The Seduction of Destiny Rhode [The Seduction 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (12 page)

BOOK: The Seduction of Destiny Rhode [The Seduction 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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She couldn’t breathe. What he described was so much more than what she’d been thinking, and what was more, he had just displayed that entire scenario as if he was asking what she was planning to have for lunch tomorrow afternoon. It was very disorienting.

“Minx?” He tipped her chin again, this time directing her gaze downward as her position in his lap put her head just above his. “How does that scenario make you feel?”

She dragged her teeth over her lip again. Her breath was ragged. She was completely aroused by the entire idea.

“Does it make me a slut if I say it makes me so damn needy I can barely breathe?” She held her breath waiting for his response.

“Well first of all, in my book,
, isn’t a bad word. Secondly, so what if it does? It’s your life, your sexuality. You’ve told me more than once that you’d never been satisfied sexually before, maybe you need more than some man grunting on top of you.” He shrugged.

“You’ve satisfied me.” She felt shy all of a sudden, but it was true.

He cupped her cheek.

“Thank you, Minx.”

She purred and moved her face along his hand.

“But I think I could satisfy you even more.”

She breathed in. A sense of desire washed over her that made her want to challenge him. All her life, there was a secret harlot living deep inside her, but she had been trained and taught and shamed out of ever letting that part of her out. Now this amazing man was offering to help her reach into her deepest parts and fulfill fantasies she’d never dared share with anyone before.

“You don’t think I’m a horrible person?” It was a safe bet he’d say no, but she still needed to hear it.

“Taking responsibility for your sexuality, for your pleasure, does
make you a horrible person. Honey, you aren’t talking about having sex with children. I think anything else is fair game.”

“I think my mother would entirely disagree with you.”

“It’s not your mother’s life. I thought you were coming to realize that.”

He spoke in a tone that
sounded disapproving, and her heart took a hit. Oscar had always sided with her mother in everything. No one had ever encouraged her to be her own person, but Ronan did all the time. It was confusing as hell, but really nice all at the same time.

“You’re right.” She wanted to ask him something, but felt like she may be pushing it if she did.


She growled. “Stop doing that!”

It was like he was in her head half the time, and though it freaked her the hell out, it was actually rather nice, too.

“Ask me what you want to know.” He spoke firmly, and when he did that, there was no arguing with him. She prepared herself for the embarrassment she was certain was heading her way.

“I just wondered if you’ve done that before.” The corner of her bottom lip was being gnawed raw.

“Done what, Destiny?”

She hated it when he did
too! He knew exactly what she meant, but he’d play dumb, forcing her to actually say the words that she simply was not comfortable hearing from her own mouth. She inhaled. Knowing she’d give in to him anyway, she decided to simply cut to the chase and say it.

“Have you had a woman that you shared sexually that way?”

She wasn’t entirely sure he’d answer. Though she’d shared everything with him about her sexual past, he’d been vague at best, always hiding behind his gentleman’s honor. It made her want to strangle him much of the time.

“Destiny, I’m a very sexual man. I think you’ve probably noticed that about me.”

She very nearly rolled her eyes because of the enormity of the understatement but she stayed quiet and listened, anxious for any new pieces to the puzzle that was Ronan Kelly.

“There’s a lot I enjoy, and my tastes can even be considered extreme in some cases, but I never push a woman past her limits. Her safety and pleasure are always my top priority.”

“That’s not really an answer.” She frowned.

“It’s the answer you’re getting.” He smiled.

She pouted momentarily, then rebounded with, “So you’d be willing to do something like that with me?”

He pushed the strap of her bathing suit off her shoulder and bit her gently then moved along the skin to the curve of her neck and sucked. She began to forget her questions entirely.

Something in his touch always did that to her.

“I’d be willing to help you explore your fantasies and keep you safe while doing so, yes.” He pushed the other strap down.

His hands roamed freely down her sides, along the curve in her waist until they came to rest on her hips.

“Would you like that, Destiny?”

She was trapped in his stare and though she knew what the answer was, she couldn’t force it passed her lips.

He pulled her hips so her pussy rested firm against his hard cock and asked again.

“Would you like that, Destiny?”

She nodded. It was the best she could do. What he was asking her was everything she ever wanted, but her own insecurities would never have allowed her to search for this.

His hands came back up to her shoulders then down, pushing the straps further down her arms. This time the entire top of her bathing suit went with down with them, leaving her breasts exposed above the water. A part of her wanted to duck under, or cover herself with her arms, but somehow she knew that would displease Ronan, and she
wanted to please him. Plus, she had to admit, she found the small moments of exhibitionism he pushed her into exciting.

“Do you know how beautiful you are to me when you submit to me like this?”

He bowed his head and sucked one of her nipples into his mouth. She moaned and closed her eyes and simply let the feel of his tongue pressing her nipple to the roof of his mouth be everything in that moment.

He splayed his hand wide on her lower back and pressed her closer to him so his face was pushed into her breast. He took a bigger bite of her, and she yelped.

“Hold onto me,” he commanded her, and she immediately obeyed.

He moved his hand inside her swimsuit, finding her folds and pushing his fingers up inside her several times while sucking her nipple as if he needed it to live. He began working her clit, and it only took moments before she was writhing with need.

“Please, Ronan.” She needed to come, but she knew he’d play her until she’d practically lost her sanity.

“Please what, minx?” He mumbled against her breast, her nipple still clenched between his teeth.

“Please, I want to come.” She begged him with a long look, but she saw the refusal in his eyes before he bit down on her nipple making her squeal again.

He reached up into her hair and pulled out the clasp holding it to the top of her head. Once it was freed, he fisted his hand in it and tugged, forcing her head back and her breasts to move even farther out of the water. She
it when he did that. Something about the caveman maneuver made her weak in the knees and made her brain grow fuzzy. She dissolved into this space of floating somewhere between reality and a dream.

“I love it when you’re exposed like this, Destiny, for me, and for anyone I decide. Is that what you want?”

She thought about the fantasy she told him about.

“That’s what I want.”

“Do you think there are people in these rooms all around the Jacuzzi watching you right now? Do you think they know I have my fingers in your cunt? Do you think there are men in those windows, their hands around their cocks, watching your tits bob above the water, knowing I’m going to make you come?”

She shivered. One part of her brain assured her that no one was watching them, but another part of her brain wanted to put on a show for them, wanted men watching her, wanted to come while they watched. She had never before allowed this side of her personality so much free rein. It scared her a little, but she’d shut it down for so long, and she wanted to embrace it more than anything. She wanted to be bad. She wanted to be a slut, for Ronan at least. She wanted to play out all the secret fantasies she’d been holding inside since she was old enough to start having sexual fantasies.

“You love that they watch, don’t you, Destiny?” He worked his fingers over her clit and tugged her hair again, taking her breath for a moment. “You want them to watch, don’t you?”

“I do,” she answered breathlessly, so desperate to come, so caught up in the fantasy of it all that she didn’t even care about any possible embarrassment. All she cared about was Ronan not stopping. “I want them to watch me. I want them to fuck themselves while they watch.”

She looked into his eyes, wondering if he’d think differently of her now that she had said it all out loud, but his eyes only glowed with passion, and his half smile and earthy growl told her how pleased he was with her.

He pulled her hair so she had to arch back farther. Her breasts clearly above the water line now, he began fucking her with his fingers, his thumb brushing her clit. She was going to fall over the edge any second.

“Don’t come until I tell you. You want to give the men the full show, don’t you?”

A stuttered laugh left her as she grabbed for breath. Sliding her teeth over her lower lip, she felt inordinately sexy in a way she never had before.

“Imagine them, Destiny. The guy right there on the second floor, he’s watching you. He’s got his cock in his hand, and he’s hard and dripping because of how stunning and sexy you are. When you’re like this, Destiny, surrendered to your true personality and on the verge of climax, no one on the planet is more beautiful.”

She couldn’t think. Her breath had seized up. She needed to come.

She writhed against his hand trying to get more satisfaction.

“What do you need from me, minx?” His voice was deep and intimate. It rumbled through her body sending tremors across her skin.

“Bite me. Suck on me, please. God,

He didn’t take any time at all acquiescing to her request. He grazed her nipple with his teeth, biting down until she couldn’t tell if she were in pain or just such pleasure she couldn’t absorb it any longer.

She started to tense. Her body tingled from head to toe. She was going to go over, but Ronan hadn’t allowed it yet. She closed her eyes tight and tried to hold back.

She wasn’t going to be able to.

“Oh God” She moaned.

to come. She had to!

Ronan released her nipple, tugged her hair, and nipped her earlobe.

“Please!” She couldn’t wait for his permission. She had to come now!

He moved his mouth along the curve of her neck.

She panted.

She was going to come.

“Come for me, minx. Come for all of us. Let them see how fucking gorgeous you are.”

She screamed.

She knew she shouldn’t have because that would draw attention, but at his command, she spilled over into the most perfect release, and screaming was inevitable. She dug her fingernails so deep into Ronan’s shoulders she was reasonably certain she’d drawn blood. She growled and seized, and her body shook. Good God she’d never felt so much in all her life!

“That’s right, minx. Give us your show. Because I’m going to fuck you senseless in just about forty-three seconds.”

He maneuvered her, and while she was still in the after throes of her climax, she felt his cock ram into her body and sent another wave of tumult through her system.

“Oh God, yes!

He rammed his body up into hers repeatedly, and with every thrust, shivers swam out over her body. She couldn’t tell if she were still coming or if her body was just so supersensitive now that it felt like she was.

“This may be bumpy, minx.” He spat the words out, sounding strained.

The next she knew, he was hoisting her out of the water, sitting her on the side. He had his cock in his hand and was finishing himself. Before she could entirely assimilate what he was doing, cum started to spurt from his tip, hitting her bare stomach and running down her skin. Several ropes of the hot sticky substance shot high enough to cover her breasts. She ran her finger over her nipple, spreading his cum over it, then sucked her finger into her mouth.

His gaze ignited. He growled and jerked his cock three last times before he shoved his hand into her hair again, this time pulling her forward and ravaging her mouth for one long decadent moment before he pulled himself beside her on the concrete, threw a large towel over the both of them and pulled her down flat into his arms.

“You please me, Destiny.
much.” He kissed the top of her head. “You have no idea.”

She was warm and lethargic and didn’t think she could move if someone offered to pay her. She purred with contentment and snuggled into Ronan’s side and down into the towel until she was covered to her nose. She was fighting against sleep, the kind of satisfied sleep you never wanted to wake up from, but she tried to keep some of her wits about her. They were still by the pool after all, and they’d been damn lucky not to have gotten caught, but there was no guarantee how long that luck would hold out for.

BOOK: The Seduction of Destiny Rhode [The Seduction 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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