The Taming of Lady Honoria (3 page)

Read The Taming of Lady Honoria Online

Authors: Jodi Henley

Tags: #erotic romance, #anal, #ff, #spanking, #mm, #rough sex, #mf, #erotic regency, #old friends, #regency erotica, #stable boy

BOOK: The Taming of Lady Honoria
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Her knuckles beat into Honoria while her
fingers spread apart to open Honoria wide. Honoria threw her head
back and moaned deep in her throat, heels drumming against the gray
silk counterpane. Sharp little pinches rained down on her still wet
body, sensitizing it to Daisy's every whim.

The pleasure pain built to an unbearable
pitch, wringing grasping little moans from Honoria as she thrashed
her head back and forth. "Please," she whimpered. "It's too

Daisy pushed Honoria's leg back out of the
way and leaned in, hips grinding behind her fingers as she mimicked
what Honoria had just shared with Robbie. Daisy's breasts bounced
wildly, jerking up and down, as her fingers pumped in and out, and
her thumb wrestled with Honoria's rigid little nub.

Honoria shrieked. Her limbs went crazy,
twitching and jerking, no longer under her control. She was
drowning in sensation and only came up for air when Daisy pulled
out, her big, round face creased with satisfaction.

Chapter Two


Three days later, Honoria stood exactly ten
paces from fresh air and a chance to peel the chemise from her
back, trapped by yet another house guest. Surely they were
proliferating like rabbits. As a member of the family it wouldn't
be horribly bad if she was to venture near the window, but without
an escort she couldn't escape the sad crush for even the barest
second. Sweat dripped down her back and into her unmentionables
while the open terrace doors taunted her with a gentle breeze. She
fanned herself vigorously.

A man had stumbled against her earlier and
she had the most titillating feeling that he could see through her
gown to the sensitive flesh of her still sensitive ass—such
speaking blue eyes and charming blond hair.

As if conjured from her thoughts, the
gentleman in question pushed through the crowd toward her. Up
close, he was simply ordinary. His blond locks were just blond
locks and his eyes were forgettable, but his grin was sharp and

"Lady Honoria?" he inquired. "I don't think
we've had the pleasure of an introduction."

Honoria laughed, titillated by his bold
manner. "Easily remedied, sir!" She curtsied to his elegant bow. "I
am Honoria Cavanaugh, and you are—"

"Lord Danton," he said, "the Marquess of

"Introductions are out of the way," she said,
waving an airy hand. "Do say you'll take me for a turn on the
terrace, Lord Danton. It is most dreadfully warm in here."

She put her fingers on his arm and he smiled
down at her from his not very great height.

"I would be delighted to accompany you,
Lady Honoria."

The air outside was much cooler and Honoria
used the opportunity to fan herself vigorously. To her pleasure,
Danton took the fan and created a veritable gust of cool air. She
lifted her chin to enjoy the sensation and her nipples

"Enjoying yourself?" asked Danton.

Honoria gave him a slow smile. He was
boringly average, but she hadn't missed the way he had looked down
into her almost nonexistent cleavage.

They stood in a shadowed pocket just to the
side of the windows, where the terrace widened to encompass a clump
of willows. Penitent green leaves cast darker shadows on Danton and
made it hard to tell exactly what made him grasp her wrist and pull
her behind the branches of the nearest tree.

"My lord!" she whispered. "This is most

They were scandalously close, and the
proximity made Honoria bold. She pushed at his hand, letting her
fingers glide over his muscled fist.

He was exceedingly well-toned for such a
nondescript lord.

"Wench," he breathed. His hand slid into her
bodice and pulled at her breast, freeing it from her gown.

She put his hand over her nipple and he
instantly squeezed it, causing the most delicious sensation. "I
like that," she said, right up against his chest. "I'd like

He lifted her face and brushed his lips over
hers, at the same instant he pinched her nether lips. She jumped so
hard his stifled laugh made her fume.

"Not funny!" she snapped, stomping her

One arm slid around her waist and pulled her
close while he rummaged around under her skirts. "On the contrary,
my dear. I find you hilariously funny." He explored her
well-spanked flesh with gusto.

"Stop that!" She twitched away from him,
straightening her skirts.

"Denying your nature, my dear?" Danton
straightened. "How tedious."

Honoria pulled her bodice up over her chest.
"Don't talk to me, you horrid man! And keep your hands to
yourself." She flounced through the leaves and slammed into her
cousin, Teddy.

Teddy spun like a cat and pushed her away, a
beribboned gold quizzing glass held between them like a shield.

His protuberant brown eyes widened. "Good
! Honoria? Demned, if you don't look as spry as a…" he
fumbled for words, "spry thing."

"Thank you," she said sweetly, ready to kick
him if he didn't move. Danton was right behind her and he didn't
seem like the kind of person who cared what anyone thought.

Years of exposure to her apparently made
Teddy skittish because he backed out of her way without being
asked. Danton stepped out from behind the willow branches and
brushed leaves from his immaculate black coat.

"Teddy!" he shouted, slapping her cousin on
the shoulder. "I didn't realize you knew Lady Honoria."

Teddy's eyes opened so wide, Honoria could
see a ring of white around them. "F-Falbridge?" he stuttered.
"Fancy m-meeting you here. Honoria's my cousin, don'cha know?"

"No," said Danton, smiling back at Honoria
with a wicked glint in his eyes. "She's your
, you

Honoria bit her tongue until she could taste
blood. Evil,
man! "How dare—!"

Danton caught her hand. "It has been a
pleasure, but I'm afraid I'm out of time and must be off." He bowed
over her fist and pressed his lips to her whitened knuckles with a
loud smacking noise. "Your servant, dear lady."

Freddy waited until Danton left before
tapping her rigid shoulder with his quizzing glass. "I thought
you'd plant him a facer. I daresay that will be the end of him, eh


The swirling music faded as Honoria ran up
the staircase, away from the ball. She couldn't take another
instant trapped in the same room with Danton. She didn't know why
she was running to Robbie, but as she slipped around a corner she
was terrified of being caught. What story could she use to cover
her sudden interest in the servant's quarters?

To her relief, no one saw her. She had the
sudden unsettling thought that everyone was at the other side of
the house, pressed into service. What if Robbie
his room? Had she come so far only to be turned away?

His door was unlocked, for none of the
servant's quarters had locks and it wasn't as small as she
expected, boasting a small sitting room in addition to a

Honoria crept inside and closed the door
behind her. Sound came from his bedchamber. She inched the door
open and stopped when it was just barely wide enough to show her
Robbie stretched out on his bed. Moonlight coming through the
window showed Robbie lay on his back naked with another man atop
his massive frame. Small and slight of stature, with curling blond
hair and a certain sweetness of face, the younger man was impaled
on Robbie's cock. Honoria's eyes opened as wide as they could.

She must have made some noise, because Robbie
turned his head just enough to catch Honoria's gaze. His welcoming
smile flashed out and Honoria shivered, knowing that he saw her,
yet continued to let the man grind and slide over his hugely
aroused cock.

He moved his hips just enough to give Honoria
a better view, and she finally identified the younger man as
Johnny, the stable-lad. She remembered the many times he'd brought
her a mounting block and shivered yet again.

She'd heard of men taking their pleasure with
other men, but had dismissed it as salacious gossip. From what
little she'd known of sex, she couldn't get her mind around the
mechanics. Surely all their dangly bits would get in the way.

Johnny's cock was small and drawn up tightly,
and the entrance to his nether region was stretched wide to
accommodate Robbie's monstrous cock. He grunted when he slid down
and his tiny member bounced. His nipples were hard little points,
and abruptly Honoria wondered if
looked like that with
Robbie's cock in her ass.

Robbie gave her another grin and abruptly
pushed Johnny off, giving Honoria a glimpse of the younger man's
gaping hole before Robbie knelt and grasped Johnny by the leg,
flipping him over on his back. He pushed Johnny's knee toward his
chest and lifted so Honoria could see Johnny's puckered ring and
the swell of his cock clearer than before.

She gasped at the sight of Robbie's cock
entering the other man's nether region and watched avidly as Johnny
whimpered, face contorted as the log-like shape vanished into his

"Play with yourself," whispered Robbie.

The other man groaned, reaching down to his
crotch. Obviously not fast enough because Robbie slammed his cock
into Johnny's ass hard enough to send the other man bouncing.

"I said,
play with yourself.

Johnny shuddered, hand locked around his cock
as he pulled at the shriveled member.

"Harder," breathed Robbie, shifting to get
out of Honoria's way.

Johnny locked his hand at the bottom of his
cock and stroked fervently. He lifted his face and Robbie bent, his
mouth fitting over the other man. Their tongues flashed in and out
in time to Robbie's frenzied pumping and Johnny's sobs.

Moonlight glistened on their sweat and the
room was filled with the musk of their joining. Robbie's strokes
shortened, plowing into Johnny hard enough to make the other man

"Whose bitch are you?" whispered Robbie. He
kept pounding, harder and harder, until the sound of sex filled the
little room.

Johnny opened his eyes wide, his gaze
tortured. "Your bitch, Robbie. Oh
, fuck me harder—" His
legs lifted still higher, giving Robbie deeper access.

Robbie's cock swelled, and he abruptly gave a
muffled shout, slapping into Johnny hard. His entire body shook and
he threw his head back, the muscles in his ass taut.

He pulled out, leaving Johnny to continue
pumping at his cock. He went about cleaning himself and pulling on
a pair of breeches while Johnny found release on his own.

The younger man rose on shaky legs and used
Johnny's towel to wipe himself. "I hate you."

Robbie laughed. "You're not in love with me,
Johnny. You're in love with my cock."

Johnny threw himself on Robbie's incredibly
broad chest, arms going up, around his neck. "I do love you,
Robbie! I wish you'd see that." He dropped to his knees and brushed
passionate kisses on Robbie's cock before taking the still
semi-hard length in his open mouth.

His lips formed a tight seal over the bigger
man as Johnny slid his mouth down the rapidly hardening length,
hands cupped over Robbie's ass, pulling him closer.

Robbie's face changed, growing darker and
more dangerous. His fist curled in Johnny's hair, holding him as he
thrust his hips forward. Johnny gagged, eyes opening wide as he
stared up at Robbie. Tears stood in his eyes.

Robbie kept thrusting, grunting now, a fine
tremor in his incredibly broad shoulders.

Johnny closed his eyes, a wet, slurping sound
coming from his mouth. He made a despairing noise and abruptly
coughed, throat working while Robbie kept his head pinned.

"All of it," growled Robbie.

Johnny finally pushed away, face red,
breathing hard through his nose. "I want to fuck you."

Robbie pulled him to his feet and grabbed his
chin, lifting Johnny's face to his. "Let's get this clear. I fuck
, you don't fuck me. And if you don't like it, get the
hell out." Robbie pushed him off. "Get out anyway; I've had enough
for tonight."

Johnny left, shoulders hunched.

Robbie opened the door after Johnnie left and
Honoria smiled up at him. "Did you even think of my mortification
when the door hit me on his way out?"

Robbie laughed. "I know you, Honoria. You
enjoyed that, didn't you?"

Honoria laughed with him. "Perhaps you
know me," she admitted. "As I obviously do not know

She followed him into his bedchamber and
settled herself on the bed as Robbie splashed water on his chest
and face. The linens were still warm and Honoria allowed herself
the indulgence of remembering the rough way Johnny had handled

Her breathing quickened and she reached down
to squeeze herself through her delicate silk gown. It didn't seem
enough, so she squeezed harder. Better, but still lacking. She
tried wiggling the mound of flesh, moving it first one way then
another. Finally, she pinched herself, admitting she'd liked the
way Danton made her feel, wild and wanton.

"Nice," said Robbie.

He joined her on the bed. He'd opened his
breeches and his cock protruded from his lap. Honoria fondled it

"I am of marriageable age."

"No doubt," growled Robbie. He leaned back
against the headboard, tucking the pillow behind his head.

"And men are allowed their freedom before and
after marriage."

"Go on," he said.

"I would like some freedom," she said,
pulling at him in what she hoped was a meaningful way.

His cock grew and lengthened. Honoria ran her
hand over his massive chest and was amazed to see his nipples
harden into taut little nubs.

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