Read The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga) Online

Authors: Stephanie Hudson

The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga) (34 page)

BOOK: The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga)
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“What is wrong?” He asked
looking down at me
very crampe
d in the narrow staircase to my

I just tripped
” I was holding my knee
rubbing it knowing that it was going to leave a bruise. Then I let out a sh
riek as I felt myself being
picked up by the waist and carried into my bedroom. He plonked me down on the bed and I turned
and looked up at the giant who
was ducking his head to fit in my room.

” I said feeling the heat rush to my cheeks. He frowned and then knelt down but he was still higher than me. He lifted my leg up and it started to sting.

“Ouch!” I said but he just smirked at my baby like behaviour.

“What are you doing?” I asked nervously when
he started to lift my jeans up but he didn’t answer me. He rolled them over my knee and
, yes
of course, it was bleeding. He
is face down closer to the cut and I pulled back making him growl.

“What are you doing?” I asked
again, as
looked like
was going to take a slip.

“I am going to heal it. My master will not be happy if he sees this, it will displease him….I
will have displeased him

“But this wasn’t your fault, I’m clumsy that’s all

“Yes I know, he warned me
of this
but you wouldn’t have fallen if I had carried your bags up here

His eyes met mine and
for once they weren’t harsh or
cold. I bit my lip at the feel of his massive hands that grabbed my leg back and pull it closer to his face. He then took a few de
ep breaths and blew over it
to instantly turn numb and icy

He wouldn’t allow
my natural reaction
happen as I tried to pull away. It was impossible to move with his vice grip that had my leg locked. It felt like he was freezing my blood and the skin around the wound. I shivered as it started to run up my leg but then I felt him release me and after
a few
minutes of being under his control he spoke.

“It is finished, you can open your eyes now
,” h
e informed me and I was surprised that I had indeed closed my eyes. I looked down and noticed the blood had in fact frozen and with the softest touch he casually brushed it away like
icy dust
to reveal
unbroken skin underneath. I was amazed how quick it had taken but I was more shocked at how such a frightening giant could have been so gentle.
I was touched and when he was about to stand I put my hand on his shoulder.

“Thank you
” He looked to his right where my hand was and then back at me.
He looked as if
he wanted to say something more but then thought better of it. He lowered his he
ad i
nto a deep nod and then rose from his knees and left without saying another word.
I looked down at my knee a
nd touched the smooth skin
for myself, there wasn’t even a mark!

After I pulled myself together
I got up to put my new clothes aw
ay and tidy my room a bit just i
we were spending the night here. I didn’t want Draven thinking I was a slob, so I also changed the sheets and let the window open to let
some fresh air in. That’s when
I saw him. Ragnar was below my window with his back to the house and he was staring out t
o the view of the national park

s mountains. He had his arms folded and his head shook slightly before looking a
t his feet. I did
n’t know what was wrong with him but I felt bad that it could be because of something I did. I was growing attached to my colossal protector and I didn’t like seeing him
in pain.


I had a quick cup of tea before ringing Libby to check we were still on for tonight.  She sounded stressed out but said it was fine a
nd that they would be home in an
. I reassured her again that I d
idn’t mind cooking and I sat down to make a
list while I finished my tea. I checked the cupboards for anything else we needed and added it to my list before grabbing my jacket. It had started to drizzle and I couldn’t help but raise my head to it when I got outside. I didn’t notice Ragnar next to me and when I open my eyes he was frowning at me.

“What, I like the rain
” I said before giving him a cheeky smile and walking over to my truck. I call it a truck because it was a huge Ford Bronco that I could have lived in! He followed shaking his head like I was crazy but this I knew anyway
, the
was now,
I just didn’t care.
I had Draven in my life and that was worth being a little crazy for.

I felt the truck sink
down when Ragnar got
in and I started the engine.  W
hen it started first time I smiled.

no talk
to it?” He asked not keeping the sarcasm out his heavy accented voice.

she’s fine with rain, she just hates the cold

“You are a different human
” He stated like he had just figured me out. I shrugged as I pulled the car round and made for the main road.

“Don’t you think I would have to be… all things considering
” Now he was the one to shrug only when I did it, it didn’t make the car move! We carried on driving in silence for a while until it was starting to eat away at me so when I finally said something
, it came out sounding
more like I was ranting.

“What’s wrong with you? Is it because I called you a Jerk because you know I’m sorry for that…don’t you
” This made him turn to me in shock and I was glad that I
had the road in front to keep my attention

“You think that bothered me?”

“Didn’t it?”

“NO, you are a wilful human so it is to be expected
” Ok
so if this was the ca
se then what was wrong with him?

“Well if you hate protecting me
so much
then why don’t you just ask Draven to get someone else?” He growled again and I jumped.

“You know there is no need to do that!” I snapped

“I don’
t have a problem protecting you.
t is a great honour for my master to have chosen me

He said calmly.

“Then what is wrong?
One minute you like me and the next you seem frustrated with me
” I was determ
ined to get to the bottom of it and
if he was going to keep being my bodyguard then he needed to trust me.

“It is not you I am frustrated with
” The way he said it answered my que
stion, it wasn’t me, it was him.

“Why?” I said softly but he just turned and looked thoughtfully out
his side window before answering.

“It is because you remind me of someone from my past
” This stunned me into not asking more. It wasn’t my place to pry into his past and more than ever I wished I hadn’t pushed for it. So I
tried my usual trick and told him a very lame joke.

I have one for you, why is th
ere no aspirin in the jungle?” H
e turned to face me like I was having an episode.

“I do not understand the question, do you need an aspirin?” Ok what was with Demons and jokes!

“It’s a joke, so you say “I don’t know, why is there no aspirin in the jungle
”” He didn’t
he just nodded for me to continue.

“Because the p
arrots ate them all! ....get it?
” I said repeating it slowly and then I could almost hear the cogs turning as he finally got it and the car started to shake under his laughter. Again it sounded like a bull about to charge. I couldn’t help but laugh along with him. He was still making grunting noises when I pulled into a parking space.

Once inside the store
I started to wiz around the
like it was a challenge and I only stopped when I couldn’t find the
isle that held the dry herbs and spices. I found an assistant wearing a
bright green top and patted hi
m on the shoulder.

“Excuse me can you show me where the herbs are?”
At first when he turned round he had a kind face and was an older guy but then it
changed int
o something from my nightmares….

His eyes were the first part to change when a red ring appeared around the iris, which got wider as my fear grew. I started to back up into some cans on the
shelf but he just got closer. Then h
is face changed completely into the
handsome but terrifying
face of Lucius
and I gasped.

“Can I
help you
” He said in a chilling voice that was followed by an even more chilling smile. His fan
gs hung over his curved lips.
I closed my eyes and shook my head.

“You’re not real, you’re not real!” I said over and over until his laughing stopped. I felt his hand on my arm and I let out a cry.

there, are you alright miss?” I opened my eyes to see the kind face of the old guy looking concerned. It took me a moment to pull myself together enough to form words

“Umm yes sorry, I thought… I saw… something
” I stammered out and before he could touch me again
walked away from
as he was
still asking me what I needed. I kept
ing to be sick from the sight that wouldn’t leave my infected mind. It was his voice, I could he
ar it over and over, ‘My Keira’
he had called me
as if
I was
his! I wiped away a stray tear as I continued around the store like I was lost
. I leaned over my trolley to get my breath
when I heard a familiar voice.

“Kazzy?” RJ’s voice rang down the
isle and
I looked up to see a bright pin
k head bobbing down towards me.

“RJ, hey
” I said
trying to sound my usual self.

“Hey, oh man
you look pale, well I mean
even more pale than usual. You ok?” She did look concerned bless her and I felt like hugging her for the comfort she brought me.

“I’m fine, well you know it’s the time
” I said rolling my eyes and then she started nodding the way girls always did. It was the one thing that united us all.

“Well that sucks, especially with having
.” S
he let out a naughty laugh and I couldn’t help but join in.

you back in college Monday?” She asked as she followed me down the

but I have so much catch
up to do. Oh
should I pick you up same time?”

“Yes please, I missed your car…of course I’ve missed you too
” S
he nudged me and we both smiled
. She continued to follow me round until I finished and I was more than glad ab
out it. She was like a Goth
angel coming to my rescue
and I wanted to kiss her for it. I lost track of time as we chatted but her funky spiked watch told me it was nearly six.

BOOK: The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga)
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