Read The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga) Online

Authors: Stephanie Hudson

The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga) (35 page)

BOOK: The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga)
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“Oh crap, I have to go but it was great catching up. Oh and RJ
I have someone I want you to meet next Saturday but I will explain more on Monday
” This had her nearly running after me to find out but I just waved and walked over to the cashier. I couldn’t help but feel instantly safer when I saw Ragnar by my car and next time I wouldn’t stop him from following me round the store. Not now I
knew that not even
was safe!

gnar could tell something was wrong
as I didn’t speak the whole wa
y home, the only time words passed
my lips was when I thanked him for carrying my bags into the kitchen. He looked like he wanted to ask what was wrong but stopped himself.
I tried to concentrate on other t
hings but every now and again my mind
nder back to Lucius’s face and I knew this is what he would want so
with that in mind
I clicked on the kettle ready for a cup of tea and went to work on tonight’s meal.

By the time Libby and Frank came back the house smelled of herbs and spices as thanks to RJ
I had found them.

something smells good
” She said as she parked herself down on the kitchen chair.

“How was it?” I asked but she just let out a sigh which said it all.

“That bad

“Worse, I just want Frank to sell the place but he won’t because of the promise he made to his uncle
” She whispered this last part as now Frank was walking through the door.

“Mmm Kazzy that smell
good, what is it?” I smiled at him before saying

“Well it’s a surprise but I hope you like spicy food cause it’s a hot one
” I smirked to myself wondering what Draven would make of it, well Sophia had said he like
his food hot…ok she didn’
t exactly specify that she meant his food, but considering sex was off the
menu I gathered she was refer
to what he likes to eat. I saw Libby’s face and knew she wasn’t as brave when it came to spice
, so I added,

“Don’t worry
made a mild one
” At this she got up and kissed me before grabbing an open bottle of wine fro
m the fridge and pouring me a big glass
and I was more than grateful for it
, she then poured herself a baby safe glass of OJ

I told Libby about my shopping trip with Sophia and she was nearly in tears with laughter at my reconstruction of the day. She made me show her all I had bought and was impressed that some tops were actual colours rather than just shades. However
her eyes nearly popped out when I showed her my star buy. She ooo’d and ahhh’d over the satin material of the corset and asked me when I was planning on wearing it.
I had given it a lot of thought when I bought it and knew that I would wear
for the first time we could make love again.

I decided that I would wear it under my work clothes and not tell him when my body was ready again but just surprise him. I would tell him that I was tired and hope he wouldn’t follow me back to his room. Then I would wait for him to find me lying on his bed in some seductive pose and hope that I wouldn’t be wearing it for much longer after that. I giggled to myself and Libby raised her eyebrows.

“Forget it
I don’t want to know

She said quickly before starting
to laugh with me.

Everything was ready and because Libby loved it so much I made my famous chocolate cake while the chicken had been marinating. Now the meal bubbled away and all that needed to be cooked was the rice. I don’t know why but I found myself playing nervously at my gloves waiting for the time to tick to eight. I missed him so much it was like a hole that only he could fill. Then I heard it and bit down on my bot
tom lip at the sound of the knock at the door
. I ran to it like a
n excited
child saying

“It’s ok
I’ve got it!” Libby just grinned at my enthusiasm to ge
t to the door
quicker than my legs could take me. I even skid
ded round the corner as my
feet slid on the wooden floor.
I steadied myself on the table by the door and took a deep breath before opening the door to the most handsome face I had ever seen…


My gorgeous boyfriend.



































Chapter 16

Dinner, Human Style!



Draven stood on my front porch like the world

s most perfect d
ate. His tall frame was clothed
in a casual long sleeved black cotton T shirt, which showed his extensive amount of muscle underneath. His long strong legs wore dark designer jeans that looked made for him and for all I
knew they had been
! He looked well groomed with his hair back and his soft olive skin shaved.

I couldn’t help the great big grin that was plastered on my face at the sight of those lush deep eyes that looked just as happy to see me. I bit my lip at the naughty thoughts that came running through my mind at just the sight of him and then it tripled the feelings when he winked at me. He was about to speak but I didn’t let him, instead I just pulled his face down to mine
and crushed my mouth to his for a very
intense kiss
which by the end
had me near panting.

“I take it you missed me?
” He said over my lips before pulling away. I opened my eyes to find him smiling a confident smile. I just nodded and said

” This made him laugh.

“Oh really… only maybe?” He then placed his warm hand at the base of my back
and pulled up my top to get to my skin,
which he knew was a major weak spot (Along with everywhere else he touched!) I let out I
moan and he laughed again.

I didn’t think so
” He said being cocky.

“That’s not fair! And anyway
you miss me?” I asked before putting my head down as I went all shy with the question I asked. His fingers found the underneath of my chin and pushed my face up to meet his black
serious eyes.

” He said sincerely before
picking me up by the waist to kiss
me once more.

“Did you enjoy your shopping trip with my sister?” He asked once my feet came back in contact with the porch.

“It was interesting

I replied trying to hold my features in place from giving away all that I had learnt.

“Sophia described it as both fun and frustrating, considering you were stubborn enough to use only your own money
” He was trying to hide his smile and be serious but he was failing miserably.

“Oh come on, did you really think that I would have had a spending spree with your credit card! Surely you know me better than to go spending other people’s money
” I folded my arms trying to look stern but he just raised an eyebrow at me.

it was worth a try and besides
what is mine, is also now yours.
” This had me laughing and in turn him frowning. I shook my head at him
but he just mimicked me by shaking his head back. We were soon both laughing and he unfolded my arms and wrapped them around his waist for a hug. I could feel him lean down and smell my hair before kissing it lightly.

“Did you buy anything nice?” As soon as he asked this I went rigid under his hold and he didn’t miss it. He moved me b
ack so he could see my face which was turning
different shades of pinks and reds.

what has Sophia said?” I would be having words with her if she had mentioned the underwear.

“Oh nothing really, just when I asked she gave me a sly grin before saying it was interesting. This sparked my curiosi
ty about what you had purchased.
” Oh
I couldn’t help grinning and giggling to myself at the thought of the look he would give me when
he saw me in it, then
more thoughts popped in my head which made me think to hell with the way he
’d look
at me, it was more like what he would
to me that had my blood racing!

He could see me trying desperately to hide my half smile
half bitten lip.

why do
have the look of a
has been thinking unclean thoughts?” His voice took on a very seductive tone and this made it hard to think clean thoughts when all I wanted to do was drag him into the woods and let him ravish me like a wide beast
! Oh god what was wrong with me.
I blamed it on the two glasses of wine I had consumed
. Only
I knew it was completely down to what his body did to me.

“Well I can be naughty some
” Yeah like now!

“Do you not like the idea of me being bad?”
God what was wrong with me, I was being brave but with my head lowered
which I think he was getting more turned on about. I was about to walk back inside the house but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back to face him. He moved my hair from my neck and whispered down in my ear that sent sparks down my back
, which continued
right down to my more sensitive parts.

“May I remind you, I am half Demon
know full
well how attracted I am to your dark side
just as the Ang
el in me is addi
cted to the shy and good
that stands
before me

He stayed at my neck and my heart nearly stopped as he plac
ed his lips on my skin
there. His hands came to encase the column of my throat
and turned it to the side so he could get to it better
as his mouth opened and his teeth held me still. A groan caught in my throat as I thought he would bite me
but instead I just felt a bad boy smile rest in place of his fangs. I swallowed hard and this made him laugh.

“Did I make my point
?” He whispered before releasing
his hold on me. It took me a moment to find my bas
ic functions to respond and
I really wanted to
come back with something witty but
it doesn’t really work when you’re incoherent. Instead I caved into his control and just nodded like a frightened servant girl.
then Libby appeared in the door way and cleared her throat
me back to my own mind.
he was getting better at getting into my head!

“Umm Kazzy, I think the stuff needs stirring

“Oh fuggle! You know I’m blaming you if
it’s burnt!” I turned to him but
he just looked smug,
when I
walked in he held me back by my
waist and said

BOOK: The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga)
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