The Training of Fallen Angels (2 page)

BOOK: The Training of Fallen Angels
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She set the album on the coffee table and slipped out of her robe. Walking into the bathroom, she took a huge, white towel from the rail and turned on the shower. She glanced at the large mirror on the wall next to the bath. Even now, Lisa never tired of looking at the image of her new self. Her long, blonde hair cascaded over her slim shoulders and framed her
features to accentuate the beauty of her large, blue eyes, her flawless complexion and her thickly pouting lips. She looked down at the reflection of her body in the slowly steaming glass. Her massive breasts jutted forward firmly, defying gravity. The long nipples pointed upwards slightly so that they seemed to be demanding attention. Lisa ran the palms of her hands over the soft mounds and teased her nipples to erection by pinching them between her fingers. She licked her lips, then raised her breasts a little by cupping the huge mounds with her hands. She bent her head forward and licked each nipple in turn then sucked one and then the other. She rasped her front teeth against one of the hard buds as she sucked herself. The sensation made her shiver with pleasure.

Lisa moved her hands from her breasts and smoothed her palms over her narrow waist. She pushed her chest out and stood sideways to look at herself again in the mirror. Perhaps her breasts were too large for her otherwise slim body, but she’d always dreamt of having the kind of figure that made men’s legs turn to water, and she was proud of it.

Lisa turned back to face the mirror full on and slipped a hand between her thighs to cup the softness of her shaven pussy. She felt wet, but then she nearly always was, and her strange dream hadn’t helped. Lisa badly needed to come.

She stepped into the shower and began to soap herself liberally. Inevitably, her hands moved to caress her aching sex-lips. She slipped the fingers of one hand inside herself and steadily moved them in and out whilst once more gently coaxing her little bud to erection with her thumb. The water cascaded over her lush body and formed soapy rivulets which slipped sensuously down her long legs, like the erotic release of a hundred lovers.

She twisted her hand inside her hot, silky sheath
pressed her palm hard against her throbbing clitoris. She closed her eyes and rotated her hips as she moved forward slightly so that the water slipped sensuously between her pert buttocks.

Lisa began to shake, and realised that she was actually trembling with lust. She removed her fingers from her delightful warmth and steadied herself by resting her hand against the tiled wall of the shower. Her heart was pounding and her knees felt as if they might give way at any moment.

This was getting ridiculous. Lisa turned off the shower and stepped out on to the softness of the thick bathmat and grabbed her towel angrily. Her pussy throbbed involuntarily. She resisted the temptation to fondle her aching flesh again and instead began to rub her body vigorously with the towel. Three days without sex and she was a quivering wreck!

The doorbell rang again. ‘Shit,’ she muttered to herself. ‘Now what?’ She wrapped her nakedness in the towel as best she could and walked back into the sitting room. Fixing the security chain into its clasp she opened the door a couple of inches. The postman’s handsome face smiled back at her.

‘Yes?’ she said, barely concealing her annoyance at being disturbed again.

The man was clearly put off by her sharpness of tone. ‘I, I’m sorry,’ he began, then paused as if trying to think of something to say.

‘What do you want?’

‘I forgot to get you to sign, you know, for the package.’ His gaze travelled up and down her body quickly. ‘I’ll … I’ll come back later, if you like.’

‘I’ve already signed,’ replied Lisa abruptly.

‘Yes, I know, but I made a mistake. I got you to sign in the wrong place. It’s OK. I’ll come back when you’re dressed.’

Lisa didn’t believe his reason for returning for a moment but, she thought, what the hell, she needed some company to coax her out of this ludicrous depression. She pushed the door closed, removed the chain and opened it wide. ‘You’d better come in,’ she said, stepping back.

‘Are you sure?’ he said, nevertheless moving quickly into the room.

‘Come on,’ said Lisa, feigning exasperation. ‘It’s no problem.’

Her visitor slipped the postbag from his shoulders and dropped it to the floor before sitting down on the sofa. Lisa stood for a moment and regarded the intruder curiously. He was young, and certainly very good looking. He was dressed in regulation summer uniform of a blue shirt and dark shorts, the latter revealing muscular, tanned legs. The shorts seemed unnecessarily tight, and there was a promising bulge at the crotch.

‘D’you want a coffee?’ she asked, quietly.

‘That’d be great, yeah,’ he replied as he settled back on the seat and crossed his legs.

‘I’ll just go and dry my hair, then I’ll make you one.’ She moved into the bedroom and closed the door. What am I doing? she thought to herself. The postman? Has it come to this? She sat down heavily on the edge of the bed and took up the hairdryer and a brush. The rush of hot air played through her long, golden tresses as she stared into the dressing-table mirror. ‘He may only be a postman,’ her reflection seemed to be saying, ‘but he
pretty gorgeous!’

Lisa quickly finished drying her hair and let the towel slip to the floor. She looked round the room for something suitable to wear. Janet’s little dressing-gown would still be lying on the floor in the bathroom where she’d left it. She opened the wardrobe
grabbed the first thing that came to hand. It was a long, white shirt that had actually belonged to Phil. She pulled it on and quickly fastened the buttons, leaving only the top one undone, then stood before the mirror.

The shirt came down to a couple of inches above her knees. It was too large for her, of course, except across the chest, and her mountainous globes and erect nipples were clearly defined through the thin cotton. She undid two more buttons to ease the tightness of the material. Her breasts pushed the shirt apart to reveal a deep, tanned cleavage. She smiled proudly to herself and opened the door to the sitting room.

She gasped suddenly. Her visitor was sitting as before on the sofa, but now he was carefully studying the precious photographs in her album. She moved over to him quickly before he could close the book. To her relief she saw that he was looking at some of her older snaps, the ones that had been taken before her metamorphosis. He looked up at her and smiled, glancing appreciatively at her mode of dress.

‘Who’s this?’ he asked, as he pointed to a photograph of her as she had once been.

‘Just a friend,’ she lied. She took the album from him and pushed it under some magazines that lay on one of the other chairs. In doing so, she bent forward with the expressed intention of giving him a fleeting glimpse of her naked bottom. She turned quickly. He was certainly looking in the right direction. He looked up and smiled innocently.

‘Coffee?’ he reminded her.

‘Oh, yes. How d’you like it?’

‘Black, please, no sugar.’

Lisa hurried into the kitchen and switched the kettle on. She glanced back nervously into the sitting
a couple of times as she prepared the coffee. The album remained under the magazines. She wondered for a moment if she would have minded that much if he had looked at the more explicit photographs of her and Janet. But no; the sight of Phil’s impressive equipment might have put him off completely.

She carried the two, steaming mugs back into the sitting room and set them on the table before sitting opposite her visitor. She leant forward and picked up her drink, taking her time to ensure that he was able to have a good look down her cleavage. Then she leant back and pushed out her chest blatantly. He licked his lips nervously and reached for his mug. His hand was shaking. Some of the hot liquid spilled over the side and over his fingers. He set the mug down again quickly.

‘Careful, you’ll burn yourself!’ Lisa put her own drink down and moved to kneel at his side on the floor. She took his hand in hers and put his fingers to her lips. She looked up at his handsome face as she delicately licked the coffee from his skin. His expression had suddenly become serious and questioning.

‘Oh, sorry,’ she said as she dropped his hand self-consciously.

‘It’s all right. It was nice.’

‘I’m sure it was,’ she said, standing and moving rapidly to the kitchen to find a cloth, ‘but I don’t even know your name and here I am, licking your fingers!’

She returned with the cloth and wiped the spill from the surface of the table. Her breasts swung heavily inside the loose shirt as she laboured. She was fully aware of the effect she was likely to be having on her handsome guest and made much of the task. She looked up at him and smiled sweetly. He gulped hard. ‘What is your name, then?’ she purred.

‘It’s Pete,’ he said, ‘just plain Pete.’

‘Pete’s a nice name,’ Lisa said, for want of anything better to say.

‘What’s yours?’ he continued.

‘Lisa, Lisa Angel.’

‘Lisa Angel? Are you and the other girl sisters, then?’

‘No, we just liked the name and decided to adopt it.’ She took the cloth back into the kitchen and threw it into the sink, then returned to sit next to Pete on the sofa. There was some truth in what she’d said. During the short time when they had been part of the group the old man called his ‘fallen angels’ life had been incredibly exciting and the name had stuck. It seemed eminently suitable, in a strange, contradictory way. She and Janet were anything but angels.

‘Nice name,’ he said, unconvincingly.

‘I like it.’ The conversation was going nowhere, and Lisa knew it. She leant forward and took another sip of her hot coffee. She felt the shirt fall forward under the weight of her breasts. She knew that he would be able to see most of one of her luscious mounds, and maybe even catch a glimpse of one of her erect nipples. He’d already had a brief eyeful that morning when he’d delivered Janet’s package, but this was different, more intimate somehow. She glanced down at his groin. The bulge in his shorts was definitely getting more pronounced. She felt a familiar tingle of anticipation between her legs.

Lisa put the mug down on the table and sat back, crossing her legs and moving herself closer to him. He smiled nervously and looked down at the newly exposed length of her thigh which was almost touching his own bare leg.

‘That’s a great outfit you’re wearing,’ he said, hoarsely.

‘It’s only a shirt.’

‘It’s nice. You’ve got a great body.’

‘Thanks.’ She ran her fingertips along the inside of his thigh. ‘You’ve got great legs,’ she cooed.

Pete coughed and stood up quickly. ‘I’d better get you to sign my paper,’ he said. His voice was shaking and his hands were trembling as he fumbled in his sack. Lisa smiled to herself. It was a nice feeling to be the seductress for once. Usually she would be lying on her back whilst her lover of the moment ripped her knickers off (if she were wearing any) and took her as he pleased. This time it was she who was making all the moves, and it excited her. As he tried clumsily to find whatever he was searching for she took the opportunity to undo another button on the shirt.

Pete handed her his pad and a pencil. She rested the pad on her knees and leant forward to sign her name in exactly the same place as before. Her breasts fell forward and became fully exposed. ‘Oh, sorry,’ she said, as she sat back and made much of drawing the flimsy material over herself but not attempting to refasten the button. ‘This shirt belongs to a friend, and it’s a bit too big for me.’ She pressed the pencil intentionally hard against the pad and the lead snapped. ‘Oh, now I’ve broken your pencil.’

‘It’s OK, it doesn’t matter.’ He made to take the pad from her, but she pulled away and rose from the sofa before turning her back on him and walking over to the cabinet.

‘I think I’ve got one in here,’ she said. She bent forward whilst keeping her legs straight and slightly apart and began to rummage in the lowest drawer. She knew that he would be able to see most of her bottom now, and that the shirt would have ridden up sufficiently for him to view the full perfection of her naked charms. The knowledge that this stranger was
at her naked backside thrilled her. She bent lower, still keeping her long legs straight. Now he’d be able to see her pussy. She wondered if it would be obvious to him that she was soaking wet.

‘Oh, look, it really doesn’t matter,’ he suddenly blurted out. ‘I don’t need you to sign it again, I only wanted to, to …’

Lisa stood up slowly and turned to him. She regarded her nervous visitor coquettishly. ‘To what?’ she teased.

‘To ask you out. I, I’m sorry. Look, I’d better go.’ He jumped up and grabbed his sack in near panic then turned to make for the door.

‘Pete,’ Lisa said, firmly, ‘if you wanted to ask me out, why are you running off like this?’

He stopped in his tracks and looked at her, a long, wistful gaze. ‘It’s just that you’re so beautiful. I can’t imagine you being interested.’

She walked over to him and rested her hand on his arm. ‘I
interested, Pete. Can’t you tell?’ she breathed.

‘I, I don’t know, I wasn’t sure,’ he stuttered. The poor man was shaking like a leaf.

‘You’re not very experienced with girls, are you?’ Lisa chided. He said nothing, and let his gaze fall to the floor. Lisa stood back and unfastened the remaining buttons on the shirt, then let it fall from her shoulders so that she was completely naked. ‘Pete, look at me,’ she whispered. The young man looked up and his eyes widened dramatically.

!’ he sighed. Lisa moved towards him and put her hands on to his slim shoulders. Her nipples brushed against the roughness of his shirt. She tilted her head slightly to one side and gazed into his eyes.

‘Kiss me, Pete,’ she breathed. She closed her eyes
felt his hands slip around her narrow waist. Their lips met, hers wet and pouting, his dry and pursed. Lisa parted his lips with her tongue and snaked it between his teeth to force his mouth open as she pressed her lower body against his. She could feel the bulge of his crotch crushed against her groin. He was hard, that was certain, and she wanted him badly.

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