The Sweetest Kiss (Brothers of Worthington Series) (22 page)

BOOK: The Sweetest Kiss (Brothers of Worthington Series)
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As Judith descended, the room grew
and all eyes were on her. A steady rhythm beat in her chest as she tried to remain calm. She searched for Trey, hoping she’d find him immediately. No such luck. Isabelle Worthington waited at the end of the stairs by herself. The older woman’s eyes shined with glistening tears as she watched Judith.

A movement caught her attention as a tall dark-head man hurried out of the ballroom. When Trey turned Judith’s way, her heart leapt. He stopped and gaped wide. Beside him, Dominic whispered something to Trey that made him snap his mouth close and straighten, but his eyes remained fixed on her. Just as she’d hoped, they darkened with emotion the closer she came.

When she neared the bottom of the stairs, Trey moved silently through the crowd, meeting her at the last step. He took her gloved hand and kissed her fingers.

“You are absolutely breathtaking,” he whispered for her ears only.

She curtsied. “Thank you, my lord.”

He hooked her arm through his and escorted her into the ballroom beside his mother where they stopped and faced the crowd. Although Judith knew the dowager was here, she couldn’t take her eyes off Trey long enough to see what the older woman was doing. Trey wore a black double-breasted over-jacket with tails, a white shirt and cravat, along with white trousers. A king couldn’t have looked more dignified and handsome at this moment.

The crowd gathered around them for an introduction. Judith smiled, nodded, and curtsied, but after ten minutes, all the names and faces became a blur. Trey stayed beside her, close enough that their arms touched. She liked that almost too much.

Finally, the dancing began. Just as Dominic promised, he swept her away into the ballroom. He was as tall as
his shoulders were almost as wide. They were both very handsome men, but Trey outshined his friend in all aspects.

?” the

She chuckled.
“As much as I dare.
Everything is still a blur to me. I just hope I don’t disappoint Her Grace.”

“I’m quite certain you will perform splendidly. After all, you were taught by the best.” He winked.

She bit back a laugh. “Lord Trey?”

“Who else can there be?” He chuckled.

“Oh, he didn’t teach me, my lord, although don’t let him know that. The knowledge would crush him, I fear.” She leaned closer and lowered her voice. “You know what an ego that man has.”

threw back his head and laughed, which lightened her heart. If all the men were like him, she wouldn’t have to worry about her ability to communicate for the rest of the evening. Unfortunately, most men were like Trey, only wanting to steal a few kisses and take some liberties.

Before she knew it, she was in the arms of another man. For the life of her, she couldn’t recall his name, but their conversation went well. At least the dance was more festive, and she barely had to touch him. As they moved around the room, she searched for Trey. He had definitely tried to hide himself tonight, because she couldn’t see him anywhere. He hadn’t danced with anyone, and from what she could see, he wasn’t standing by the buffet table, either. Could he possibly be outside?
Or worse—with another woman?

It didn’t matter, she tried to convince herself. She suspected he had a mistress and had to put the poor woman on hold while he assisted his mother’s ward. Still, it didn’t stop Judith from searching for him every chance she got.

A man she hadn’t seen since childhood occupied one of her dances. Her heart softened. Trevor Worthington, Duke of Kenbridge, had been a tease as a boy, but as he grew older, he treated her with kindness. He’d been the big brother she never had.

Although she wanted to squeal with delight and throw her arms around his neck, she didn’t. They were no longer children. But his smile told her he hadn’t forgotten their friendship.

“Good evening, Miss Faraday. What a pleasure it is to see you again.”

Her grin stretched wider. “It’s certainly a pleasure to see you, Your Grace.”

The dance was slower, and Judith welcomed the rhythm. “I have not yet congratulated you on your recent marriage.”

“I thank you.”

“Did you bring your wife tonight? I would very much like to be introduced to her.”

He shook his head. “She’s laid up in bed.
Doctor’s orders.”

“Then please pass on my regards to your wife. I hope she feels better soon.”

Trevor looked too much like Trey, except the older brother didn’t have the easy-going expression in his eyes. His gaze was too serious. Trevor seemed an inch taller, and maybe just a bit broader through the shoulders. But his dark hair and eyes were nearly the same. Thankfully, Trevor’s personality was far different from his younger brother’s. Trevor had always been London’s greatest catch for a husband. Judith hoped his new wife appreciated him.

“So, Miss Faraday,” Trevor said.


“Has my brother treated you well during your stay?”

She studied Trevor’s expression. His tight jaw and arched brows let her know his question was serious. Then again, he would know more than anyone what kind of man Trey portrayed.

“He has been the perfect model of a gentleman,” she lied, trying not to laugh at the same time. “I have to admit, the first few days of my stay were quite rocky, but we learned to get along.”

Trevor chuckled. “I remember when my brother used to tease you as a child. It’s good to know he overcame this habit.”

“Well, it did take some time, but we eventually figured out a way to talk without any serious repercussions.”

He laughed. For the remainder of the dance, his expression seemed more relaxed, which eased her mind. Apparently, Trevor worried about her innocence, too. He certainly had every right to think this way.

When Trevor left her side, another gentleman claimed her. By the eighth dance, she begged for a moment of rest. Her escort hurried to fetch a glass of champagne. She wasn’t left alone for very long when several men gathered around to talk. They were charming, and quite handsome, but she dismissed them easily, knowing she was not choosing a husband tonight or any night, for that matter. It baffled her how many man sought her out due to her inheritance.

Men like that could not be trusted.

A flute of champagne was pressed into her hand, and she quickly took a long sip, moistening her parched throat. All around her people chatted about mundane things that made her want to scream. If she had to dance with every one for the rest of the evening just to get away from these people, then she would, the whole time praying the evening would end.

Now, where was the gentleman who was supposed to be her dance partner? Didn’t he deliver her drink? But the man had conspicuously disappeared.

A warm hand cradled her elbow. Anger shot through her. Why, the nerve of that man who had touched her! Trying to hold her temper, she swung to scold the person responsible, and came face to face with Trey. He
his blue eyes nearly melted her.

“Miss Faraday? May I have the honor of escorting you for the next dance?”

As the string quartet started the waltz, her heart skipped a beat. Finally, a moment she could enjoy. “Yes, of course, my lord.”

He took her gloved hand in his as he led her to the middle of the floor, his gaze holding hers the whole time. Once she settled in his arms and their feet moved to the hum of the stringed instruments, she breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

“By the sparkle in your eyes, I’m assuming you are enjoying yourself, my sweet.”

I am now.
“Actually, the sparkle in my eyes is probably due to the many glasses of champagne I have had tonight.”

He laughed.

“But truthfully, I am enjoying myself. I have met some very fascinating people.”

He arched a brow. “Have you taken a liking to any of them?”

“No. Am I supposed to?”

“I just wondered if anyone has caught your eye.” He shrugged.

“My lord, I’m not looking for anyone to catch my eye.” She tilted her head. “If you remember correctly, I’m still waiting for your solicitor to give us more information about Alex.”

A flicker of panic crossed his expression before he lifted his chin, his body growing stiff. “Don’t you believe what Mr. Lewis has discovered all ready?”

“That Alex is not in the Royal Navy?” She shook her head. “I want more proof before I condemn the man to hang, my lord. Until then, I shall continue to believe there’s a simple explanation for all of this.” She said the words, but deep inside it was harder to convince
. Trey mustn’t see her doubt. “However, my lord, I do believe you know more than you’re telling.”

His eyes widened. “Indeed? How pray, did you come to that conclusion?”

“Women’s intuition.”

He chuckled, and the deep timbre of his voice made her heart pitter-patter faster. Blast
he always had this
on her.

“Besides that,” she continued, “I witnessed the exchange of knowing glances between you and Lord Hawthorne this morning after your business partner left.”

Trey stumbled in his step but quickly corrected. She almost smiled with victory. He couldn’t lie to her now.

“Knowing glances, my sweet? What are you referring to?”

“Oh, don’t play coy with me. I believe your business partner was Mr. Lewis himself. Even your mother mentioned his name earlier this afternoon, and I know you talked to him.” Her heart twisted in confusion and she frowned. “Please, Trey. Tell me what he said.”

“Now, now, my lovely.”
He squeezed her hand. “I will not do anything to ruin your ball. My mother would have my head on a platter if I did anything of the sort.”

Judith’s chest grew heavy. “So you heard more bad news?”

“My dear,” he said softly, “please stop this nonsense. We cannot have the most beautiful woman in the room frowning, now can we?”

She shrugged. “How should I know? Who, pray, is the most beautiful woman in the room? I shall promise not to make her frown.”

Trey chuckled, his eyes twinkling again. “You know very well who I’m referring to.” His fingers caressed her hand. “And I shall repeat what I told you earlier. You take my breath away. Indeed, I have never seen a more handsome woman than the one I’m dancing with now.”

Judith wanted to smile from his compliment, really she did, but she wished he’d tell her the truth. Before another word was spoken, the music ended. Quickly, she stepped closer to him and whispered in his ear, “You
tell me what Mr. Lewis said. I shall pester you until you do.”

When she pulled away, his smile stretched wide across his face. He lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed her knuckles. “I look forward to it, my sweet.” He winked, hooked her arm over his arm and walked her back to the flock of men he’d rescued her from earlier.

She could have screamed. Trey would take back his words when she showed him her tactics of persistence. He knew something about Alex, and she’d not rest until he had told her every word. Yet, she knew how hardheaded Trey had been in the past. Teasing her was his greatest accomplishment. So how could she get him to confess? Perhaps she’d make a bargain with him of some sort. He’d told her many times before how much she tempted him.

She grinned. Yes, she’d tempt him the only way she knew how.


Giddiness was a perfect way to describe Judith tonight. Of course, the several glasses of champagne had much to do with her state of mind. With each glass of spirits, she flirted more, danced more, and laughed as if she didn’t have a care in the world. Dancing seemed to go on all night, but she allowed man after man to take her out on the floor and swing her in their arms.

Dominic, her dear friend, saved her on a few occasions when a man or two had become overzealous, and she was thankful for the
’ interruption. Dominic assured her she was acting normal and that the dowager was very pleased with tonight’s events. He also kept assuring her that Trey couldn’t keep his eyes off her.

It seemed strange Dominic would tell her such a thing, especially when he didn’t know what intimacies had happened between her and Trey. Nonetheless, she smiled and accepted the praise. She also promised not to drink another glass of champagne for fear the room would spin more than it was already thus far tonight.

She had kept her word and occasionally captured Trey’s attention, reminding him he had something to tell her. He laughed and handed her another glass of champagne, the rogue! The glimmer in his eye let her know he thought this a game.

A game, indeed.
She would certainly show him how to play when she got him alone. And she would before the night was over.

When the last person left, she sighed with relief. Trey and his mother stood beside her as she bid their guests farewell and the butler closed the door. Judith turned to Trey and grinned, arching her brow, but before she muttered a word, the dowager took Judith in her arms and hugged her tight.

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