Read The Teflon Queen Online

Authors: Silk White

Tags: #General Fiction

The Teflon Queen (13 page)

BOOK: The Teflon Queen
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”A, yo my man” Capo heard a voice yell. He turned around and saw some filthy looking man trying to get his attention. “What!?” Capo yelled back.

Let me get that milk fam!” The man said aggressively looking in Capo’s eyes looking for any signs of fear or weakness.


”Yo did you just ask me could you have my milk?” Capo asked with his face crumbled up.


”Yeah” the man replied looking Capo in his eyes.


”Yeah you can have it. I don’t even want this shit” Capo told him as he shook his head and sighed loudly. As soon as the man went to reach down for the milk Capo stole on him catching him with a sharp uppercut that laid him out cold. “Nigga don’t you…” Capo growled as he raised his foot and began stomping the man out. “Ever ask me for no motherfucking milk!” He gave the man one last kick as he went and sat down on the bench. Minutes later the white detective came back to the cell and got Capo.


I have a few questions I need to ask you, come with me” he said as he led the way towards the interrogation room.


Capo sat in the back as the two detectives tried to break him down. He knew the rules and yawned loudly as he listened to the detective who was huffing and puffing. “I’m going to ask you one last time why were you out there shooting and who were you shooting at?”


”Shooting what?” Capo asked faking ignorance. The detective roughly grabbed Capo by his shirt. “Bitch you better stop playing with me, and give some answers. You can start by telling me where you got those drugs from!?”

Get your fucking hands off me!” Capo huffed smacking the detective’s hands from off his shirt. Before the detective could react Mr. Goldberg busted through the door.


What is going on in here?” He asked looking around.

Nothing we were just talking” The white detective whose name was Billy answered with a smirk.


Come on lets go” Mr. Goldberg said to Capo, but his eyes stayed on Detective Billy as he and Capo made their exit. When Capo and Mr. Goldberg made it outside Capo saw Kim leaning on the hood of her car waiting for him. He turned and looked at Mr. Goldberg. “Good looking” he said as the two shook hands. “I’ll get the money that you put up for my bail back to you by tomorrow.”

You going to have to slow down” Mr. Goldberg began. “These crackers are not playing! They don’t like you and can’t wait to take you down.”


Capo sucked his teeth. “Fuck them crackers!” He said fanning his hand. “Thanks again” he said over his shoulder as he walked off headed over to the car. Capo knew the cops were on a mission to erase him from off the streets, but at the same time he knew Wayne was gunning for him along with Cash, Dough Boy, and Crazy Moe. Capo wanted to chill but at the same time he planned on defending himself by any means necessary.


”What happened?” Kim asked as she ran up and hugged Capo tightly.


”Ran into those two clowns that ran down on us at the pool” Capo told her. “Had to air it out” he said as the two hopped in the car.

We going to have to chill for a minute” Kim said as she pulled off. “Shit been kind of crazy out here on the streets. I say we should just go out of town and let the little homies hold down the streets for a few months” she suggested. Kim loved Capo but she knew if he didn’t get out soon then it would soon be no way out for him.


”We gon think of something” Capo said as he stared out the window looking at the city pass him by.




Crazy Moe parked his Range Rover in the driveway of Wayne’s mansion and shut the car down. He grabbed his .45 that rested on the passenger seat and stuck it down in his waistband as he got out the vehicle and headed towards the front door.


”He’s back in his office” Tank said in a deep voice. As Crazy Moe walked down the hallway to Wayne’s office he wondered what was so important because when Wayne had called him he could hear the stress in his voice. “What’s up boss man?” Crazy Moe said stepping inside Wayne’s office.


”Have a seat” Wayne said motioning for Crazy Moe to sit down with his hand. He poured himself a drink before he spoke. “I got this big ass shipment coming in next week” he paused so he could take a sip from his drink. “And from now on you are going to be the man in charge of getting the shit” Wayne said looking up at Crazy Moe. “Can you handle that?”


”Of course I can” Crazy Moe said confidently. “Just let me know what I need to do.”

Well usually Capo was the one who handled this for me, but since he’s no longer around I’m going to need you to fill in for him” Wayne told him.


”I got you” Crazy Moe replied. This was just the opportunity he was waiting for. This was all he needed to put Wayne away forever. Crazy Moe made sure he sat straight up so that the wire he was wearing caught every word that Wayne had said.


”The only problem is I’m going to have to come with you next week to make the pick up” Wayne told him. “These Chinese motherfuckers who I been doing business with don’t trust a motherfucker, and since they don’t know you yet I have to come along with you so that they know they can trust you.”


”I understand” Crazy Moe said nodding his head. “Trust me I won’t let you down.”


”I know you won’t cause if you ever do I will kill you” Wayne said seriously, but with a smile on his face.


”You have nothing to worry about” Crazy Moe said as he stood up to leave. “You can count on me.”


”I better” Wayne said as he watched Crazy Moe leave. When Crazy Moe stepped foot back outside a smile quickly appeared across his face he knew he had Wayne right where he wanted him, and finally he was about to close this case once and for all.





Dough Boy pulled up into the hospitals parking lot like a mad man. He hopped out his car and ran full speed inside the hospital. “Hey” he said out of breath to the woman who sat behind the counter. “My son just got rushed to this hospital his name is Keith Washington. Can you please tell me what room he’s in?”


The lady behind the desk punched a few keys on the key board then looked up and said. “Room 303”

Thank you” Dough Boy said as he ran towards the stair case and took the steps. When he reached room 303 he saw his wife Monica sitting by Lil Dough’s bed. “How is he?” Dough Boy asked. When Monica looked up and saw her husband standing there she quickly got up and hugged him tightly. Just from the way she was hugging him, told Dough Boy it was bad. “Everything is going to be alright baby” he promised as he rubbed his wife’s back.


”Excuse me Mr. Washington?” The doctor said interrupting the two.


Can I have a word with you outside for a second?”


”I’ll be right back” Dough Boy said as he kissed Monica then stepped outside so he and the doctor could talk. “Okay doc, give it to me straight up.”


”Well it’s simple” the doctor began. “If your son doesn’t get a new heart soon he’s going to die.”


”Just let me know what I have to do doc and it’s gonna get done” Dough Boy told him.

Well once you get the money for the procedure then we can put him on the waiting list but by the time your son’s name come up it might be a little too late” the doctor replied. “Ain’t no telling how long it will be before his name pops up.”


”I have the money right now for the procedure” Dough Boy said desperately. “Is there anyway to get around that waiting list?”

Why yes there is” The doctor told him. “But it’s going to cost you $100,000.”

$100,000?” Dough Boy echoed. “Come on doc you can’t bring down the price just a little bit?”


”I’m afraid not, if I get caught doing this I can lose everything I’ve worked so hard for” the doctor replied. “Besides this what I’m doing is illegal, but since I know how bad you need your son’s name moved up on the list, I’m trying to look out for you.”


Dough Boy looked back inside the room and saw his wife still crying, every since their son had been battling with this problem him and his wife had been taking it very rough. “I’ll get you the money.”

Here’s my card” the doctor said handing it to Dough Boy. “Whenever you ready just give me a call” he said as he turned and walked away.























Shekia laid on a beach chair with her all red swimsuit and dark Chanel shades as she watched Scarface ride his JetSki like a madman in the water. Shekia had been out in Miami with Scarface for the past two weeks. The two had just been hanging out and getting to know one another. Shekia couldn’t believe how cool Scarface was or how the two of them had so much in common.


”You don’t wanna get in the water?” Scarface asked walking up dripping wet.


”No. I was having fun watching you” Shekia said looking at Scarface’s chiseled body.


”I’m so sad that you have to leave me tonight” Scarface said with a smile, but on the inside he wasn’t smiling. He didn’t want Shekia to leave, he wanted her to move out to Miami with him, but he knew right now was too soon and would be rushing it.


”I know right” Shekia said giving Scarface her puppy face. “I wish I could stay” she said as she bobbed her head to Nicki Minaj’s song “Your Love” that flowed from the speakers that sat on Scarface’s back porch. Shekia was about to say something, but Scarface quickly hushed her placing a finger on her lip. She sat back and watched as Scarface untied the bottom to her swim suit and removed it effortlessly. He quickly parted her legs and gently kissed on the magic button that rested between her legs.


Damn” Shekia moaned as she ran her fingers through Scarface’s dreads, and just threw her head back in pleasure. Scraface licked, kissed, and sucked all over Shekia’s clit as he slipped two fingers inside of her, forcing her to cum for him. Shekia wrapped her legs around Scarface’s neck as her body shook uncontrollably.


”Just a little something for you to think about on that long ass ride back home” Scarface said and smiled.


”You must be crazy” Shekia huffed. “You better give me some of that dick!” She demanded as she snatched off Scarface’s shorts, and hopped up off the beach chair.


”What you doing?” Scarface asked as Shekia pushed him down on the beach chair.


”I got this” She said with a seductive look on her face as she straddled him, and slowly slipped him inside of her.


”That’s right baby ride this dick” Scarface coached as he smacked her ass, then placed one of her nice sized titties in his mouth. Shekia bounced up and down on Scarface like she was trying to break his dick.

All that could be heard was her moaning and her ass cheeks clapping everytime she came down. The two then began kissing heavyly while Shekia continued to bounce up and down until Scarface announced that he was about to cum. Shekia quickly hopped up off his dick just in time as he came all over his stomach.


Damn” Shekia said out of breath. “Shit I wasn’t prepared for all that” she laughed.


I want you to come move out here with me” Scarface said getting straight to the point. All the girls he usually came across were strictly trying to get with him cause he was paid, but he needed a woman who didn’t want nothing from him, but his heart.


You have everything you could possibly want and you can have any woman you want” Shekia said confused. “Why would you want to be with me? I’m a nobody.”

You’re not a nobody” Scarface corrected her. “You are a beautiful woman, and I would be honored if you came and allowed me to treat you like a queen.” Truth be told Scarface needed and book smart woman and also a woman that if things ever got messed up she wouldn’t be too good to go out and help him get that money.


So what you want me to just up and leave New York, and move out here with you?” Shekia asked again just to make sure.


Yes” Scarface said seriously.


I would love to but I would have to talk to Capo first” Shekia told him.


Is that your man or something? If so my bad” Scarface said throwing his hands up in surrender.


No, he’s not my man, but I had agreed to make these runs for him and I don’t just want to leave him hanging like that you know.”


I understand” Scarface said as the two walked back into the house butt naked. “Can you please just think about it, and if you do decide to come out here then I’ll handle Capo for you.”


Okay that sounds fair” Shekia said as the two went inside the master bedroom for round two before Shekia left.



BOOK: The Teflon Queen
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