The Taming of Lady Honoria (4 page)

Read The Taming of Lady Honoria Online

Authors: Jodi Henley

Tags: #erotic romance, #anal, #ff, #spanking, #mm, #rough sex, #mf, #erotic regency, #old friends, #regency erotica, #stable boy

BOOK: The Taming of Lady Honoria
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He growled under his breath, "Unless you're
willing to take me again, I'd suggest you stop."

She gave him a reluctant smile. "I'm still

"Are you?" he asked. He shoved a hand under
her skirt and pushed it up out of the way. The tip of his finger
slipped into her easily and wiggled around. "You don't feel

Virginity was vastly overrated compared to
the hot burn of Robbie's cock. "Be gentle?"

"I've seen you ride without a sidesaddle."
His fingers pressed deeper. "It won't hurt."

"You're enormous. I'm sure it’ll be

That got her a faintly puzzled look. "But it
, Honoria."

She parted her legs and ignored the little
voice inside her that told her he wasn't—perhaps—the brightest
candle in the box. She whispered, "Why don't you show me?"

Back on familiar ground, Robbie grinned at
her. "Take off your gown."

Honoria struggled to undress herself, fingers
skimming the lacing between her shoulders. Robbie was no help,
although he watched curiously. Finally, she just lifted everything
out of the way, pulled the busk from her corset and pushed her
skirts up around her waist.

Robbie rolled over on one arm and rummaged
under the bed. His cock stuck out like a broomstick. It was hard to
believe that enormous, fleshy wand had fit into her ass. Just
thinking about it made her shudder deliciously.

"This should work," he said, holding up a
little jar. He unscrewed the lid and scooped out a thick white

"What is it?" she asked suspiciously.

"Grease," said Robbie.

He pushed the gelatinous gob into her and it
warmed almost instantly, oozing down the length of her crevice to
puddle beneath her hips. Honoria sat up indignantly.

"Oh!" she whispered, thighs sliding over each

She ran a hand over herself, eyes drifting
shut. A ripple of pleasure made her writhe. "That felt good."

Robbie pushed her back and slid between her
legs in one long, luscious swoop. A fine sheen of sweat burnished
his chiseled features and literally made him glow. His hips surged,
pounding her across the now slippery bed with a promise of yet more
to come. Unable to stop her inexorable slide, Honoria held on to
the thick muscle of his shoulders while the tension in her body
built to a screaming pitch. She could feel every inch of his
massive length stroking into her depths and the scratch of his
balls as the twin weights slapped her exposed flesh.

He was crushing her muslins and getting
grease all over her chemise, but she didn't care.

"Help me!" she cried.

He slipped his hands under her
well-lubricated flesh and jiggled her back and forth. "Move!"

A tiny buzz lodged in Honoria's belly. She
wasn't aware she'd started shouting until Robbie slapped a hand
over her mouth. He reached down between them, fingers pushing
through the delicate folds of her now swollen slit and grabbed her
nub roughly. Honoria screamed into his palm, eyes wide.

The muscles on Robbie's stomach clenched and
he bit back a roar as he tried to push through her with his cock.
Finally, he collapsed and rolled off, arms out flung.

A thin whisper of music came from the ball,
barely noticeable over the sound of snoring and kitchen noise.

Honoria waited until her breathing evened out
before she sat up. Her entire body throbbed, strangely unfulfilled.
"I need to go before people notice I'm missing."

Robbie handed her the thin wooden busk and
she slipped it back into her corset. The heavy embroidery on her
gown hid the worst of Robbie's depredations, but she still felt his
thrusts and doubtless it was her imagination, but her skirts
smelled like sex. She pushed the wrinkled flounces back into

Robbie waved from his position on the bed.
"Don't stay up too late. You've a long day ahead of you."

Knowing he referred to the fox hunt organized
by her father, Honoria sighed. Everyone at Cross Willow knew how
much she loathed the hunt. "If only I didn't have to go."

"You're a lady," said Robbie. "It's

Honoria made a face and started down the
narrow hall.

It had seemed like a long time, but she could
still hear the distant sound of a waltz and knew the ball wasn't
nearly finished.

She finally exited the servant's quarters and
came out in the East wing behind a curtain. There were several
curtained alcoves along the ornately decorated corridor. Her father
was a stickler and refused to let servants ruin the perfect
symmetry of the many statues he had lining the walls. Servants were
expected to duck into an alcove and remain there until the family

Not that Honoria had such alcoves in her

She peeked out from behind the curtain and
made sure no one was in sight before walking quickly to the next
alcove. Sliding into the shadowed depths, she took a deep breath
and shrieked into the hand abruptly clamped to her mouth.

"Mpmf!" she exploded, kicking and

"Much as I enjoy your thrashing," whispered
Danton. "I'd advise you to be still. There are too many ears." His
hand slid down her body and pushed at her skirts until he found the
juncture of her thighs. "You are a hot little baggage and I dearly
enjoyed watching you."

"You dare!" Honoria swung her fist up to box
his ears.

He caught her fist easily. "Naughty little
puss," he breathed. "That was a compliment. I saw you watch the
stable-lad and I watched you in turn."

you?" she sobbed.

His voice was lazy and amused, "How could
, my dear? It's not every woman that likes buggery."

The flush rising from her chest to her jaw
scalded her. "I…"

"Don't apologize," whispered Danton. His lips
brushed the side of her throat. "I quite enjoyed it."

"How could you
me?" she finally
choked out.

His finger pushed into her and swirled around
her nub, making her jump. "I suspect you were mad with passion and
enjoyed the rough handling, else how would you be able to take such
a large man into such a small hole?"

She pushed his hand down and away. "I

"You hate my honesty? I'm wounded."

Footsteps came down the hall and paused in
front of the statue of Aphrodite. "Magnificent," said a plummy male

"I've always thought so," said Honoria's
mother. "She was birthed from the foam of Uranus's genitalia and I
particularly enjoy the suggestion of testes under her left

"My word! Those
testicles. You
have a sharp eye, Lady Charlotte."

Danton's laugh stirred the hair at Honoria's
nape. The minute her mother's voice faded at the end of the
corridor she turned and glared at the blank spot where she imagined
his face to be.

"I sincerely hope I never see you again."

Danton turned her to face him. "Back here,
love." He brushed a kiss on her nose and laughed softly. "It's been
suggested I can see in the dark." He pulled her bodice up and
pushed her out into the corridor. "Run, little rabbit. The wolf is
gaining on you."

This time he didn't bother to constrain his
mirth. He followed her down the long hall, pinched her on the
bottom and sauntered off in the opposite direction.


Honoria galloped after the distant horses.
Placid as Cleo was, she had a gallop like a bag of rolling rocks,
which worked for Honoria because she had a seat like a sack of
flour. Just short of a hedgerow, Cleo stopped and sidled sideways,
snuffling nervously.

Honoria wasn't a good rider. Her skills
didn't include sitting on a rebellious horse.

"Don't worry." She leaned forward and made
the little nickering sound one of the grooms had taught her. "We
can walk around it."

Cleo rolled her eyes back, kicking wildly.
Honoria fell forward, hands around the pommel. Her heart thundered
and didn't stop even when Johnny ran up to grab the dangling

"Lady Honoria?" he shouted, over Cleo's
panicked whuffles.

He had volunteered for the position of whip,
and the bright scarlet coat set off his fair hair and boyish face.
Honoria couldn't look down into his eyes without remembering his
lips locked around Robbie's cock.

She turned away, uncomfortably aroused.

"The Earl your father has asked that you
retire from the field."

Her father glared at her from his position at
the front of the pack. His seat was perfect, and the set, angry
look to his mouth made it obvious she had embarrassed him yet
again. In the family, she was the only one who couldn't ride. The
others were all excellent horsemen.

"Cleo isn't well," she told the stable

"The Earl said I wasn't to bring back an
argument, m'lady."

The brooding sky chose that instant to spit
on her. Honoria's face felt so hot, it was a wonder the rain didn't
sizzle from her reddened cheeks. She took the reins back and stared
down at her white-knuckled grip, miserably aware of the riders
gathered beside her father's big, blocky form.

"Please tell my father—"

"The Earl, your father, says I was also to
tell you he'd have a tray sent up." Johnny looked as unhappy as
Honoria felt, and to her horror she felt tears prickle at the back
of her eyes.

"Thank you," she said bleakly.

"Go, m'lady—afore he looks this way.

"Perhaps you'd better listen," said a thin,
spiteful voice.

Honoria glanced to the left where her younger
sister sat on a horse so perfectly behaved it looked like a statue.
Despite an excess of nose and narrow little eyes, Eugenie cut a
dashing figure in her scarlet riding habit.

"You embarrass all of us," she said. "You
might be passably pretty, but you can't even control your hack, and
your seat—! Why don't you just go away?"

Honoria opened her mouth to tell Eugenie
where to put her interfering and huge nose, but the faces turned
her way were hard and condemning. Was it really the end of the
world if she couldn't control her horse? She didn't even

Honoria swallowed back her retort and stared
down at the space between Cleo's ears. "I'm not leaving because you
told me to go; I'm leaving because I don't want to be here

Eugenie wheeled her horse around. "Think what
you wish."

Without the hunting party the little lane
felt very isolated. Rain hit the back of Honoria's head and dripped
into her collar. Cleo danced back and shuddered, dumping Honoria in
the mud.

"Eugenie!" she called.

From where she sat, Honoria saw her sister
jump the hedgerow without a backward glance and hated herself for
trying. Her family didn't care a whit about anything she did.
Honoria staggered to her feet, pulling her sodden skirts out of the
mud. Her pelisse was soaked and her favorite lilac half boots were
ruined. Cleo was nowhere in sight, and the distant baying of hounds
told her the hunt was on the move. She was alone.

"Lady Honoria?"

She looked up into a pair of bright blue
eyes. "Drat it all."

Danton swung down off his horse and gave her
an elegant bow.

"Lord Danton," she whispered, staring at the
enormous bulge in his breeches.

For such a small man, he was remarkably well
endowed, or remarkably well-padded, for she'd heard friends talk of
men who employed the services of cotton wadding. His coat didn't
lie. For his shoulders weren't the broadest and his belly didn't
bulge with muscle but when he gave her a brilliant smile and
brought her hand to his lips, his gallantry made her giggle.

"Is all forgiven, Lord Danton?"

"How could I stay mad at such beauty?" He
released her and lifted an elegant gold brow. "I saw your horse
carry you off and thought to rescue you, but it appears you've
rescued yourself."

Honoria gave him a hopeful smile. "Alas, it's
no rescue, sir. For I've lost my way and have only my feet to carry
me home."

Danton bowed again. "My horse, as well as
myself, are yours to command."

She swept a hand down over her clothes and
glanced up at the sky. At that instant another raindrop spattered
her face. "Home, if you would be so kind?"

Danton helped her into his saddle and swung
into place behind her. He set an easy walking pace and it gave
Honoria plenty of time to realize the bulge in his breeches was
real. The length of his cock pressed into her hip with increasing

"How much farther?"

Honoria wasn't sure if she should be alarmed
or complimented. His length kept swelling and she could feel the
rounded bulge of his cockhead.

Danton had spent the last ten minutes
casually moving closer to her breast. On one hand, he'd been easily
handled the last time and from the looks of it, a storm was on the
way. Honoria didn't relish the idea of a long, wet slog down the
muddy lanes. On the other, he was persistent, and Robbie was the
last persistent man she'd dealt with.

"Not much farther," he said easily. This
time, so she wouldn't mistake it, his fingers lingered on her
breast, seeking her nipple beneath the heavy cloth.

Honoria shuddered, "Sir, your

"A thousand pardons," said Danton. He took
his time, and traced his hand down over her belly before allowing
his arms to form a loose circle around her.

Night was closing in fast. Surely Cross
Willow was over the next hill. The hunt couldn't have gone more
than a few miles from the estate. She was trapped with Danton until
they returned to the stables, but it wasn't forever. Surrounded by
the warmth of his arms—which were a lot less scrawny than she'd
imagined—Honoria closed her eyes. Danton's arms tightened and she
let her cheek rest on his chest, turning just enough to rest
comfortably in his embrace.

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