The Sanctuary (12 page)

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Authors: Arika Stone

BOOK: The Sanctuary
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Several hours passed. We needed to wait until the end of the awards before the after-party interviews began. I was exhausted from the day. It was three a.m. before Val appeared again backstage, talking to a reporter. I was already asleep when Jenni bumped me.

“Wake up, Eve. He’s on.”

I pried my eyes open. Val had changed from his stage outfit to jeans and a tee, looking as handsome as ever with his heavy black eyeliner and a five o’clock shadow.

“I’d like to thank you for speaking with us tonight, and I want to extend congratulations on winning Best Rock Song of the year.”

“Thank you. We are thankful our last album had such success and the fans enjoyed the heavier, darker side of us. It was completely different from our other albums. It was a risk, but one we are very happy with.”

“And there are rumors you are already recording your next album. Can you tell us about it?”

“I write all the time. There are songs that can take years to complete and some that are finished in a matter of hours. We have about twelve tracks for the next album and a catalog of songs we could select from. But I am not sure if the journey I originally intended will be completed because I have arrived in a fork in the road, and I am still deciding which path to follow.”

“By fork in the road, we know you are also enjoying a great deal of exposure as an artist as well. Is this a new career for you? Will the upcoming album be the last album from Eros’ Edge so you can pursue your artistic side?”

“Music has always been a passion of mine. It was something I enjoyed, which turned into paying the bills. I will always continue to compose, but whether or not this will be the end, we’ll see. My sculpting is a hobby, and I have been blessed with success in that field as well. But I also have other hobbies, and to say I am going to quit one to focus on the other, no, that makes no sense.”

“Other than your sculpting, what else do you enjoy in your off-time?”

“I’ve been recently fascinated with gardening. I know I don’t look the type. My home right now is completely overrun by weeds. But I like it that way,” Val said with a smirk.

“Speaking of your home, you purchased it last year and it was in much need of renovations. How is it coming along?”

“It’s coming along nicely. We’ve converted the garage into an art studio and part of the basement into a recording studio. We may record the next album subterraneous. It will add to the mood of it all.”

“There are also rumors you’ve also added a new lady to the house. Is this true?”

Val laughed. “Yes, there was this little stray raven-haired cat that found its way to my home. I took her in, and she’s very fond of lying next to me when I write. I pet her, she purrs, and life is happy.” Val had a twinkle of mischief in his eyes.

“We didn’t know you were a fan of cats, but that is good to know. I was talking about Eve Lauren. You have been spotted in the papers together quite often.”

“We have? I don’t read the newspapers. It’s all fabricated rubbish. You can’t believe everything you read. But Eve, yes, she is captivating. We share an odd marriage of souls. She is only spending holiday with me, unfortunately a very short one.”

“An ‘odd marriage of souls’? There were also rumors you are engaged. Any truth to that?”

“An odd marriage in the sense that I’ve felt connected to her since the moment we met. As if I had known her in a past life. There are always three truths: my truth, your truth, and the truth. When you’re in the spotlight, there is a fourth truth: the press. Truth is what you want to believe. But which truth is real?” Val looked directly into the reporter’s eyes, tempting him for his next question.

“Right, well, one truth we know is there will be a sixth album. When can we expect it to be released?”

“We’re aiming for late summer, sometime in August of next year.”

“We will be looking forward to it. Thank you for speaking with us tonight. It’s always a pleasure. And congratulations again.”

Jenni flicked off the TV. The girls gathered their belongings and said their goodbyes.

“Do you mind if I crash here tonight?” Jenni asked.

“No, I don’t.” I rose from the couch and headed to the steps. “I see what you mean about his stories. It’s interesting to see how his personality changes when he’s in that role.”

“It’s the poet in him. It was cute how he compared you to a cat,” Jenni said as she followed me into the master bedroom.

“Umm…where are you sleeping?”

“With you. You didn’t think I was going to crash on the couch when we can both fit on this bed?”

I placed my hands on my hips. “He put you up to this, didn’t he?” I tossed back the sheets and glared at her with my best “you better tell me the truth” look.

She sighed. “He wanted to make sure you were okay. He said he was worried about you.” She grabbed the pillow and fluffed it. “This pillow smells like Val. Do you want it?”

I took the pillow. It smelled like a mixture of his shampoo and cologne.

“Take it. You need him more than I do.”

Chapter 14

Our time apart flew by. I enjoyed it; it reminded me of why I’d come to Finland in the first place—for freedom. But even in my independence, I ached for his return.

I spent my days visiting the museums, going to the gym, and enjoying quality time with myself. I had plenty of time to think, do laundry, grocery shop, and live without any expectations. I loved feeling free of responsibilities. It wasn’t until the night before his return I realized how lonely the house was without his presence.

I sat on the couch, drinking my now nightly glass of Merlot, watching TV snuggled with a blanket and the fire on. It was exceptionally cold, and I had no idea how to turn on the heat. TV was boring, and I didn’t know what to do with myself. Somewhere in the interim of sipping wine and flipping channels, I dozed off.

“I missed you.” The faint whisper of Val’s voice echoed in my ear. I felt kisses along the side of my face and his facial hair rubbing on my skin. It was a wonderful, life-like dream. I felt lips on mine, gently touching them. His hair tickled my face as he leaned down to kiss me again. I shifted, awaking from my dream.

I screamed, startled by his presence above me. “Oh my God, you scared me! I thought I was dreaming. What time is it? Weren’t you flying in tomorrow?”

“Is that how you greet me? What about hello, I’ve missed you?” He gazed down at me sweetly. “I caught the first plane I could. I didn’t want to have to spend another night without you.” He kissed me again. “Why is it so fucking cold in here?”

“I missed you.” I rose from the couch and hugged him. “I don’t know how to turn on the heat.”

“I’ll put the furnace on.” He walked downstairs, returning shortly. “It should warm up soon. You had me worried. I couldn’t get a hold of you or Jenni.”

“You didn’t call, and I didn’t want to seem like a clingy girlfriend.”

“I did call both the house and your cell. Didn’t you check the messages?”

“No, my phone didn’t alert me that I had a message. But I did do your laundry, I cleaned the house, went grocery shopping, and sorted your mail. Your bills are on the counter.”

“You mean you didn’t write out checks for them?” he teased.

“That’s what assistants are for.”

“Or wives.” Val wrapped his arms around me. “You’ve become quite domesticated since I left. Did the girls rub off on you?”

“No. I don’t think I could live like them.”

“I’d rather you live like you. And thank you for doing my laundry. You didn’t have to.”

“I know, but I needed to do mine. I didn’t mind.”

“Tell me about your days.” He sat down next to me on the couch. “Start with why there is a scooter parked in front of my house.” He smiled; he seemed amused at my purchase.

“Because I hate public transportation?” I laughed. It was good to have him home. “No more questions about me. How was your trip?”

“Boring, the same questions over and over. It was exhausting and quite dull.”

“Congratulations on the award.”

“Thank you. Did you watch?”

“I did.”

“And?” He wanted to see if he impressed me.

“I enjoyed what I heard, but it’s harder than what I expected. I’d like to hear more.”

“Tomorrow I’ll take you downstairs to the studio, and I’ll let you hear whatever you want.” He lit a cigarette. “What else did you do while I was gone?”

“Oh, not much. But Jenni thought we needed more excitement in our life.”

He raised his eyebrows. “Oh?”

“She passed by to say hello yesterday, handed me a bag full of toys, and told me to have fun.”

“What exactly did she give you?” Val inquired.

“You know, adult toys.”

He picked me up and flung me over his shoulder. “And where are these alleged toys?”

“Put me down!”

“No, not until you tell me where they are!”


“Oh, you like it downstairs?” he joked, pulling my pants down, exposing my butt, and playfully biting it.

“Ouch!” I shrieked. I smacked his ass in retaliation.

He carried me downstairs, pulling my pants farther down.

He mischievously tossed me on the bed. “Stay there and don’t move.” He walked to the fireplace and lit a fire, returning only to stumble over the bag of toys I’d left on the floor. “Ah ha!” He pulled the bag onto the bed, dumping out the contents. There were dildos, vibrators, anal beads, condoms, all different types of lube.

Val eyed everything. “Anything catch your fancy?”

“Uh…huh.” I looked straight at him. “You.”

He leaned in with a kiss. He smelled musty, like day-old sweat and cigarettes. It was a masculine odor, and it made my body go wild.

“Take your clothes off,” I commanded him. I was in a playful mood. He wasn’t the only one to have all the fun.

He smiled. “Why don’t you take them off if you want me so badly?”

His eyes told me he wanted to play, but he wanted me to seize control. I reached up and unbuttoned his shirt, working my way down to his belt, which I quickly undid before unbuttoning and sliding his pants down.

I placed my arms on his chest, pushing him toward the mattress until he fell onto it. I followed him, my tongue sliding down his body, kissing and licking him until I reached his erect cock.

I paused, removing my shirt before sliding off my pants, giving him a striptease. I kneeled down, drawing my hands up his legs and sliding my hand over his cock. He was fully aroused, drops of pre-cum dripping out of his head and trickling down his shaft. I wrapped my lips around his cock, burying it deep inside my mouth, tasting his delicious juice. The taste of him on my tongue aroused my senses. I lapped at it as if I was a hungry cat wanting more. He moaned in ecstasy as I slid my tongue past his balls and down to his taint. I licked and rubbed his taint. I had always loved that area on a man because I knew it was exactly the spot to drive them wild. I withdrew and watched him writhe on the edge of agony. I knew that look of pain-pleasure torment. He had put me there many times.

My lips rose to meet his as I pressed my body to him. “I missed you.” His cock throbbed next to my pussy. Straddling him, I grabbed his cock and rubbed it against my wetness. He was as solid as steel, and as I grinded down, he popped his load before I had a chance to fuck him.

I couldn’t sit there and enjoy his pleasure. I was in a frenzy, and I craved release as much as he did. “I’m not done with you,” I warned as I dismounted him, getting on all fours to sort through the toys that were scattered across our bed.

“Good, ’cause I’m not done with you either.” He chuckled and smacked my ass before seizing my hips with his strong hands. I glanced over my shoulder. His skin was covered in sweat, and his hair clung to his head in wet, wavy curls.

He thrust his cock deep inside my pussy and groaned. His cock was once again as stiff as a board, grinding into me. His hands made their descent to my ass, and I knew I couldn’t stall fate much longer.

He grunted and leaned over me, grabbing lube from the bed. The lube dripped down my ass, slowly trickling down to his cock. He plunged into me again. “Is this what you wanted?”

“Yes!” I moaned as I pushed harder against him.

He pulled me up, rolling onto his back so I could ride him reverse cowgirl. I placed my hands on his legs to give myself leverage.

“I love watching your ass.”

He smacked it again, this time with a heavier hand. I felt the sting of his fingers upon my flesh. I was sure I had palm imprints on my cheek, but I didn’t care. It made me grind on him harder.

I was dripping in sweat. The heat in the house was on too high, and it felt as though we were fucking in a sauna. I slowed my pace and looked over my shoulder. “Do you like what you see?”

He lifted me up and pried my cheeks apart with his thumbs so he could get a better view. “I do.” Without warning, he thrust me down on his cock and slid a finger into my ass.

Surprised by his actions, I gasped as my eyes shot open. He held me tightly and wiggled his finger inside of me. “Do you like what you feel?”

“Umm…it’s different.”

“Does it hurt?”

“No, but…”

“Just relax.” He tried to resume fucking, sliding his finger in and out.

“Ohhh…” I moaned as it started to feel uncomfortable.

“You’re tensing up. If you relax, it will feel good. I promise.”

“It’s going to hurt.”

He sighed and slid his finger out. As it made its exit, I nearly jumped out of my skin. It felt good, almost orgasmic.

“Hmm…” he murmured as we slowly resumed our lovemaking.

I felt his hand on my back, softly caressing my skin before resting on my hips. He halted with his cock deep inside, moving me forward on all fours again.

He fucked me again, taking his time to enjoy each stroke, each quiver, each moan.

The thought of his finger in my ass enticed me. It hadn’t hurt as much as I expected it to. I was intrigued. What was I missing out on?

“Do that thing again,” I panted between strokes.

“What thing?”

I knew I was vague, but I was hesitant to say the words. “Your fingers…” I breathed as he began to pick up the pace.

“Go on…” His voice was deep and sultry. He knew what I desired but wanted me to say it. He pulled out and rolled me onto my back. Our sweat interlaced as he leaned over me. “Tell me what you want.”

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