The Teflon Queen (12 page)

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Authors: Silk White

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: The Teflon Queen
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”Faggot motherfuckers” Capo huffed as he tossed his gun out the window as he hopped on the express way. He was mad that he hadn’t hit one of the gunmen, but the truth was he was caught off guard and not expecting to run into the men. But he promised it would be shots fired on site each and every time the two bumped into one another. Just as Capo was about to breath easy he saw flashing lights in his rearview mirror. “Fuck!” he cursed as he pulled over to the shoulder of the road and placed his whip in park.


”Hands on the steering wheel!!” The white undercover officer yelled shining the bright light from his flashlight in Capo’s face.


”Don’t move!” A black detective yelled as he crept up on the passenger side.


”I’m not moving” Capo said looking at the detectives like they were crazy. Next thing you know the white detective snatched Capo out the front seat of the car and slammed him on the damp concrete. “What the fuck yo, I ain’t even doing shit!” Capo yelled as he was being hand cuffed. As he laid face down on the ground he watched as the two detectives searched his car looking for anything they could find, Capo wasn’t worried cause he knew his ride was clean because he had just brought it two days ago.


”Look what I found” the white detective sang with a evil smirk on his face as he held a zip lock bag full of cocaine in his hand. “Care to explain while you were riding around with this?”

Fuck outta here” Capo huffed. “That shit ain’t mine!”


”I found it in your car” the white detective said trying to make Capo seem like he was crazy. The NYPD was sick and tired of Capo and crew and they planned on taking him down by any means necessary. “Whose drugs are these?” The white detective asked his partner.”


”His” The black detective replied pointing at Capo. “We found it in his car” he said sticking with the lie.

Fuck yall crackers!” Capo yelled as he was roughly tossed in the back seat of the unmarked car.


”Say another word and it’s going to be me and you!” The black detective threatened trying to show off for the white detective. Capo was about to give the black detective a piece of his mind, but when he saw three more cop cars pull up he decided to hold his tongue. Capo watched as all the cops gathered around in a huddle and began to talk amongst themselves for about ten minutes. He figured they were getting their story together so they could all be on the same page. Fifteen minutes later the black detective and the white detective hopped in the unmarked car both had smirks on their faces as they started up the car and pulled off.




Crazy Moe pulled up to the location where he and his crew always meet. On the outside it looked like an abandoned building, but on the inside Crazy Moe had an office area built inside, along with an area for all his soldiers to hang out. He hopped out his Range Rover and went inside. As soon as he stepped foot inside Crazy Moe saw all his goons standing around waiting for him.


”What’s the word on the streets?” Crazy Moe asked as soon as he stepped foot in the joint. Two weeks had gone by so by now he knew the hood had some kind of info for him. His main goon named Tiger walked up and gave it to him straight up. “The word is some cat from Capo’s crew named Bone was the one who was behind the trigger” Tiger told him.


”Bone” Crazy Moe repeated. “Where can I find this clown?”


”It’s this lounge Capo and his crew is at like every other night downtown. You want me and a few goons to run down there and air that shit out?” Tiger asked excitedly.


Crazy Moe thought about it for a second at first he was about to say no but he knew if he didn’t retaliate then his crew would surely start to second guess him. “Fuck it” Crazy Moe said. “Air that whole shit out!” He ordered, as he watched Tiger and a few goons strapped up, and then headed out the door to go handle their business.

Fuck” Crazy Moe huffed. He was tired of living the way he was, after pretending to be a drug dealer, he couldn’t understand how the real drug dealers did it, constantly looking over their shoulder for stickup kids, jealous niggaz, golddiggers, snitches, how they survived during a drought and the whole nine. The whole way they lived was way too much for him, and he couldn’t wait until he closed the case, so he could go back to living his regular life, he thought as he hopped back in his Range Rover and headed back home. He just really needed to just chill and relax in this game. It just seemed like he never got a day off. All the negative thoughts that was running through his brain, all disappeared and a smile spread across his face when he pulled up to his house and saw Angela’s red Lambo parked in his drive way. Every since the two had sex that night, they had been seeing each other every night. James had even given Angela her own set of keys to his house. When James stepped inside his house he almost didn’t recognize it. All of his old furniture had been replaced with all brand new furniture. He looked around and saw expensive leather couches all through out his living room. It was brand new plush carpet on the floor through out the whole house, and his old 32 inch T.V had been replaced by a new 60 inch flat screen 3D T.V.


”Hey baby” Angela said coming from the kitchen wearing nothing but an expensive silk robe. “Do you like it?”


”Yes I love it” James said as he hugged Angela tightly. “Where did you get the money to afford this?” He asked.


”Hush” Angela said placing her finger on his lips. “You don’t have to worry about money with me. I have plenty of it, and from now on my man will only have the better things in life” she told him. “And since you didn’t want to move to a bigger house I just thought I’d hook this one up.”


”I love it baby” James said. “Please just tell me you ain’t doing anything illegal for this money.”


Angela laughed. “Baby my parents left me money when they passed away” she told him. “Now sit down and relax the food is almost ready.” Angela said quickly changing the subject, she knew that James would ask questions when he got home so she made sure she had all her answers ready. Angela hated to have to lie to James but the truth was either she was going to lie to him or not deal with him at all. What started off as just them hanging out had turned into the two falling in love, Angela hadn’t planned for this to happen, but now that her feelings were involved it was too late.


”What you cooking baby?” James yelled as he helped himself to a seat on the new leather couch.


”It’s a surprise” Angela smiled as she grabbed the remote pressed a button and Kanye West flowed through the speakers. James just relaxed and listened to the music as Angela came back and handed him a drink, then disappeared back in the kitchen. As James sat on the couch sipping from his drink all he could think about was closing the case. The more and more he thought about what Wayne was doing to the black community the more he wanted to slap the cuffs on him.


”Okay its ready” Angela said interrupting James thoughts. Just as James hopped up off the couch he heard his cell phone ringing he looked at the caller I.D. and saw that it was Wayne calling. “What’s up boss man?” He answered.

I need you to swing by my office for a second” Wayne said ending the call. Once James hung up his phone he looked up and saw Angela looking dead at him. “You gotta leave don’t you?” She asked with a sad look on her face.


”Yes” James replied as he kissed Angela’s lips. “Put my food in the microwave and I promise I’ll eat it later” he said as he rushed out the door.




Bone and Kim sat in their private booth in the back of the lounge, seeing who could out drink the other. “When you going to get you a girlfriend and stop messing around with all these hoes?” Kim asked.


”Girlfriend?” Bone repeated looking at Kim like she was insane. “Nah I don’t got time to be all tied down and shit, bitch nagging me and all that, nah I ain’t wit it” he said downing a shot. The truth was every time he got a girl he liked he would meet another girl he liked the next week so he just gave up on relationships to save himself the headache.


”I’m sure it’s probably a nice girl out here for you” Kim laughed.


”Since you asking all these questions, I have a question for you” Bone said pouring himself another shot. “When you and Capo going to settle down?”


”Boy please” Kim said waving him off. “Me and Capo just cool, besides he got too many hoes for me” she said as she saw Moose walking up with a serious look on his face.


”What’s wrong?” Bone asked noticing that something was wrong.

I just got the word that Capo is locked up” Moose reported.


”Who told you that?” Kim asked with a nervous facial expression. Instantly her stomach felt like she was going down hill on a roller coaster.


”Some fiend just told me” Moose replied. “He said when he was getting released he saw two detective bringing Capo in.” Immediately Kim shot to her feet. “I’m going down to the station” she said as she finished her last shot then headed for the exit. Just as Kim was exiting the lounge, Tiger and three goons were making their way inside.

Bone sat in the booth listening to Moose, telling him the rest of the story. He was only half listening as his eyes were on this nice little chocolate thing who was giving him the “what’s good eye” Bone motioned for the woman to come here with his hand. Moose looked and saw the young lady and shook his head. “Man fuck that bitch” He huffed. “I say we should lay low until we hear from Capo.”

Capo going to be fine” Bone said still not really paying Moose no mind.


Stop worrying so much” He said draping his arm around Moose. “You want me to see if shorty got a friend for you?….” A loud blast caused Bone’s whole body to jump as he saw Moose’s body crumble to the floor as his blood leaked all over Bone’s shoes. Bone immediately dropped down to the floor taking cover as he heard multiple gunshots being fired at the same time. He pulled out his 9mm and aimed it at the gunmen. There were so many people running for their lives scrambling to get out the lounge that Bone couldn’t get a clear shot.


Fuck it!” He cursed as he pulled the trigger anyway not caring who he hit. When two of Capo’s goons who were at the other side of the lounge saw what was going on they quickly got involved in the gun fight. Tiger quickly spun around and waved his Mac-10 in the direction of the two goons and took out both men including four other people who just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. “We’re out!” Tiger yelled as he and his team continued to fire as they back peddled out of the lounge. Once the gunfire came to an end Bone quickly jumped up and ran towards the exit. When he got outside he saw four men running through the parking lot. He quickly aimed his gun at one of the men and let off four shots in his direction taking him down as the other three got away. When the gunfight was finally over Bone rushed back in the lounge to where Moose’s body laid. “Fuck!” Bone cursed looking down at Moose who was laid out with a hole in his forehead. Right then and there Bone knew that he would murder whoever was responsible for this.




Kim stepped in the police station and headed straight for the front desk. Behind the desk sat an angry looking black man. “How you doing sir” Kim said politely, but didn’t get a response. “I said how you doing sir!” She repeated.


”Go sit down other there and give me one second!” The black man barked catching Kim off guard.


”Fuck you talking too like that?” Kim spat not liking how the officer behind the desk had addressed her. “Better act like you got some sense before you get touched up in here!”


The black officer slowly rose from his seat. “You threatening me!?” He said loud so the whole lobby could hear him.

”Fuck you!” Kim huffed as she turned around and headed for the exit. “Uncle tom motherfucker!” Just as she was about to exit the police station Kim saw Mr. Goldberg entering the building. “Hey Mr. Goldberg” she said as the two shook hands. “Are you here for Capo?”


”Yes” Mr. Goldberg answered. “Where is he?”


”I don’t know” Kim huffed. “This clown behind the desk won’t give me no info” she said as she watched Mr. Goldberg walk straight up to the officer behind the desk and seconds later he was allowed in the back. He looked back at Kim and held up a single finger signaling for her to give him one second.




Capo sat in the holding cell with a few other inmates who had been arrested. Jail was nothing new to Capo he had been down this road a few times so he knew the procedures well. “Fuck!” Capo cursed when he thought about how the crooked cops had planted the drugs in his car. He knew they couldn’t take him down fair and square. “How the fuck am I going to get out of this one?” He thought as he sat down on the hard woodened bench. Every since he and Wayne had fallen out, Capo noticed that his life was now so much harder. “I need a vacation” he said out loud as he saw one of the guards enter the cell and hand out bolony sandwiches and a small carton of milk to each inmate. “Nobody don’t want this shit” Capo thought as he tossed his sandwich and milk on the bench. All he could think about was getting out of this place and going home so he could take a nice shower.

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