The Training of Fallen Angels (7 page)

BOOK: The Training of Fallen Angels
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She wrapped her arms around his neck and returned his kiss with increasing passion. Her dress rode up so that he now caressed her naked bottom. She could feel his erection thickening promisingly. Their lips parted and she gazed into his eyes as though they were lovers. Something told her that they soon would be.

‘Welcome to the Manor,’ he said. ‘My name is Mike.’ He ran a fingertip between her buttocks and she pulled away sharply.

‘Please, I hardly know you,’ she chided. The grin on her face belied her pretence at coyness. He shrugged and walked away. Janet looked across at Lisa. Her friend was in the arms of a dark, muscular young man, their mouths locked together in a passionate embrace. It came as no surprise to Janet
see that Lisa had her hand down the front of his swimming costume. Her friend was not one to waste time.

Janet looked back for Mike. He was sitting on the edge of the pool and was chatting to a lovely young girl of apparent Asian descent. She had obviously just climbed out of the water. Her long, black hair was plastered to her head and her olive skin glistened wetly in the sunlight. Mike had his back to Janet, but she could see the girl’s arm moving steadily up and down in front of him. It was clear what she was doing, and Janet felt a pang of envy. Grantham Manor was decidedly not a place for inhibition or shyness.

Mr Gee walked over to her and rested his hand lightly on her shoulder Immediately, she felt a sensation like a surge of electricity run through her body. She turned her face towards his and looked into his eyes. She had never experienced such a powerful, sexual attraction for someone before, and she wanted him badly. She willed him to tear the dress from her body and throw her on the ground. She began to tremble; she couldn’t help herself.

He smiled benignly and let his hand slip from her. ‘We have these gatherings each week. They serve to ease tensions and help the staff to relax but, most of all, they prepare them for the tasks ahead. There is just one rule, and that is there are no rules. Eat, drink and indulge your every whim; no one will refuse you anything. See – your friend Lisa has got the general idea.’

Janet looked across at Lisa who was now happily sucking the firm erection presented to her by the young man who had welcomed her so passionately. Janet turned back to face her host with the intention of offering him similar delights, but he merely bowed
head politely and walked away. She watched wistfully as he disappeared through the hedge, then swung round with a new determination and faced the others.

Most were chatting casually and sipping on cool drinks. A couple of young men were enjoying Lisa’s display avidly, as though waiting their turn. Janet walked over to join Mike at the pool’s edge. He was kissing the Asian girl passionately. Janet could see that he had removed the top half of her bikini and his fingers were worming their way down the back of her trunks whilst she continued to rhythmically pump his erection.

Janet could see his cock now, long and incredibly thick – just what she needed. Without a word, she knelt at his side and slipped her own hand around the stiff flesh. She copied the young girl’s movements as they expertly massaged Mike’s bone-hard erection. The girl looked at her and smiled, then bent her head and took the bulbous head of Mike’s prick in her small mouth. He lay back on the marble tiles and cradled his head in his hands so that he could watch the two girls work their magic on him. Janet knelt on her hands and knees and rested her head on his thighs. Slowly, she licked his balls and traced their heavy shape within his hairy sac. She was conscious that in this position her pert little bottom would be completely visible to anybody who chose to look, and the knowledge excited her.

Both she and the other girl continued to pump the long, thick stem of Mike’s cock whilst Janet sucked his plum-sized testicles. She drew one, and then the other into her mouth and bit gently into the flesh. She heard him groan with pleasure. She released her grip of his cock and let his balls slip from her wet lips then drew her tongue upwards along the thick, gnarled
and over the gently rubbing fingers of the pretty young girl who immediately moved her head back so that she was licking just the tip of his erection. Janet joined her in lapping around the swollen knob. Their tongues touched and Janet moved forward until their lips met with Mike’s throbbing, wet flesh inside both of their mouths at the same time.

‘Oh, man, this is heaven,’ he groaned. The two girls began to rub the long stem again as they kissed each other passionately. Janet sensed that there was someone behind her, and she waited for the familiar touch of a tongue or cock to her wet pussy. None came. Unconcerned for the moment, she carried on sucking the end of Mike’s prick whilst kissing the beautiful, olive-skinned girl. She heard Mike groan again and his thighs stiffened. She rubbed him faster and faster until his thick shaft began to throb heavily and she tasted the saltiness of his cream. She pressed her lips harder against the other girl and they lapped hungrily as more and more of his release filled their mouths. It was like an elixir of lust to Janet. Finally, they allowed Mike’s cock to slip from their lips and kissed each other deeply as though oblivious to his presence. Their tongues circled each other as they lapped up the silky cream from their mouths and swallowed it heavily.

Janet heard another noise from behind her but there was still no touch to her aching sex. She stopped kissing the beautiful girl reluctantly and looked over her shoulder. One of the male servants was kneeling behind her, resplendent in his uniform of tight cycling shorts and black bow-tie, busily filming their activities with a video camera.

‘What the hell are you doing?’ she said, angrily as she swung round. The servant said nothing and aimed the lens directly between her legs. She pushed it away indignantly. The servant looked shocked.

‘Please, madam, we always do this. It’s for the guests.’

Janet stood up in a fury. She’d been filmed and photographed in compromising positions before, but never without her permission. She looked around for Lisa. She spotted her over by the hedge. She was now kneeling naked except for her stockings over the prone form of the dark-haired young man, sucking his stiff erection ravenously whilst he, in turn, was paying oral homage to her clitoris. Another man was kneeling behind her and thrusting a not-inconsiderable length in and out of her glistening pussy. Two servants were crouched by the happy trio carefully filming the scene from every conceivable angle.

Janet watched for a moment in astonishment. Lisa must have known they were there, and yet it didn’t seem to bother her. She looked back at the man who had been filming her. He stood sheepishly at the pool’s edge.

‘It’s all right,’ said the other girl as she stood next to Janet and slipped her arm around her waist. ‘Mr Gee always arranges this each week. We all sit with the guests on the first night and watch the finished video with them. It’s a wonderful ice-breaker!’

Janet felt more than a little stupid. This was the second time her inhibitions had let her down. What was the matter with her? She wasn’t even twenty, and yet she was beginning to act like a middle-aged woman. She grabbed the hem of her dress with both hands and wrenched the garment over her head in one, swift movement. ‘Right, let’s give them something to film. I’m going to make that camera melt!’

She knelt in front of the other girl and wrenched her bikini-pants down to her ankles, then buried her face in the hot wetness of her hairy mound. The girl gasped with delight at the suddenness of
pleasurable assault. The servant knelt close to them and pointed his camera to Janet’s face. She moved her head back and pushed out her tongue so that just the tip fluttered against the other girl’s pussy. She licked gently between the pouting lips and turned her face slightly to ensure that he got a clear picture of what she was doing.

Suddenly, being filmed like this became supremely exciting. The knowledge that complete strangers would view her enjoying sex began to thrill her intensely. She coaxed the young girl to lie on her back then turned her body and knelt over her so that she could continue to lick her pussy whilst enjoying the same delights herself. She saw the servant move behind her and heard his camera flick into action as her suppliant lover began to lick her hot sex-lips. She buried her face once more into the moist warmth between the young girl’s legs and lapped greedily at her delicious cunt. Another servant appeared and knelt in front of her to aim his camera at her face. She raised her head slightly and pushed her tongue out as far as it would go with the tip delving between the oily labia and stared straight at the lens. She held the pose for a moment, then dived her face down again like an animal devouring its prey and sucked the fleshy juiciness that she had come to love so much.

She sensed one or two fingers slipping inside her own pussy whilst the other girl continued to flutter her tongue against her hard little bud. Then, to her delight she felt the unmistakable pressure of a stiff cock pushing slowly into her hot sheath. She arched her back and looked over her shoulder. He was a stranger, handsome enough, and with a broad grin on his cheeky face. Another of the servants was lying behind him, apparently filming the view of the hard
impaling Janet from between the legs of her new lover.

Mike moved to kneel in front of Janet between the other girl’s legs. His cock was rigid again and his intentions were clear. Janet took hold of his thick shaft and put the purple-coloured head to her lips. She teased the end with the tip of her tongue then engulfed as much of him as she could inside her mouth. A servant shuffled to one side and filmed her as she moved her head backwards and forwards whilst cradling Mike’s balls in one hand and rapidly rubbing the girl’s soaked sex with the other. The other man was hammering into her now, and she quickly forgot the cameras.

She eased the thick cock from her mouth and aimed it deliberately at the young girl’s pussy. Mike slid into her without the slightest difficulty and Janet felt her tongue flicking with increased rapidity against her own clitoris. The sensation of being licked and fucked at the same time was one that she dearly loved and, for a few minutes, she surrendered herself to this delight. The man who was fucking her gripped her buttocks painfully and began to thrust wildly in and out of her soaking sheath until he uttered a long, low groan and pulled from inside her. Janet raised herself slightly and looked under her body to see that the young girl was sucking his throbbing cock voraciously, draining him of every drop of his cream. At the same time, Mike was pumping into her like a madman. Janet looked up at him and pointedly licked her lips. Mike got the message. Suddenly, he pulled his big cock from within the obscenely stretched sheath and gripped it by the root in front of Janet’s face. She grabbed hold of the thick shaft with both hands and clamped her lips over the throbbing flesh, just in time to feel his sperm jetting to the back of her throat.

She rubbed him furiously and sucked as though her life depended on it until, eventually, he began to soften and he pulled from her. She swallowed the warm mouthful of cream that he had given her, then clambered awkwardly from on top of the exhausted young girl.

They sat quietly for a while, Mike, Janet and their shared lover. Where the other man had gone was a mystery. Janet couldn’t even remember his face. They watched the Bacchanalia with more than passing interest as they recovered from their strenuous exercise. The party had by now developed into a full-scale orgy. Everywhere she looked Janet could see groups of young people engaged in every form of sexual variation imaginable.

She glanced around the melée of heaving nakedness and tried to see Lisa. She eventually spotted her walking arm in arm with her dark, handsome lover towards the house. The pair of them looked for all the world like a couple of love-struck newly-weds. Janet’s gaze fell to the man’s lower body, and her eyes feasted on the way his taut buttocks moved as he walked.

‘Looks like Paul’s made a hit with your friend,’ said Mike. Janet shrugged. Lisa wasn’t going to be allowed to keep that hunk to herself.

She pulled herself awkwardly to her feet after disentangling herself from the limbs of the other two. Carefully stepping over the myriad copulating couples, threesomes and even foursomes she eventually arrived at the house. She took a few moments to pull off her stockings and shoes then, satisfyingly naked, she followed the direction that her friend had taken into the relative coolness of the hallway.

She reached their room quickly and stood by the closed door, listening. The familiar sounds of Lisa’s
of pleasure came from inside. Janet opened the door quietly and peeked in. She was treated to the delightful view of Paul’s naked bottom thrusting heavily against the supine form of her friend as she lay in the centre of the huge bed. She crept quietly forward and knelt carefully on the edge of the divan behind them. She lowered herself so that she could see Paul’s thick cock plunging in and out of Lisa’s swollen pussy. Lisa herself was groaning quite loudly now, and was clearly getting very close to coming. Paul’s thrusts were long and deep. and each time he rammed his cock home his buttocks rippled enticingly.

Janet couldn’t resist any longer. She leant forward and ran her tongue wetly over one of the firm, muscular globes. Paul stopped pumping immediately and looked over his shoulder. Seeing Janet, he grinned broadly and then returned to his pleasurable task, but this time fucking Lisa with long, slow strokes so as not to dislodge Janet. She knelt closer and put her mouth against the top of the cleft between his buttocks. He slowed his movements almost to a stop and began to circle his hips slightly. Janet slid her tongue slowly down the cleft until the tip was just above his anus. She licked upwards again, then down. This time, she allowed the tip to flick against his tight little sphincter. He groaned loudly and Janet laughed coquettishly.

Lisa, suddenly realising that they were not alone, pulled herself quickly from under her lover and glared at Janet. ‘Janet,’ she said angrily, ‘we came here to get some privacy!’

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