The Satin Sash (16 page)

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Authors: Red Garnier

BOOK: The Satin Sash
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For an electrifying moment, they stared, and all her matchmak ing thoughts fled under the sheer flaming intimacy in his eyes.
The water sloshed against her, a sensual caress against her breasts, and she said the first thing that came to mind. “I’m cold.”
He waded toward her, his muscled torso cutting the water around him. “I’ll keep you warm.”
Before their bodies met, his hands grasped her shoulders and drew her up along his body. Her nipples ended up flattened against his chest. Her pelvis flared up like a match when he thrust his erection against her in a bold move that unequivocably said,
Feel how hard I am for you
Lust radiated off him, scorching her skin, searing her nerves. Her upturned face was inches from his neck, and she impulsively inhaled his scent, the pungent and savory aroma of earth. Then she realized he was staring down at her in silence, inspecting her features one by one. His eyes traveled across her forehead, her eyebrows, her nose, her chin, back up to her eyes. The look in those black pools of wanting was gentle and admiring.
“Did you enjoy coming with my arms around you?”
Enthralled, she watched his lips move as he spoke; the pink tissue had such a provocative plumpness, she craved to feel them on hers. She wished on
of one of those blinking stars above,
Kiss me
. . .
“I enjoyed it very much. . . ,” she admitted, a cozy whisper. “I was wondering when you were going to do that again.”
Kiss me . . .
“Now.” He buried his head at her throat the next second, and she purred feebly as those plump, wet lips dragged against her neck tendons.
“Daddy Gonzalez thought we might like some towels.”
Startled and assailed with guilt over her lust, she arched her neck at the sound of Grey’s voice and lifted an arm up high, her flesh going lax with his presence. “Grey, I need you.”
He helped her out of the water and swathed her in a plush dry towel, planting a kiss on her forehead. “I need you, too.”
She tipped her head up to Grey’s as Heath surged out of the pool behind her. “Share the great office emergency?”
“Give me a kiss and we’ll see.”
Smiling at the somber look on his face, she fitted her lips to his, loving the warmth and strength of his arms as he enfolded them around her and scooped her up.“Come on, Miss Kearny, up we go.”
“What happened? Did the building burn to ashes? Did someone quit, die, break a nail?”
He gave a put-out sigh as he carried her around. “It’s foolish. She just wanted to assure me her job was done for the day. Baby, I don’t think she’s lasting that long.”
“Patience, Grey.” She palmed his jaw. “It
a virtue.”
“Not mine, sweetheart.”
As he lowered her on the chaise, she extricated her arms from the towel and lay back so he could dry her off. “Let’s get you dry, hmm? I won’t have my woman saying I don’t take care of her. And I
wash you diligently.”
She laughed, and her womb brimmed with liquid fire as his familiar scent swamped her. He was bent over, his hair darker in its dampened state, streaked with lighter golds and falling across his forehead as he dried her off in brisk, efficient moves she suspected he didn’t mean to be sexual. But to her they were. Her heart was in love with Grey. Her body was in love with his body. She could not help the strengthening of her heartbeat, the lust pouring into her blood.
Heath was toweling off his hair a few steps away and paused when she took one of Grey’s large, capable hands and pressed it between her legs.
“I’m wet here, too,” she confessed.
Grey’s eyes flicked up to hers. Something passed there, something that sizzled. He swiped her wet hair behind her forehead with his free hand, his voice deepening. “Right. Wet.”
He hooked his thumbs under the strings around her hips.“Let’s get this wet thing off you and we’ll see.” He peeled off her bikini bottom, and she gasped at her buttocks hitting the raspy, rainproof chaise fabric. He tested her pussy lips with his two longest fingers, his pupils dark and dilated, simmering with heat. “Is this what you wanted me to find, Antonia?”
The flesh distended as he inserted one finger, then swelled more for two. He plugged them deep into the heart of her. Her toes dug into the chaise while her hips rose, a shriek of ecstasy leaving her lips.
Heath dropped his towel and took a step forward. Over his shoulder, Grey said, “Want to take a look at this, Heath?”
She fell still as he approached. Her mouth dried up at the sight he presented with his erection straining his royal blue trunks to a tent. Staring brazenly at her tits, he crooked his shoulders and seized her inner thigh. She could feel the calluses in his palm as his dampened hand slid slowly upward.
Watching his intense expression, she licked her lips, tingling with the knowledge that Grey watched what Heath was doing to her with a matching intensity.
Heath’s thumb touched one distended lip first, then pulled it aside so he could gingerly stroke inside. Against her right hip, the ridge and form of Grey’s penis stabbed into her flesh. Huskily, he whispered something about licking her dry and ducked his head. His tongue laved one tightly pebbled nipple.
By the time Heath stuck a long, expert finger inside her, she reared up in need. “Yes,” she said, her voice hoarse.
He slid over the crest of her clit, coating his thumb with her cream until it glistened, and with their gazes locked, he raised it to his tongue.
“She’s soaked, Grey.”
She trembled as Heath lapped hungrily at his finger, his tongue flat and long, triggering memories of having it in her pussy.
Her nipple vibrated when Grey spoke against it. “I know she’s soaked.” He kept her anchored against him as he rose, her toes touching the ground. “Cold, Toni?” he whispered.
She buried her lips in his neck, where she smiled in mischief. “Guess again.”
“Just say when, and we’re all over you.”
“When when
Damp swim trunks hit the ground with a splat. Then the three of them stumbled up the steps, through the terrace sliding doors, and into the lamp-lit bedroom, all while Grey was groping and squeezing and tasting any body part within reach. Delicious, all of her.
“You there, Heath?”
“I’m closing this damned thing,” Heath answered as he tried to find the catch on the rolling glass door.
“Don’t break it.”
Toni’s feet had barely touched the rug when Grey hauled her body up against his. His lips hung over hers for a breathless second. “Now say ‘cock,’ baby.”
She had moist skin, moist hair, a moist mouth. “Cock,” she breathed.
He pushed his hard-on authoritatively against her pelvis and flattened his tongue to trace the line of her collarbone. “You’ll get cock. You’ll get cock everywhere. You’ll get it in your mouth, in your pussy; you’ll get it down your throat.”
As he backed her toward the bed, an arm loosely around her waist, she curled her fingers around his shaft and tugged him on like a dog on a leash.
“I want you inside me,” she murmured against his neck.
His hand fisted at the small of her back. “Count to ten, and before you get to three, I’m there.”
Her features were dewy with arousal, and no matter how light her hold on his cock and slow their progress, Grey would follow her to the bed with a crook of a finger.
He covered her with his eyes. He could trace the bikini she’d worn with his hands, but instead he traced it with his eyes.The start of a tan spread across her abdomen, her legs, her neck, her slender arms.The little globes of her breasts were burnished bronze like the rest of her torso, the nipples dusky and small.
New tan lines ran less than an inch above the two small rises of her hip bones, dipping to a delicate V between her legs. Between those toned, slim thighs, her pussy was the prettiest, pinkest, most beautiful thing Grey had ever seen. Her clit was tucked between two rosy, tender lips. He knew the inside by memory. He knew the folds they hid were the same shimmering pink of her tongue. He knew how those petals spread, how they moistened for his fingers, for any part of him that touched her. He knew her grip, her every ripple, how warmly she encased him.
“Get on the bed.”
Squealing at the predatory look in his eyes, she spun around when the back of her knees hit the mattress. She climbed on the bed and made to cross when he caught an ankle in his grip and yanked her back to the edge. “I’m sorry, but you’re not going anywhere.”
Her surprised shriek turned to laughter as she struggled up to a sitting position and pointed a chiding finger at him.“Where’s my lover? What did you do to him?”
“He’s insane.” He caught her waist in his hands, turned her over, and pressed her flat on her stomach. “You drove him wild.”
She squirmed halfheartedly as he draped his body over hers, ass jiggling against his groin. “Wait! Wait!” she said. “You have to want it bad.”
“I want it very bad.”
She stilled her squirms, canted her head. “A-all right, then you have to make
want it bad.”
“You said ‘when’ three times and you were ready to come; I’d say that’s enough foreplay for you, don’t you think, Miss Kearny?”
She twisted and pushed at his shoulders so he’d give her space to turn around. “I was only checking to see if you were paying attention.”
He quirked a sleek blond eyebrow, then pointed at his ear.“Forgive me if I don’t hear you—some wench was screaming in my ear just moments ago.”
“And what, exactly, do you do to feisty wenches, may I ask?” Her cool hands settled on his shoulders. Behind the light of mirth in her eyes, a fire burned for him, weighting her eyelids.
His smiled faded, and his timbre dropped to a purr. “Let me show you.”
He caught her elbows and heaved her up to her knees on the bed, facing him, her playfulness gone. She was at her most vulnerable. She was wanting, waiting for him to give it to her, and her eyes pleaded for it. He felt just as helpless, just as open. “Do you make them scream some more in your ear, Grey Richards?”
They were breathing heavily, both their chests rising fast. “And what is it, exactly, that you make them scream?”
His thumb and index finger slid up the side of her neck to caress the back of her ear. “They scream
, baby.”
“And what if I don’t—”
He spread his fingers across the back of her head, pulled her forward, and took her lips. He plunged into her, and she gave out a famished, fevered exclamation....
And shivered when Heath came around to nip at her shoulder, his murmur against her skin barely discernable to Grey. “You’re beautiful.”
Toni disentwined from both of them and spun around to settle on all fours. When she glanced at Grey over her shoulder, her eyes were luminous. Heath moved to the foot of the bed and curled his hand around his lengthened cock, nudging her lips with the ruddy head. “Kiss me.”
She opened her mouth, and Heath pressed in. Grey exhaled slowly. His body was ready, his senses soaring, preparing to mate. So he couldn’t explain why, when a hungry sound welled in the back of her throat as she took Heathcliff, he felt robbed of it.
He could not isolate the despair he felt as he moved on his knees behind her. He had done this dozens,
of times. Taken the woman, pleasured the woman, had her writhing. But the fact that from behind he could not see her face—get lost in the forest green of her irises—distressed him. The laughter in her eyes, the lust that had enlarged her pupils moments ago, that had been his.
. Not Solis’s. He’d done ménages with strangers; he should well be able to do this for Toni.
So he concentrated on the lines of Toni’s back, on the tattoo the damp tendrils of hair around her shoulders created.And he thought,
Take me inside your skin, Antonia, and let me feel what you feel
His throat ran dry as he stroked the lush mounds of her ass and spread her open for a look. His gaze caressed the rosette above her juicy lips, a place he fantasized about possessing, a place he wished that wouldn’t hurt her during the conquering.
He kept those cheeks apart and slid his cock in between them, caressing his length with their fullness. He was so fat, his balls drawn high against him, gathered tight.
This was good, not seeing her face, because she couldn’t see his. He couldn’t seem to control the slightly twisted, painful grimace on it, a grimace caused by the cramp in his chest, the burn spreading from his groin, the confounding, masochistic, torturous pleasure of watching her eat someone else. He wanted to stop it. He wanted to roar. He wanted to watch her love it and be able to love it in return.
Forcing himself to focus on the physical, he circled the outer rim of her lush ass with the pad of his thumb. She shimmied her hips, inviting his touch, and her scream was muffled by Heath’s cock when Grey inserted his finger into the opening.

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