The Sweetest Kiss (Brothers of Worthington Series) (23 page)

BOOK: The Sweetest Kiss (Brothers of Worthington Series)
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“Oh, my dear.
This was a most magnificent night.” Isabelle pulled away. “You made me so proud, as if you were my own daughter.” She cupped Judith’s face. “How can I thank you for allowing me to give you this? I know your parents are smiling down at us from heaven.”

Judith nodded. “They certainly are. Thank you for your help, Your Grace.” She turned to Trey. “And yours of course, my lord.”

He bowed slightly. “The pleasure was all
, my dear. Now, if you will excuse me, I must leave. I fear I still have some unfinished business to take care of in my study. Goodnight Mother, Judith.”

Before she could stop him, he bolted down the hall as if his heels were on fire. Irritation boiled inside her and she fisted her hands. She’d get this resolved tonight whether he wanted to or not.

“Come, my dear,” the dowager said as she tugged on Judith’s arm. “I shall take you to your room.”

What else could Judith do but follow? Grudgingly, she walked beside her guardian until she opened the door to her bedroom and stepped inside. After the door closed behind her, she stomped to her vanity table and sat on the stool. Her maid had laid her nightgown on her bed, but she would not retire yet. Dealing with Trey was more important. Of course, she must wait a few minutes to make certain the dowager settled in her room, first.

While she waited, she pulled off her elbow-length gloves and removed her jewelry. She took out the ribbons weaved through her hair, pulled out the bun, then tugged at the ringlets. Using the brush, she finished straightening her hair. She remembered how Trey liked it down, and if she must tempt him tonight, she’d have to look the part. Getting him to confess what he knew was vital, and she’d do anything to get it.

Once her hair was the way she wanted, she left her room. With most of the lamps in the hallway extinguished, shadows followed her as she crept down the stairs to Trey’s study. His door cracked open enough for a small amount of light to shine into the hallway.

Slowly, she pushed the door open. Trey sat at his desk, only a few lamps dimly illuminating the room as he stared at the papers in front of him, drumming his fingers on the oak. He had removed his over-jacket and waistcoat. Even his cravat was missing and his shirt hung open at the throat.

Indeed, he was a powerfully handsome man.

Taking a deep breath, she stepped inside.


Chapter Eleven


Silence filled the room. Judith’s heartbeat knocked against her ribs, and she feared
would hear. A pop from the fireplace jerked her attention to the low burning logs that had just broken. The heat made the room cozy, which in turn made her sleepy. Then again, that was probably the
of the champagne.

“Please come in, my sweet. I have been waiting for you.”

Trey’s deep voice made her jump, and she placed her hand on her chest.

“Close the door, if you will.”

Her hands shook as she did as he asked, wondering why she should be the one out of sorts tonight. She’d come for answers and wouldn’t leave until he gave them. Then again, it was how she intended to get the answers that made her anxious.

She cleared her throat. “You’ve been waiting for me, my lord?”

Finally, he turned his head and stood. Even in the low lighting it was evident desire lit his eyes.

“But of course. After all, you did promise you were going to talk to me tonight. Did you not?”

“I did.”

His bold gaze caressed every inch of her, inspecting her person as if she stood before him in her bedclothes. Her heartbeat thudded faster and her limbs quaked with nervousness. His nearness made her dizzy.

“Then pray, let’s not wait another moment.” Her voice shook, so she swallowed. “Please, tell me what more your solicitor has discovered about Alex.”

Trey stepped closer, but she stood her ground, shoulders back, ready to do battle. He entwined a lock of hair in his fingers and brought it to his mouth, letting the waves caress his lips.

“You smell heavenly, Judith. Tell me,” he said in a soft voice, “why did you brush out your hair?”

“I—I—” How could she admit she wanted to tempt him? “I had nothing better to do while I waited for your mother to retire.”

He traced her face with the tips of his fingers. “Judith, do you know how lovely you looked tonight? I had no desire to take my eyes off you this evening, not even for a moment.”

Warmth spread through her chest from his compliment.
But enough of his flattery.
She wanted answers.
“Trey, please.”
She licked her dry lips. “Would you tell me what your solicitor has found?”

He frowned and stepped back to his desk. “I fear I’m reluctant to deliver bad tiding such as these.”

She held her breath and clutched her hands against her middle. Did she really want to hear? Yes!
She must know.

“What Mr. Lewis discovered about your fiancé is not good at all.” He folded his arms and sat on the edge of his desk. “It appears Mr. Lewis was wrong about Mr. Cutler’s finances.”

Relief slowly seeped through her, but she dared not become too excited. She cocked a brow. “He was wrong?”

“Yes. Mr. Cutler is wealthier than we first expected.”

Another bout of relief trickled out, but she held it in, just in case. Had the solicitor misjudged Alex? “I don’t understand how this can be considered bad news.”

“Apparently, your Mr. Cutler is quite a charmer, though. In the last year on three different occasions, with three different women, he has persuaded some young, wealthy widow to become his lover. Anyway, during these times, he proceeded to steal their jewels before he left without a trace. With each woman, he used a different name.”

Shock vibrated through her body and her legs shook. She sat on the sofa, still clutching her hands to her body. It couldn’t be true. Mr. Lewis had to be wrong. Alex wasn’t the type of man who would have done that.

“How do they know it was Alex?”

“Each woman described your fiancé in the same fashion. They all said he had curly brown hair and a scar on his bottom lip.” Trey lifted from the desk and sat beside her on the sofa. “Judith? Does Alex have a scar on his bottom lip?”

Her heart lodged in her throat and a deep ache filled her chest. She couldn’t breathe, yet she feared if she did breathe she’d let out a sob. “Yes,” she whispered.

“Apparently, he’s hiding because the authorities are looking for him. All three of these women reported him as a thief.”

Tears stung her eyes, and she blinked quickly to chase them away. Was this really the man she had intended to marry? The man she had met several months ago could have never acted this way. He’d been the perfect gentleman. Or was that just an act, too?

“Really, Trey.
None of this makes sense. If he was only after me for my inheritance, why didn’t he meet me at the woodsman’s cottage?”

Trey stroked her arm. “Judith? Did he know about your inheritance?”

An ache grew in her head, meeting the same pain as what was forming in her chest. “No.” Her throat tightened with emotion, so she cleared her throat again.

“Oh, my sweet Judith.”
Trey cupped her face as he loomed near. “I didn’t want to tell you. I cannot bear to see you hurting.”

If he didn’t stop pretending he cared, she was indeed going to cry. Releasing such emotion in front of him was out of the question. She must appear strong.

Pushing his hands away, she stood. “Thank you, my lord. Tell Mr. Lewis I’m grateful for this knowledge before I could exchange my vows with Mr. Cutler.” She turned and walked to the door. “Now, if you will excuse me, I’m very tired and I must lie down. Goodnight, Trey.”

Trey lifted himself from the sofa, but she hurried out of the room and rushed down the hallway before he could stop her. She didn’t remember every step from there to her room, but once she was inside and the door closed, she ran to her bed. Tears streamed down her face as sobs choked her throat.

She’d been a fool for falling in love with a man she didn’t know. Then again, had she really loved Alex or was it just the idea of marriage that she loved? She’d wanted to find a man to marry. All of her friends were married. So when she’d made Alexander Cutler’s acquaintance and realized he found her interesting, she made it a goal to make him fall in love with her.

Slowly, she lifted from the bed and walked to her full-length mirror. She wiped the tears staining her cheeks and sighed. While growing up, she’d never been able to accomplish making the boys fall in love with her. Why did she think she could do it now?

She recalled all the times when she had fancied a boy, but they always found her friends more interesting. Judith could never keep her thoughts inside her head so she spoke her mind, which was her biggest downfall. Her friends giggled and batted their eyes and won over the boys every time.

Nothing had changed. Even tonight with her coming out ball, she could tell when the men found her interesting or not. Most of the time all she saw was their greedy nature, especially when they spoke of her inheritance. Indeed, money was their only interest. She had no desire for a man like that. The romantic side of her wanted to find a man who would love her for the woman she was, not what she could give them. She wanted a man who would treat her like a queen. The same way her father had treated her mother.

Would she ever find such a man?

A small knock rapped on the door. There was only one person who was awake at this hour, and in her confused and depressed state of mind, it was unwise to let him in.

Problem was
she truly didn’t want to get rid of him.


“Who is it?”

Trey stood in front of Judith’s room, resting his palm on the door as if mentally reaching to her through the solid oak barrier. The crack in her voice said it all. Telling her about Mr. Cutler had broken her heart. Trey couldn’t let her suffer alone. Whether or not she knew it, she needed him.
Needed his comfort.
Just as he needed hers.

“Judith, please let me in,” he whispered, hoping everyone in the house had gone to bed by now.

From the other side, feet padded to the door and stopped. He waited for her to allow him entrance, but so far, that hadn’t happened. He must convince her he was only here to comfort.

“Judith, my sweet.
I cannot let you hate me like this.”

“I don’t hate you, Trey.”

Her voice was too soft for him to believe her. “Please, let me in so I can explain.”

The doorknob clicked and the door opened. She peered at him through the small gap and shook her head. “Go to bed, Trey. I don’t wish to talk tonight.”

His stomach clenched and his heart ached. “I fear I cannot leave. I must know you are all right.”

Through the small amount of space the cracked door had to offer, he pleaded with his eyes as he kept hold of her puffy-eyed stare. Finally, she nodded and stepped away from the door. He pushed through then closed it.

Just like his study, not much light illuminated the room. Only a few candles cast shadows everywhere. He sucked in a quick breath. It would be nigh impossible to keep her at arm’s length tonight.

She folded her arms and walked to the window. She pulled back the curtains only slightly, letting in a sliver of moonlight from outside.

“Judith, I want to apologize.”

“Why? You were only trying to help,” she said over her shoulder. “It’s not your fault Mr. Cutler has deceived me and everyone else he comes in contact with.” She lifted her fisted hand to her mouth as if she held back a cry.

His heart cracked with emotion. Seeing her distraught was more than he could bear. Taking soft steps, he moved closer until he stood behind her. Long chestnut hair cascaded over her shoulders and back in a seductive wave. Tenderly, he stroked the hair resting over her shoulder. “My heart is breaking for you, my sweet. Tell me what I can do to make your pain disappear.”

Beneath his touch, her body quivered. Heat surged through him, stronger this time. She’d always responded well to him, and he smiled from the knowledge he still affected her.

“Trey,” she whispered. “You really must leave. This is not proper.”

She didn’t need to tell him what his mind continually repeated every time they were together. Yet, right now, he couldn’t abandon her.

He stepped closer, clutching both of her shoulders as he pressed his face into her hair. The scent of roses filled his head, making him dizzy with wanting. “You need not think in such a way. I’m here to share your pain. When you hurt, I hurt.” He kissed her head. “It’s because of me you are hurting, and I want to take it away. Please, allow me to comfort you, my love.”

A deep sigh came from her as she leaned back against him. On impulse, he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, pulling her closer. She caressed his arms but didn’t remove his hold.

He nuzzled her ear before moving his lips over her lobe. She shivered and clung to him.

“It tears me apart to see you cry, knowing I’m the one who caused you such agony,” he whispered. “Did you really love him?”

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