The Sextet Presents… Turn Another Paige [A Toy Story] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (2 page)

BOOK: The Sextet Presents… Turn Another Paige [A Toy Story] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“You just haven’t met the right man, sweetie. But you know we love you,” Mike said, leaning in to kiss her cheek. As always, her whole body flushed warm.

“Damn straight, we do,” Jude added. When he mimicked Mike’s action, brushing his lips over her skin too, she had to squeeze her thighs tight.

What the fuck’s wrong with me?

Four years of college and two years as roommates, and she still couldn’t shake her crush on the guys.

Crush? More like mad, passionate love

At least she could say it and they wouldn’t realize what she truly meant. “You know I love you both too.”

She was an idiot, and she knew it. Jude and Mike were gay. Not flamboyantly or anything. Hell,
was the problem. They both looked like
models. Muscular bodies. Handsome faces. Living with them, she got to see them in various stages of undress. And when they kissed…

A heavy sigh slipped out.

“I need to shower before I go to work. You’re on at eight?” Mike asked.

Paige nodded. “Maybe I can ask some of the customers about sex toys.”

“Pour ’em enough drinks and some of the regulars will probably talk your ear off.” Ruffling his hand through her hair, he got up and headed down the hall.

“He knows I hate that,” she grumbled as she ran her fingers through her carefully spiked tresses. “Takes me forever to get it right.”

“It looks fine,” Jude said before he got up as well. “I need to get ready for work too. Want me to drive you to the restaurant on my way to the hospital?”


The three of them were such night owls. Jude worked three twelve-hour night shifts a week at the hospital. But he seemed to love being a nurse, despite the shit people often shot him about being a male in a female-oriented job. All the kids he cared for adored him, and the only bitching he did about the job was about the administrators.

Mike was technically her boss, the general manager of the restaurant and pub where Paige tended bar a few nights a week. Majoring in journalism in college had been stupid, but nothing else had truly appealed to her. Unfortunately, her “big break” hadn’t come yet, so she wrote stories for a local women’s magazine and kept a roof over her head by slinging drinks.

The sound of the shower drew her attention. As usual, Mike had left the bathroom door wide open. Sometimes, she wondered if he did it on purpose because Jude almost always went in to take a peek. Then again, he had a habit of leaving the door open too. Every now and then, she got a glimpse of one of their bodies and usually had to wipe away the drool.

Damn, but they were prime specimens. She’d fantasized about touching them, tasting them, running her hands and tongue over every inch of their tanned bodies. Whenever she saw them kissing, she imagined it was her receiving their attention.

At night, Paige sometimes caught the sounds of them making love. When they really got going, the headboard would bang against the wall. What would it be like to be pressed against the two of them, caught between their hard bodies, and fucked by the two men she’d dreamed about for almost as long as she’d known them?

I need to get a life.

Putting her laptop aside, she headed to her room to get ready for work.


* * * *


Jude passed Paige in the hallway, catching her frown and wondering what had upset her.

Was it the story? As naïve as she was, writing about sex toys had to be killing her.

He stepped into the bathroom just as she slammed her bedroom door. “Hey, Mike. What’s up with our roomie?”

Mike’s warm chuckle floated over the shower stall. “I know what’s up with
roomie every time she’s around.”

“Oh? Got a hard-on in there? Just for Paige, not for me?”

The door cracked open, and a wet head peeked out, the long hair dripping water on the throw rug. “Stop that. You know I love you, too.”

“I know. Just teasin’.”

After a loud click as the shower door closed, Mike went back to getting clean. “I wish I had enough courage to tell her how I feel.”

feel,” Jude corrected as he shook the can of Barbasol and then squirted shaving cream on his hand. Considering his reflection in the mirror, he thought about simply letting the beard grow in. He turned his face to look at the stubble on his jawline. “Think I’d look good with a goatee?”

Mike chuckled. “Nah. I like you without one. That baby face is handsome bare.” He turned off the shower, grabbed the towel from where it hung on the top of the door, and started rubbing it over his body. “You know, we could offer to help her with that story.”

“Pardon?” Jude asked as he smoothed the white cream over his cheeks before rinsing his hands in the sink.

“That sex toy story. We could offer to take her shopping, buy her some fun stuff, and then tell her we’ll show her how to use it. Once she sees you naked, she’ll never be able to resist.”

Sticking his tongue in his cheek to push it out, Jude dragged the razor over his skin and gave some solemn thought to Mike’s suggestion.

“You don’t have to look so serious,” Mike said, grinning at Jude in the mirror. “I was only kidding.”

He swished the razor around in the water. “I don’t know—it might not be that bad an idea.”

“Really? Well then, I’m brilliant!” Mike’s grin suddenly fell to a frown. “Look…we’ve known her forever, and we’ve always been too chickenshit—”

“Not chickenshit,” Jude insisted. This time he flipped on the faucet to rinse the tenacious little hairs off his razor in the stream of water. “Just terrified, if we approach her, she’ll panic and move out. I’d die if I lost her friendship.”

“But if we don’t take a risk, we can never get her. If we’re going to work up enough guts to tell her how much we want her to be more to us than a roomie, we need to do something…

Jude sighed. “There’d be no turning back.”

“But think of what we could gain—we’d all be together.”

“I’m listening.”

Wrapping the towel around his hips, Mike came up behind Jude and snaked his arms around his waist. “Take us, for example. If I hadn’t found to guts to tell you I was bisexual, we might never have gone out.” He hugged him tight and rubbed his semihard cock against Jude’s ass. “And my life would’ve been empty.”

Jude laid his head back against Mike’s shoulder. “I’m so glad we were honest with each other. I love you.”

“I love you too. And we both love Paige. I can’t imagine life without her, but I want more for the three of us. I want her to love us as much as we love her.”

“Then bold we’ll be.”

Chapter 2


“You’re gonna end up alone if you keep this shit up.”

Paige rolled her eyes—again—at Rachel’s constant nagging. “I’m not alone. I’ve got plenty of friends. Like you.” She slid the mug she’d just filled with beer at Rachel.

Rachel grabbed it and set it on the already overloaded tray. How the woman was able to carry that many drinks without spilling a single drop was amazing. “You know what I mean. Friends are all well and good, but sometimes a woman just needs to get laid.”

“Not this woman.”

“Bullshit. But hold that thought until I deliver this stuff.” Rachel headed over to the table full of obnoxious football fans, nimbly avoiding their wandering hands as she set down their drinks.

No wonder. Rachel was beautiful. Long red hair. The shape of a Hooters girl, even if she chose to work at Glad You’re Here. Probably because Rachel was a good girl under all her bawdy talk. Paige envied her ability to say whatever was on her mind and reach for what she truly wanted. If Rachel wanted Mike and Jude, she’d just go for it.

The dichotomy of the two of them was almost funny. Rachel—bold and brassy as her hair and figure. Paige—as dull as her dishwater blond locks and boyish shape.

Back at the bar, Rachel put down the empty tray and adjusted her miniskirt. “There’s this great guy in my yoga class—”

“Don’t even
about it,” Paige replied as she went through the familiar motions of assembling a row of strawberry margaritas. “I don’t want to get fixed up again—especially by

Rachel pouted her lip. “I had no idea David was such a jerk.”

“Hence the ‘I don’t want to get fixed up again.’” The blender kicked in when Paige hit the button, momentarily drowning out the din of the nearly full bar. After a few moments, she turned it off, took the pitcher, and poured the mixture into the salted glasses. One by one, she passed the glasses off to Rachel. “Here you go.”

“Keep ’em coming.” Rachel picked up her tray again. She nodded at the table with the giggling women. “Bachelorette party, so at least the tip will be good.”

“If they keep sucking down the drinks like they are, they might be too drunk to remember a tip.”

“Women never forget,” Rachel said. “Guys…now,
forget when they’re plastered.”

And so the night went. Paige stacking up the drinks, Rachel and the other waitresses delivering them. By the time the bar started to quiet down for the night, Paige finally found the nerve to ask her friend the question that had been tickling her tongue the whole evening.

“Um…you doing anything tomorrow afternoon?”

“Nah. Why?

“I could use your help. Would you go with me to Candyland?”

“Candyland? You mean the sex shop?” A sly smile crossed Rachel’s face. “Paige, Paige, Paige.” She laughed loud and long enough several of the customers watched her over their drinks.

Paige’s whole face flushed hot. “C’mon, Rachel. Stop it. People are staring.” She attacked the bar with a towel, rubbing the already clean surface.

“I didn’t know you had it in you. And here I thought you were Little Miss Prim and Proper.” Rachel leaned in, lowering her voice. “Who’s the guy?”

“There’s no guy.”

One of the waitresses signaled for refills for her customers. Paige grabbed a couple of fresh mugs and drew the first from the tap.

“If there’s no guy, then why are you going to Candyland?” Rachel asked. “I know. You need a new vibrator.”

“God, Rachel. Will you please stop?” Paige handed off the beers and shoved the empty glasses in the bin. “I have to write an article about”—she sent furtive glances to either side to be sure no one was eavesdropping, especially after Rachel’s laughter—“sex toys.”

“And you don’t know anything about them. Surprise, surprise.”

“No, I don’t. That’s why I want your help.”

“Why don’t you get those two hunks you live with to help you out? That could be just the excuse you need to see them naked.”

“I’ve seen them naked.” Not on purpose, but when three people lived together as long as they had, there were bound to be times a dick popped out. It usually took every ounce of her strength not to stare. As big as both guys were flaccid, she wondered exactly how big they could eventually grow.

“I’ll bet you have.” Rachel sighed and glanced up as if seeking divine guidance. “I’d also bet you didn’t say a fucking word about how much you like them.”

“Shh! Someone’s gonna hear you.” Since Mike was the restaurant’s general manager, all he needed to fuck up his life royally was someone getting wind of her stupid infatuation.

There was a strict company policy against employee fraternization. The only reason she was allowed to work in the bar was because Mike convinced his boss that they were nothing more than friends. He’d even introduced Jude to show the stern district manager there was nothing between him and Paige except a shared lease.

For a brief and entirely insane moment, she wondered how Mike’s boss—or even the Glad You’re Here franchise—would react if her fantasies were ever fulfilled and she was able to crawl in bed with both Mike and Jude. How would they handle one of their up-and-coming general managers fucking one of their bartenders while also getting banged by a male nurse?

“You worry too much,” Rachel said with a dismissive wave. “No one cares who you fuck around here.”

“Probably because I’m not fucking anyone.”

“Stop pouting. We’re going to Candyland tomorrow and getting you a pile of sex toys—one of which you’ll be able to use to put yourself into a better frame of mine.”


* * * *


Paige gaped at yet another display. Before she could even ask what the string of beads was for, Rachel grabbed one of the boxes and dropped it in the cart.

A whole cart
. They had an entire cart—albeit a miniature version of grocery store carts—full of sex toys, most of which Paige had no idea what to do with.

“Before you ask, they’re anal beads. You push them in, then you pop ’em out one-by-one while you’re having sex. Helps build pressure and, just when you’re about to orgasm, you pull out the last bead and…whammo! Some people just wait until the right moment and jerk out the whole string at once.”

“I don’t even want to know how you know that.”

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