The Training of Fallen Angels (6 page)

BOOK: The Training of Fallen Angels
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‘Welcome to Grantham Manor,’ their host said proudly as he took their bags. ‘I trust your journey was not too difficult?’

‘No, not at all,’ said Janet. ‘You have a lovely home.’

‘It has been in the family for many generations,’
Mr Gee as he led the way up the steps, ‘and it serves my purpose admirably.’ He guided them through a large, oak door and into the hallway. A giant staircase swept grandly ahead of them. It divided beneath a huge, stained-glass window before turning back in both directions to form two ornate galleries that met again above the front doorway. Janet looked upwards. Above her head was the largest and most splendid chandelier that she had ever seen. Its sheer size put even the displays in the presidential palace to shame. The crystals caught the multi-coloured shafts of light streaming in from the decorated window in the most magical way and cast beams around them like a laser light-show at a rock concert.

‘Wow,’ gasped Lisa, ‘that’s incredible!’

‘The maids will take you to your room,’ said Mr Gee. ‘Tell me, what do you have in your bags?’

‘Just clothes and toiletries,’ said Janet, surprised at the question. ‘Why?’

‘You will have no need of clothing. Everything is provided. Come, you will wish to bathe and freshen up. Be ready by five o’clock. The maids will bring you to the pool, where you will meet your new colleagues.’

Mr Gee turned and strode back out of the house before either of the girls had the chance to ask any more questions. The two maids picked up the bags and moved towards the stairway. Lisa and Janet walked after them slowly, still looking around in wonder at the sheer opulence of the place. They followed the maids up the long staircase. Lisa nudged Janet and grinned, nodding towards the maids. The young girls’ uniform skirts were cut remarkably short, the effect being to reveal two pert, naked bottoms.

‘I wonder if we’ll have to wear things like that?’ breathed Lisa excitedly.

‘I certainly hope so,’ answered Janet in a whisper.

They were led into a long, brightly lit hallway. On either side of them were doors to what must have been the bedrooms, each bearing an elegant, brass number. On the walls hung paintings, mostly Victorian in style and all of a highly explicit and erotic nature. One in particular caught Janet’s attention and she stopped to look at it in detail. The picture showed a young girl in the image of a garden-nymph who was squatting over the form of an elf-like creature with an enormous phallus partially embedded inside her ludicrously stretched pussy. Another elf was standing before her with his own, fine stalk in her mouth and a third knelt behind her, clearly about to force his equally superb erection into her bottom. ‘Now, that’s what I call art!’ she laughed.

Lisa and Janet walked slowly down the hallway and savoured each painting in turn. Finally, they reached a door that was being held open for them by one of the maids. They entered the bedroom and stood in wide-eyed amazement.

Everything in the room was white. The carpet, the walls, the furniture, even the curtains shimmered in the reflected sunlight. In the centre of the room was a huge, circular bed, above which, set in the ornately carved ceiling, was a giant mirror.

‘Do you like the room?’ It was the youngest of the two maids who spoke, a small, delicate girl in her late teens.

‘It’s beautiful,’ sighed Janet.

Lisa walked over to the far side of the room and through another door. ‘Hey, Janet, come and look at this!’

Janet followed her into what turned out to be the
. But this was no ordinary bathroom. The centrepiece was an enormous circular bath, already filled to the brim with hot, perfumed water. The taps and other fittings, and even the frames of the many mirrors fixed to the walls, were all made of gold. The sunlight that streamed in from the small window played against the billowing steam and reflected in the mirrors to create an enchanting, almost magical scene.

‘I’d love to fuck in this bath,’ said Lisa as she ran her hand enviously over its marble edge.

‘I have a feeling that we’ll both get the chance,’ grinned Janet.

She returned to the bedroom to find that the maids had left. Their bags had been placed on a small table. She unzipped hers and took out her toiletry bag, then returned to the bathroom. Lisa had stripped herself and was already wallowing in the soapy water.

‘Come on in, the water’s lovely,’ she said as she patted the surface playfully. Janet pulled off her top at the same time as kicking off her trainers then peeled off her tight jeans and slipped into the soothing warmth of the bath. Lisa moved to sit next to her and put her arm gently round her waist. They looked into each others’ eyes and knew what they both wanted. Their mouths met and their tongues entwined in a long, loving kiss. Janet ran her hand over Lisa’s breasts as they bobbed on the surface of the water then ran her fingertips down until she touched the creamy softness of her friend’s hairless pussy. She caressed the opening lips gently as she felt Lisa’s fingers slip between her legs and fondle her already fully aroused cunt.

Janet knew that she would come very quickly under Lisa’s expert touch. Their breathing became heavy as they held each other in a long, passionate
. Their fingers worked rapidly and their thighs jerked in happy response.

Suddenly, Lisa pulled her face away and threw her head back. Her expression became a grimace, as though she were in pain. Janet knew that look well. She rubbed her friend’s clitoris harder, making the water splash over the sides of the bath. Lisa held her arms in the air and clenched her fists. ‘Ow!’ she squealed, then gasped loudly as the orgasmic tremors overtook her. Janet pressed her four fingers deep inside the blonde’s pussy with her thumb crushed against her throbbing clitoris. Lisa continued to gasp in ecstasy as Janet turned and twisted her fingers inside her until she could take no more.

Janet eased from her and sat back. ‘Did you enjoy that?’ she asked, already knowing the answer.

Lisa breathed out loudly. ‘Wow, it gets better every time,’ she sighed, ‘but what about you?’

‘I’m OK,’ Janet lied.

‘No you’re not,’ said Lisa forcefully. ‘Come here and stand up!’

Janet moved across to her friend and stood up in the bath. The water came to just above her knees. Lisa leant forward and put her mouth to Janet’s hairy bush. Janet sighed happily as she sensed her friend’s tongue snaking around her aching sex-lips, and then closed her eyes in delight as Lisa began to flick her tongue rapidly over her erect bud.

‘Oh, God, you’re so good with your tongue,’ she moaned, moving her hips in a gentle, circular motion. Lisa’s response was to lick harder and faster. Janet was coming. She could feel the surge of pleasure building rapidly inside her and knew that there was no way of stopping it.

‘Yes, oh yes, I’m coming!’ she moaned. Lisa clamped her pouting lips tightly over Janet’s throbbing
and sucked hard, drawing the flesh into her mouth and delving deep inside her with her long tongue. The sharp sensations of ecstatic release tore at Janet’s loins. She gripped Lisa’s head tightly and pulled her hair as her legs shook with the force of her orgasm. She ground her pubic bone against Lisa’s face with considerable force but her friend didn’t let off her insistent tongue-fucking until, at last, the feelings began to subside, and Janet slipped slowly back into the water. The two girls sat quietly for a few moments, gazing at each other through glazed eyes. There was nothing to be said.

‘God, Janet, look at these!’ The girls were spending their time rummaging through the many drawers and the huge wardrobe. Each item of clothing was more exotic or erotic than the last. The items ranged from skimpy outfits made of the most delicate, transparent lace to heavy, leather apparel adorned with clips and chains. They had tried on one after the other and could safely say that there had not been a single garment that they could have worn in public without causing a riot.

This time, Janet had slipped on a white lace catsuit which, whilst it covered her body from her neck to her feet, nevertheless hid nothing. She turned to look at Lisa, who was holding what looked like a very large pair of panties.

‘Knickers?’ she queried. ‘They look a bit big.’

‘No, look.’ Lisa held the black garment towards her and pulled the waistband open. Janet looked inside. There were two, firm protuberances, each about six inches long and conveniently placed so that their purpose was clear. ‘One in the front, and one in the back,’ said Lisa with a giggle.

‘God, that’d be weird,’ laughed Janet. Nevertheless, she examined the rubber panties closely.

‘And I found this as well,’ continued Lisa. This time she held an implement which was more than familiar to both girls. It was a black dildo, about a foot long and as thick as a man’s wrist. It was made out of soft, firm leather with straps attached to the base and was perfectly formed in the shape of an erect penis. Carefully detailed, the phallus was complete with veins and ridges, the detail even extending to a delightfully realistic scrotum.

‘I think that this will become a very good friend to both of us,’ said Janet coquettishly as she ran her hand over the stiff shaft. She found the idea of strapping on the dildo and impaling Lisa’s delightful pussy with its full length most appetising.

There was a knock at the door. ‘Come in!’ called Lisa. The door opened and a tall man entered, carrying some items of clothing. He was a hugely muscular figure who, from the sharp definition of his superb physique, quite clearly worked out regularly. He was wearing nothing but a black pair of skin-tight cycling shorts and a bow tie around his neck. Janet put her hand over her mouth to suppress a laugh. Lisa wasn’t so polite.

‘Are you the butler?’ she asked before bursting into laughter. The man smiled and waited for her to compose herself. ‘I’m sorry,’ she said eventually. ‘It’s the bow tie, it looks so funny.’

‘All the staff here are required to wear as little as possible whilst making it clear to guests what their roles are. I am, as you surmised, the butler.’ He spoke with an eloquence that seemed at odds with his appearance. He stood solidly in the centre of the room, and apparently seemed oblivious to the fact that Lisa was naked and Janet might just as well have been. Nor did he seem to notice the big, black phallus that she was holding. No doubt he was well used to seeing such sights here at Grantham Manor.

The butler laid the clothing in two separate piles on the bed. ‘You are to wear these,’ he said in a tone that demanded obedience. ‘Please dress quickly and then ring for the maid. The buzzer is by the side of the bed. She will escort you to the pool where the others are gathered.’ With that, he bowed and left the room.

‘What a beautiful bottom,’ said Lisa wistfully as she watched him leave.

‘Never mind that,’ snapped Janet. ‘Come on, let’s see what we’ve got here!’ She held up one of the garments. It was a short, white dress made from an elasticated type of material. With it was a pair of white hold-up stockings and a pair of matching, thick-heeled shoes. She looked inside one of the shoes. ‘These are my size,’ she said, ‘so this must be my pile.’ She looked at the other garments. The dress was identical in style, but in black, as were the stockings and shoes. She looked inside one of the black shoes. ‘Yes, these are your size, though God knows how they knew.’

‘Nothing surprises me about this place,’ said Lisa. She stepped into the black dress and pulled it up over her nakedness. The silky material moulded itself around her sumptuous body and highlighted every sensuous curve. The hem was less than an inch below her crotch. She turned to face Janet.

‘Can you see anything?’ she asked as she smoothed the dress over her curves.

‘No, you’re OK. You’ll have to be careful when you sit down, though.’

Lisa rolled on one of the stockings, then the other and finally stepped into the shoes. There was a gap of about three inches between the hem of her dress and the lacy tops of her stockings. She looked into a mirror and smiled appreciatively. ‘Neat outfit,’ she said. ‘Very sixties.’

Janet had donned her dress and was just finishing putting on her shoes. She stood next to Lisa. In her reflection, Janet could see that her white dress was subtly translucent; everything could be seen within a teasing shadow. She stood sideways. The pert curve of her bottom looked very inviting, just as she’d hoped. She turned her back and looked over her shoulder at the mirror. Her buttocks were clearly outlined in the clinging material. ‘Very sexy,’ she said, ‘and so simple.’

Lisa reached over to the side of the bed and pressed the buzzer by the phone. ‘Well, it’s about time we met the others,’ she said.

The maid appeared within moments. ‘We’re ready,’ said Lisa.

‘You look lovely, madam,’ said the servant. ‘You both look beautiful. Come, I will take you to the pool.’

They followed the young girl through the house, down a rear stairway and out into the garden. Although it was getting late it was still exceptionally warm and the air was scented with the delicate perfumes of an English summer’s day. They could hear the sound of voices coming from behind a large hedge. The maid led them through a small gap in the greenery and they found themselves standing close to a large swimming pool. On the far side was a group of about thirty young people, happily drinking and chatting like old friends. Mr Gee stood at the centre, as if holding court. He noticed the girls almost immediately and beckoned for them to join him.

Lisa and Janet walked quickly round the edge of the pool towards the group. The others greeted them with smiles and nods, the men leering appreciatively at them despite the fact that all the women wore similarly revealing clothing.

‘Welcome again, ladies,’ said Mr Gee, warmly. He raised his hand to call the group to order. The silence was immediate. ‘My friends, may I introduce Janet and Lisa Angel. Please make them feel welcome in the time-honoured tradition of Grantham Manor.’

Lisa looked across at Janet quizzically. Her friend merely shrugged. A tall young man wearing nothing but a very brief pair of swimming trunks stepped forward. He was in his early twenties with short, blond hair and handsome, tanned features. He smiled and slipped his arms around Janet’s waist and pressed his body against hers. She could feel the hard bulge of his sex pressing against her stomach. She shivered with excited anticipation and looked up into his soft, blue eyes. Their mouths met and his tongue snaked sensuously between her lips. Janet pushed her lower body firmly against his and moved her hips slightly from side to side as she felt his strong hands grip her buttocks. His fingertips touched the bare flesh below the hem of her dress.

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