The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy (135 page)

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Authors: Irvin D. Yalom,Molyn Leszcz

Tags: #Psychology, #General, #Psychotherapy, #Group

BOOK: The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy
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End-of-meeting reviews: for inpatient groups; phases of; research on


Entire group as dyad

Entrapment: by group members; of therapists

Environmental stress

Envy; in combined therapy; as fuel for conflict; termination and

Escape from Freedom

Espirt de corps: group cohesiveness and; low

Ethics Guidelines of the American Psychological Association

European philosophic tradition

Every Day Gets a Little Closer

Exclusion criteria for client selection

Existential factors; alcohol treatment groups and; in day hospital groups; inpatient groups and; in medical illness groups; in prison groups; in psychiatric hospital groups

Existential force

Existential Psychotherapy

Existential shock therapy

Existential therapy

Existential-humanistic approach

Experiential groups; process exploration and; research on

Experiential learning

Explanation: change and; originology
; personal mastery and; types of

Explanatory scheme

Explicit instruction

Explicit memory

Expression of strong dislike/anger

External stress

Extragroup behavior

Extragroup contact; therapist discussion/analysis of

Extragroup relationships: as part of therapy; problems with

Extragroup therapeutic factors

Extragroups; informing group members of; medical illness groups and; silence about; as undermining therapist.
See also


Extreme experience; cancer groups and; generated by therapists

Extrinsic anxiety

Extrinsic limiting factors

Extrinsic problems

Factor analysis

Fair Employment Practices Act

Faith: in treatment mode

Faith healing

The Fall

False connections

Family reenactment; dreams and; incest survivor groups and; sex offender groups and

Favorite child

Fear: of group therapy; of isolation; of loneliness; of psychotic clients; of retaliation; of revealing secrets

Feedback; for borderline clients; conflict and; monopolists; principles for receiving; reinforcing effective; T-groups and; timing of

Fellow sufferers

Ferenczi, Sandor

Fitzgerald, F. Scott

Focused feedback

Focusing on positive interaction

Fonagy, P.

Forgetfulness of being

Formulation of goals

Foulkes, S.


Frank, Jerome

Frankl, Victor


“Freezing the frame,”

Freud, S.

Freudian clinicians

Freudian psychology

Fromm, E.

Fromm-Reichman, Frieda

Future determinism

The Future of an Illusion

Galilean concept of causality

Gamblers Anonymous

Gay Alcoholics

Genetic insight


Geriatric groups; therapeutic factors and

Gestalt therapy

The Gift of Therapy

Global accusations

Global group characteristics

Global historical survey

Go-Go Stroke Club


Group behavior: of dropouts; extragroup; operant techniques in; prediction of; pretherapy; pretherapy encounter and

Group boundaries

Group climate

Group cohesiveness; attendance influenced by; attendance/participation and; attributes of; condition of; consequences of; contributions to; development of; early stages of; effects of; espirt de corps and; expression of hostility and; impact of; importance of; intense emotional experiences and; as mediator for change; monopolists’ influence on; not synonymous with comfort/ease; precondition for; research on; self-disclosure essential to; self-esteem influenced by; sexual love relationship and; subgrouping and; therapist-client relationship and; therapy-relevant variables and; wish to be favored and

Group cohesiveness precondition: precondition for therapeutic factors

Group communication

Group conflict; change and

Group culture: designed by therapist; techniques for shaping

Group current

Group demoralization

Group development: antigroup forces; chance and; clients’ impact on; clinical application of theory; conflict in; as epigenetic; first group meeting and; formative stages of; hostility as part of; initial stage of; membership problems in; overview of; problems in; regression and; research on; second stage of; “storming” stage of; third stage of

Group developmental theory

Group deviancy; research on

Group deviant: definition of; development of; group members
; group support and; schizophrenics as; screening for

Group dynamics; research in

Group engagement; resisting

Group environment

Group evaluation: individual’s self-evaluation
See also
public esteem

Group experience; delayed benefit of

Group experience for trainees; leaders for; leadership technique in; length of; resistance to; training group
therapy group in; voluntary; warnings about

Group flight; intervention against; tardiness/absence as

Group fragmentation

Group Helpful Impacts Scale

Group history

Group identity

Group integration/mutuality

Group integrity

Group interaction; maladaptive transaction cycle in

Group interpersonal therapy (IPT-G); binge eating disorders and; compared to individual interpersonal therapy

Group interventions: timing of

Group isolate

Group meetings; with absent members; anxiety in; canceling of; duration/frequency of; first meeting; leaderless; protocol of for inpatient groups; symptom description in

Group members; absent; acceptance and; “acting out” by; in advanced group; as agents of help; ambivalence towards new; attrition of; autonomy of; behavior of; with cross-cultural issues; detachment of; disturbed interpersonal skills of; dominance by; environment of; as generators of cohesion; gift giving by; giving/seeking advice; group environment and; group therapy guidelines for; hierarchy of dominance among; higher functioning; hostile; ideal members (plants) among; importance of group to; influence of; inner worlds of; interpersonal pathology displayed by; limits of intimacy learned by; long-term engagement of; lower functioning; maladaptive interpersonal patterns of; “mascot” among; membership problems; from minority backgrounds; morale of old/new; neophyte; number of new to add; personal needs of; personal responsibility among; problem; removal of; response to observation; responsibility of; responsible for group; satisfaction of; self-ratings by; senior; signs of schism among; tasks of, in new groups; therapeutic considerations for departing; therapeutic process enhanced by; therapist attacks by; unrealistic view of therapist by; welcome/support towards new

Group membership: price of; pride in; rewards of

Group name
work of therapy

Group norms

Group orientation

Group popularity; adaptive social skills augmented by; advantages of; prerequisites for; self-esteem augmented by; variables for

Group pressure

Group process: in specialized groups

Group properties

Group role

Group size

Group spirit

Group status

Group summary

Group support; group deviant and

Group survival

Group task; satisfaction with

Group termination; decreasing early; external stress and; reasons for early

Group themes

Group therapy: accent in; adapting CBT to; adapting IPT to; ancestral; balance as critical problem of; based on therapist/client alliance; as bridge building; as cheap therapy; “curative” factor in; demystification of; development of; effectiveness of; evolution of; expected behavior in; goals of; guidelines for group members; history of; honesty as core of; individual therapy augmented by; individual therapy combining with; individual therapy
; length of; as life dress rehearsal; misconceptions about; as multidimensional laboratory; for normals; “one-size-fits-all” approach to; potency of; preparation for; pretherapy expectations of; public beliefs about; recommendations for; research on effectiveness; sequence for; stimulus and; termination phase of; twelve-step groups combining with

Group therapy record keeping

Group therapy training; components of; group experience for trainees during; how to do
how to learn in; as lifelong process; observation of experienced clinicians during; outcome assessment and; overview of; personal psychotherapy in; sequence in; standards for; supervised clinical experience in; videotaping of groups in

Group work; dreams and; dynamics in

Group-as-a-whole; antitherapeutic group norms and; anxiety-laden issues and; interpretation; rationale of


Group-relevant behavior: direct sampling of


Grunebaum, H.

Guidance; limits to

Guided-fantasy exercise

Hamburg, D.

Heidegger, M.

Helmholtz school ideology

Help-rejecting complainers (HRC); description of; distrust of authority by; dynamics of; influence on therapy group; management guidelines for

Here-and-now focus; in AA; activating phase of; as ahistorical approach; ahistorical value of; of brief group therapy; in cancer groups; in cognitive-behavior groups; components of; content and; experience
process illumination in; experiencing of; of group therapy; group therapy’s success in; groups for; illumination of process; illustration of; importance of; in inpatient groups; process and; process illumination phase; in psychoeducation; research on; resistance in; self-disclosure in; sexual relationships in groups and; shifting to; steps of; subgrouping and; symbiotic tiers of; techniques of activation; therapeutic effectiveness influenced by; therapist disclosure and; therapist’s role in; therapists’ tasks in; of therapy groups; thinking; value to conjoint therapy

Here-and-now groups

Herpes groups

Hesitant participation

Hesse, Herman

Heterogeneity; for conflict areas; of pathology

Heterogeneous groups; borderline clients and; homogeneous groups
; long-term intensive interactional group therapy and

Heterogeneous mode of composition

Hierarchical pyramid

High turnover


HIV/AIDS groups; emotional expression and; moving to leaderless format; social connection affected by; therapeutic factors and

Holocaust survivors

Homogeneity; ego strength and

Homogeneous groups; advantages of; group leaders and; heterogeneous groups
; members of; research on; superficiality in

Homogeneous mode of composition


Horizontal disclosure,

Horney, Karen

Hospital discharge/transition groups: direct advice used by

Hostility: group cohesiveness and; group development and; group fragmentation caused by; intergroup; management of; new group members and; off-target; parataxic distortions and; sources of; subgrouping and; towards therapists; transference and

“Hot processing,”

Hot-seat technique

Help-rejecting complainers

Human experience

Human potential groups

Human relations groups

Human stress response

Humanistic force.
Existential force

Husserl, Edmund

Ibsen, Henrik

See International Classification of Disease

The Iceman Commeth

Ideal group

See also
Imitative behavior

Illumination of process

Imitative behavior; adaptive spiral and; research on; therapeutic impact of; therapists and; in therapy group(s); as transitional therapeutic factor

Implicit memory

Incest, self-disclosure of

Incest survivor groups; family reenactment and; written summaries and

Inclusion criteria for client selection

Increased engagement: setting norms for

Increased therapist transparency

Individual therapy; augmented by group therapy; beginning for combined therapy; borderline clients and; for boring clients; clients recommended for group; client/therapist discrepancies in; combining with group therapy; conflict in; corrective emotional experience; “curative” factor in; “does-effect” of; effectiveness of; good rapport’s influence on; group therapy
; preferences for; recruitment for; research on effectiveness; termination from; therapist disclosure in; therapist-client relationship in; universality’s role in

Inference, degrees of

Information: decreasing anxiety; imparting of

Informed consent; preparation for group therapy and

Inner experience

Inpatient groups; agenda filling in; client turnover; common themes in; conflict in; decreasing isolation in; disadvantages of structure in; end of meeting review for; existential factors and; goals for; here-and-now focus in; instillation of hope and; personal agenda setting in; session protocol for; spatial/temporal boundaries for; therapeutic factors selected by; therapist role in; therapist style in; therapist time in; ward problems and.
See also
Acute inpatient therapy groups

Insight; evaluating; genetic; levels of; motivational

Insight groups

Instillation of hope

Intensive retreats

Interactional group therapy; structured exercises in; therapist-client relationship in

Internal working model

International Classification of Disease

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