The Sanctuary (47 page)

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Authors: Arika Stone

BOOK: The Sanctuary
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I giggled. “Oh, so you’re being selfish?”

“No, I’m being a realist. Formula never killed anyone. But do whatever you are comfortable with.” He closed his eyes. He was completely exhausted. “What do we have to fill out on those papers?”

“Her name, our names, and all that other fun stuff.”

“And did you have any names in mind?” He opened one eye, questioning me.

“I do.” I looked down at her. She was precious suckling, and I didn’t want to disturb her to burp her.

“And they are?” Val asked.

“Oh sorry, I was just watching her.” I smiled.

“I know.” He smiled. “Let me take her. I’ll burp and change her.” He reached out and drew her next to his chest.

I watched him cradle her. He was a natural at it. “I was thinking Teija Helena or Helena Lauren or maybe Teija Lauren.”

He laughed. “If you didn’t want to give up your last name when we got married, you didn’t have to. But I like Teija. Why Helena though?” He held her away from him, cradling the back of her head, admiring her.

“Helena is close to Helsinki, where we conceived her.” I watched him interact with her.

He nuzzled her nose to nose. “Teija Lauren, I like the sound of that.”

“So, it’s settled.” I finished filling out the information on the paperwork.

“Let me take that.” He placed Teija in one arm and took the paperwork from me. “Why don’t you go back to sleep? I’ll take her to the nursery and have them start on your discharge.”

“That sounds lovely. I can’t wait to go home and shower.” I closed my eyes and quickly drifted to sleep, content with my life as a new mom and as a wife to the greatest husband in the world.

Chapter 58

In the month and a half Val was on break, he transformed into the loving father I always knew he would be. He took the lead parenting role, partly because he wanted me to recover in full before he left and partly because he had this incredible, immediate bond with his daughter, something he said he wanted to cherish before he left to tour.

I would often wake up startled in the middle of the night, realizing I hadn’t heard Teija cry in hours, only to find her sleeping contently on his chest. He took to his role of a father very well, making sure she was taken care of during the day too. He brought her to every checkup, rocked her, talked to her, told her stories, and sang songs. She was by his side constantly.

Our attitudes toward each other changed as well. Domination was not brought up, my collar was hidden, and it was as if our previous life never existed. Having a child made our relationship more concrete, but it murdered our sex life. The doctor had doomed us to celibacy for the duration of Val’s sabbatical.

He left to tour, and the weeks slowly turned to months, summer turned to fall, and winter sneakily crept in, without so much as a blink of an eye. Although he called several times a day to catch up with us, it wasn’t the same. Teija had grown quite attached to him, and whenever she couldn’t be soothed, all I needed to do was call. It was a nightmare though when she was fussy and he was performing. She had lungs like her father and could easily wail for hours until she heard his voice sing her to sleep. I often felt a tad jealous of their relationship. I wouldn’t have believed the magnetism he had over her if I hadn’t experienced his mystery myself.

But the mystery of our past haunted my soul, to the point of torment. I longed for his touch again on my flesh, to feel his body next to mine, to become one again in the bed in which we’d created our magical, enchanted life. And just when I thought I couldn’t bear another night alone, he was coming home.

I pushed the stroller outside terminal eight at JFK airport. It was the beginning of December, but the holiday travel rush seemed to have already begun. Val flew in from L.A., and we were booked for a connecting flight to Helsinki. His American leg of the tour had ended. We were going home.

I stopped in front of the doors to the terminal and dialed his cell. He should have touched down thirty minutes ago, and we intended to meet outside.

“Hello, darling. Where are you?” Val sung into the phone.

“I’m by door twenty-three. Where are you?” I looked to my left and right but couldn’t find him.

“Turn to your right. I’m headed toward you.”

I heard his phone click. He must have spotted us through the crowd. I searched the area before taking notice to him as he approached.

“Val!” I shrieked, practically jumping into his arms. He looked smashing in dark jeans, a green military jacket, several scarves, his headphones hanging out of his pocket, and his messenger bag tossed across his chest. His hair was the longest I had ever seen, and his skin was crystal clear, accenting his stunning eyes.

My enthusiasm was greeted with lips locking to mine in a long, intensely scorching and furious kiss. I pulled away, trying to catch my breath. “You taste like cigarettes and beer.”

He licked his lips. His eyes were filled with passion. “And is that so bad?”

“Not at all, I’ve missed that. And I’ve missed you. It’s good to have you home.” I hugged him.

He embraced me and looked down at Teija. “We’ll drop her off at Jenni’s on the way home.”

I gazed at him adoringly. “Oh? Why?”

His eyes glistened. “Because it’s going to be one of those nights. I’ve missed you.”

I smiled. I'd been waiting for this day to come again.

“Let me take her and give me your bags.” He pulled the diaper bag and my carry-on off my shoulder and placed them on his before wrapping his free arm around me, leading us inside the terminal.

“Do you have your passport and hers?”


“Can I have them so I can check us in?” He stopped in front of the business class desk. I loved how his dominating take-charge personality kicked back in. I supposed touring was good for him and for us.

He shot me a smile and a sideway glance. “What is that look about?” He took the boarding passes from the clerk and turned to me. “You haven’t looked at me like that since before you were pregnant.”

“Well, that’s what you do to me.” I smiled.

He laughed as we proceeded down the concourse to the gate. “No, that’s not the look I was talking about.” He pulled me next to him and leaned into my ear. “It’s the same look you had days after subspace. Do you want me to take you there again?” His lips brushed against me, causing my heart to pound lustily.

“I thought you’d never ask,” I said with a giggle to my voice.

We stopped in front of the windows outside our gate. The plane was set to depart in less than an hour, and the area was packed with passengers waiting.

I leaned against the window and stared at him. Passengers whizzed by us, but I could see only him. “Do you have my collar?” I asked. “I didn’t know where it was when I packed. I couldn’t find it.”

“I have it. It’s in my bag.” He eyed me, questioning my intentions.

I glanced around. There were so many people around us, all waiting to go home. I undid the scarf on my neck. “Put it on me.”

“Now?” He eyed the gentleman who'd parked himself right next to us.

I took a deep breath, and my heart pounded through my chest. “Yes, now.” I gulped, hoping he would give in to my request.

He reached around and slid his hand into his bag, fishing around a bit before slipping out my leather choker. “Are you sure?” he asked, again looking at the gentleman next to us.

“Yes, Sir, I am,” I said, keeping my eyes upon him.

He leaned into me and wrapped the leather around my throat. It felt smooth, cold, and binding.

I looked up, his tall body dominating over me. “It’s over, Val. I submit to you,” I whispered.

He placed one hand on the glass behind me, resting his arm by my face. He gazed into my eyes and smiled. “But we aren’t over. Our story has just begun.”

A voice crackled over the public announcement system. “Now boarding business class passengers for Flight 6 departing non-stop to Helsinki, Finland.”

He reached down and took my hand in his. “That’s us, darling. Let’s go home.”

The End

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About Arika Stone

Arika Stone is an erotic romance author born and raised in New York City, but she currently resides in New Jersey. An expert in the wedding industry with over twelve years of experience, Arika has seen it all: from glamorous balls to rustic, intimate affairs. Several years ago, she caught the travel bug and visited Europe but fell in love with Finland—and fell in love there too. Filled with wanderlust, she’s always dreaming of her next trip and her next story. Join her on her next adventure and get lost between reality and fiction.


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