The Ultimate Dump Dinners & Dump Cake Cookbook: 40 Delicious, Quick & Easy Dump Dinner & Dump Cake Recipes (Dump Dinner Cookbook Series 2)

BOOK: The Ultimate Dump Dinners & Dump Cake Cookbook: 40 Delicious, Quick & Easy Dump Dinner & Dump Cake Recipes (Dump Dinner Cookbook Series 2)
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The Ultimate Dump Dinners & Dump Cake Cookbook

20 Dump Dinner Recipes + 20 Dump Cake Recipes

(Dump Dinner Cookbook Series) (Volume 2)

Katey Goodrich



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Copyright © 2014 by Katey Goodrich, All rights reserved worldwide.

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This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional services. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought.

Table of Contents


20 Dump Dinner Recipes

Chicken and Swiss cheese Casserole

Easy Chicken Noodle Casserole

Winter Chicken Enchilada Soup

Rice with Creamy Chicken Dump Dinner

Rustic French Beef Stew

Gluten Free Salami Dump Pizza

Breakfast Bacon Casserole

Egg and Cheese Bake

Pineapple Chicken Dump Dinner

Chicken Tacos with Tortilla Soup

Ham and Pineapple Dump Pizza

Chicken and Apricot Dump Dinner

Dump and Go Tortilla Soup

Broccoli Bake with Sausage and Corn

Winter Brunch Casserole

Savory Chicken Dump Dinner

Tortellini Soup with Italian Sausage

Hash browns Dump Breakfast

Pork Chop Dump Dinner

Easy and Quick Beef Stew Dump Dinner

20 Dump Cake Recipes

Cherry Pineapple Dump Cake

Grandma’s Plum Dump Cake

Quick and Easy Peach Dump Cake

Blackberry Dump Cake

Blueberry Bounty Dump Cake

Apricot and Apple Dump Cake

Cherry and Chocolate Dump Cake

Holiday Pumpkin Dump Cake

Fruity Cocktail Dump Cake

Rhubarb and Apple Dump Cake

Blueberry and Lemon Dump Cake

Very Mixed Berry Dump Cake

Orange and Pineapple Dump Cake

Sweet Strawberry Dump Cake

Raspberry and White Chocolate Dump Cake

Apricot and Apple Dump Cake

Pear and Raspberry Dump Cake

Peach and Pear Dump Cake

Rhubarb, Peach and Chocolate Dump Cake

Plum and Cherry Dump Cake

Hawaiian Dump Cake











The days of Mom spending the whole afternoon in the kitchen, dressed in an elegant house dress and a floral apron preparing a 3 course family dinner are long gone.

Probably like me your average day is hectic with work, kids and other commitments and when you get home in the evening exhausted the last thing you want to do is spend an hour in the kitchen slaving over a hot stove.

Thank goodness for Dump Dinners and Dump Cakes, a method of cooking that liberates us from the toil of the kitchen while still providing tasty, nutritious meals that are so quick and easy to prepare and cook.

Following my previous book on dump dinners I have created 40 new delicious and satisfying, quick to prepare recipes for dump meals and dump cakes.

Having paid attention to the reviews of my first book you will find almost all of these dump dinner and dump cake recipes to be blazingly quick to prepare and are mostly cooked in a baking dish in the oven.

The average time spent “dumping” the ingredients into a baking dish and throwing it in the oven is 5-10 minutes, 40 or so minutes to cook and you have a delicious, nutritious meal to serve the family.

Quite often I prepare a dump dinner and a dump cake for dessert at the same time, 10 minutes of prep time, 2 baking dishes and in they go, I take the dump cake out before the dump dinner is finished and let it cool on the bench until after dinner, then it has settled enough to serve without crumbling to pieces.

A good dump dinner should have 4-8 ingredients that can be dumped into a baking dish without any slicing, dicing, prepping or pre-cooking. Ideally the ingredients should cover the staple foods you need to not only make the meal delicious but also nutritious.

Dump dinners take away the guilt of having to buy takeout when you’re stretched for time and too exhausted to shop for and prepare an elaborate dinner.

Like you I hate having to spend an hour in the kitchen after I have worked all day, and let’s face it most of us mothers are working at jobs as well as keeping a household in order.

A handy tip for making dump dinners is to double the recipe and freeze the remainder in a large Ziploc bag, that way through the month you will have a nice supply of dump dinner freezer meals.

Frozen dump dinners come in very handy when you have nothing prepared for dinner or unexpected guests turn up. You can take them out of the freezer the night before and defrost in the refrigerator for the next day. A frozen dump meal will keep for around a month.

Reserve a day once a month and prepare a bunch of dump dinners in appropriate portions in Ziploc bags and freeze them for those days when you can’t face the kitchen.

This is not only convenient and time saving but a lot cheaper because you are buying in bulk, it is also healthier as you have no excuse to buy takeout.

Are you ready to begin dump cooking? If you are a beginner start with one of the simplest recipes and once you have that under your belt the rest are even easier.

Katey Goodrich  


Easy Dump and Go Beef Stew

20 Dump Dinner Recipes

We have 20 delicious and wholesome dump dinner recipes prepared for a family of 4. If it is just 2 of you then freeze the remainder for up to 1 month, very handy when you are in a pinch.

Nearly all of the recipes are truly dump meal recipes in that you just dump your ingredients into a baking dish and cook.




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