The Sextet Presents… Turn Another Paige [A Toy Story] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (4 page)

BOOK: The Sextet Presents… Turn Another Paige [A Toy Story] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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He was lost. All he knew was the feel of Jude’s body squeezing his cock like a second skin. Mike dug his fingers into Jude’s hips and pounded into him, burying himself to the hilt. Needing to know he was bringing Jude just as much pleasure, Mike leaned forward to press his chest against his lover’s back. He reached around to grab Jude’s dick and started pumping it with his fist.

“Yeah, fuck yeah.” Jude hissed. “I’m almost there.”

Hoping to help him over the edge, Mike sped the rhythm of his hips, hoping to hold off his own orgasm until Jude found his release.

With a hoarse cry, Jude came. Mike slid his hand up to let the hot cum spurt through his fingers, loving how Jude’s ass clenched around his cock. After only a few more thrusts, his own orgasm started in his balls, pulling them tight against his body as he shuddered, blasting his own semen inside Jude.

Although he wasn’t one for cuddling, Mike slipped back into bed after they cleaned up and spooned against Jude’s back. He needed to hold him close.

“When are we going to talk to her?” Jude asked, glancing over his shoulder.

“Let’s set the stage properly. I’ve got a few good ideas. We’re all off work in two days. That gives us time to get things ready.”

“So we’re really going to do this? We’re really going to try to convince her she should stay with us forever?”

“Fuck yeah. I’m not letting her slip away without a fight,” Mike vowed.

Chapter 4


“I still don’t know why you didn’t want to eat at our restaurant,” Paige said as she looked around

She’d wanted to come to this restaurant since it opened, but getting a reservation was next to impossible. Not that Minneapolis had a wealth of connoisseurs, but a new French restaurant—especially one so favorably reviewed—was welcomed and patronized.

“You’ve only talked about this place for months.” Mike pulled her chair out for her, something he always did that made her feel like a lady.

Tonight, it made her sad.

It was her own fault. She’d let her ridiculous fantasies ruin her life. She was the one who couldn’t seem to get past the delusion that her future happiness was wrapped up in two men who were nothing more than her friends.

It’s just the damn sex toy

She knew that was a stupid excuse as soon as the thought formed in her mind. She’d
had Jude and Mike on the brain. All the vibrator had done was make her desire for them more vivid, more alive.

Now, it bubbled and brewed inside her, making her temperature rise each time she was near them. Hence the sadness. There was no way they desired her the way she wanted them.

They had each other. Neither of the men had ever said anything about wanting a woman in their relationship. They were clearly happy with each other and never seemed to need anyone else in their lives. All Paige was to them was a friend and someone to pitch in with rent so they could live in a nice neighborhood and have an apartment that was relatively new.

But she wanted them. She wanted to grab them both, drag them away from the restaurant and back to their apartment, and put some of those toys she’d bought to good use. She wanted them to love her the way she loved them.

She’d thought a lot about what she’d do when the guys decided to move someplace where same-sex couples could marry. They’d discussed it each time a new state became enlightened enough to pass a liberal marriage law. Jude would always say they’d marry and finally buy a house—maybe even start a family. He’d once joked that Paige could be the surrogate mother for a baby—that they’d mix their sperm and let nature decide which seed took root.

But he hadn’t meant it. If they decided to have a child, they’d hire a surrogate they didn’t know so there wouldn’t be any messy emotional ties to the kid. Or they’d adopt. They wouldn’t need her to be a mother to their child, no matter how much she’d love seeing the two of them as fathers.

Jude would be the “good cop.” He’d be the one the kid would go to with skinned knees and hurt feelings, and Jude would soothe them away the same way he’d always helped her through illnesses and disappointments. He would dry tears, apply bandages, and give warm hugs.

Mike would be the “bad cop.” He’d scare his daughter’s potential boyfriends away by cleaning his gun when he was introduced. He’d be the one who would stand over a naughty toddler to be sure he stayed in his timeout chair. But the discipline would be handed out with love, meant to make the child a good person.

What would she do when Jude and Mike married? When they tied the knot and bought a house, they wouldn’t need a roomie anymore. Paige would be the proverbial third wheel.

Fuck that.

She wasn’t about to wait around until they ordered her to leave. She’d go her own way first. And she’d tell herself that the bit of pride she’d cling to by choosing to leave instead of being asked would help make the parting less painful.


“I…I’m thinking about moving,” Paige blurted out.

“What?” Jude shouted loud enough several patrons turned to stare at them.

“Shh…Everyone’s looking,” she said, putting her hand on his arm, hoping he’d calm down.

“Are you fucking kidding?” Mike asked. “Why would you be thinking about moving?”

She shrugged. “I’ve got a couple of leads on full-time writing gigs.”

Jude narrowed his eyes. “Where? With what company?”

A good lie needed details. “There’s a new magazine starting up in Indianapolis, and they need someone to work for their political section.” A lie, but she knew the city and thought it might be as good a place as any for a single female with a badly broken heart to start over.

“Who’s speaker of the house, Paige?” Mike leaned in, putting his palms against the table. “Who’s vice president?”

Fast thinking had never been her strong point. Neither was politics, obviously. “Um…I think Hillary Clinton’s the vice president.”

He snorted at her and shook his head.

“What’s this
about?” Jude asked. “You’ve been my roomie forever. Why all of a sudden would you think about leaving Minnesota? You told me you love it here.”

“I do. But…” She shrugged again.

How was she supposed to tell them that, since she’d come home from Candyland, all she’d done was play with the sex toys and think about how desperately she wanted them? Both. How could she explain how much she loved them and how it killed her a little more each day to see them so happy together, especially when she feared she’d never have anyone love her the way Jude and Mike loved each other?

Paige straightened her spine. “It’s time to let you two have some privacy. I’ve been weighing you down for too long. Our lease is up in two months. By then, I should have a job and can afford my own place.”

Mike’s scowl could have ignited green kindling on fire. “Have we ever—
even once
—told you we didn’t want you as a roommate?”

“Well, no. But—”

“What made you decide to look for a new job? Do you hate working at the bar?” he asked. “Am I a hard-ass boss?”

“You know I like it there and love working for you. But—”

Laying his hand over hers, Jude gazed into her eyes. “What’s wrong, Paige?”

The tenderness in his expression was almost her undoing. Her eyes stung with tears, but she held them back. “Don’t you two want some privacy? Don’t you get sick of having me in your way?”

The waiter appeared over Mike’s shoulder, looking nervous as he approached the table. She would be too. No one wanted to interrupt a serious and rather stern discussion to ask what the people wanted to eat. She took pity on him and shot him a smile. “Are there any specials tonight?”

She listened to their waiter’s spiel with little interest, taking ordering dinner as an opportunity to drop the touchy subject. The men thankfully followed suit.

Dinner was delicious
Lamb noisette. Sweetbread with shallots. Potatoes au gratin. The tastes set off fireworks in her mouth, and she considered exercising her writing skills on Yelp with a review.

Anything to keep from thinking about the men.

After the first couple moved to the parquet dance floor to sway with the piano music, Paige had to keep herself from sending furtive glances at the happy people. She loved to slow dance, but seldom had the opportunity. About to suggest that the guys go dance, she was amazed when Jude took her hand and stood.

“Let’s go, lady,” he said, pulling her to her feet.

“Go? You mean home?”

He tweaked her nose. “No, silly. Let’s go dance.”

As he headed toward the dance floor, he moved so quickly, she had to stumble to keep up.

“Why?” she squeaked.

“Why what?” he called over his shoulder.

“Why do you want to dance with me? Don’t you and Mike—”

“Like we’d want everyone staring at us. This is Minneapolis not New York City. Besides, it’ll be fun to dance with you.”

Before she could ask another question, they were on the dance floor.

Paige stared up at Jude, wondering if she’d ever get over her crush. Figuring this would be a friendly dance, she put one hand on his shoulder and held up the other, expecting him to grasp it. He didn’t. Instead, he drew her into his arms, holding her close—as though they were lovers sharing a romantic dance.

He was so much taller than she was she had no place to put her face except flush against the base of his throat or turning to lay her cheek against his shoulder. She chose the latter.

Drakkar Noir
. Jude’s cologne filled her senses as the heat from his body warmed her. Since he didn’t seem to mind her being so close, she indulged her fantasies just this once, sliding her arms around his waist and holding him tight.

The song changed, and the notes of “I Can’t Stop Loving You” filled the enormous room. Paige couldn’t stop herself from humming, wondering if anyone else in the restaurant knew the old Ray Charles standard. It fit her somber mood, and the words echoed her own thoughts. Once she left her guys behind—when she was no longer a part of their lives—she’d dream of the times they shared together. Holding Jude close as they danced as though they were any other loving couple would be one of those treasured memories.

His soft baritone started crooning in her ear, singing the words that pierced her heart like a knife. He rubbed his chin against the top of her head, and then he kissed her hair. For that moment, she felt cherished.

“You feel great in my arms,” he said.

How was she supposed to reply to that? “Um…thanks?”

He chuckled and gave her a squeeze.

So lost in his touch and the beautiful music, Paige barely noticed when someone tapped her shoulder. She reluctantly lifted her head to glance over her shoulder.

Mike stood there with a grin on his face. “Mind if I cut in?”

Her fun was over. Mike wanted to dance with the man he loved.

“Go ahead.” God, she hated the pouty tone of her voice. She stepped to the side, figuring she’d go back to the table and watch them dance, probably swallowing the envy along with another hefty glass of
pinot grigio

“Where you going?” Mike grabbed her hand, pulling her back before she’d even taken three steps.

“Back to the table. I thought you wanted to dance with Jude.”

“No, baby. I don’t. I want to dance with you.”

Since when did Mike call her baby?

Since never
. Just like Jude would normally never have said something as decidedly romantic as “you feel great in my arms.”

Before she could ask, Jude moved away, slapping Mike on the shoulder as his partner tugged her into his arms.

Her guys were the same height. Her cheek rested on the same spot on Mike it had on Jude—the place where chest and shoulder met.

Mike didn’t wear cologne, yet he still smelled good. A cross between the fabric softener she’d used on their laundry and clean male. Paige closed her eyes and surrendered, letting her feet follow his and enjoying how his hands caressed her lower back while hers were looped around his neck.

Whatever had gotten into her guys—whether it was the French cuisine or the white wine—she hoped it would never, never end.

She wasn’t intoxicated by the alcohol, but she was intoxicated by Jude and Mike. Being held in their arms, feeling as if she truly mattered to them, she made a decision. For tonight, she’d take what she wanted. For tonight, she’d indulge herself in make-believe. For tonight, she would let her fantasies lead her.

Because tomorrow, she’d have to start planning a new life.

If she was going to have to leave them behind, she wasn’t going empty-handed. She was going to grasp a fistful of memories that might help keep her warm on the cold nights ahead.

“Do you guys wanna get out of here?” She stopped dancing and stood on tiptoes to whisper the question in Mike’s ear.

His brown eyes searched hers. “You want to leave? Why? Don’t you like it here?”

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