Covering Home

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Authors: Heidi McCahan

Tags: #clean romance, #inspirational romance, #Inspirational Fiction, #contemporary christian romance, #clean read romance, #contemporary inspirational romance, #Contemporary Romance, #inspirational christian fiction, #Christian Fiction, #Baseball, #Christian Romance, #inspirational, #Japan, #contemporary inspirational fiction, #contemporary christian fiction, #contemporary, #Love Story, #Love

BOOK: Covering Home
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Table of Contents


A Note from the Author


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter Thirty-Two

Chapter Thirty-Three

Chapter Thirty-Four


About the Author

By Heidi McCahan

Snug Corner Cove Press

Covering Home

Published by, Snug Corner Cove Press

Copyright © 2015 by Heidi McCahan. All rights reserved.

Cover design by Lynnette Bonner of Indie Cover Design -

Images ©, File: # 29381981_L, Baseball field.

   http;//, File: #ID48953, Couple., File: blue-abstract-background., File: background-marbled-smokey-effect.

Covering Home
is a work of fiction. References to real people, events, establishments, organizations, or locales are intended only to provide a sense of authenticity and are used fictitiously. All other characters, incidents, and dialogue are drawn from the author’s imagination.

Published in the U.S.A.


For Steve, Luke, Andy, and Eli

A Note from the Author

Covering Home
was inspired by a writing prompt for a short story set in Tokyo, Japan that included a bat, a bell and an angel. Initially, I wasn’t sure how to weave those elements into a contemporary romance, but I was immediately smitten with Britt and Caleb from the minute I dropped them into that hotel lobby. I was having way too much fun to stop at just a short story. So the decision was made to build a plot that could accommodate my new favorite fictional friends. While I’ve never been a sportscaster or worked anywhere near professional baseball, I did spend three weeks in Japan as a college student—a trip that stretched me outside my comfort zone and taught me friendship isn’t limited by geography, language or culture. We saw a beautiful country and encountered many wonderful people who generously opened their homes so we could glimpse a snapshot of their daily lives.

It was a whirlwind tour and a life-changing experience. As is often the case, mixed in with the good were moments of fear, frustration and embarrassment that left me wishing I could run back to the safety and familiarity of home. I had no idea that brief visit would one day play a role in writing Britt and Caleb’s story. But I’m so glad it did and I’m grateful for the gift of another story to share with you. Once again, I’m in awe of the way God, the ultimate storyteller, molds and shapes our life experiences in both beautiful and unexpected ways.

Thank you, dear reader, for taking the time to read
Covering Home
. Unlimited access to reading material is at your fingertips and your time is precious. I’m honored that you chose to spend a few hours with Britt and Caleb. Perhaps it will inspire you to step outside your comfort zone or share some aspect of your life story with others. Who knows, maybe you’ll even plan a trip to a new and exciting destination.

Hearing from you is always a delight. Please feel free to stop by my virtual home: or connect with me via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. If you enjoyed
Covering Home
, it would mean so much to me if you could post a review on Amazon or Goodreads.



I’m often asked about how I make this writing thing happen. The truth is, it’s a team effort. Spending copious amounts of time with my imaginary friends means there’s an amazing group of people in my real world loving and supporting this dream of mine.

First and foremost, I couldn’t write a single word without the unconditional love and support of my husband, Steve. Not only do you take the boys on countless adventures, but you do way more than your fair share to keep things rolling on the home front. You never tire of listening to me prattle on about the business of writing and are always ready with a word of encouragement. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I’m blessed to call you mine. To our boys, thank you for the laughter, the hugs, and most of all, your love.

To my parents, Dave and Nancy, I’m pretty sure you’re my biggest fans. Thank you for always being in my corner, helping me find new readers, praying without ceasing and loving me no matter what. To my sister, Heather, your faith and optimistic approach to life continue to inspire me. Thanks for telling your friends about my books.

Thank you to my awesome extended family for supporting my dream, encouraging me to keep writing and celebrating my successes. I’m blown away by your love and support.

Thank you to my church family for cheering me on, taking the time to ask about my next book, and reading my work. I’m truly grateful. A special thank you to Cathy Harvey for giving
Covering Home
a thorough proofreading in the midst of a busy season of life. This story is better because of you.

Thank you to Russ Richardson and Melinda Larson for leading the Whitworth Sports Medicine study tour on our epic adventure through Japan. To Taizo Fujiki and the many at Seiwa College who worked hard to make our visit so enjoyable, your gracious hospitality and affection for us still astounds me, even after all this time. Thank you.

Sally Bradley, your remarkable editing skills helped me put this story on a much better trajectory. It needed some tough love and I’m glad you delivered. Thank you so much. On the indie author front, thanks for leading me to a fabulous resource and answers to questions I didn’t even know I needed to ask.

Lesley Ann McDaniel, it’s been a pleasure working with you. Your keen eye and editing skills really helped me polish this one. Thank you.

Lynnette Bonner, from the minute I saw the cover, I was over the moon. Your talent and professionalism have made this a very enjoyable experience. Thank you for helping me launch
Covering Home
into the world.

To Anna and Megan, my dear friends and first readers, I’m so grateful for you. Thank you again for listening, giving me the gift of your friendship and celebrating when dreams come true.

To my ACFW critique partners, thank you for your faithful commitment to our group. You are each a blessing from above. I look forward to exchanging many more chapters with you.

Finally, thank you to God, who crafts the best stories. Your plot twists and cliffhangers ultimately point us all to your perfect love. Great is your faithfulness. Thank you for planting these stories in my heart and giving me the opportunity to share them with others.

Chapter One

“There he is. That’s Caleb Scott.” Britt Bowen nudged her producer, Marne Hodges, in the ribs. Britt snatched her smartphone from her carry-on without waiting for Marne’s response. Finger-combing her long, tousled locks into place, Britt crossed the massive lobby of the Tokyo Dome hotel, her eyes riveted on the tall, raven-haired baseball player who stood in front of the elevators.

He pointed toward the ultra-modern steel and glass windows that walled one side of the lobby, and spoke to the man at his side. The broad expanse of Caleb’s shoulders in his snug-fitting blue T-shirt, the half-smile that tipped up the corner of his mouth—Britt drank it all in. Brushing aside the flutter in her chest, she focused instead on formulating her first question. She’d flown fourteen hours to land this interview. An unexpected encounter couldn’t go to waste.

Caleb shouldered a backpack and made his way toward the exit.

She picked up the pace, adrenaline coursing through her veins.

“Excuse me? Mr. Scott?” Britt side-stepped a bellman with an overloaded luggage cart, grateful she’d abandoned her stilettos for ballet flats. Without a backward glance, Caleb broke into a jog. His companion hesitated, tugged the brim of his Phillies cap over his eyes, and matched Caleb’s stride.

She trotted after them, her body slow to respond to this increased demand. She’d interviewed plenty of athletes and celebrities, but never one she had to chase.

An Asian man with a full head of spiky, straight black hair and the widest smile she’d ever seen stepped into her path. “Hello. May I help you?”

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