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Authors: Mia McKimmy

The Sacrifice (18 page)

BOOK: The Sacrifice
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boy nodded nervously. “
I won

sir. You have my word.”



Chapter 17


opened her eyes, and for a moment wasn

t sure where she was.
The warmth of a firm body snuggled against her back, along with light, even
breathing gave her the answer. Cy

s arm draped across her waist in a gentle,
protective embrace. His warm scent seeped into her soul, wrapping her in love,
security, and peace. The lonely emptiness she

d always known was
gone. It had gone after their first night together when their souls became one.
And it would stay that way as long as she had Cy in her life.

smiled as she recalled the intensity, and frequency of the passion they

shared over the last two weeks. They couldn

t get enough of each
other, and she knew they never would. Each time they made love and took a
little more blood, memories from each other

s pasts sealed their
bond tighter. Although, what she

d witnessed last night was hard to bear. A painful
moment in Cy

s life that shaped him into who he

become—the last conversation with his father.

had taken place on the ship that had brought them to Earth, only moments before
the king died. Cy was alone in a room with his father, where he laid on a bed
with a gaping chest wound over his heart. Cy

s lips trembled as he
took his father

s hand. The king opened his eyes, eyes the
identical shade of blue as Cy



s breathing was labored, his voice weak, and his
tone determined to remain alive long enough speak to his son. “My sweet and
noble son.” He brought Cy

s hand to his mouth and kissed it. “I need you to
promise to take care of your mother. She will need you more than ever once I


rolled down Cy

s young face. “Yes, father, you know I will. But
you are
going to die. You will be with us and see our new world.”

Cygan, I will not. My injuries are too great. You are my successor, and in time
you will learn to rule our people. I

ve known since you
were young that you would become a kind and honorable king. It is your nature.
However, this is not true of your brother. I fear I have not prepared you for
the battle ahead. Vind will be arduous. He

ll oppose your every
decision. For that, I am truly sorry. I believed I would be around to control
him. It appears fate has other plans.”

king grimaced and coughed. Blood trickled from his mouth. Cy grabbed a towel
from the tray of medical supplies and wiped his father

mouth. “Cygan, Ozeas is a good male and my closest friend. He has promised to
keep my family safe. I know he will honor that promise as long as he lives. I
ask that you heed his counsel. I know in my heart he only wants what is best
for our people.”

“I will, Father.” Cy wiped tears from
his face. “When I become king, I promise to never allow anyone to harm a weaker
species the way the Haagons have ours.”

king began to choke on the blood filling his lungs. When he could speak again,
he looked at Cy and a tear ran from the corner of his eye. “You have been the
best son a father could ever ask for. I

m so proud of you.”
Those were the last words he ever spoke. After that, his breathing became too
difficult to speak.

ran to the door and screamed for help. Several doctors ran into the room, along
with the queen, Vind and Oz. Vind stood back and stared at his father with
apathy, while Cy and his mother held the king

s hands. Moments
later, the king took his final breath.


eyes burned as she recalled Cy

s pain when he realized his father was gone
forever. After each blood exchange, she

d experienced both
happy and painful memories. Memories now fused into her soul, every bit as real
as her own.

wiped moisture from her eyes and pushed the vision from her head glancing at
the clock on the bedside table.
Only forty minutes until class.
She eased from beneath Cy

s arm and forced herself to leave his bed.
Collecting her clothes from the floor she tiptoed into the bathroom for a quick
shower. She stepped inside the large tiled shower and sighed as hot water
cascaded over her. After washing and rinsing her hair, she opened her eyes and
gasped. Cy’s large, naked body stood next to her.

eyes were filled with sensual promises as he wrapped her in his arms. “I didn

mean to frighten you, but I couldn

t resist. The sight
of that water caressing those gorgeous curves made me jealous.”

shuddered with need as his hard body made contact with her hot skin. “
Well, good morning,
” she crooned and rubbed her stomach against his erection.


s definitely starting out that way.”

ran her tongue along his earlobe. “
I don’
t have much time
before class.”

may never let you leave this shower. Days from now, they

find us in here locked together, shriveled like prunes.” A low, sexy chuckle
came from his throat. He lowered his head and covered her mouth with his. One
hand covered her breast, and the other dipped between her legs.

Her womb tightened under his expert
touch. Even with the water, tiny sparks ignited beneath his hands. After only a
few seconds, her legs began to tremble. It was a state of pure ecstasy. A state
she craved, where only he could take her. Leaving her lips, he replaced the
hand covering her breast with his mouth, lapping the water off her taut nipple
as he teased it with his tongue. “Cy,” she moaned.

As soon as his name left her lips, he
lifted her off the shower floor. Her legs circled his hips. Cy eased her down
onto the thickness of his erection. Riana took him into her body greedily, and
a cry of relief burst from her lips.

Moments later, she screamed from an
intense orgasm. Cy found his own release and his body poured its wealth of seed
into her.

Riana cupped his face in her hands.
“That was wonderful,” she whispered, then kissed the tip of his nose.

ran his hands up her back causing her muscles to clench around him. “Mmm, it

still pretty wonderful from where I am.”

Riana rained kisses over his face,
stopped, and then broke into laughter. “You know what? We had our first

chuckled, and set her feet on the shower floor. “Well, you did say you didn

have much time.” He picked up the soap and started lathering her body. Riana
reached to take it from him, but he jerked the bar out of her grasp.

“I will never make it to class if you
do this.”

I promise I’
ll be quick.” A sensually wicked smile broke his lips. “Get it,

cocked her head and looked beneath wet lashes. “I knew one quickie wouldn

be enough.”

Cy dropped the soap on the shower
floor, and pulled her back into his arms. “Baby, I could never get enough of



Chapter 18


Riana and Elle left defense class and
headed home to shower before dinner. Riana pushed at the strands of hair
sticking to her sweaty face. Kyra had worked them extra hard today.


waiting for you,” Elle announced.

Riana looked up. Cy stood beneath the
big oak tree in front of their lodge. He looked totally scrumptious in faded
jeans and a Rolling Stones T-shirt, the one with lips and extended tongue.

look at me, covered in sweat, and no doubt smelling like a pig.

Hello, beautiful,
” he said as they approached.

you sure you don

t need glasses?
” She knew very well Sivadians didn

t have bad eyesight.

smiled, and pulled her in for a kiss. “If I say you
’re beautiful
beautiful. I thought I

grill steaks for us this evening. Afterward, we can walk down to the lake and
take a canoe out.”

Riana looked at him, bewildered.

you don

t like my plans?”


s not that. I just find it hard to believe you
to cook.”

you wound me,” he said, with feigned pain. “You think because I

m a
male, I can

t cook? Guess I

ll have to show you
how good I am with a grill. I have many skills you don

know about.”

planted a hot kiss on her lips, and she melted into his arms. God, he smelt
good enough to eat. “I guess you will, although, it

your other skills I

m more interested in.”

comment earned her a sexy grin. “Oh, I definitely plan on showing you those.
But I probably need to cook first. With the night I have planned, we

going to need to keep up our strength.

Riana moaned against his neck. “Sounds as delicious as you smell. I

run home and take a quick shower, then be right over.”

kissed the tip of her nose. “Okay, I

ll start the salads
and pour the wine. See you shortly.”

showered quickly, anxious to spend time with Cy. He and Miles had been out on
rotation last night, and she

d missed him terribly. He must have missed her
too. During that whole conversation earlier, she sensed his excitement, but
with a hint of anxiety.

she reached his apartment, she found him on the balcony turning their steaks. A
kitchen towel hung from the back pocket of his jeans. Jeans that covered the
best looking butt she had ever seen. “Hey, handsome, where
’s your chef’
s hat?”

He turned and smiled, pulling her into
his arms. “I knew I forgot something.”

bet you would be
sexy wearing a chef


I don’
t think anyone could look sexy in one of those.” He buried his face
in her neck and inhaled. “Wild lavender. My favorite scent in the world.”


head leaned back, offering him better access. She moaned as his mouth moved
lower and his tongue lapped across the cleavage above her V-neck tee. “You

going to burn the steaks.” Her voice came out low and needful.

I don’
t care. I

d much rather have you.” He pushed her shirt up
and pulled her taut nipple into the heat of his mouth.

you keep this up, you

d better turn off the grill.”

Cy kissed his way up her neck, and
playfully nipped her chin with his teeth. “I suppose we do need nourishment.
But we
this later.” His eyes flashed with the promise of sinful things. He turned to
check the steaks. “How do you like yours cooked?”

“A little pink in the center.”

“These are almost ready then.”


get some plates.” As she turned to leave, Cy popped his towel at her rear. She
jumped and burst into laughter.

went inside and pulled the salads from the fridge. She

never been so happy in her life. In her wildest dreams, she would

never imagined feeling this way about someone in such a short time. Over the
last few weeks, they

d spent every spare minute together. Except when
she was in class or he was out hunting feeders.


even volunteered to teach some of her history classes, but it proved to be too
distracting. Neither of them could take being in the same room and not able to
touch. Most nights he took her to the gym to spar. He finally admitted those
sessions were the result of his insecurity about her ability to protect herself
if the need arose.

only had a little over a week before she

d have to go back to
her life, and her job at the hospital. She didn

t want to think about
him not being only a few feet away. She pushed the thought from her mind,
determined to enjoy the time she had left with them both living at the

they finished their meal, Riana leaned back in her chair and took a sip of red
wine. “That was delicious. I

m impressed. You
quite the cook.”

soon as she took the last sip of wine, Cy jumped up from the table. “Let

go down to the lake. I need to work off this meal.”


brows rose. “Okay.”


s going on with him tonight?

“You seem a little anxious. Is
everything all right?”

“Everything is great.” Cy left the
room. He returned a moment later with two of his hoodies. He helped her slip
her arms into one, and then put the other on himself.

They left his apartment and strolled
hand in hand down the trail to the lake. Cy took a red canoe from the racks and
dragged it to the bank. She climbed inside and sat on the far end. Once he
settled on the other end, he pushed off with the paddle.

leaves drifted to the ground in the cool, fall breeze. The heavy forest of the
surrounding mountains infused the air with evergreen. As beautiful as the
scenery was, it had nothing on watching Cy

s muscles bunch
beneath his jacket as he rowed them across the lake. She squirmed, wanting to
move closer and run her hands over their firmness. But every time she moved the
boat protested with an unsteady motion. So for now, she forced herself to be
content watching.

Once they were in the middle of the
lake, Cy stopped paddling and laid the oar inside the canoe. It rocked
precariously as he stood and ran his hand inside the front pocket of his jeans.

Riana grabbed on to the sides of the
boat with both hands. “What are you doing?”

flashed a gorgeous smile that reached his eyes. They sparkled like the bluest
lagoon of the South Pacific. “You

ll see,” he said, keeping his hand closed around
whatever he

d removed from the pocket.

He eased forward to the bench directly
in front of her, and then lowered his knees onto the seat. He hesitated and
gazed into her eyes as if he were trying to read her emotions, which were
somewhere between stunned and confused.

I love you more than life itself. I
never realized how empty my existence was until I met you. A
nd I don

t want to  spend
another minute without you in my life. Will you do me the huge honor of
becoming my wife?” He opened a black velvet box, revealing the most beautiful
diamond and ruby ring she

d ever seen.

Her eyes widened and filled with
tears. “Oh, Cy. I love you too!” She bolted forward into his arms. As their
bodies collided, the canoe made a hard shift to one side.

Riana's scream echoed off the
mountains as they left the boat and hit the icy water. She kicked and splashed
a moment before realizing her feet could touched bottom.

Cy reached and pulled her to him. “Was
that a yes?”

wrapped her legs around his waist and arms around his neck. “Yes! Yes! Most
definitely, yes!” Her teeth chattered, but she couldn

tell if it was from adrenaline, or being submerged in icy water.


lips covered hers, and all of his happiness and love was manifested in that one

held her to him for a moment. “That didn

t go exactly as I had
planned,” he said, humor in his voice.


sorry. I wasn

t thinking about anything other than getting to you.”
Riana stilled as panic hit. “Oh God, my ring!” Please tell me it

not on the bottom of the lake.”


heart dropped as a blank expression crossed Cy

s face, quickly
followed by a grin. He opened his hand and revealed her beautiful ring.

laughed and slapped his shoulder. “Cy, that

s not funny.”

the ring doesn

t matter. You do. If you said you

marry me, I would

ve bought ten rings.”

I don’
t want another ring. I want this one.”

She beamed a smile as he slid the ring
onto her finger, and then held her hand out to admire its beauty. A huge
princess-cut diamond, encircled by rubies, and inlaid diamonds around the band.

Riana framed his face in her hands.
“Nothing would make me happier than spending the rest of my life in your arms.
Just not here. This has to be the coldest water in the world.”

lake is spring-fed from the mountains. Come on, let

get home and out of these wet clothes.”

When they got back to his apartment,
they headed straight into the bathroom and shed their wet clothes on the floor.

want to run some hot water in the Jacuzzi?” Cy asked. “I

take our clothes and toss them in the machine before they leave puddles.”

Riana ran the water and lit some
candles around the tub, and then dimmed the lights. She moaned as she lowered
herself into the warm water.

Cy came back into the bathroom, Riana opened her eyes and burst into laughter.
He stood in the doorway wearing nothing but a chef

hat. The candle-light glistened across the hard muscles of his abs, and her
fingers ached to touch him.

BOOK: The Sacrifice
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