The Seduction of Destiny Rhode [The Seduction 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (15 page)

BOOK: The Seduction of Destiny Rhode [The Seduction 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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“I know. You’re here for me.” She pulled away from him and gave him another second to contest her departure.

He said nothing, so she turned and left. Her head was spinning, and all she knew was that she had to make things right with Ronan. She couldn’t allow him to leave. She moved quickly across the courtyard, praying she wouldn’t run into Mrs. Murphy today. When she made it to the section of rooms affectionately known as “the employee pod,” she moved almost on instinct and was at his door, her hand in the air, poised to knock. The last time she’d been here, he made love to her. This time she was thinking the interaction would be very different. Though she had no real way of knowing what all happened between him and Aiden, she’d never seen anyone angrier than Ronan had been when she walked in on them.

She knocked, somewhat hesitantly, only to be met with a vicious growl. “Go away!”

She wasn’t going to let him bully her, and she wasn’t going to let the fact that he apparently wanted to act like an ass today ruin things either! She knocked again, louder.

This time the door got yanked open, and Ronan stood behind it in his usual dark tee and jeans, scowling. “You don’t want to be here right now, Destiny.”

“And yet, here I am.” She tried sounding cheery and adding a smile, it seemed to only make him scowl more.

He stared at her for a long moment, something warring deep in his eyes. She wasn’t afraid of him. Though she really hadn’t ever seen this side of him yet, and Aiden’s words,
You don’t know him
, kept circling in her mind. Still, her gut said she could trust him, and she trusted her gut, didn’t mean she always listened to it, but she knew it could be trusted.

“I’m not going anywhere. Will you please tell me what happened?” She peered around him and saw a half-full suitcase open on the bed. He was really going to leave. She couldn’t let him.

“Your pretty boy didn’t tell you everything already?” He stood in the doorway in such a way that she couldn’t get passed him.

“He told me more than I probably wanted to know, but it had nothing to do with you or why you two were fighting, really. I want to hear that from you.” She stood straight, refusing to be deterred by his current snarling persona.

“You think you can handle me, Destiny?”



He moved a step closer to her. She assumed it was her turn to move a step away, but this time, she wasn’t going to. She stood her ground and tilted her chin up a notch.

“I can handle anything you throw at me.” She stared him in the eyes and prayed she was right.

Before she realized what was happened, he’d reached behind her and loosed her hair. She blinked, but she never moved.

“You can handle

She wasn’t quite as certain this time, but she nodded nonetheless and gasped when he fisted his hand in her hair at the back of her neck, tugging so she was forced to look at him. Whenever he did that, it released sensations that overwhelmed her and aroused her all at the same time. It was the strangest mix of feelings in the world. Something one would expect to read about in a romance novel, but to experience it firsthand was indescribable. In a way, this time, he may have meant it to scare her, but it didn’t. It
her. She felt a raw, primal passion start to rise up within her, and it was taking every bit of effort she had not to jump the man where he stood.

He tugged again, and this time when she gasped, he covered her mouth with his in a savage kiss that scorched to her core. Somewhere in the tussle, she realized he pulled her inside his room and the door had closed behind them. He still had his hand in her hair and was kissing the life out of her. Every moment with him was more passion and fire than she’d felt in her lifetime, and it was so damn good. She let go of any resistance she had and threw herself into the moment with everything she was.

He pulled his mouth from hers and tugged even harder in her hair. This time she cried out as pain mixed with a heavy dose of lust, combining in that way she’d only felt the night he spanked her. She wanted to fall at his feet and wait his command, but that feeling warred with her need to be a strong, independent woman, never needing a man again for as long as she lived. She could see no way to build a bridge between these two realities, which left her caught smack in the middle.

“You think you can handle all of me, everything I am? I’m not talking about fantasies this time, Destiny. I’m not some sweet vanilla lad who’s gonna bring you flowers and sing you love songs.”

She remembered his words from the first day he’d touched her, and a deep sigh released unsolicited.

“No, you’re not.” She stared him pointedly in the eye, making a connection with him like she’d never felt before while she prepared to repeat his own words back at him. “You’re the man who will grab me by the hair and make me breathless. You’re the man who will bring me to my knees with a single look. You’re the man who’s going to satisfy that ache so deep inside myself that I can’t breathe at times for it.”

She swallowed, watching the realization come over him. She’d thought about those words constantly since he’d said them to her. It was the last thought before she went to sleep at night and her first thought upon waking. It was everything she ever wanted. Though she couldn’t understand how he would possibly know, he had. And every time they’d been together, she became more and more convinced of the rightness of it all. She didn’t care about anything else.

“You’re the man who fucks me so that I feel it in my soul.”

“Is that what you want, Destiny?”

Something flared in his eyes, and it made her all the more desperate for him, but she couldn’t find words to express it in that moment.

All the moments before this seemed to fade into something less than what was occurring between them now. She couldn’t entirely grasp all the ways things were changing between them in that moment, but she knew that they were. Everything would be different from now on, more potent, more intense. There would be more risk, but in her soul, she knew there would be more payoff as well. She was done playing games. She wanted what he had, and she’d deal with any fallout from it when it was all said and done.

“You want me to fuck you like you’re
? You want me to own you?” He tugged at her hair again, and she shivered in response.

She thought she liked the tender, erotic Ronan she’d been spending so much time with.
Ronan, on the other hand, intoxicated her in way she’d never experienced before. Honestly, she thought she’d be willing to agree to just about anything to make sure he didn’t stop.

He ran his free hand down the side of her face, then traced her bottom lip with his fingers.

“You want me to make you my pet and teach you how to please me?”

Something about the idea of that thrilled her, and before she could stop herself, she uttered the single word, “Yes” in a deep, throaty voice that was barely recognizable to her own ears. She was wet, and she was aching, and she was near mad with need. She’d say anything right now to get him to fuck her. Though this side of her that Ronan seemed to naturally draw out was shocking, she just didn’t give a damn in that moment.

He made a sound that may have been considered a laugh, but it was dark and foreboding. It sent chills down her spine but in a rather delicious way.

“Prove it.” He pushed her to her knees and began unbuckling his pants.

She was dizzy and confused and high on a level of arousal she’d never felt in her life before. She stared up at him and something tender passed across his expression. He reached down and grazed her chin with his hand.

“Such a good girl, Destiny.”

She couldn’t stop her body from reacting to his words. She shivered, and her hunger for him grew exponentially. He pushed his jeans and underwear down to his ankles and stood there in front of her, hard, pre-cum already dripping from his tip.

She’d never been able to please Oscar orally. She hadn’t even tried with Aiden.

She looked at his cock, craving it, then looked back to him, uncertain.

“Fuck me with your mouth, Destiny. Show me what a good girl you are.”

He pushed his hands back into her hair, caressing her head. A battle raged inside her between what she truly wanted and what she feared. His rejection would be more than she could handle, especially now in this vulnerable place he’d pushed her to emotionally. She stared up into his eyes and realized she could draw strength from them. He believed in her. He wanted her. She determined herself to please him.

She took her hand and circled the base. He was so big. She wasn’t sure she’d be able to get much of him in her mouth, but she timidly began to try, first by licking around the tip, then down the shaft. He was so hard and so long. She put her mouth on him and pushed him inside, slowly bringing him back out, then slowly going back down.

She felt awkward and exposed and out of her depth, but he kept stroking her head, encouraging her silently to keep going.

She pushed him inside her mouth as far as she could, then released him. She worked her hand along his length, then put her mouth back on him. He moaned. With that encouragement, she tried again to take him into her mouth only this time, Ronan pushed himself deep into her throat. It took her by surprise, and she started to gag. He released her immediately, and though she awaited his rebuke, none came.

Something about that emboldened her, and she wanted to try again. This time with more zeal, she took him in her mouth, and same as before, when she thought she had him in as far as she could take him, he pressed his cock in deeper. It wasn’t a surprise this time, and she relaxed into the pressure.

She didn’t know about other women, but this was not something that just came naturally to her, and she realized that Ronan didn’t seem to mind. In fact, he seemed to be silently instructing her, and she loved that.

Again and again she let him push his cock deep into her mouth, when she would gag, he would instantly pull back. She would take a moment and try again. This continued until she was finally taking all of him. He seemed to let her play at her leisure, discovering him, the feel of him, the taste. She found herself actually enjoying the activity. She found herself excited by it.

“Are you ready to have me come, Destiny?”

She froze then released him and looked up. What did that mean? Did he want to come in her mouth? She was a good girl. Good girls didn’t do that sort of thing. She started to panic, but he slid his fist into her hair again and tugged, instantly releasing some magic energy into her bloodstream that calmed her.

“I want you to swallow my cum, and I don’t want you to lose even one drop. Are we clear?” His tone sounded so demanding that it should have made her want to run, but had the exact opposite effect on her.

She looked down at his cock, then back up at him.

“I’ve never…I don’t know if I can.”

He caressed her face so tenderly it made her heart ache. He bent down and dropped a soft kiss to her lips.

“I have all the faith in the world in you, and I am right here to help you. You do want to swallow my cum, don’t you, Destiny?”

Her mouth opened, and a tiny squeak came out.

Did she?

She searched herself, pushed past the voices in her head of Oscar and her mother and the pastors and the media and the constant bombardment of what a good girl was and what she was allowed to do or not and realized it was her life and her choice and she
much wanted to swallow his cum.

“I do.” She breathed.

“Good girl.” His voice was deep and husky as if by that simple answer, she’d given him the world.

He stood back up, and she drew a long breath.

I can do this.

She chewed on her lower lip. Ronan reached down and tipped her chin up.

“Trust yourself.” He smiled.

She nodded. She was ready to try at least.

She refocused on her task, taking him in her mouth. At first, like before, he let her find her way. Playing and fumbling. She loved the feel of him on her tongue and how he tasted. She moaned and pushed him in farther. Soon Ronan took over. She let him guide her head and push his cock deep into her throat, his rhythm getting faster and faster and the hold he had on her getting stronger and stronger.

It got to the point that she was no longer fucking him with her mouth, but he was fucking her mouth with his cock and good lord, she
it. It was raw. It was overwhelming. It made her feel profusely feminine and desirable.

She gave him the freedom to do whatever he wanted with her body, and soon she felt him tense, and his cum started shooting down her throat. She purposefully relaxed and swallowed, realizing how desperate she was to do this. She wanted the experience. She wanted to please him. She wanted to be the kind of woman who could swallow the cum of a man she desired. She wanted to be able to give that gift.

She couldn’t get enough of him. She opened her mouth, relaxed her throat and took him down as far as he could push. He shuddered. A loud moan ruptured the air. His fingers dug into her shoulders, bringing her pain, but more making her feel how very much she was pleasing him, and it was all she wanted.

BOOK: The Seduction of Destiny Rhode [The Seduction 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
12.25Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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