The Sweetest Kiss (Brothers of Worthington Series) (17 page)

BOOK: The Sweetest Kiss (Brothers of Worthington Series)
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Closing his eyes, he drifted back to yesteryear…a place he didn’t like to visit very often.

Trey stood behind a tree and spied across the yard. Why had Judith and her parents come to this event? Couldn’t he get away from the little nuisance just

Yet this summer seemed different for some reason. Her hair was browner.
Longer and prettier.
She wasn’t a chubby as she’d been last year. In fact, without walking up to stand by her and measure her height, he would guess she had grown since he’d seen her last year.
And her dress…

He shook his head and blinked, not believing what he saw. Good heavens, but she actually filled out her bodice a little better. Then again, she was in her twelfth year if memory served him correctly, and that was about the age girls started blossoming.

Two of Trey’s friends stood by her. Their eyes twinkled with mirth as they laughed over something she said. Trey rolled his eyes. What in heaven’s name could they find so humorous? Judith’s personality was as dry as a day-old piece of bread. Yet these boys seem to think this country girl was something special. Trey knew differently.

Within seconds, a third boy joined the little group as he brought her a glass of punch. She smiled sweetly and lowered her gaze as if shy. Trey snorted. She was definitely not

He moved his focus from her to the other families gathering for the weekend party. How could he enjoy himself with his friends with Judith here? It was bad enough her family came to his family’s estate once a year, but Trey never told his friends he and his brothers had to entertain the girl.
Inwardly he groaned. His friends would certainly laugh at him if they knew.

Hopefully, she wouldn’t want to talk to him during the weekend.

As soon as the thought crossed his mind, he chuckled. For the past few years Trey had been doing everything in his power to push the girl away. So then why now would she even dare approach him? The only reason he remotely enjoyed her visits was so he could tease her and make her cry to her mommy.

Although—come to think about it, Judith never really did go crying to her mother.
Brave little girl.

From the corner of his eyes, he saw Tommy
the second son of the Earl of Cornwell, dash toward Judith. She couldn’t see Tommy because her back was to him. But if Trey knew Tommy—and he did—that boy was up to no good. Tommy’s stunts sometimes made Trey’s look amateurish.

But Tommy wasn’t slowing down. In fact, he was gaining speed and heading directly toward Judith. Although Trey shouldn’t care what the other boy was going to do, Trey suddenly felt defensive. Judith was
scapegoat. Nobody could tease her but him!

Tommy neared Judith and pushed her as he ran by. She stumbled into Edward Fraser, spilling her punch down her lavender and white dress, getting some of the drink on Edward.

Trey grumbled. That was it? That’s the best Tommy could come up with? Well, Trey would show the dolt how it was done…

He marched to Judith who was now trying her best to smile under the uncomfortable situation as she swiped the excess liquid off the material. The boys spoke words of encouragement as if they were trying to keep her spirits up. When Trey stopped in front of Judith, her eyes widened, and for a moment, malice flashed in their emerald depths. He didn’t know why, but he enjoyed riling her…seeing anger—and irritation—shine in her eyes.

The other boys greeted Trey, but he didn’t reply, just content to stare at her while his thoughts scrambled to think of what he could do to top Tommy.

Suddenly, she straightened her shoulders and arched an eyebrow. Was she challenging him? Well…he was certainly up for the task. Before he could think of something to say—or how to act—a sweet fragrance drifted from her and enveloped him. Flowers…

He couldn’t stop his attention from dropping to her lips. Good grief, they were fuller than he remembered, and oh, so tempting!

Before he could stop himself, he stepped right up to her, grasped her shoulders and kissed her soundly on the lips. Her body stiffened. The boys in back of him gasped.

Warning bells clanged loudly in Trey’s head, startling him like never before. He quickly withdrew. Of all the things to go through his mind right now, why did it have to be that he’d beat Tommy?

Grinning in Victory, Trey strolled away from the group, realizing nobody could top him now…

A hard knock came upon the door to his study, yanking Trey out of his memory.

“Worthington? Are you there?”

Trey blinked and glanced around the room to get his bearing. Oh yes…the dinner party—and Judith. He opened the door and smiled at his friend. The
stood in front of him, grinning like the cat that had swallowed a canary.

“My good man, what are you doing holed up in your study when you should be greeting guests with your mother and Miss Faraday?”

“I’d rather not take on that responsibility right now, thank you very much.” With his hand, Trey motioned for his friend to enter. “Would you like a pre-dinner drink? I have Bourbon or Brandy.”

chuckled. “Are you purposely trying to get sloshed?”

“No, I just need something to steady my nerves.”

Dominic eyed him closely then leaned closer and took a deep sniff. “Well, you are almost there. I fear if you drink anymore, you will make a fool out of yourself falling on your face as you enter the dining room. We don’t wish to embarrass Miss Faraday, do we?”

“What makes you think I will embarrass Miss Faraday?”

“You forget
I have seen you drunk.”

“I’m not drunk.
He took another sip then set the snifter on the tray. “But you are quite right. It’s time to stop while I’m still in an upright position.”

“So, Worthington?
you so upset?”

Trey shrugged, walked to his brown leather chair and sat. “What makes you think I’m upset?”

“You have been out of sorts for a few days. Now I see you drinking before the evening meal.”
shook his head. “That’s not like you.” He sat on the sofa and crossed one leg over the other. “Tell me. Why has Miss Faraday set you on edge?”

Chuckling, Trey massaged his forehead. “Why do you suspect Miss Faraday?”

“You have not been the same since we met her at the woodsman’s cottage.”

Trey cursed under his breath. Dominic noticed his change. Did that mean everyone had? “I suppose I’m anxious to get her married so I can get on with my life.”

“Have you heard from your solicitor yet?”

“Not since the other day. Hopefully, I will hear soon. That too, would ease my
burden some

“I agree. Then you will be able to concentrate more on money matters.”

Trey lifted his brows. “Have there been any new developments in my stocks?”

laughed. “Only that they keep rising.”

“Ah, very good news indeed.”
He glanced at his empty hand. “If I had a drink, I would make a toast.”

“Save it for later.”

From the doorway, the butler cleared his throat. “Excuse me, my lord, but Her Grace requests your presence in the blue drawing room, along with the
of Hawthorne, of course.”

Trey nodded. “We are coming.” He stood and straightened, trying to appear calmer than he felt. When he walked, he tried not to rush to the room where Judith awaited. They had only been apart for a few days. So why then did it seem like weeks?

As Trey stepped inside, he braced himself as he searched for her. Near the large hearth, Judith stood by his mother’s side looking more beautiful than any woman had a right to be. A forest green high-waist gown trimmed with gold practically clung to her, making his mouth dry. Her white elbow-gloves emphasized slim
the color matched the pearls around her neck and at her ears. Green ribbons wove through her chestnut hair piled on her head, very fashionable, and very alluring. He groaned. Tonight would be pure torture to be sure. Hopefully he sat far enough away from her during the meal that she wouldn’t notice him drooling.

From across the room, her gaze met his. Immediately, a sparkle lit her eyes and she graced him with a smile. His heart flipped. Now why did he have to react like that? And why were his feet taking him toward her? No!
He had to stay away.

When he stopped in front of her, he lifted her hand and kissed her knuckles. “You look ravishing tonight, Miss Faraday.”

Her cheeks reddened. “And you, my lord, are devilishly handsome.”

He chuckled and kept her hand in his, gently caressing her with his fingers. Curse him, but he couldn’t let go. Beside him,
nudged his elbow and brought Trey out of his dreams.

“You remember the
of Hawthorne?” Trey asked between clenched teeth.

“Why of course.”

She withdrew her hand and gave it to
, who bestowed a customary kiss on her knuckles. Jealousy ignited in Trey’s chest and made it difficult to breathe. Would he act this possessive when every man kissed her hand?
Although…this was Nic.
The very man who admitted he found Judith interesting.
The man who wanted to court her.

The compliment
gave her didn’t register in Trey’s mind. He was too busy devouring her beauty to hear anything, yet he knew every time she smiled, laughed, and moved her lips. She was simply lovely, taking his breath away by the minute.

He was a besotted fool, but at this point, he didn’t care. Perhaps the liquor was working.

Time passed quickly, and soon the guests were seated for dinner. To his horror—yet greatest delight—he sat across the table from Judith. Jealousy reared its ugly head when
took the chair beside her. Did she do this on purpose? After all, she had previously arranged the seating chart.

Inwardly, Trey seethed. During the meal, he had to watch as his best friend made Judith laugh. Several times
whispered something in her ear, their heads bent too close together. It was all Trey could do not to jump across the table and separate them. Why would the
go against Trey’s wishes for wanting to court her? Obviously,
was in the beginning stages.

On a few occasions, she glanced at Trey and smiled. His heart melted from this gesture, until she started talking with
again. Trey gripped his glass as he lifted it to his mouth. He’d have to reprimand
for his bold actions toward Judith, and without Trey’s consent.

A woman to his left leaned toward him, forcing him to tear his gaze from Judith and focus on her. He hadn’t even realized
cousin, Emma, from Paris sat next to him. He smiled as politely and charmingly as he could, since deep down inside he was ready to explode with frustration.

“My lord, I have been trying to get your attention for the last few minutes.”

Awkwardly, he laughed. “Forgive me, Mrs.
. I was distracted.”

She glanced across the table at her cousin and Judith. “I see Miss Faraday has distracted most of the men tonight. She’s a very lovely woman.” She looked back at Trey. “Or is it my cousin,
, who has you so vexed?”

Her brows
one higher than the other, as she gazed into Trey’s eyes. He couldn’t fool her. Then again, he had to. It really was none of her business who held his attention this evening.

“Hawthorne is always upsetting me in one form or another.” Trey winked. “But enough about that, what have you been doing since the last time we talked? How is your painting coming along?”

He had to mentally pat himself on the back for remembering her favorite pastime. Mrs.
eyes lit up like stars as she talked, and he was thankful he had taken her mind off Judith.

As he visited with Mrs.
, he noticed the resemblance between
and her. Both had hair and
the color of midnight. In fact, Emma was quite a handsome woman, if he dared admit. Of course, he wouldn’t think of dallying with the young widow since she was off limits, being
cousin, but one lucky man would find her a treasure, indeed. Lately, the only woman who occupied Trey’s mind was the woman he could never have.

His heart ached with the realization. He had to give Judith to another man when the time came. She was never going to be his. It surprised him that it mattered since most of the women Trey met in his life were certainly not worth his time. So why did he think Judith was so different?

Forcing himself to relax in his chair, Trey kept his attention on Emma and conversed with her. She laughed at his comments and occasionally touched his hand.
Nothing too forward.
On impulse, he glanced across the table to Judith. She’d fixed her stare on him as she cut her meat. By the whiteness of her fingers as she gripped her knife and fork, he received the impression she wasn’t pleased with him.

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