The Tudors for Dummies (AvaxHome Download) (44 page)

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Mary I and, 146�147, 157, 158 Philip II and, 318

portraits of, 155 plots against, 233�239, 253�254

Privy Chamber and, 14 politics during, 203

Protestantism of, 16, 144, 146 portraits of, 278

setting up a protectorate for, 117�120 preparing for power, 194�195

Six Articles abolished, 135 Presbyterians and, 247�248

succession and, 156�158 as prisoner in Tower of London, 164,

Effingham, Lord Howard of (English 191�192

admiral), 262, 264, 319 privateers/pirates and, 252

Elizabeth I, Queen of England Privy Chamber of, 14, 15, 200�201,

ancestry, 10�12 271�272

Anne Boleyn and, 216 Protestantism and, 215, 216

as a bastard, 191, 192 Puritans and, 246�247

birth of, 89 reign of, assessing, 230�231, 301, 316

Calais and, 222�223 Robert Devereux and, 269�275

Catherine Parr and, 201 Robert Dudley and, 15, 204�207, 209

Catholicism/papacy and, 216, 218, Royal Supremacy and, 217, 218, 220

233�234, 317�318 royal visitations, 220

character of, 26, 193, 194, 201 Scotland and, 223�224

Church of England and, 16, 215�220, 231 Spanish Armada and, 259

Church Settlement of 1559, 316 succession and, 193�194, 278�280

claiming the throne, 195�196 suitors/marriage proposals, 192�193,

commercial problems, 212 202�207 Index 337

as supreme governor of the Church of excommunication

England, 217 for adultery, 24

Thomas Seymour and, 120, 201 defined, 39

torture used by, 234 of Elizabeth I, 230, 234, 317�318

Treaty of Cateau-Cambr�sis, 222 of Henry VIII, 88, 108

Treaty of Troyes, 223 for heresy, 103

Walter Ralegh and, 274, 288 of James IV, 71

war with Spain, 259�262, 266�268

Wyatt's Rebellion and, 193 Elizabeth of York, Queen of England (wife �F�

of Henry VII), 39, 49, 311 family tree Elizabeth: The Golden Age (film), 162, 191, Lancaster family, 11

207, 235, 265, 288 Stuarts and Suffolk families, 46 employment, 17�19 Tudors, 10�11, 46 Enabling Act of 1544 (ungendering the York family, 11

crown), 202 Farnese, Alexander (Duke of Parma) enclosure death of, 277

Kett's Rebellion, 125�127 Netherlands and, 257

reactions against, 124�125 Spanish Armada and, 258�259, 262, 264 England fashion/clothing, 26�27

breaking with Church of Rome, 101, Ferdinand of Aragon, 46, 58, 59, 85

106�108, 299�300, 304, 314 Feria, count of, 193, 194�195, 201

Calais claimed by, 58, 222�223 Field of the Cloth of Gold (summit

defeat of Spanish Armada, 262�266, conference), 59, 74

318�319 films

losing land in France, 304 Anne of the Thousand Days, 62, 91, 99

Netherlands and, 277 Carry One Henry!, 62

return to Church of Rome, 172 Elizabeth: The Golden Age, 162, 191, 207,

war with France, 61, 154 235, 265, 288

war with Scotland, 120�122 Four Great Women and a Manicure, 288

war with Spain, 258�259, 267�268, A Man for All Seasons, 23, 75, 77, 80

275�276, 318�319 Mary Queen of Scots, 225, 226, 228 English Bible The Prince and the Pauper, 155

common folk and, 169 The Private Life of Henry VIII, 62, 99

Henry VIII's support of, 16, 104 The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex,

introduced by Thomas Cromwell, 78 270, 272

Mary I and, 170, 190 Richard III, 32

Thomas Cranmer's preface to, 110 Shakespeare in Love, 22, 25, 247, 285, 294

Tyndale's translation, 16, 109 Six Wives of Henry VIII, 99 English plantations (Ireland), 42, 44, The Tudors, 3, 99, 108

176, 241 The Virgin Queen, 288 equity jurisdiction, 74 Young Bess, 120, 231 Eric XIV, Prince of Sweden, 203 Fisher, John, Bishop of Rochester, 80 Essex, Earl of (Robert Devereux), 269�275 Fitzgerald, Gerald, Earl of Desmond, 243 European Hanseatic League, 182 338 The Tudors For Dummies

Fitzgerald, Thomas, Lord Offaly (Irish Field of the Cloth of Gold (summit

leader), 42�45 conference), 59, 74

Fitzherbert, Anthony (The Book of Henry VIII and, 59�61

Husbandry), 17, 18 Treaty of London of 1518, 59, 74

Fitzmaurice, James, 241 Francis II, King of France, 122, 222, 223

Fitzroy, Henry (illegitimate son of Henry Fran�ois, Duke of Alen�on (son of

VIII), 63, 87 Catherine de Medici), 204

Fleet in London (prison), 24 French Wars of Religion, 271

flu epidemic, 189�190 friaries, shutting down, 113�114

food Frobisher, Martin (privateer), 22, 213,

coffee, 328�329 291�292

cost of, 20 From Past to Present icon, 5

potatoes and tobacco, 302�303

tomatoes, 327�328

women's diet, 86 �G�

foreigners, English dislike of, 143, 195, 202 Gaelic Alphabet and Catechism (Kearney),

fork (eating utensil), 303 241

Forrest, William (writer), 124 The Gaping Gulf (Stubbs), 204

Forty Two (42) Articles of Faith, 144 Gardiner, Stephen, Lord Chancellor

Four Great Women and a Manicure (film), (formerly Bishop of Winchester)

288 accusing Thomas Cromwell of heresy, 78

Fox, Richard (tutor), 98 Catherine Parr regarded as heretic, 98

Foxe, John (priest) death of, 174

about, 290�291 Elizabeth I and, 192

Book of Martyrs, 142, 175, 284, 290�291 finding a replacement for, 181

criticism of Mary I, 190 firing of, 145

on duke of Somerset execution, 151 in jail, 143

France Mary I and, 161, 169

Brittany and, 45 Protestants and, 135, 168, 173�174

Calais regained by, 187�189 Robert Barnes and, 110

Elizabeth I and, 276 gentlemen, 27, 298

England loosing land in, 304 gentry, 22, 189

Henry VII and, 30�31, 33, 45�46 Gerard, John (Herbal), 328

Henry VIII and, 58�61 Gianibelli, Federigo (Italian architect), 307

peace with Spain (Treaty of Vervains), Gilliard (type of dance), 26

277 The Globe theatre, 25, 294

Scotland and, 121�122, 123 Granvelle, Cardinal, 254�255

Treaty of Edinburgh, 224, 225 Gravelines, battle of, 319

Treaty of London of 1518, 59, 74 Gray's Inn (college in London), 76

war with England, 61, 154 Great Britain, 2

war with Spain, 59�61, 186�188 Great Court of Trinity College, Cambridge,

Francis I, Duke of Brittany, 30 309

Francis I, King of France "great matter" of Henry VIII, 61�62, 66, 71,

Charles V and, 60 76�77

death of, 121 Greensleeves (song), 65 Index 339 Greenwich Treaty, 120, 121, 122 Treaty of Cateau-Cambr�sis, 222 Gregorian calendar, 2 war with England, 61, 154 Gregory XIII, Pope, 237, 241, 253 Henri IV, King of France, 271, 276 Grey, Catherine (sister of Lady Jane Grey), Henri of Valois (Duke of Anjou), 203

285 Henry IV, King of England, 29 Grey, Lady Jane, Queen of England Henry VI, King of England, 29, 311

execution of, 163, 168 Henry VII, King of England

marriage to Guildford Dudley, 157, 159, ancestry, 10�12

163 appearance of, 35

reign of, 158�159 Battle of Bosworth Field, 9, 34�35, 157, Grey, Thomas, marquis of Dorset, 72, 73 313 Grindal, Edmund, Archbishop of birth and childhood, 30�31, 32, 47

Canterbury (formerly bishop of burial site, 311

London), 190, 248, 290 Chapel of, Westminster Abby, 311 Guise, Duke of, 183, 187, 188 character of, 35, 49�50 guns on warships, 263 children of, 49

claiming the throne, 32�33, 36 �H� coronation, 36

dealing with rebels, 40�41 Habsburg-Valois wars, 141 death of, 50�51 Hall, Edward (English chronicler), 314 double rose heraldry, 37 Hampton Court, London, 73, 82, 309�310 educating his sons, 22, 50 Hardwick Hall, Derbyshire, 285, 310 Elizabeth of York, wife of, 39, 49, 311 Harington, Sir John (inventor of water executing traitors, 37

closet), 327 finances, 48�49 Haschnperg, Stephen (German architect), foreign policy, 41�48

309 France and, 30�31, 33, 45�46 Hathaway, Anne (wife of William giving out new titles, 37

Shakespeare), 305�306 Ireland and, 41�45 Hatton, Sir Christopher (dancer), 22 kingdom of, 36 Hawkins, John (privateer/treasurer of the limits placed on the nobility, 298

navy) Mary, daughter of, 49

redesigning ships, 252, 261 Parliament and, 37�38

role in English defeat of Spanish Armada, Privy Chamber of, 14

261 reign of, 39�49, 312�313

slave trade, 210�213, 303 royal library, 50 Heath, Nicholas, Lord Chancellor (formerly Scotland and, 45

archbishop of York), 181, 200 Spain and, 46�48 heaven and hell, belief in, 103 sponsoring John Cabot, 48 Henri II, King of France Thomas Becket and, 106

alliance with Scotland, 121�122, 123 Wales and, 41

death of, 64, 203, 222 Henry VIII, King of England

seeking alliance with England, 155 Act in Restraint of Appeals, 106

son, Francis II betrothed to Mary Queen advisers, 69�70, 72�78

of Scots, 122 ageing and death of, 66�68, 99 340 The Tudors For Dummies

Henry VIII, King of England (continued) illegitimate son, Henry Fitzroy, 63, 87

ancestry, 10�12 image of power and greatness, 81�82

Anne Boleyn, wife of, 61�62, 66, 71, 77, Ireland and, 302

87�91 Jane Seymour, wife of, 62, 67, 92�93

Anne of Cleves, wife of, 62, 93�95 jousting accident, 90

appearance, 63, 81 as the Lord's anointed, 79

Arthur, brother of, 57 management style, 69�72

Assertion of the Seven Sacraments, 103 Martin Luther and, 102, 104

Bessie Blount, mistress of, 63, 86, 87 Mary Boleyn as mistress, 63, 87, 91

birth and childhood, 55�56 More and, 76, 80

birth of son, Edward, 67, 92 music and, 65

Bishop's Book rewritten by, 105 Oath of Supremacy, 89, 111, 217

breaking with Rome, 101, 106�108, opposition to, 78�80

299�300, 304, 314 Parliament and, 71, 299

building up the navy, 300 Pilgrimage of Grace, 66, 80

burial of, 118 popularity of, 57

castles of, 308 portrait by Hans Holbein, 81

Catherine Howard, wife of, 62, 95�97 Privy Chamber of, 15

Catherine of Aragon, wife of, 47, 58, 61, Reformation and, 82

70, 75, 79, 85�87, 106�107 Reginald Pole and, 80

Catherine Parr, wife of, 62, 68, 83, 98�99 religious beliefs/changes, 16, 102�106

centralising the government, 73�74 Royal Supremacy and, 71, 105�106

character of, 57, 70, 81�82 Scotland and, 71�72

Charles V and, 75 Six Articles, 79, 104

children of, 83 Supplication against the Ordinaries, 106

claiming the throne, 12 as supreme head of the Church, 108�109

coronation, 314 Thomas Cranmer and, 79

Cromwell and, 76�78 titles of, 56, 102

daughter, Mary I and, 87 visitations of, 105

dining habits, 67 Wolsey and, 72�75

dissolving the monasteries, 111�114 Henry VII's Chapel, Westminster Abby,

education of, 22, 50, 56�57 London, 311

English Bible promoted by, 104, 110 Herbal (Gerard), 328

excommunication by the pope, 88, 108 heresy

Field of the Cloth of Gold (summit burning heretics, 171, 172�176

conference), 59, 74 Cromwell accused of, 78

France and, 58�61 excommunication for, 103

Francis I and, 59�61 Holy Inquisition to stamp out, 170

"great matter" of, 61�62, 66, 71, 76�77 punishment for, 24, 78

Hampton Court and, 309�310 Hertford, Earl of (Edward Seymour),

health of, 67�68 118, 209. See also Somerset, Duke of

hobbies, 63�66 (Edward Seymour)

household expenditures, 114 History of King Richard III (More), 80

houses of, 82 History of the English (Vergil), 292, 293 Index 341 Holbein, Hans (portrait painter) knitting frame, 326

accuracy of his paintings, 84 lottery, 323�324

Anne of Cleves portrait, 47, 94 printing press, 21, 322�323

Edward VI portrait, 155 shorthand system, 325�326

paintings of Thomas More, 80 tomatoes, 327�328

portrait of Henry VIII, 27, 81 water closet, 327

at the Royal Court, 13 Ireland Holy Inquisition, 141, 170, 173 Battle of Yellow Ford, 273 Holy League, 58 Earl of Tyrone and, 272�273 homes, building, 21 Elizabeth I and, 220�221, 239�243 homilies (sermons), 135 England and, 10, 302 Hone, William (tutor of Henry VIII), 57 English plantations in, 42, 44, 176, 241 Hooper, John, Bishop of Gloucester, 142, Henry VII and, 41�45

144, 169, 173 Henry VIII and, 302 horse, master of, 204, 205 Irish emigration to Wales, 42 Horsey, Edward (captain of the Isle of kingdom of, establishing, 45

Wight), 213 lay of the land, 42, 44 House of Commons, 38, 217, 243, 244�245 Mary I and, 176�177 House of Lords, 38, 243 Nine Years War, 241 Household, royal, 13�14, 38, 114 rebellion in, 239�243, 276 Howard, Catherine, Queen of England, 62, religion in, 145

95�97 Royal Supremacy and, 145, 220 Howard, Lord Thomas (English admiral), Isabella of Castile, Queen of Spain, 46, 47

264�265 Isle of Wight, 307 Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, 161,

224, 228, 229, 235 humanist tradition, 298 �J� hunting, 64 James I, King of England (James VI of

Scotland) �I� beliefs in witchcraft, 249

birth of, 227 icons used in this book, 5�6 Cadiz and, 276 infant death rate, 86 dislike of tobacco, 302 inflation, 19 peace with Netherlands, 277 influenza, 22 succession to throne, 278�280 Ingworth, Richard (ex-Dominican monk), James IV, King of Scotland

113 death of, 71�72 Inns of Court, 22 Margaret Tudor, wife of, 45, 71 Inquisition, 141, 170, 173 support of Perkin Warbeck, 41, 45 inventions and discoveries jester/fool, 66

coffee, 328�329 Jesuits, 237

cookery book, 323 Joanna of Castile (Joanna the Mad), 47, 48

county maps, 324�325 Johnson, Ben (playwright), 24

first dry dock, Portsmouth, 321�322 jousting, 64, 90 342 The Tudors For Dummies

Julian calendar, 2 lords lieutenants, 15

Julius II, Pope, 85, 314 Lords of the Congregation of Jesus Christ,

Julius III, Pope, 58, 167, 171 223, 224

lottery, first in England, 323�324

�K� Louis XI, King of France, 32

Louis XII, King of France, 87

Kearney, John (Gaelic Alphabet and Lovell, John, 212

Catechism), 241 Low Countries (Netherlands)

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