The Taming of Lady Honoria (5 page)

Read The Taming of Lady Honoria Online

Authors: Jodi Henley

Tags: #erotic romance, #anal, #ff, #spanking, #mm, #rough sex, #mf, #erotic regency, #old friends, #regency erotica, #stable boy

BOOK: The Taming of Lady Honoria
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She woke to the sensation of flying. Her head
narrowly missed a newel post and smacked into the edge of a

Danton swore under his breath. "Sorry about

"Why are you carrying me up a flight of—this
isn't Cross Willow!"

"How amazingly astute of you," said Danton.
He dropped her on a plush down mattress and held a low-voiced
conference with a man she assumed was the innkeeper.

Honoria sat up and rubbed her forehead.
"Surely you can't mean to spend the night!"

Danton pushed the innkeeper out. "Sorry," he
said without sounding repentant at all, "I haven't the damnedest
idea where we are. However, this is an inn. It has the usual
amenities, and I'm lost and hungry. Yes, I intend to spend the
night. You may stay or continue on without me. Give over, Honoria.
Morning is a long way off."

It was the longest thing she'd ever heard him
say and the most bloody-minded pragmatic. It made something turn
over in her mind that had never been there before.

"You're up to no good," she cried. Her palm
smacked over her eyes. Oh my God, had she just
him she
was aware of his villainous scheme?

He pulled her hand down and gave her a
seraphic, blue-eyed look.

"You wound me," he said. "I haven't stripped
you naked or fucked you silly, and you're already accusing me of

Honoria sputtered against her will and Danton
casually pushed her to the side, swinging a leg up on the bed. She
rolled down into the hollow formed by his body and wrapped around

"This is a bad idea."

"There are worse things than being stranded
with me," said Danton. He pulled her closer.

She could hear the beating of his heart and
smell his intoxicating scent, a mixture of brandy, cheroots and
musk. Her hand curled over his lapel, and he ruined it by laughing
at her.

"Don't build me up into a hero, Honoria."

"You did save me from a long, unpleasant
walk," she reminded him.

"For my own nefarious purpose," he said,
smoothing her hair back.

A knock on the door brought Danton to his
feet. The innkeeper put a big, wooden tray on the table in front of
the fire and left just as quickly.

Danton reached out and wrapped his hand
around hers. The simple contact turned her to mush and she wondered
if he was aware his eyes were blazing.

Half an hour later, Honoria chased a scrap of
buttered ham with her bread, in utter harmony with Danton. Her
clothes were still damp and her hair had dried into a tangle of
knots, but he hadn't mentioned her unladylike behavior or even
given her a second look when she ate all the bread. Instead he'd
handed her a tureen of pineapple jelly and a spoon. It was beyond

She sat back, licking at her fingers while
she considered him. "You puzzle me," she said finally.

He took another ham steak and sliced into it.
"How so?"

"It sounds conceited, but…I thought you'd try
to ravish me," she said, trailing off into a quick mumble.

His eyes lit up brighter than the fire.
"Now?" he asked, waggling his brows.

Honoria stifled a giggle. "You definitely
a hero."

He grinned at her. "Told you I wasn't."

He handed her a mug of mulled wine and she
sipped gratefully, letting the wine chase away the last of her
chill. She awoke to find herself tied to the bed, arms and legs
spread wide. Her clothes were gone and she was naked.

Danton stood at the side of the bed. Naked,
he was revealed as lean and muscular. Golden curls clustered at the
joining of his thighs and made the purple tint to his stubby cock
particularly shocking. Her gaze traced his length and froze in
abject terror.

"I wanted to wait until you were awake." He
fondled his heavy sac, eyes on her exposed breasts. "It's no fun

He clenched his hand down hard, pulling his
cock out from his body. The head bounced, uncontained by his grip.
Easily the size of a large plum, it was balanced by the girth of
its pedestal. What he didn't have in length, Danton more than made
up for in girth. Surely no woman could take that monstrosity into
herself without grievous bodily harm.

He released himself and crawled up between
her spread-eagled thighs. He was almost grinning as he rummaged
between her thighs, pushing his fingers into her without any form
of lubricant.

"No!" she shrieked, tossing in her

"I had hoped for a little more enthusiasm,"
he said. "No matter."

He leaned over the side of the bed and pulled
a little leather bottle from his coat. Knotting his fingers in her
nether hairs, he pushed the bottle between her thighs and

He poured more oil into his palm and smeared
it over his monstrously wide cock, oiling himself until he
glistened in the flickering light. "It's special oil, my
dear—designed to help you enjoy our assignation."

"This isn't an assignation!" she cried.

"You want me," said Danton, giving her a
manic grin. "Be honest now that we're alone."

He rubbed his fingers down her well-greased
slit and to her horror, her hips thrust after him, seemingly with a
mind of their own.

"I'm on fire," she said, thrashing in her
bonds. "What did you do to me?"

"Ginger," he said, licking his finger. "A
little hot, a little spicy, and good for what ails you." He
laughed, sliding his finger into her.

This time he slid in with no resistance, and
she moaned, rubbing herself against him. "Much better," he said. He
pushed a second finger in after the first and followed it with a
third, his knuckles slapped into her with a soft slurp.

Removing his fingers, he positioned himself
at her entrance and pushed at her nether lips, almost too big for
entry despite her undulating hips and desperate thrusts. "Relax" he
commanded her. He screwed in another inch and broke out in sweat.
His cock was shorter than Robbie's but wide, with a bulbous

A squeal of pain burst from her and she
thrashed in her bonds.

He bent his face to hers and whispered, "This
is a public inn, my lady. Think of the scandal should someone think
to find us."

Honoria stiffened; the horror of being found
outweighed her outrage. His width was almost too much to bear, and
she moaned, head thrown back.

"The servant used you well," he said, pulling
out until just the head of his cock remained in her. "Pity he can't
be here to watch." He slammed forward.

Incensed by his cavalier attitude, she cried,
"Robbie will find you and smash you to a pulp!"

"Will he?" asked Danton. He sounded only
mildly interested. He pushed again, wedging himself into her
yielding flesh.

Again he withdrew and pushed back. The loud
slap of their joining echoed in the hot little room. There was no
rhythm to his desecration and after six of the odd, pounding
thrusts; Honoria was straining in her bonds, urging him to sate the
building fire in her loins. The tightness of their joined flesh
created an almost unbearable sensation.

Every time he slammed forward, she could see
the glide of his cock between her outstretched thighs and feel the
slap of his belly against her exposed nub. He was so fair, unlike
Robbie's darkness.

She gave him a beseeching look. "Please,

He laughed merrily. "Beg me, my lady. Tell me
what you want."

"I want you to give it to me," she breathed,
thrashing in her bonds. "Work me with your flesh!"

That stopped him, and he stared at her with
an arrested look. "Is that the best you can do?" Laughter rolled
from him and he laughed until he could laugh no more.

He withdrew, holding himself at her entrance.
"Try again, Honoria."

Honoria banged her head back against the
pillow, fighting the ties that kept her from grabbing his monstrous
cock and shoving it into her.

"Fuck me!" she screamed. "

He pounded his cock into her waiting hole,
shaking her body with the violence of his thrusts. After the first
shocked cry, Honoria tossed in her bonds, mewling in mindless

He grasped her chin, forcing her to meet his
eyes. "Was that so hard?"

She didn't meet his eyes.

Danton stopped, head down, shoulders shaking.
to me, Honoria."

"I am stretched to the utmost of my capacity,
and your cock is driving me into a maddened frenzy," she gritted
from between clenched teeth. "Unless you fuck me,
I shall bite
your nose off
—is that blunt enough for you, my lord?"

His grin flashed out. "It'll do."

He undid the ties binding her ankles, pushed
her knees to her chest, and with a hoarse grunt, hammered into her
exposed flesh hard and fast. She could see the darkness at the
junction of her legs, his width disappearing into her and the way
her breasts were smashed up between them. Pressure built behind her
eyes and she started to pant, pushing back at him desperately.

"Danton!" she cried.

"Damn it, Honoria. I'm trying," he increased
his pace, "as hard—as I can."

Abruptly, his mouth touched hers, tongue
plunging between her parted lips. Honoria convulsed eyes wide open.
His face was too close. Too intimate and personal—and his
! Surely it was unsanitary. Her lips struggled to
close and push him out.

He grabbed her chin with one hand and held
her in place while he ravaged her tightly pursed lips. "Hold
yourself," he breathed, tracing his mouth over the straining line
of her throat. He undid her hands and urged them to the back of her
knees before releasing her.

"No!" she cried. "Don't stop."

His hands slipped under the globes of her ass
and lifted her while he leaned back, still lodged between her
thighs. Surely he wasn't swelling? Perhaps it was the way she was
rolled up against herself, but suddenly Honoria could
the tight ring of her pussy stretched out around his shaft. He was
almost too large to contain and in this position, he was every bit
as long as Robbie. Her nails dug into the backs of her knees.

Danton's face darkened, eyes open as he met
her gaze with his own. He pulled out slowly. "You credit me with a
temperance I don't possess."

"What are you doing to me?" Honoria clenched
her ass cheeks to keep him in her.

Less than a minute ago, he'd had her well on
her way to a shuddering release—
was intolerable. The
slow rasp and drag of his cock in her well-used pussy was about to
drive her insane. She shuddered heavily, barely touching the sheets
with her shoulders.

"I want you…to remember this," he

Tension sizzled down her spine and gathered
in her lower body. Danton slid back into her, eyes half-closed. Her
toes twitched, and she suddenly wanted to cry. It was more than
just sex—she released the back of her legs and reached up for him
as he leaned over her, pressing into her with his shoulders.

They met halfway; suddenly moving faster and
more violently until he caught her screams with his mouth, and
pounded into her like he was tunneling for home. She grunted
beneath him, shaking and trembling as her limbs exploded out of

He held her until she subsided then rolled
off the bed, head down. Sweat turned his fair hair dark and made
him look different. Honoria sat up and followed him only to grab at
Danton's outstretched hand as her knees buckled under her.

"Villain!" she cried, swaying on her

Her palm flashed out and Danton staggered
back, hand to his lips. Light glittered in the depths of his
deceptive blue eyes. "You little bitch," he said softly.

"If I am a bitch, sir—
are naught
but a bounder!"

He crowded her back against the wall, and
gave her a little smirk that grated her up one side and down the

"We are well matched, you and I." His gaze
dropped to her lips.

Despite the well-used throb in her nether
regions, Honoria felt a frisson of excitement in her belly. Her
lips parted.

Danton laughed wryly, "You feel it too, do
you?" His mouth brushed hers and everything from her mind to her
toes melted.

That shook her out of her daze and she
twisted her head away. "Get off me! Surely you've had enough."

"No, you don't," he breathed. He pinned her
to the wall, pressing himself between her legs and caught her chin
in the palm of his hand. "Open for me, love."

His fingers tightened and pressed. Her lips
popped open and he swept his tongue into her mouth.

God! She'd seen Robbie and Johnny shoving
their tongues in each other's mouths, but it seemed like a nasty

It felt strange—a wet, velvety, faintly
brandy-flavored intrusion that coaxed her reluctant tongue to join
in. His tongue touched hers and retreated.

"Kiss me back," he whispered, sweeping his
lips over hers.

His eyes were a bright sea-blue deep enough
to drown in and she was drowning, falling under his spell. Her head
tipped upward, lips parted and he took his time exploring her face
and mouth. They were both hot and sticky, glazed with the sweat of
their lust, but none of that mattered. Just the slide of his hand
over her arm and the gentle way he cupped the side of her throat
made her lean into his possession.

The very tips of her fingers traced the hard
muscle of his chest and smoothed down to his narrow hips. She
ventured to touch him, hand wrapping around the softness of his
shaft and the wide, spreading head. His cock stirred. When he had
pulled it from her, it had looked much smaller and dreadfully
shriveled. She was drowning in sheer mindless sensation as his lips
and tongue plundered her willing mouth.

"Fuck me again. Please, Danton."

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