The Satin Sash (21 page)

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Authors: Red Garnier

BOOK: The Satin Sash
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After perusing him in silence, Grey went back to sketching. “You’d need to get a small sissy dog, one you can travel with easily.”
“I don’t want a sissy dog; I want a big dog.” Heath mentally listed all the breeds he knew existed, which weren’t all that many.“I was thinking more of a Saint Bernard or . . . something.”
Grey canted his head as if listening like one, grinning in amusement. “Why a Saint Bernard?”
“I don’t know. They’re big and they don’t seem too playful. A playful pup would just piss me off.”
“Cleaning up after him would irritate the hell out of me.”
Heath considered it might piss
off, too, but damn, he needed a mutt. She’d wanted to set him up on a date, damn her. Paddling her behind for that would be ecstasy.
Keeping a vigilant eye on her, he watched her curvy calves emerge from the pool, and he followed them up slim hips, a small waist, breasts made especially—
—for Heath’s hands. He went higher, up a slender, elegant throat, smiling lips....
Shit, she was watching them.Waving them forward and mouthing something indiscernible.
Grey’s head jerked up instantly, as though he had some Toni alert system, his attention immediately homing in on her. His eyes went all shades of gold possible, then settled to a heated glow.
He folded the napkins and jammed them into his shorts. “A Saint Bernard isn’t you. People look like their dogs.Try a black one. A Rottweiler. I’ll give you two months, tops.”
“I can take care of a damned dog.”
Pulling his shades out from his shirt collar, Grey slipped them over his eyes and rose. “Get a fish, Heath.”
“I want to kiss her.” The brusque words checked Grey’s stride. His shoulders stiffened, and Heath added meaningfully, “On the mouth.”
Grey shook his head, not turning.
“Why not?”
He spun around. “Because the thought makes me green. Satisfied?”
“Not even nausea could turn you green.” Pushing to his feet, Heath slapped his back in a companionable, come-on-I’m-you’re friend gesture. “One kiss.”
“Don’t push it.”
“Aww, Grey, come on!”
“I said no.”
Heath glowered at his retreating back. That massive, broad-shouldered, impenetrable fucking back.
What Grey needed was a cock up his ass, to dislodge the stick he had perennially stuck in there. Sheesh!
Collecting Toni’s dresses, he ambled up the walk while the bride and groom shoved a pair of newly delivered drinks into their hands. He heard Toni’s excited “To the bride and groom!” and Grey’s mumbled curse as he grudgingly tossed back the shimmering liquid.
And he explicitly heard Grey’s “Son of a bitch!”
“So they’re from Chicago, and the groom has a daughter he says looks just like me.”
She caught the moment Heath and Grey rolled their eyes heavenward as Grey helped her dismount, but she was so excited she didn’t let that stop her.
“Well, he said so! He said he thought I was her. Seriously. So, anyway, I gave him my phone number, and maybe when you’re in the city . . . Heath?”
Heath looked ready to choke, his eyes wide and incredulous.
“Feel free to stop her at any time, Heath,” Grey said, a corner of his lips raised as he walked the horse and tied it to a nearby palm tree.
“Are you kidding me? I’m loving this.This is funnier than
Sein feld
. Do go on, Cat. I’m thoroughly entertained.” Still on his mount, Heath urged the black beast forward.
She shot him such a furious frown that he let go of the reins and lifted his hands to placate her. “All right, tell me about my date.”
“You’re interested? Really?”
“I’m not, but tell me anyway.” His eyes flicked past her shoulders for a second. “You’re looking a little nauseated, Grey.”
“I’ll shove that shit down your throat and I’m sure you’ll look your best, Heath.”
“Not all of us drink champagne.”
“That was rat piss, honest to god. I need to wash it down with something.”
“It wasn’t that bad,” Toni defended, out of respect for the married couple. But in truth, it hadn’t been bad—it had been awful.
“I did catch that feminine little sip you took,” Heath offered, sliding his sunglasses over his forehead. “But Grey here tossed it all down like a real hombre.You should have seen his face.” He looked directly at him. “May I borrow her for a second?” He turned those debilitating black eyes to hers and extended his hand.“We’re going to work on this fear of horses for just a bit.”
Instantly wary of the devilish sparkle in his eyes, she took a backward step. “Oh no. No no no.”
“Grey’s too cautious to push you, but I’m not.You’ll be happy to master it. Get over here, seriously.” When she didn’t hop to, Heath shifted his inquiry. “Grey?”
Visibly tense, Grey curled a hand around his nape and cranked his head to one side, then the other. His face was screwed up in thought, and Toni felt a sweet stab of tenderness when she realized he was preoccupied.
His protectiveness evoked a sudden, wishful image of Grey as a father, of them having a little girl. She could picture a young, spirited, golden-eyed teenager asking her father permission for a first date.Would Grey wear that thoughtful face? For sure he’d be stern and want to meet the boy and know who his parents were. And Toni would have to team up with their little girl and plot and plan together in order to convince Daddy it was all right.
“If it’s me you’re doubting . . .” Heath said, letting the words trail off.
His hand fell at his sides. “It’s not you, Heath.”
Toni was brought up to her full height, her pride instantly smarting. “Well, if it’s
you’re doubting—”
Grey smiled reluctantly. “I don’t doubt you for a second.” He took a breath as though to speak but fell pensive again, until finally he assented. “You’ll be fine.”
His sudden, startling encouragement made her balk. “But what if I—”
“I’ll kick the shit out of him.”
The men were smiling now, sharing looks only they could understand. Toni wasn’t smiling at all. She was rooted to the spot, debating whether to rush for cover and admit her cowardice or engage in a decent display of bravery and meet her maker.
The wind whipped her hair around her. It got curlier at the beach—it got impossible, frankly—and as she contemplated her dilemma, she got sick of it. She gathered it in one hand, twisted it into a rope, and tied it in a loose bun at her nape, leaving a few strands still flying across her eyes as she raised her face to Heath’s.
“If I want to get down . . . ?”
He inclined his head in agreement, and she could tell he was making an effort not to smile. “I promise you.”
Before she could screw up her courage, Grey caught her hips and boosted her up. “Up we go, pretty lady. She gets the stirrups,” he told Heath.
“Of course.”
Grey unbuckled the straps and then pulled the leather up three holes from its former setting. “Heath,” he warned when he was done.
“I got it, Grey.” Heath deftly steered the horse around. “We’ll walk around for a bit, and then we’ll trot,” he told her once they were on their way.
Her nails dug in to the pommel of the saddle. “First we
, Heath.”
“Whatever you say, Cat. And you could ride this baby from here to Alaska.All you need is your thighs to hang on. If you let the animal know you’re afraid, it senses it.”
“I’m terrified.”
“You need a new experience, that’s all.”
Just talking about trotting had her stomach in a grip. She gazed out at the sea and tried to think of something relaxing. “Around March, you can see humpback whales here.They swim back north with their babes, and they’re so close to shore you can spot them from here sometimes. Especially when they jump. Once, Grey and I took a boat up to see them, and they were so close I dipped my fingers in the water and touched one.The skin was so smooth, with little calluses formed by the . . .” Realizing he probably wasn’t really interested in whales, she promptly shut up.“Did I put you to sleep? Hello? Heath?”
His forearm was a hairsbreadth under her breasts, where he held her secure, and his hold strengthened when he said, with unmistakable annoyance, “Why in the hell do you want to set me up?”
She was startled by the genuine outrage in his voice. Her mouth opened, but no reply came forth.
you. That you’re going around matching me with someone else ticks the hell out of me.”
She went completely stiff. She’d never expected this attack, but perhaps she deserved it.“I didn’t mean to offend you,” she admitted tightly. “I’m sorry if I’m overstepping.”
“I’m not going on a date with anybody, all right?”
“May I know why?”
“I suck at them. I suck at small talk.”
“You do not; we’re talking fine just now. I think my friends would love you. If you’d only tell me what you look for when you meet someone . . .”
Heath kept walking the horse, making soft clucking noises that caused the little hairs on her arms to rise to attention like the horse’s ears. His sullen silence lasted until he said,“All right. I’ll tell you what I like. Pretty eyes. Pretty smile. Pretty lips. Pretty—”
“Yes, I think I get it, Heath.”
“Well, good for you,” he said good-naturedly.
Her eyes fell on the vast, endless expanse of white sand before them. “And how am I supposed to know what
is to you?”
“Pink is pretty.” In a move too slow not to be sensually deliberate, he traced the shell of her earlobe between his lips. “Did you know you’re pink all over, Toni?” She caught her breath when a moist flick of his tongue teased the area behind her ear. “Your lips are rosy as your nipples, and down there, you’re bright and moist. So damned pretty my eyes hurt.”
She wanted to close her eyes and swim in his words; then she wanted to wail in frustration when he stopped weaving his magic on her foolish, susceptible self. He straightened behind her, and getting down to matters, said, “I want a good woman.With a good heart and feelings. Someone who enjoys life and who enjoys the things I’d like to do to her . . .”
“You’re deliberately making this complicated, aren’t you?”
“Ahh. Perceptive, and pink all over. I like you, señorita. But the truth is, I don’t need relationship troubles, and I don’t
a woman.”
“Then would you like a date with a guy?” she countered.
“Crap, no! Why would I want to date a guy?”
“Well . . .”
Let’s see, now. How to phrase this delicately?
“Because I’ve enjoyed fucking a few?”
So much for being tactful.
“Yes.” And the visual made her just a tad wet in the panties. “Have there been a lot? Men, I mean?”
“A couple.”
“And do you prefer . . . well, you know.What role do you prefer, the woman’s role, or the—”
He guffawed with laughter, slapping a hand on his thigh. “Oh, Christ, Cat!”
“I’m sorry,” she quickly burst in.“Don’t unsettle the horse! And I know I’m prying. I’m too curious for my own good sometimes. I’m sorry. Really.”
“It’s okay. I like that.” The laughter faded from his voice. “If it gives me pleasure,” he explained matter-of-f actly, “I can take it and I can give it.”
Like the waves on the shore, a crash of liquid flooded her panties. She should not be discussing this with Heath. She needed to change topics—to one that did not have her sex organs clenching so tightly. She said, “So, you meet someone and have your fun; then you just leave forever?”
“You never, ever come back, or want to?”
“Right again, gorgeous.”
“You’d never come back to Cabo San Lucas?”
With us . . .
She wrinkled her nose, instantly resenting the thought. She didn’t want any more threesomes and already she was planning on a second trip?
He reached between her spread legs and boldly trailed his thumb down to her sex. “What would you want of me if I came back?”
He burrowed four fingers under her body and used his entire hand to grind. The strong heel of his palm bit into her hardening clitoris. “Please don’t,” she cried, stiffening.
But he continued, massaging her entire pussy with strong, sure presses. “Do you enjoy our sex together, Cat?”
Her spine curved helplessly. “I don’t want to do this on a horse!”
“I won’t let you fall.” He spoke against her temple, where she felt his tongue snake out for a lick. “Grey told me to be careful. In his own words. And he
kicked the shit out of me before.”
“Don’t. I don’t . . . I don’t want to do this without him.”
“It’s all right. I’m just caressing you. We’re making out on a horse—isn’t it fun?”
“No,” she lied, and prayed her dampness hadn’t seeped into her clothes so fast.
“All right.” He easily relented, leaving her pussy a furious throb between her legs when he released it. “Let’s ride, then. Here. Take the reins.” He caught her hand in one of his and began to settle her fingers where they should go.

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