Authors: Christopher Clark
   views of decline 76â8, 558
Austrian ultimatum to Serbia (July 1914) 394, 423â30, 450, 451â7, 483, 518
   British reactions 456, 461â2, 468, 491â3
   French reactions 471â2, 498â500
   German reactions 515â24
   Russian reactions 427â8, 461, 462, 463, 465, 468, 471â87, 483
   Serbian response 457â69, 522
Austro-Hungarian army 65, 109, 217, 292, 357, 420, 425â6
   mobilization 509â510, 514â15, 518, 522
Austro-Hungarian Compromise (1867) 65â6, 69, 70, 84, 108â9
Austro-Hungarian navy 109
Austro-Prussian War (1866) 65, 136, 292, 469
Az Est
(newspaper) 60, 467
BaÄka 22
Bad Ischl 468, 469
Bad Nauheim 361, 430
Baden (Austria) 376
Baernreither, Joseph Maria 73, 580
Baghdad Railway 251, 336â7, 338, 363
Balfour, Arthur (
1st Earl of Balfour) 212
Balholm 520
Balkan Wars (1912-13) 251â8, 281â92, 558â9
   atrocities 43â5, 112â13, 357, 495
   Carnegie Foundation inquiry 25, 45, 276
   French policy 297â302, 326
   impact on Austria-Hungary 99â100, 112, 281â92, 559
   peace treaties 258, 278, 283â5, 286, 459
   press coverage 231, 232, 264â5
   Russian policy and arbitration 256, 257, 258â66, 274â6, 285, 326, 340â41, 352, 484
   Serbian territorial gains 43â6, 62, 99â100, 112â13, 253, 256â8, 357
Ballin, Albert 318â19
Balmoral 322, 354
Baltic Port (Paldiski), Russo-German meetings (July 1912) 314â18, 321, 510
Banat of Temesvar 425
Bardolff, Carl 117
Bark, Peter xxiii, 346, 474, 651
Barrère, Camille 192
   Prinetti-Barrère Accord (1902) 155, 244
Barthou, Jean Louis xxiâxxii, 309
Batum 479
Bazarov, Pavel 340
Beauchamp, William Lygon, 7th Earl 493
Beck, Baron Max Wladimir von 69
Beirut 248
Belfort 548
Belgium 29, 181
   German ultimatum and invasion 494, 544, 547â51
   neutrality 306â7, 351, 494, 540, 541, 543
   coffee houses 52â3
   evacuation 467, 469
   National Theatre 20, 34
   royal palace 3
   and Serbian rural society 32
Below-Saleske, Claus von 550
Benckendorff, Count Alexander von 158, 261, 284, 322, 410â411, 491, 496, 510â511, 654
Benedetto Brin
(Italian warship) 247
Beneš, Edvard 77
Benghazi 248
Bennett, Ernest 243â4
Berchtold, Countess Ferdinandine 396
Berchtold, Count Leopold von,
   Austrian joint foreign minister 61, 101, 110, 111â12, 117, 224, 225, 290
   and assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand 61, 388, 392, 394, 395â6, 399, 454
   audience with Emperor Franz Joseph following assassination 396â7
   background, character and early career 110â111, 356, 360â61, 395â6
   Balkan Wars 112, 113, 269, 291â2, 360â61, 396
   Hoyos mission to Berlin (July 1914) 400, 401â2, 412, 423
   âMatscheko memorandum' 114â15, 357â8, 400â401, 412â13, 587
   memoirs 396
   Moravian estate 85, 111
   relations with Aehrenthal 110â111
   relations with Archduke Franz Ferdinand 395â6
   relations with PaÅ¡iÄ 97â8
   and Serbian occupation of Albania 97â8, 282, 284, 285, 286, 287, 396
   ultimatum to Serbia (July 1914) 423â4, 426â30, 451, 452, 455, 460, 468, 518
Berlin, Congress of (1878) 6, 28, 73, 79, 83, 85, 86, 92, 125, 250, 273
Bernhardi, Friedrich von 236
Bernstein, Herman 512
Bertie, Francis, 1st Viscount Bertie of Thame:
   ambassador to France 159â60, 161, 165, 209, 214, 320, 354, 356, 533â5
   foreign affairs under-secretary 149, 174, 202, 359
Bessarabia 278
Bethmann Hollweg, Theobald von, German Chancellor 199â200, 207, 225, 325, 329, 333, 358, 497
   army bill (1913) 218, 238, 330â32
   background and character 200, 314â15, 359
   and Balkan Wars 289
   Baltic Port Russo-German meetings (July 1912) 314â18, 326, 510
   fiscal policies 215â16
   Haldane mission to Berlin (February 1912) 318â19
   Hoyos mission to Berlin (July 1914) 401â2, 413, 414â15
   July 1914 crisis 417, 419, 421â3, 471, 476, 515â20, 521, 523â4
   Liman von Sanders mission in Constantinople 339
   mobilization of army (August 1914) 525â7, 531, 532
   and Morocco question 208, 211
   and naval expansion 221, 222, 318, 319, 330
   Reichstag speech (December 1912) 328â9, 354
   on threat of Russian military build up 421
Reflections on the World War
xx, 359
Bezobrazov, A.M. (timber magnate) 176â7
Bieberstein, Adolf Marschall von 610
Bienerth, Count Richard von 69
Bienvenu-Martin, Jean-Baptiste 498, 502, 503, 537
BiliÅski, Leon 60â61, 97â8, 100, 377â8, 392â4, 454
Birzhevia Vedomosti
(newspaper) 232, 420, 506
Bismarck, Prince Herbert von 127, 142
Bismarck, Prince Otto von:
   and annexation of Alsace-Lorraine 124
   development of Bismarckian diplomacy 125â7, 141, 142â3, 250â51, 358, 361
   Reinsurance Treaty with Russia 125â6, 127
   resignation as Chancellor 129, 143, 197
Bitola (Monastir) 43, 44â5, 253, 255, 256, 257
Bittner, Ludwig xxii
Björkö, Treaty of (1905) 155, 181, 184
Black Hand (Ujedinjenje ili smrt!):
   aims 38â9, 41
   Austrian intelligence on 95â6, 99, 454
   Balkan Wars operations 45â6
   Bosnian networks 41, 58, 412
   cult of secrecy 39, 40â41
   formation 38
   links with Serbian authorities 45â6, 47, 48, 54, 95â6, 99, 389
   membership 39â40, 96
(journal) 38, 40, 63, 96, 368â9
   and plot to assassinate Archduke Franz Ferdinand 54, 55â6, 58, 59, 62, 385â6, 390, 454, 455, 466
Black Sea, militarization of 136, 137, 419
Blondel, Camille 278
Blühnbach, Schloss 379
Boer War (1899-1902) 134, 138, 144, 147, 163, 166, 174, 217, 227
BogiÄeviÄ, MiloÅ¡ 64
Bohemia 68, 69, 377
Bolsheviks xxiiiâxxiv
Bonham, Sir George 13â14
BoskoviÄ, Mateja 492â3
Bosnia and Herzegovina:
   Croat population 25, 38, 74, 411
   economy 51, 74â5, 574
   education and literacy 75â6
   Habsburg rule and Austrian annexation 18, 24, 28, 33â8, 62, 73â6, 79, 83â7, 109, 177, 188, 231, 258â9, 273
   industrialization 74â5
   Muslim population 25, 38, 74
   Ottoman rule 16â17, 23, 24, 74
   peasantry 74, 75
   Serb population 23, 24, 25, 51, 74, 76, 82, 83
   Serbian border control 57â9, 391
   and Serbian Empire (14th century) 21
   Serbian nationalist operations 35, 40, 41â2, 47, 48, 58, 62, 82, 94â5
Turkish Straits
Bottomley, Horatio 492
Boulanger, Georges Ernest 295
Bourgeois, Léon 194
Boxer Rebellion (1898-1901) 137, 153, 168, 180
BozanoviÄ, MiloÅ¡ 40
Bratianu, Ion 279, 403
Brazil 180, 247
Bregalnica, River 258
Great Britain
British army:
   expeditionary force 306, 351, 489, 534
   expenditure 140, 217
   and Irish Question 488â90
British navy:
   expansion 150, 217
   mobilization 521, 541
see also
naval arms race, Anglo-German; naval talks, Anglo-Russian
Broqueville, Count Charles de 550
Brosch von Aarenau, Alexander 107, 108, 110, 117
Brussels, German legation 551, 552
Buchanan, Sir George, ambassador to Russia 209, 321, 345, 546
   on Bulgarian monarchy 273
   and July 1914 crisis 449, 471â2, 481, 495â7
   and Sazonov's Balkan policy 262, 264, 266
   and winter crisis 1912-13 269, 285
Bucharest, Treaty of (1913) 258, 278, 285, 459
Buchlau, Schloss 85, 111
Budapest 32, 425
   Balkan Wars (1912-13) 42, 113, 114, 252â8, 275â6, 340, 352
   border disputes with Romania 91, 275â6
   customs union with Serbia 80â81, 228
   economy 32
end of Ottoman rule 28, 273
   Macedonian territorial claims 25â6, 27, 28, 38, 256, 257, 258, 274, 452
   monarchy 170, 273
   post-Balkan Wars financial assistance 276â8
   Serbo-Bulgarian alliance (1912) 252, 256â7, 262â3, 274, 296, 324, 352, 354
   Serbo-Bulgarian War (1885) 7, 79, 126
   strategic importance 272â3, 484
Bülow, Bernhard von, German Chancellor 85, 183, 198â9, 226, 358
   and Austrian annexation of Bosnia 85
   and Franco-German relations 134, 195
   and German colonial expansion 143
   Moroccan policy 157, 195, 199
   and proposed alliance with Britain 145
   and Treaty of Björko (1905) 181
151, 152
Burma 134, 139
Burns, John 493, 543
Burtsev, Vladimir 512
Buxton, Noel (
1st Baron Noel-Buxton) 211
ÄabrinoviÄ, Nedeljko 49â56, 370â71, 372, 380, 382â3, 385, 386, 408
Caillaux, Eugène 205
Caillaux, Henriette, trial 406, 441, 446, 501
Caillaux, Joseph 191, 211, 219, 227, 309, 311, 444, 504
   Morocco question 205â6, 207, 208, 210
   wife's trial 406, 441, 446, 501
Calmette, Gaston 406, 441
Cambon, Jules, ambassador to Germany 183, 190, 192, 194, 307, 310
   and Haldane mission to Berlin (1912) 320
   on Kaiser Wilhelm 183
   Morocco question 194â5, 205â6
   on Poincaré 295
   relations with press 232
Cambon, Paul, ambassador to Britain 190, 192â4, 310, 354
   and Balkan War 300
   Entente Cordiale 193â4, 538â9
   on Italy 250
   July 1914 crisis and outbreak of war 491, 502, 505, 533, 536â42, 543, 544, 545
   on Poincaré 295, 359, 537
   relations with Grey 213â14
Cambridge Daily News
Cameroons 163
Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry 163, 202
Canal Zone, Panama 152, 161
Cape Colony 142, 145, 336
Capelle, Eduard von 416
Caprivi, Count Leo von 127, 143â4, 197
Carlsbad 517
Carnegie Foundation, Balkan Wars inquiry 25, 45, 276
Carnot, Marie François Sadi 409
Carol I, King of Romania 278, 406â7
Caroline Islands 151, 152
Cartwright, Sir Fairfax 161
Casimir-Périer, Jean 191
Castelnau, Ãdouard, Vicomte de 302, 358
Catholic Church 310
Cattaro 92
Cavour, Camillo Benso, Count of 361, 436, 450
Cetinje 92, 283
Chamberlain, Sir Austen 542
Chamberlain, Joseph 146
Chambrun, Charles de 507â8, 651
Charlotte, Princess of Prussia (
Empress of Russia) 173
Charykov, Nikolai Valerievich 189, 259, 260â61, 347
Chataldja line (First Balkan War fortifications) 253, 256, 264
Chelius, Oskar von 524
   Boxer Rebellion (1898-1901) 137, 153, 168, 180
   British interests in 130, 131, 137â8, 166, 322
   German interests in 140â41, 151, 163, 168, 180
   Russian interests in 131, 137â8, 144, 153, 176, 322
   Sino-Japanese War (1894-95) 137, 138, 140, 158
Chotek, Countess Sophie (
Duchess of Hohenberg) 396
   assassination 367â76
   marriage to Archduke Franz Ferdinand 106â7, 370, 380
Churchill, Sir Winston 210, 212, 221, 456, 493, 494, 539, 541, 542â3, 549, 552
CiganoviÄ, Milan 53â4, 56, 383, 385, 390, 455, 465, 467, 575
Cincar-MarkoviÄ, Dimitrije 4, 14
Cisleithania 65, 67â8, 69, 70, 84
Clary-Aldringen, Prince Alfons 377
Clausewitz, Carl von 486â7
Clemenceau, Georges 217, 310, 311, 441
Cleveland, Grover 161
code-breaking 427, 441
Cologne 433
Combes, Ãmile 217
Congo 207, 208, 209
Conrad von Hötzendorf, Baron Franz:
   and assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand 392, 396, 399
   background, character and career 101â2, 103â4, 107, 358, 360
   and Balkan Wars 288, 290, 292, 396
   dismissal as Chief of General Staff 105, 110, 362
   and July 1914 crisis 425â6, 451, 452, 518
   recalled as Chief of General staff 115, 290â91
   and Redl Affair 115â16, 117, 362
   relations with civilian leadership 105â6, 109â110, 117, 224â5
   relationship with Gina von Reininghaus 102â4, 360
   war policies 104â6, 109â110, 115, 117, 290, 292, 333, 392, 394, 514â15
Conrad von Hötzendorf, Kurt 116
Conservative Party (Great Britain) 488, 493, 541â2