Read The Teflon Queen Online

Authors: Silk White

Tags: #General Fiction

The Teflon Queen (8 page)

BOOK: The Teflon Queen
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Capo chuckled as he glanced over at Moose. The look on his face said that he wasn’t impressed and neither was Capo. “We gon bump into each other soon” Capo said making the Benz come to a stop. He planned on making an example out of the man the streets called Crazy Moe. Capo was the only name the streets needed to be talking about and he planned to make sure the streets knew exactly who the Capo was.


If we ain’t out in ten you know what to do” Capo said to Kim as he and Moose headed towards the nice looking house.


Ya’ll niggaz hurry up” Kim said as she pulled her 9mm from out of her purse and hopped out the back seat and got behind the wheel.


Inside the house Capo and Moose trashed the place until Moose found a duffle bag hiding in the stove. “Jackpot” He yelled as he smiled when he felt how heavy the duffle bag was.


What’s in that bitch?” Capo asked sticking his gun back in his waistband. Moose opened up the bag and found that it was filled with money and guns. “Guess they won’t need this anymore” Moose said as he and Capo walked right back out the front door like they owned the place. Once they were inside the car Kim quickly pulled off.




Angela strolled down the street looking for the perfect vehicle for her next mission. A blonde wig and dark shades hide her identity. She walked up on a 1999 Ford Explorer and a smirk danced on her lips. Angela quickly elbowed the glass, shattering it into pieces as she stuck her arm inside and let herself in. Once inside Angela jammed a pocket knife in the ignition and made the truck come to life, as she pulled off to go handle her business. Angela drove in complete silence as she thought about the best way to take out her target. As she continued to drive she began to think about James. “I wonder what he’s doing right now.” She thought out loud as she pulled his card from out of her pocket and dialed his number. On the fifth ring he finally answered.




”Can I speak to James please?” Angela asked politely, in her school girl voice.


”Who is this?” James asked not recognizing the out of town number.


”Angie” Angela replied. “Damn how many women you got calling you?”


”Stop it” James laughed. “It’s about time you called. I thought you had forgotten about me for a second.”


”Had to let you sweat it out for minute” Angela chuckled. She loved how smooth and calm James voice sounded over the phone. “Is this supposed to be your sexy voice?”


”There you go” James laughed. “What you getting into tonight?”


”Nothing much” Angela replied. “Just have to take care of some business real quick I should be done in about thirty minutes. What you got planned for the night?”


”Getting dressed about to go to the club” James told her.


”Oh so I see you are a real party animal” Angela said half jokingly as she pulled up three blocks away from Sammy’s house.


”Work related” James replied. “I should be done around 3am if that’s not too late I would like to see you.”


”What we going to do at three o’clock in the morning?” Angela asked as she climbed into the back seat and removed her Barrett M107 .50 caliber sniper rifle.


”Maybe I can cook for you” James suggested. “What you like to eat?”


”Surprise me” Angela said loading a round into the chamber.

So it’s a date?”


”Yeah text me your address and I’ll be there around 3:30” Angela said ending the call. Once she hung up the phone she focused on Sammy’s house. As Angela waited for Sammy to show his face she thought about going to see James later on that night. She hadn’t been with a man in so long due to how she made her money Angela felt butterflies in her stomach. Angela laughed as she felt herself feeling like she was in high school again. After sitting in the back seat for four and a half hours Sammy finally stepped out his house surrounded by plenty of security. “About time” Angela whispered as she aimed her rifle at Sammy. Once Sammy’s head was in the middle of the crosshair Angela pulled the trigger shooting through the back window of the Explorer. Sammy and his crew headed towards the vehicle that waited curb side until Sammy’s body just dropped out of the blue. Immediately Sammy’s security drew their weapons and scrambled to find out where the shot came from. Once Angela saw Sammy’s body dropped, she broke down her rifle and hopped back behind the wheel and peeled off undetected.




Capo took a swig from his bottle of Rozay as he sat back in the booth at his own lounge. He watched as everyone in the lounge enjoyed themselves and partied like it wasn’t no tomorrow.


”You a’ight?” Bone asked as he took a seat next to Capo. He knew something was wrong with him because the place was full of beautiful women and Capo was just sitting over in the corner all by himself.


”Nothing I’m just chilling” Capo said forcing a smile on his face.

What’s on your mind fam?” Bone pressed. Before Capo could even respond two white detectives entered his booth and help themselves to a seat.


”What’s up Capo?” The taller detective said, calling Capo by his street name just to mess with him.


”Fuck ya’ll want?” Capo asked in an uninterested tone. “Ya’ll ain’t got nothing else better to do?”


”Your name was brought up in a shooting that went down earlier today.” The shorter detective said speaking for the first time. “Care to tell us about that?”


”Am I under arrest or what?” Capo asked as if the detectives were becoming an annoyance. “That’s what I thought” he said as he and Bone got up, and posted up over by the bar. “I’m tired of these motherfuckers!” Capo huffed. Ever since he and Wayne had went their separate ways Capo noticed that more and more heat had been coming down on him and his crew. “If its not one thing it’s another” Capo said taking another swig from his bottle of Rosay.


A loud commotion at the front entrance caused Capo and Bone to turn their attention to the front door. A man wearing about four chains around his neck, an iced out bracelet and watch, argued at the door with one of the bouncers. After the two went back and forth the man and his entourage were finally allowed entrance. The mystery man demanded the entire lounge’s attention as he bopped towards the bar.


”Who is this clown?” Capo asked unimpressed.


”Some nigga named Crazy Moe” Bone answered.

Oh that’s Crazy Moe?” Capo said as he walked over towards the man and his entourage, but was immediately stopped by one of Crazy Moe’s goon.


Can I help you?” The goon asked, with his face crumbled up looking Capo up and down.


I need to have a word with Moe” Capo said as he took a sip from his bottle.


Nah” The goon said shaking his head. “Crazy Moe came here to party not talk to no clowns.”


Capo sighed loudly as he stole on the goon dropping him with one punch. Once the bouncers in the club saw Capo swing on the man they quickly ran up to the scene to make sure no harm was done to their boss. The rest of Crazy Moe’s goons stood face to face with Capo, Bone and the bouncers.


What’s the problem?” Crazy Moe asked stepping to the front line with a champagne glass in his hand.


I need to talk to you over here for a second” Capo said as he and Crazy Moe stepped over to the side. “What up?” Crazy Moe asked sipping from his glass.


Listen fam” Capo began. “I don’t know who you are and honestly I don’t care, I’m only going to tell you this once” he said looking Crazy Moe in his eyes. “Stay the fuck off my corners! Next nigga I see on any of my corners who claim to work for you I’m coming to see you



Crazy Moe smiled and took another sip from his drink before he replied. “I don’t know if you heard or not, but I work for Wayne now and I have full permission to post up on any block I choose, understand?” Crazy Moe smiled. “I took your old spot so that makes me the new boss of the streets now.”


Is that right?” Capo asked as he clutched his Rosay bottle even tighter in his hand. He so badly wanted to bust the bottle over Crazy Moe’s head, but he knew that would start an all out war out on the streets between him and Wayne and right now wasn’t a good time for Capo to be in the middle of a street war. “Me and Wayne have a personal agreement to stay the fuck out of each other’s way so I’m telling you straight up I don’t like you” Capo paused. “So please stay the fuck out my way!”


You got it chump...I mean champ” Crazy Moe said with a smirk as he broke out in a two step as the lounge got hype when Soulja Boy’s song “Pretty Boy Swag” came blasting through the speakers. Capo so badly wanted to set off in the lounge, but since Crazy Moe now worked for Wayne it wasn’t much Capo could do, but just hope Crazy Moe didn’t cross the line. Just as Capo was about to head back over to his booth a caramel complexion girl grabbed his hand. “You not going nowhere until you dance with me” the woman told Capo rather then ask him. She threw her ass up against Capo’s penis as the two grinded together to the beat. Capo grabbed the woman’s waist as she bent all the way touching the floor. After three straight songs Capo was tired.


Where are you going?” The woman asked. “I know you not tired already?”


Yeah imma go sit down for a while I’ll be right back” Capo lied. The real reason he didn’t want to dance no more was cause the .45 in his waistband threatened to fall out cause of how wild the woman was dancing. Besides Capo didn’t like to get all sweaty unless he was

having sex. “Fuck this shit I’m going home” Capo said to himself as he exited the lounge. When Capo made it outside, Bone quickly caught up to him. “Where you headed?”


Going home” Capo answered. Usually Capo was the last one to turn it in for the night but tonight was just one of those nights where all he wanted to do was go home and relax.


I feel you” Bone agreed as the two walked through the parking lot until a voice stopped them.


A, yo my man” the voice called out. When Capo and Bone turned around they saw a well built gentleman coming towards them.


You know this fool?” Capo asked.


Never seen this nigga a day in my life” Bone replied as the big man walked up.


A, yo my man” the well built man said looking at Capo. “You know that girl you was dancing with back there? That was my wife!” The man huffed making all kind of hand gestures while he spoke.


Oh, you talking about whack ass bitch, I was dancing with?” Capo said purposely trying to get a reaction out of the man so he could have a reason to wash him up.


Yo dog watch how you talk about my wife!” The stranger said taking a step forward. Without thinking twice Capo quickly punched the man in his mouth sending him stumbling backwards. Before Capo even got a chance to swing again Bone had already sent a bullet into the man’s stomach.


Fuck!” Capo cursed as he and Bone hopped in his Benz and peeled off leaving the big man laying in the parking lot leaking.


Fuck!” Capo cursed again looking through his rearview mirror. He knew Bone shooting that man was only going to bring more heat to his lounge. “Bone listen to me” Capo said as he weaved in and out of the highway traffic. “You can’t keep popping off like that!”


Fuck you expect me to do?” Bone asked looking at Capo like he was crazy. “I saw you swing on the nigga so I made my move” Capo was about to say something else but he knew he would just be wasting his time. Cats like Bone, all they cared about were their name and the more work they put in the more famous their name became on the streets. “Imma holla at you tomorrow” Capo said as he dropped Bone off at his crib then headed home himself. When Capo walked inside his house he immediately noticed a noise coming from upstairs. “What the fuck?” Capo said to himself as he pulled out his .45 and slowly and cautiously made his way up the steps. When he entered his room he slowly lowered his gun when he saw Kim lying across his bed butt naked.


You were going to shoot me daddy?” Kim said in a seductive tone.


Never” Capo replied as he removed his shirt and sat down on the bed.


Kim looked over at him like he was crazy. “Pants too” she told him.


Capo removed his pants, flopped down on the bed and exhaled loudly.


What’s the matter baby?” Kim asked.


Nothing baby” Capo replied looking up at the ceiling.


I know just what you need to make you feel better” Kim said as she pulled Capo’s dick out through the hole in his boxer and gave him just what he needed.




Angela arrived on James’ block, and she immediately circled the block twice before pulling her Lambo inside James’ driveway. She double checked her appearance in the rearview mirror before her butterfly doors opened and she stepped out the vehicle. Angela wore a red Marc Jacobs dress to match with her red lipstick and expensive red four inch pumps that she wore on her feet. Angela walked up to front door and rung the bell as she nervously waited for an answer. Seconds later James answered the door with a white apron over his clothes.

BOOK: The Teflon Queen
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