The Sacrifice (16 page)

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Authors: Mia McKimmy

BOOK: The Sacrifice
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Cy recalled childhood memories with his father, Riana

heart ache for him. His stories were no longer like listening to those of a
stranger. They affected her as if it were her own painful memories.

the Haagons invaded Sivadia, we escaped to those very mountains. Even though I
was only fourteen, when it came time to leave Sivadia I wasn

frightened. I knew no matter where we went, we would survive as long as the two
of them were with us. But as you know, my father didn

survive. In the beginning none of us would have if not for the actions of one
person. Your father. He saved our race by teaching us how to survive on this
planet. He

s a hero who has always refused to accept any type
of acknowledgement. He

s suffered since my father

death, convinced he should

ve been able to save him. But he couldn

No one could have.”

tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “Oz is a good and honest male, who has
more integrity and honor than anyone I

ve ever known, since
my blood father. He couldn

t have known about you, Riana. If he had, he would
have moved heaven and earth to find you. Whatever you decide is up to you. I
only wanted you to understand what kind of person he is.”

realized he never knew when he forced mother to tell me the truth. It was such
a shock to find out my father wasn

t actually dead. I
needed some time for it to sink in. It hurt that my mother chose to let me grow
up longing for a father when he was alive. It might sound petty, but it

going to take me a while to forgive her.”

Riana lay on her stomach with the
pillow propped beneath her chin.

leaned in and pressed a kiss to her temple. “Of all the wonders I

seen, I have
looked upon anything as beautiful as you,” he

Riana turned, wrapping herself around his firm body. His mouth covered
hers, and desire leapt inside her. They made love again, but this time they
took it slow and savored every moment. For the first time in her life, the
loneliness was erased by the merging of their souls.


Chapter 15


following day after class, Riana and Elle walked over to the Protectors

Since they still weren

t allowed to leave the compound, a few of the
girls were invited to the Protectors’ game room.

they entered the large room, Riana sensed Cy leaning across a pool table, his
cue stick aligned to break the balls. As he glanced up and flashed a stunning
smile, her pulse raced. Since they

d taken each other

blood, it was like having a built-in GPS. Within close proximity, her insides
would quiver and not stop until she laid eyes on Cy. The first time it happened,
the strange sensation kind of freaked her out. But now, she loved having such a
powerful connection to him.

Cy met her in the middle of the large
room and pulled her into his arms. “Hey beautiful.” His lips brushed across
hers, doing wicked things to her insides. “Would you like a drink?”

Riana glanced at the full bar covering
one end of the room, and grinned. “Looks like you guys are well stocked.”

Cy chuckled, “Yeah, two things
Protectors never get low on. Ammunition and booze.”

And females. You forgot females.
” Kam chalked his pool cue.


just your obsession, Kam,” Cy replied.

With pursed lips, Elle folded her arms
and looked away.


eyes widened. “Do you have something on your upper lip, blondie?”

I smell bullshit,”
Elle said.

“Well, maybe you should go wash it off
before your face freezes that way,” Kam said, before sinking a ball in the
corner pocket.

s face glowed bright pink. She turned on her heel
and strode toward the bar with Cy.

Hey, blondie,
” Kam yelled after her. “On your way back, bring me a Jack and

“Sure. Do you want fries with that?”
Elle snapped over her shoulder.

shook her head and laughed at Kam. “I wouldn

t poke that bear too
much if I were you. She bites back.”

lined up a shot and sunk two more balls. “It

s a good thing I heal
fast.” He stilled. “
…think I need a rabies shot?”

You can

t say I didn

t warn you, Kam.”

Cy walked up and handed Riana a glass
of white wine. “Warn him about what?”

If he doesn

t lighten-up, she

s going to tear into

Cy leaned in and whispered. “Is it
just my imagination, or is there an awful lot of sexual tension between those


burst of laughter echoed in the room. She slapped her hand over her mouth and
glanced around. “
I don’
t know what it is. They act like two kids on a
playground who like each other. Since they don

t know what to do
about it, they pick on each other.”

Elle came back with a beer in her

eyed her drink and turned his palms up. “Where

s mine?”

did you want a drink? I guess it

at the bar,
in the bottle. And for your information, my name is not blondie.”
Elle pinned Kam with a stare so icy, Riana expected frost to appear on his


brows drew together. “Why does negativity jump off you like fleas on an
infested dog? Or, is it just me that brings out all this acrimonious behavior?”


s because you

re a narcissistic
man-whore who thinks every female should fall at your feet.”

I am
.” Mischief
danced in Kam

s eyes. “I

m a sex god. There

s a
difference. Do you need a demonstration?”

“In your dreams, buddy, in your
dreams.” Elle wheeled around and stomped toward the game tables on the opposite
side of the room.

Thank God,
” Riana said. “They make me nervous. You never know what will come
out of either of their mouths.” She hooked her arm around Cy

“Come on, I

ll challenge you to a game of air hockey.”

they finished the best two out of three games, which Cy totally let her win, he
pulled her into his arms. “Do you feel like stopping by the gym to practice
your fighting techniques?” He placed a gentle hand across the right side of her
ribs. “I saw those bruises on you the other night. If I teach you a few
defensive moves, we could prevent you getting more. Or I could give Kyra a beat
down for putting them there in the first place. But I

rather teach you how to turn the tables on her.”

put her arms around his neck and looked into his incredible blue eyes. “That

s a
tempting offer. But, I better let you teach me. Then
can give Kyra the
beat down.”

pulled him close and whispered in his ear. “Then afterwards, I wouldn

mind another demonstration of
sex god powers.”

Cy nipped her earlobe with his teeth,
and goose bumps rose on her neck. “You must have read my mind.” His low, sexy
voice did wicked things to her insides.

left the Protector

s lodge and headed across the compound toward the
gym. Kyra

s little sister, Lily, skipped along beside one of
the compound cooks. When Lily spotted them, a bright smile lit her angelic
features. “Cy,” she squealed. Lily charged toward him and then launched herself
into his open arms.

Lily bug. How

s my girl?” He transferred her to one hip, holding
her like a toddler.


good. Mr. Sanders is taking me to the kitchen for ice cream. Do you want me to
bring you some too?”


ll pass tonight. What if we go to our favorite ice
cream shop tomorrow?”

“Yum-me,” Lily exclaimed.


s a date then. Would it be all right if Riana
comes along? She and I have become extra special friends. She likes ice cream
almost as much as we do.”

Lily tilted her head and looked at
Riana as if considering whether to allow her to invade on their plans.

“I really do like ice cream,” Riana

you can come.” From Lily

s decisive tone, Riana must have passed her test.

Good, we

ll pick you up after
dinner,” Cy said. “
Maybe we

even go shopping for those pink high-tops you told me about.”


t wait!” Lily threw her arms around Cy

neck and kissed his cheek.

He sat her down and she ran to catch
up with Mr. Sanders.

they started toward the gym, Cy put his arm around Riana

waist and pulled her close to his side. “I thought it might be good to spend
some time with Lily, let her get used to us as a couple. I hope that

all right with you.”


more than all right. That little girl has a huge crush on you. Now I understand
why. You

re very good with her.”


been through a lot in her young life. If I can help fill the void from losing
her parents, then I

m more than happy to do so. She

an incredibly sweet child, which makes it hard not to spoil her.”

they got to the gym, Cy taught Riana some defensive moves to prevent taking a
blow to vital organs. “Now I

m going to teach you how to land an effective hit
to the vulnerable areas on a male

s body,” he said. “If you

attacked, you only try these maneuvers when you have a clear shot. Because of a

s increased strength, your number one goal is
keeping him from getting a hold on you. If he does, your chances of getting
away are slim to none.”

showed Riana the proper technique to land a hit to someone

larynx. She threw several punches and kicks toward the area of his throat. He
blocked every attempt with a speed she couldn

t fathom.

on, baby. You

re holding back. Center yourself on the target and
put your weight behind those kicks. The majority of a female

strength is in her lower body. You have to use every advantage you possess.”

want me to actually kick you in the throat?” Riana

voice rose an octave. “I

m sorry, but I can

t intentionally hurt

came up behind her, wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her against
all those hard muscles. “Well, that

s good to know,” he
whispered in her ear. But how will you know what you

capable of if you don

t give it your all?”

Cy placed soft kisses along the column of Riana

s neck, warmth pooled
in her abdomen. Her head fell to the side, allowing him better access. “You
keep that up and my knees will be too weak to kick.”


rather be doing this than fighting,” he murmured between kisses.

turned in his arms, faced him and pressed her body against the firmness of his
erection. “Me too.” She took possession of his mouth. Her heart raced as need
tore through her. She deepened the kiss and explored his mouth. Her body
already ached for release, and the sweet mixture of their ragged breaths drove
her closer to the edge. He could take her from zero to sixty in point three
seconds. If there were such a thing as an orgasm speedometer, Cy

ability to send her across the finish line would hold the world record.

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