The Tudors for Dummies (AvaxHome Download) (45 page)

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Kett, Robert (rebel-leader), 126�127, 130 Burgundian Circle, 254

Kett's Rebellion, 125�127 described, 254

Kildare, Earl of, 42�43 England and, 277

Kingston, Anthony (constable of the rebellion in, 254, 256�257

Tower), 284 Luther, Martin (protestant reformer)

knights of shire, 38 beginning the Reformation, 102

knitting frame, 326 Henry VIII's dislike of, 102, 104

Knox, John (Protestant leader), 143, 224, Pope Paul IV and, 172

225, 227, 231 Robert Barnes as friend of, 110

Kyd, Thomas (playwright), 24


�L� Macbeth (Shakespeare), 250

labourers, landless, 18 A Man for All Seasons (film), 23, 75, 77, 80

ladies-in-waiting, 200 Manor Court, 24, 124

Lancaster family, 11, 39 maps, first county maps in England,

Lang, Sean (British History For Dummies), 324�325

187 Maquire, Hugh (Irish rebel leader), 273

Latimer, Hugh (Protestant bishop), 124, Margaret of Parma, regent of the Low

174 Countries (sister of Philip II), 212, 254,

Latimer, Lady. See Parr, Catherine, Queen 255

of England Margaret Tudor, Queen of Scotland

Latin, use of, 304 (daughter of Henry VII), 45, 71

Lee, William (inventor of knitting frame), Marlowe, Christopher (playwright), 22, 24,

326 285�286

Leicester, Earl of (Robert Dudley) Martyr, Peter (Protestant leader), 141, 168

Amy Dudley, wife of, 206�207 Mary, Queen of France (sister of Henry VIII),

death of, 207 87

Elizabeth I and, 204�207, 209 Mary I, Queen of England

Mary Stuart and, 225 ancestry, 10�12

in the Netherlands, 258 Bess of Hardwick friendship, 285

Lennox, Earl of (Henry Darnley), 226, 227 betrothal to Francis II, son of Henri II, 122

Leo X, Pope, 102 betrothal to William, son of Duke of

letters of marque, 213 Cleves-Julich, 93

Letters Patent, 48 birth of, 86

literacy, 22 as Bloody Mary, 168, 175

London, treaty of 1518, 59, 74 burning heretics, 171, 172�176 Index 343

Catherine Parr friendship, 97 claim to the English throne, 195, 223, 279

Catholicism and, 16, 139, 146�147, claiming the Scottish throne, 224�225

167�171, 190 Elizabeth I and, 228, 239

character of, 168 execution of, 239, 240

Charles V and, 123, 139, 162�163 forced abdication, 227�228

childlessness and false pregnancy, Francis II, husband of, 223

179�180 Henry Darnley, husband of, 226, 227

claiming the English throne, 158�161 Mary of Guise, mother of, 223

cloth trade and, 182 plots to remove Elizabeth I, 235�236, 238

coronation, 169 as prisoner in England, 227, 234, 239

as daughter of Catherine of Aragon and suitors/marriage proposals, 225�226, 228

Henry VIII, 83, 86, 87 Treaty of Edinburgh and, 224, 225

death and funeral, 172, 195, 196 Matilda, Queen of England (12th century),

Edward VI and, 146�147, 157�158 87, 301

Elizabeth I and, 161, 164, 168, 191�192, Maurice of Nassau (Dutch general), 277

193�194 Mayor's Court, 24

fall of Calais, 187�189 medicine and disease

Henry VIII's death and, 118 apothecaries, 23

as illegitimate/bastard, 161, 168 barber-surgeons, 23

illness, 189 Black Death (bubonic plague), 19, 22, 209

Ireland and, 176�177 bleeding, medical practice of, 86

Jane Grey's execution, 163, 168 childbed fever (septicaemia), 93

Jane Seymour and, 92 childbirth and, 25, 85

John Dudley and, 158, 159, 160 flu epidemic, 189�190

Parliament and, 169�170 illness as work of devil or wrath of

Philip II, husband of, 162�165, 177�183 God, 190

Pope Paul IV and, 172 infant death rate, 55, 86

Privy Chamber of, 14 midwives, 25

Protestants and, 168, 172�173 physicians, 23

reformation and, 145�146 surgeons, 23

Reginald Pole made Archbishop of Sweating Sickness (Sudor Anglicus), 22, 150

Canterbury, 172 women and, 86

reign of, 175�176 Medina Sidonia, Duke of, 261�262, 263, 264,

succession and, 164�165, 177�179, 275, 319

193�194 Melanchthon, Philip (Lutheran leader), 141

Thomas Cranmer's execution, 174 Memo, Dionysius (organist), 65

war with France, 186�189 Mendoza, Bernardino de (Spanish

Wyatt's Rebellion, 163�164, 172 ambassador), 254 Mary of Guise, regent in Scotland, 154, merchant guilds, 19

223, 224 Merchant of Venice (Shakespeare), 294 Mary Queen of Scots (film), 225, 226, 228 merchants Mary Rose (warship), 23, 48, 60, 263, 300 cloth trade, 182, 212 Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots education of, 22

birth of son, James, 227 Middle Ages, 9

Bothwell, husband of, 227 midwives, 25 344 The Tudors For Dummies

monarch England and, 277

claim to the throne as God-given, 36 rebellion in, 254, 256�257

divine right of kings, 38 Neville, John, Lord Latimer of Snape

as the government, 12�13 (husband of Catherine Parr), 97

as the Lord's anointed, 79 Nine Years War, Ireland, 241

pope and, 101 Nineteen (19) Articles of Faith, 144

use of Parliament, 12, 299 nobility

women as, 202, 301 changes during Tudor era, 4, 9

as `Your Majesty' or `Your Grace,' 13 clothing of, 27

monasteries education of, 22

corruption in, 113 private armies of, 127

dissolution of, 77, 111�114, 315�316 role of, 297�298

as income for Henry VIII, 114, 316 Nonsuch, treaty of, 257

map of, 112 Nonsuch Palace, south of London, 82, 114

Mary I and, 190 Norfolk, Duke of (Thomas Howard), 161,

money from, 77 224, 228, 229, 235

pillaging, 114 Norris, Henry (gentleman of Privy

wealth of, 315 Chamber), 90, 91

money/coins, 3, 102, 152 Northumberland, Duke of (John Dudley).

Montalambert, Andre de (French See also Warwick, Earl of (John

commander), 122 Dudley)

More, Margaret (daughter of Thomas Charles V and, 153�154

More), 23 death of Edward VI and, 158

More, Sir Thomas (Lord Chancellor) Edward Seymour and, 149�151

execution of, 80 enemies of, 152

History of King Richard III, 80 execution of, 160

Holbein's portraits of, 80 Kett's Rebellion suppressed by, 127

resignation of, 76 as lord president of the Council, 130�131,

Utopis, 80 149�151

Moscovy Company, 182 Mary I and, 158, 159, 160

Mother Hubbard's Tale (Spenser), 204 Thomas Cranmer and, 150

Mountjoy, Lord (Charles Blount), 276 Northumberland, Earl of (Thomas Percy),

Much Ado About Nothing (Shakespeare), 23 228, 229

Murder She Wrote (TV series), 48

music, 25�26, 65

mystery plays, 25 �O�

Myth Buster icon, 5 Oath of Supremacy, 89, 111, 217, 220

Obedient Lands (Ireland), 42, 44

�N� O'Donnell, Calvagh (Irish leader), 240

O'Donnell, Hugh (Irish rebel leader), 273

navy, English, 123, 300�301. See also ships Offaly, Lord (Thomas Fitzgerald, Irish

Netherlands (Low Countries) leader), 42�45

Burgundian Circle, 254 On the One Hand icon, 5

described, 254 Index 345 O'Neill, Hugh (Earl of Tyrone), 272�274, Parr, William, marquis of Northampton,

276, 302 127 O'Neill, Shane (Irish rebel), 220, 240�241 Parry, William (Welsh spy), 235 O'Neill, Turlough (Irish leader), 272 parson, 18 Opening of Parliament, 272 Parsons, Robert (Jesuit conspirator), 237 Oxford University, 21, 72, 219 patrons, importance of, 322

Paul III, Pope, 108, 196 �P� Paul IV, Pope, 172, 182�183, 218

Paul's Cross, 135 Palace of Westminster, 93 Pavanne (type of dance), 26 palaces, Tudor, 65 Payne, AH (artist), 30 Pale (Ireland), 42, 44 Penshurst Place, Kent, 311�312 Parker, Matthew, Archbishop of Percy, Thomas (Northumberland, Earl of),

Canterbury, 201, 219, 246 228, 229 Parliament Perrot, Sir John (president of Munster),

anti-Catholicism of, 244�245 241, 243

Bill of Uniformity and, 138, 217, 244 Philibert, Emmanual, Duke of Savoy,

chatries (private chapels) closed by, 136 192, 202

choosing the religion of England, 171 Philip II, King of Spain

Elizabeth I and, 217�218, 243�246 Armadas and, 267�268, 318

Henry VII and, 37�38 Catholicism and, 254, 255

Henry VIII and, 71, 299 character of, 251

House of Commons, 38, 217, 243, 244�245 Charles V, father of, 162, 170�171

House of Lords, 38, 243 claiming the throne, 182

increase in direct taxation, 188�189 cloth trade and, 182

Mary I and, 169�170 death of, 276

monarchs working through, 12, 299 Elizabeth I and, 192, 194, 252�254

Opening of Parliament, 272 heretics and, 174

overview, 38, 243�244 as King of England, 177�178

Puritans in, 244 leaving England, 183

Royal Supremacy and, 71, 171, 217 Mary I, wife of, 162�165, 177�183

Six Articles, 79, 104 Netherlands and, 179�180, 254�257 Parma, Duke of (Alexander Farnese) peace with Henri II, King of France, 182

death of, 277 pope Paul IV and, 182�183

Netherlands and, 257 portraits of, 163

Spanish Armada and, 258�259, 262, 264 reign of, 251�252 Parr, Catherine, Queen of England as suitor for Elizabeth I, 202

death of, 120 Treaty of Cateau-Cambr�sis, 222

Elizabeth I and, 201 Treaty of Vervains, 277

Henry VIII, husband of, 62, 68, 83, 97�99 war with England, 258�266, 267�268,

John Neville, husband of, 97 275�276, 318�319

Mary I friendship, 97 war with France, 186�188

Thomas Seymour and, 98, 99, 119 war with Netherlands, 255�256

Philip III, King of Spain, 276 346 The Tudors For Dummies

Philip of Burgundy, 47�48 privateers/pirates, 12, 213, 256

physicians, 23 privies (toilets) and water closets, 21, 327

Pilgrimage of Grace, 66, 80 Privy Chamber

Pinkie, battle of, 121 of Elizabeth I, 14, 15, 200

Pius IV, Pope, 218 of Henry VIII, 14, 15

Pius V, Pope role of, 14, 15

excommunicating Elizabeth I, 230, 234, Privy Council. See also Royal Court

317�318 burning heretics and, 174

papal bull against Elizabeth I, 233�234 councillors, 15

Plague (bubonic or pneumonic), 19, 22, 209 Court of Star Chamber, 39, 73, 74

Plantagenet family, 9, 34 described, 39

plantations (Ireland), 42, 44, 176, 241 of Elizabeth I, 14, 15, 200�201, 271�272

plays, 24�25 Ireland and, 272�273

Pole, Reginald, Archbishop of Canterbury of Mary I, 161

cleared of treason, 171 members of, 14�15

death from flu, 189 ousting Edward Seymour as lord

educating the clergy, 172, 176 protector, 129�130

fixed show trials of, 174 Robert Devereux and, 271�272, 275

Henry VIII and, 80 trial of Thomas Seymour, 120

Mary I and, 167, 169 property laws, 87, 164, 192

Pope Paul IV and, 172 protector, title of, 129

seeking compromise with Martin Luther, Protestantism. See also Puritans

172 Catholic versus Protestant beliefs, 102

Pomeroy, Thomas (rebel leader), 140 Church of England and, 133

Ponet, John, Bishop of Winchester, 20, 145 Church services of, 137

pope. See also specific popes Edward VI and, 16, 144, 146

as appointed by God, 102 Elizabeth I and, 215

as God's vicar on Earth, 101 epidemics, beliefs about, 190

Henry VIII's view of, 103 Gardiner and, 135, 168, 173�174

ignored by Charles V and Francis I, 88 Henry VIII's break with Rome and, 110

population growth, 17 Mary I and, 168, 172�173

portrait painters, 84. See also Holbein, Netherlands and, 255

Hans (portrait painter) refugees in England, 140�141

Portugal, Spain's acquisition of, 318 purgatory, 103, 136

potatoes, arrival in England, 302�303 Puritans

prayer book. See Book of Common Prayer attacking the "vices" of England, 246�247

Presbyterians, 246, 247�248 dislike of theatre, 25

priest holes, 237 in Parliament, 244

primogeniture tradition, 301 Presbyterian sect, 246, 247�248

Prince of Wales, 10, 38 Pynson, Richard (Boke of Bookery), 323

printing press, 21, 322�323

prison, 24

Private Life of Henry VIII (film), 62, 99 �Q�

The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex Quarter Sessions, 24

(film), 270, 272 Index 347

Rochford, George (brother of Anne �R� Bolyen), 90 race-built galleon (warship), 261 Rogers, John (Protestant preacher), 173 rack, torture device, 234 Rome, breaking with, 101, 106�108, Radcliffe, Thomas, Earl of Sussex 299�300, 304, 314

(governor of Ireland), 176, 220�221 Rotheram, Thomas, Archbishop of Ralegh, Walter (privateer), 213, 274, 286, Canterbury, 37

288 Rous, John (priest/genealogist), 35 Reformation Royal Court. See also Privy Chamber; Privy

beginnings of, 102, 134�137 Council

Catholics response to prayer book, 144 councils, 14�15

Henry VIII's contribution to, 82 described, 12

John Hooper and, 142 Household, royal, 13�14, 38, 114

rebellion in England, 138�140 main parts of, 13�15

reformers in England, 109�110, 134 monarchs working through, 12�13

Thomas Cranmer's reforms, 109, 135, Royal Household, 13�14, 38, 114

136�138, 141�144, 145 Royal Supremacy religion. See also Catholicism/papacy; Elizabeth I and, 217, 218, 220

Church of England; Protestantism Henry VIII and, 105�106

Catholic versus Protestant beliefs, 102 in Ireland, 145, 220

changes during Tudor era, 16�17 Mary I and, 170, 171

common folk adapting to religious oath of, 89, 111, 217

changes, 169 Parliament and, 71, 171, 217

importance in ordinary life, 18 repealed in Parliament, 171 Remember icon, 5 Supremacy Act, 109, 111, 171, 314 Renard, Simon (ambassador for Charles V),

172�173, 191 Restraint in Appeals, Act of, 77, 88, 106, 109

�S� Rich, Richard, lord chancellor, 152, 284 San Felipe (treasure ship), 260 Richard, Duke of York, 29 Santa Cruz, marquis of (sea commander), Richard II, King of England, 29 259, 261, 318, 319 Richard III (film), 32 Saxton, Christopher (map maker), 324�325 Richard III, King of England Schmalkaldic League, 93, 110

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