long ago. I thought of the waves of pleasure he caused me to feel. Then I saw us both, locked in each other’s bodies, bound so tight we looked like one. Every
thing in sync, the way we moved
, every breath, every scream. There was no greater force than ours making love and this is what brought me back, it was what freed me from my own dreams, the ones Lucius held in his hands.


I bolted up with a start and felt Draven shift quickly next to me.

“Keira, what’s wrong?” His worried voice made me smile. I was just so happy to be back that I turned quickly and threw myself into him. He was caught off guard but he held me securely like he knew how much I needed it. He gave me a minute like this before asking me again.

“I’m fine, just a bad dream
” I said knowing I should be telling him about it but for some reason I couldn’t let it out. Why did this keep happening? Why could I never speak about it? As soon as these thoughts entered my mind it started to shut down. I started losing the questions
like losing a thread on a knitted sweater. Like it was being pulled so quickly it started to disappear until there was nothing left to hold on to.

“Are you
alright? Tell me about it!
” Draven pressed for an answer I couldn’t give, so I lied.

“I can’t really remember it now, let’s just forget about it. How long was I asleep anyway?” I asked trying to dodge anymore questions. Draven looked unconvinced but let it go anyway.

“Only minutes, you passed out on me...I was worried I went too far
.” He looked like he did when he wa
s guilty but I smiled back at him.

“No, you didn’t. You can never go too far
” This is when his guilty looked turned to steel. He frowned and pulled me close, holding my head the way Lucius had done in my dream. I tried not to shudder but I couldn’t help it, thankfully Draven took it for a chill and covered me up with the blanket.

you still don’t understand how much I hold back with you. If I ever totally lost control I could hurt you and I would never allow myself to do that. I would never forgive myself!” He said the last part under his breath but I heard it anyway. He held me protectively in the cocoon of his arms and I sighed at the idea of him holding back on me.

“How much do you hold back?” I asked trying to look up at him but he held me still, preventing it.

“A lot. You are fragile Keira, much more so than my own kind
” This hurt me. In fact, it cut into me like a blade.

“If I’m so bloody fragile then why be with me if you have to hold back!...I mean, why not have one of your own kind to satisfy your real needs!” I know this was spiteful of me to say but I couldn’t help what came out. He pulled me roughly back to face him and I could see the anger and hurt mix
into one. I almost whimpered out my sorry as soon as I saw his face. It was stone...emotional stone. I knew I had gone too far and I knew that I had truly hurt him with my words. He pulled away from me and got up out of bed without saying a word. I wanted him to shout at me, to shake me...anything but the cruel, cold hard silence that I had never received from Draven before.

BOOK: The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga)
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