The Sextet Presents… Turn Another Paige [A Toy Story] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (7 page)

BOOK: The Sextet Presents… Turn Another Paige [A Toy Story] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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The experience of making love to both of them had been the best of her life. She’d treasure the memory, but sadness hit her as well. No one man would ever be able to fulfill her now.

She couldn’t keep Jude and Mike. She loved them both, and they loved her in their own way. But they were still committed to each other. Many places accepted two men together, but three people in a long-term relationship?

No fucking way

“What’s flying through that busy mind of yours?” Mike asked as he dropped down next to her. He slid under the sheet, rolled to his side, and threw a heavy arm over her belly.

She shrugged and faked a yawn.

“I’m tired too,” Jude said. He crawled into bed as well, putting a hand on her breast. “That took a lot out of all of us.”

Paige wasn’t sure exactly how to take those words. Compliment? Or complaint?

“Let’s get some sleep,” he said, closing his eyes and smiling.

They both fell asleep with the ease of innocent children.

She, on the other hand, could only stare at the ceiling and worry about what tomorrow would bring.

Chapter 7


Mike woke, and the first thing he thought of was Paige. Since he’d always been partial to a good romp in the morning—and knowing Jude was too—he reached for their new lover.

All he got was a fistful of sheet.

He sat up, fully awake. Jude was already up, leaning his back against the headboard. The sound of running water helped settle Mike’s panic. “I was afraid she might’ve run.”

“I had the same thought,” Jude said. “I think the sex scared the hell out of her last night.”

“The sex? Hardly. Our Paige doesn’t scare that easily. She had no trouble telling us exactly what she wanted. She
the sex.”

Jude sighed. “What happened last night wasn’t just sex, and you damn well know what I meant.”

“That’s why I thought she might run. She doesn’t like it when things get too serious.”

“So what do we do now?”

Mike was already working on that problem. “It’s gonna be major awkward when she sees us again.”

“Nooo. Really?” Jude sarcastically drawled the words.

“Then we’ll need to do something to break the tension.” No sooner were the words out of Mike’s mouth than the perfect idea hit. “Hey, Jude—”

“Don’t do that!” Jude added a snarl to his words.

“Sorry… How about we find a way to get her to smile and maybe let her know what happened last night is gonna happen again? And again. And again.”

“Such as?”

Mike grinned. “Remember all those toys she bought at Candyland?”


* * * *


The hot water beat against Paige’s back, easing the tension in her muscles. She was happy she woke before the guys, hoping to avoid the awkwardness of the “morning after.”

At least her walk of shame had only been down the hall to her own bedroom. No one else witnessed her humiliation.

If she was truly lucky, she could slip on some clothes, grab her laptop, and head out to grab some breakfast at Panera—although Saturdays were usually “pancake day,” and Mike might be disappointed she wasn’t there. He’d bought fresh blueberries just for her, even though Jude hated blueberry pancakes. Of course Mike would make another batch of batter—
fruit—to please his partner.

Both guys were so considerate of her and of each other.

Her heart hurt.

The night she’d spent in the arms of the two men she loved was supposed to have given her a batch of pleasant memories. Instead, all she got was the realization that she was stupid enough to make not one, but two men she couldn’t have the loves of her life.

Oh sure…the sex had been fantastic. She was positive she’d pleased them. That doubt barely weighed on her thoughts. Both Mike and Jude had received her kisses and her caresses with enthusiasm. And whenever they’d touched her, her body burst into song. The physical chemistry was undeniable.

But to them, that had to be all it was.


For her, it was love.

I’m an idiot.

Paige stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her, tucking it between her breasts. Then she stared at herself in the foggy mirror. Her short hair defied gravity, giving her a punk rock look. Jude always liked her hair that way.

She almost sobbed in heartache just thinking about him and about Mike. Trying hard to stiffen her resolve, she dried off, donned her robe, and decided to use her time at breakfast to launch her job hunt.

Jude and Mike thwarted her escape.

A solid wall of handsome blocked the way to her bedroom. Both guys were naked and aroused, and both held something in their hands. It took her a moment to pull her gaze away from their erections long enough to figure out they’d been snooping through her supply from Candyland.

“We promised to help you learn about sex toys for your article,” Jude said. He held up an egg-shaped vibrator and its remote control.

Paige squeezed her thighs tighter together as a hot flush raced through her body with the strength of a tsunami. Moisture flooded her pussy at the mere thought of what Jude could do with that sphere.

She’d already given it a test run, marveling at her first G-spot orgasm. As strong as that climax—and the two she gave herself right after—had been, simply having Jude controlling the vibrator would make her scream.

“I thought this looked interesting.” Mike held up a strap-on.

“You want me to wear
” she asked. The dildo on the thing was huge, and if she screwed his ass with it, she’d rip him apart.

A blush tinted his cheeks. “Yeah, I do. I want you to fuck me with it.”

“You’d like that?” How odd. A guy as forceful and self-assured as Mike surely wouldn’t want to surrender control, especially to a woman.

Would he?

“Hell, yes.”

Her mind raced with ideas of what she—and Jude—could do to Mike, and what the men could do to her with the sex toys. Paige’s womb contracted, and she almost doubled over. Never had she come so close to a climax just
about sex.

“You okay, Paige?” Jude asked. “I mean, if you don’t want to use this stuff—”

“God, yes,” she blurted out.

“Our room?” Mike asked.

She answered by leading the way.

Her robe hit the floor before she made it to the bed. “How exactly do you see this happening?”

Jude held up the egg vibrator. “How about we start with this? Bend over the mattress, and let me put this up your sweet cunt.” He was already smearing the thing with lube. Then he tossed the bottle to Paige. “Why don’t you strap that sucker on and lube it up? I think I’d like to have Mike blow me while you fuck his ass. And while that’s going on, I’ll see if I can torture you.”

Knowing how great that toy could make her feel, she bent over and wiggled her ass. “Sounds like a plan. Let’s get things going. I want to see what it’s like to have a dick.”

Jude ran his hands over the globes of her ass and hummed. “Maybe I’ll just fuck you like this first.”

“Nope, I want to be in charge.”

“Oh yeah?” Mike asked. “Our little Paige has some dominatrix in her. Next time we go to Candyland, we’ll have to get her a tight corset that makes her tits pop out, some fuck-me pumps, and a nice whip.”

“She’d look fantastic,” Jude said. “Maybe we’ll spring for a couple of slave collars for us. I like the idea of being in her control.”

Slipping his hands between her thighs, he nudged her legs wider apart. Then he rubbed the slick egg between her folds, found her entrance, and gently eased it inside her.

Paige had no sooner straightened up than Jude threw her a naughty smile and hit the button on the remote. The vibrations began, hitting her sweet spot. “Oh, shit…”

He flicked off the remote. “Just wanted to see if it was in the right place.”

“Trust me, it is.” She held out her hand. “Hand me that cock.”

Mike burst out laughing, stepped closer, and wagged his dick at her. “How about this one?”

Unable to resist, she stroked him from root to tip, smeared the pre-cum on his crown with her thumb, and smiled. “Perfect. But I can’t take it off and wear it.” She let him loose and held out her hand again.

Mike gave her the strap-on.

As she donned it, which was a bit awkward at first until she figured out exactly how to position it, a feeling of power swept over her. No wonder guys were so fucking
—they had

She wiggled her hips, letting the dildo sway before she laughed loud and long. “How weird are these things?”

“Not weird at all,” Jude insisted. “So where do you want me, Mistress Paige?”

“On your back, boy.” For a moment, she wished she had a whip she could flip around and then point at the mattress. For now, she used her finger and her fake cock. “There.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Jude flopped on his back, stacked his hands behind his head, and grinned.

“You,” she said to Mike. “Suck his cock. Now.” This domineering stuff was a hell of a lot of fun.

“Yes, ma’am.” Mike bent at the waist, wrapped his fingers around Jude’s cock, and licked its length.

“I said
, not

“He didn’t follow your orders,” Jude pointed out. “You should spank him.”

“Really?” While she thought that might be taking things a bit too far, Mike wiggled his ass at her.

“One good one, Mistress Paige. I was a bad boy.”

She hesitated.

“C’mon, sweetheart,” Mike added. “Learn to live in the moment.”

Paige gave him an open-palmed slap on one ass cheek that probably hurt her hand more than him. But when he hissed out a breath and a gush of fluid leaked from his slit, she got a delicious surge of heat straight to her pussy.

“Thank you, ma’am, may I have another?” Mike asked, his voice quivering.

Live in the moment…

She slapped his ass again. This time he swallowed Jude’s cock, sucking until his cheeks sank in.

Grabbing the bottle of lube, she smeared a fair amount over the dildo. “Now, I’m going to fuck your ass. What do you think about that, boy?”

“It’s sub,” Jude said before he groaned.


“It’s sub. Short for submissive.” A loud growl rose from his chest. “Shit, Mike. That feels fantastic.” Jude laced his fingers through Mike’s long hair and lifted his hips to meet Mike’s mouth as he bobbed up and down.

If she was going to walk the walk, she needed to learn to talk the talk. “Fine. Did you like your spankings,

Mike used his nod to slide up and down Jude’s erection again.

Jude’s head fell back against the pillow, and he closed his eyes.

“You can’t come yet, Jude!” she ordered. “You can’t come until I say so!”

“Yes, ma’am,” he said, his smile taking the bite from her bossiness.

Paige focused on the tight hole bared to her. Mike’s ass cheek was red from her slaps, and for some reason, that turned her on even more. Figuring she’d set him up for her penetration the same way he’d taken care with her, she worked some more lube over her fingers and then tossed the bottle aside.

Rubbing one slick finger around his anus, she inserted the tip up to the second knuckle. The entrance wasn’t as tight as she’d feared, probably because he and Jude had been lovers a long time. About to add a second finger, she stopped when Mike quit blowing Jude long enough to glance over his shoulder.

“Just do it! Fuck me, Paige. Hard.”

Instead, she smacked his ass again. “Don’t tell me what to do. And I didn’t tell you to stop sucking his cock.”

Mike obeyed, which must have pleased Jude because his breathing sped.

“You don’t come yet, sub. You hear me?”

He nodded and tugged on his bottom lip with his teeth hard enough she was amazed he didn’t draw blood. He was close, but she loved the power of denying him.

Imaging herself in the dominatrix outfit her guys had described, Paige lined her dildo up with Mike’s ass. “I’m going to fuck you now, Mike.” She almost asked if it was okay before she caught herself.

“’Bout time.”

His cheeky remark was probably meant to force her into punishing him again. She slapped his ass as she slid the head of her fake dick inside him. He spread his legs wider and sped up his sucking on Jude, who groaned in response.

She hadn’t seen him reaching for the remote, so when the vibrator inside her kicked in, she gasped and almost slipped right out of Mike.

Damn, this was one interesting and highly arousing ménage à trois.

The strap-on pushed against her pubic bone, giving pressure to her clit. Add Jude’s playing with the vibrator against her G-spot and the visual candy of watching herself thrust in and out of Mike, and Paige was already close to an orgasm.

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