The Sacrifice (17 page)

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Authors: Mia McKimmy

BOOK: The Sacrifice
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broke the kiss and framed his face with her hands. “I think it

time to go home. Or, you may have to lock those doors. I

not sure we can get home fast enough.” His hand dipped beneath her shirt and
covered her breast. Her womb responded with anticipation and moisture pooled
between her thighs.


phone rang, but he ignored it. His hand slipped inside her bra. Her knees
became like rubber…and his phone continued to ring.

“You might want to get that,” she

is out on rotation with Miles. They

ll call him when I

t answer.


the time Cy

s phone stopped ringing he was ready to throw it
across the gym. But seconds later it started again. Why couldn

people just do their jobs without him for one night? He stepped back, jerked
the phone from his pocket and hit talk. “This better be important.”

sir, it is,” the head guard at the gate replied. “Something

going on with the security systems. It

s been going off for
no apparent reason, and it just happened again. Each time we do a thorough
search and find nothing. Commander Oz said the next time it happened to notify
him. Or you, if he

s not at the compound.”


be right there.” Cy turned off his phone and sighed.

“Is something wrong?”

hope not. The security systems are acting up. It

never given us a problem before. I need to go check it out, but I shouldn

be long.” He tucked her beneath his arm and they left the gym. “I would love to
find you naked in my bed when I get home. We can take up where we left off.”

Riana stopped, rose on her tiptoes,
and hovered her lips close to his. “That sounds like an excellent idea.” Her
soft lips captured his mouth with a deep, enticing kiss. He released a needful
moan as he forced himself from her sweet embrace, and then headed toward the

Cy was almost to the guardhouse when
something brushed against his arm. He froze and a chill crept up his spine.
Every hair stood on end as a malevolent force surrounded him. He turned in a
slow circle and scanned the area. Nothing. But a wretched hostility filled the
air, as irrefutable as the ground beneath his feet. Cy pinpointed the strongest
area and swung his arm through empty space.

that was stupid.
He glanced around to make sure no one saw
him take a swing at nothing, shook his head, and then walked a few more feet to
the guardhouse.

Cy,” the head guard said. “Do you have a minute to sit here and watch the
monitors? Each time the alarm goes off at the gate, it

not long until a sensor somewhere inside the compound goes on alert.”

“How long has this been happening?”

guard pulled up the computerized security log. “The first time was the night
after the trainees arrived, and it

s happened six times
since. The company who installed the system can

t come out to check
it until next week.”

hell with that,” Cy replied. “Where

s their number? They

either send someone out, or they

ll wish they had.” Dealing with Sivadian owned
companies was the norm, although sometimes it wasn

worth the hassle. Dealing with humans made things a lot easier. At least they
could be compelled to come out and fix it right away.

guard found the security company

s number and was dialing it for Cy when an alarm
blared inside the small room. Cy leaned into the monitors to get a closer look.
“Where is that?”


s eyes met his.

s your apartment.”

Adrenaline shot through Cy at the
speed of light. Riana was alone inside his apartment. He tore out of the
guardhouse at a dead run. A new curse erupted from his lips with every pounding

anti-transport devices.
He should have the things removed.
But that would be a dumb-ass move.

Moments later, Cy ran through the door
of his building with several guards on his heels. Half a dozen Protectors
inside the lobby drew their weapons and fell in behind them. If he looked as
panicked as he felt, it was no wonder. Swinging a dagger in each hand probably
made him look like a mad-man.

Cy hit the stairwell, unwilling to
wait on the elevator. His legs protested the four steps at a time pace. He
burst through the door of his apartment. As soon as he was inside, the same
ominous sensation from outside the guardhouse bombarded him. Before he entered
his bedroom he yelled over his shoulder, “Stay here.”

His heart pounded in his ears as if he
were standing inside an enormous drum. The bed was empty, but he sensed Riana
inside the bathroom. Cy turned the handle but the door was locked. He rammed
his shoulder into the door. Splintered wood flew every direction as he burst

sat up in the water and screamed. “What

s wrong?”


been lying back in the Jacuzzi with bubbles to her neck. Cy dropped to his
knees beside the tub. His arms plunged beneath the water and pulled her wet
body against him. He held her tight and trembled from the surge of adrenaline
flooding his system. If anyone had harmed her, it would destroy him.

Someone from outside the bedroom door
yelled. “Is everything all right?”


there?” Riana struggled to pull out of his tight embrace.

He loosened his grip and framed her
face in his hands. “Are you unharmed?”

why? What

s going on?”

“The alarms went off. Someone with
unidentifiable DNA was inside this apartment.”


t seen anyone. I must have drifted off to sleep.”

“Someone was here besides you. Someone
out to cause harm. Did you sense any danger?”


brows pulled low. “No.”

kissed her forehead, and then stood. “That

s the guards and some
of the Protectors at the door. I

m going to have them search the building while I
search the apartment.”

He went into the hallway where ten
large males waited, making the space appear small and claustrophobic. Cy gave
them instructions to search the entire compound. When he asked about the uneasy
feeling inside the apartment, none of them detected anything. But he had no
doubt, something evil had been there. Alone with Riana.


Chapter 16


Vind returned to the compound and had just
entered the gate when he noticed Cy headed toward him.


s see how perceptive my brother is.
Vind skimmed his hand across Cy

arm. Cy came to an abrupt halt. He scanned the area and then looked straight at
No matter how many times he used the invisibility
compound, being unseen would take some getting used to.

moved closer to Cy. The knowledge that he could end his brother

life and no one could stop him, was almost as euphoric as an adrenaline high.
But he had to be patient and stick with the plan he

devised to destroy Cy and every Protector. If he rushed things, it would cost
him soldiers and the possibility of not accomplishing his goals.

noticed the girl Cy had declared as his life-mate heading toward the building
where the Protectors lived. He stalked toward her and then followed her inside
an apartment. Cy

s scent hung in the air. He glanced around at the
meager surroundings. This wasn

t how a future Sivadian king should live. His
pride swelled as he thought about his palace. He lived as a king should.

goes to show, the lying bastard I called father chose the wrong son.

As he strode toward the bedroom to see
what the girl was up to, running water started inside the bathroom. He was
about to go inside when she closed and locked the door. He decided to do a
little exploring instead. He opened several drawers, but found the usual
clothing. As he opened a drawer filled with socks, a black velvet box caught
his eye. He eased open the lid, and a smile broke on his face.

this is priceless.

The front door slammed against the
wall with a loud boom. Vind spun around, replaced the box and closed the
drawer. Heavy footsteps scrambled down the hall, sounding as if someone had
released a herd of antelope inside the apartment. Vind edged his body flush
against the wall. Cy barreled through the bedroom, panic consuming his
features. Then he almost broke the bathroom door off its hinges. Vind wove
through ten large males lining the hallway and eased through the front door.

outside, Vind glanced toward the building that contained the kitchen. In order
to go about their work, the compound employees had deactivation badges they
scanned to bypass the alarms. Vind

s plans balanced on
the cooperation of a supervisor named Connors. The man over domestics had
access to every restricted area inside the compound. After Vind dealt with the
supervisor, there were only a couple more details before he could set
everything in motion.

entered the compound

s kitchen. Connors stood at a serving table
heaping a plate with food. With all the food he could eat at his disposal, no
wonder the short man had such a rotund physique.

placed the food in a portable warmer and spoke to another employee. “I have to
run home to check on my wife and take her dinner. Will you keep an eye on
things until I return? I won

t be long.”

employee clamped his hand on Connor

s shoulder. “Take
your time. In her delicate state, she needs you more than we do. Things here
are under control.”

Vind followed Connors to the back
entrance used for employees and deliveries. Outside the gates, he transported
and Vind followed his vapor trail. Connors materialized on the front porch of a
modest, ranch style home. Vind followed him inside and then into a bedroom
where a pregnant woman lay sleeping.

As Connors sat down on the bed beside
her, she opened her eyes and smiled. He laid a chubby hand on her rounded
stomach. “How are my girls today?”


good. It

d be nice if they

d ease up on my
bladder though. I think they

re practicing to become tap dancers.”

chuckled. “I

m sure you would, hon. They

be here before long. Then you

ll wish you were back on bed rest.”

“I know.” Her arms cradled her
distended stomach.

Connors pulled a table over to the bed
and set down the plate of food. “I brought your dinner. I have a couple more
hours work at the compound. Do you need anything before I leave?”


m fine.

Connors reached down and kissed his
wife goodbye.

satisfied grin crossed Vind

s face. He

d found the perfect
leverage to assure Connors would do anything he asked. With the woman pregnant,
it would be dangerous to transport her back to his castle. Transporting such a
distance could cause her to lose the babies. If those infants were female, he could
add them to his orphanage for future breeding.

well, if they die, they die.
His best option would be to get
them out of the states.

Vind went outside and called one of
his staff doctors. He informed him to be on standby at his palace when he
arrived. After Connors left, Vind placed the visibility formula beneath his
tongue and went back inside the small house. The female had finished eating,
and was looking through a parenting magazine. After a couple of minutes Vind
became visible.


s head jerked toward him. She screamed and tried
to scramble out of bed.

“You are in no shape to run.” He
placed his hand on her shoulder and pushed her back on the pillows.

“Who are you? What are you doing in my
house?” Her face was red, and her voice demanding.

applied enough pressure to her shoulder to let her know he wouldn

put up with an ounce of defiance. “It doesn

t matter who I am. I

in need of your husband

s cooperation. And, you are coming with me to
ensure I get it.”

hands trembled as she braced her stomach. Tears filled her eyes. “I can
’t leave. I’
m pregnant and on bed rest until I give birth.”

“You have no choice in the matter.”
Vind placed a hint of threat in his voice. He reached down, scooped her off the
bed, and transported to the infirmary that covered the top floor of his castle.

they materialized the female was unconscious. He laid her on a bed and turned
to the doctor. “Examine her. Her life doesn

t matter, but do
let those babies die.

picked up the phone and called Alpheus. He managed his household, and was the
closest thing to family he

d had since the war started.


re home,” Alpheus said.


ll only be here a short time. While I shower,
would you fix something to eat and bring it to my room?”

Master. It will be ready when you

re finished.”

“Thank you, Alpheus.”


arrived back at the Connors

house and took a seat in the small living room.

Before long, Connors entered and
headed toward the bedroom.

Vind cleared his throat. The man
stopped mid-stride and squinted in the dim light.

“Hello, Connors.”

Connors stared in silence for a
moment, as if his brain was on a delay switch and needed time to catch up. He
flipped on a light. “What are you doing in my house?”

“Sit down,” Vind demanded. “We have a
matter to discuss.”

Connors glanced toward the back of the
house and slowly moved toward a chair on the opposite side of the room. He
regarded Vind as if he were a viper poised to strike.

Vind took a deep breath, savoring the
aroma of rising fear. “Do you know who I am?”

Connors shook his head. “No.”

name is Vindius. I am the rightful heir to the Sivadian throne. I

in need of your assistance.”


nobody. How could I possibly assist

have unlimited access to the compound. What I need from you is whatever I
I need at any given moment.” Vind picked up a picture of Connors and
his wife from the table beside his chair. He gazed at it for a moment before
speaking, giving the man

s mind a chance to make the connection. “You see,
Mr. Connors, your dear wife and children

s lives depend on how
well you cooperate.”

Connors sprang to his feet, ran toward
the bedroom and burst through the door. Vind remained seated, waited for the
man to realize the severity of the situation.

 “Where is she?” Connors
screamed, as he ran from room to room. He flew back to the living room, his
face red, panicked. “Where is my wife? You better not have harmed her!”

Vind narrowed his gaze on the man.
“For the moment, she is safe. However, I assure you that
change if you do not calm down and follow my
instructions to the letter.”

Connors slowly lowered himself into
the chair.

Vind issued his demands, a feeling of satisfaction came over him for his long
awaited goal. He could finally move forward and end Cygan and the Protectors

on Earth.

He grinned as Connors squirmed in his
chair. Most Sivadians had heard of his reputation, and from the looks of this
man, he knew what would happen to his wife and kids if he messed up.

As Vind left the residence, a gangly
young man wearing a compound uniform stood on the porch.

“Sir,” the boy said. His voice was as
frail as his stature. “I overheard you speaking with my uncle…and…I want to
join your army.”

stared at the boy. He definitely wasn

t army material. He
could literally see his body shake with fear. “What

your name, boy?”

“Neil Connors, sir.”


t I
seen you working at the compound?”

“Yes, sir. I work wherever they need
me, but mostly in the kitchen.”

Well, Neil Connors, did you swear an
oath of loyalty to the Protectors when you got that job?”

but I hate those assholes.” The boy

s lip curled in a
snarl. “They treat me like a servant, like I

m scum. I want to
make them pay for the way they treat me.”

glared at the boy. He had planned to find another compound employee, and this
pitiful excuse for a Sivadian just might work. “All right, you can join my
army. But first you must prove your loyalty to me. I

in need of your help on the final day I

m here. Your uncle
will give you further instructions when the time comes. Afterwards, I will send
one of my men to this house to get you.”

boy released an exaggerated breath and grinned. “Thank you, sir. You won

regret this.”

but you will.
Vind turned
to leave and looked
back at Neil Connors. “Boy, if you betray me, it
will be the last thing you

ll ever do. Are we understood?”

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