The Red Door (The Door Series Book 1) (39 page)

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Authors: J. L. Massey

Tags: #contemporary romance

BOOK: The Red Door (The Door Series Book 1)
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“That’s what I am worried about, Becca. The price you paid. You should see someone. If you won’t open up to me about what you went through when you were taken, then please, Honey, please find someone you will open up to. We love you and worry about you. We know you went through a lot when you were kidnapped, but you can’t pretend it didn’t happen and shove it under a rug.”

“Why the fuck not? And why the hell would I talk to you? You sit there and judge my reactions based on things you don’t know and have the nerve to tell me that my response to it is not up to par. I will never talk to you, Angel.”

“You don’t have to talk to me, but going out partying every night and calling in sick to work… that is not like you. You love your job.”

“I love to party, too.” I watched her give this little weird smile and look off. I was more scared about that smile than I was about the sneering enraged looks I was receiving.

“Yeah, but Becca, it’s the type of partying you are doing. I am worried because that crowd is not a good crowd.”

“None of your fucking business. Are you done?”

“Yes, I guess. Please remember, I am always here for you. I love you.”

“Love? Let me tell you a little love story. I had a best friend, once. I would have done anything for her. If she told me she wanted to go to Alaska to kill a fucking bear, I would have booked the trip. We planned to go to college together and be roommates. We were going to travel together. We both planned to go into communications. We wanted to work on cruise ships for a year before we started our careers. Thought it would be fun. Then she left me. No goodbye, nothing. She left. Oh, she had a good reason to go but not to leave the way she did. That killed. My life twisted and turned, my best friend from kindergarten, gone. I was lost without her.”


“Then she came back. We had both changed things about ourselves. I didn’t go into the career I planned, because I couldn’t see myself there without her. I went into nursing, hoping I could help other people since I couldn’t help her, but she came back, and boom, wouldn’t you know we fell right back into our easy fun-loving friendship, right back to making promises and plans with each other. The hope and dreams of our families growing old together was back. My family stepped up to help her. We went out shopping and got our nails done like we use to. Just having fun.”

“Becca.” I could feel it. I didn’t know what was going to come out of her mouth, but I knew it wouldn’t be good.

“We exchange more grownup conversations. I open up one drunken night and start naming fantasies. I tell her how I always wanted two guys at once. About being saved from something by some badass alpha male like in the books I read. She brings up how she wants to be completely owned and dominated every now and then. To be collared.” She glanced down at my necklace shaking her head then looking back up at me. “She also told me she had a weird fascination with the rape stories she had heard from The Black Door. That she would love to be kidnapped and forced to comply by someone she trusted but have it come as a complete surprise.”

“No, Becca. No. Do not say I asked for this. Do…”

“And wouldn’t you know, she received all that and not me. And as much as I loved seeing her happy it burned that she got what I wanted and she also got what she wanted, but wasn’t happy with it once she received it. Spoiled little bitch, never happy. Mark thought it was hilarious that you had a rape fantasy.” She looked off for a second. “Maybe he was trying to give his friend her dream,” she whispered to herself. I could tell she wasn’t talking to me. But to hear what she was actually thinking, that he was doing it for me, caused pain that was scorching all the way through me, making me feel sick. I stomached the acidic taste and tried again to point out the snow job she was selling to herself.

“Becca, it wasn’t like that. You know it wasn’t.” I didn’t know how to make her understand that Mark was not the innocent man she was making him out to be.

“What I know is that you have received everything you fantasized about. What I also know is that when I didn’t get my fantasy I turned to my dream. The one of Friday night football games, Saturday barbeques, Sunday church, and family dinners; of buying a house close to Mom and Dad, having beautiful kids, and a dog. The whole American dream. And what I know is that you killed me when you left me four years ago, but Ari, you fucking crucified me when you killed my fiancé and with him all my plans and dreams, again.”

“No.” No. I was shaking my head.

“You want me to share with you how I feel about everything? NO. Too fucking bad. This is my cross to bear, and I sure as fuck am not going to let a backstabbing bitch pretend that she will help me with it only to know, when given the chance, she will be loading it down with more weight.”

I watched her leave and wondered if we would ever be friends again. I knew we would never go back to the way we were, but I wanted to at least be more than mere acquaintances. I thought about Mitch asking what he was saving those women and kids from when they had nothing left to go back to. After our talk and watching her go, I knew she thought she had nothing left to lose. Knowing about the drugs and parties, I wondered if she would even make it through the night. And if she did, then how far away was the night she didn’t make it through?


The End

First, Jennifer Short Benson, without your help and guidance I would have jumped off that ledge many times.

Next, my beta readers Lindsey Armstrong and Malinda Boyd Burchett, you girls are wonderful. Jessica Hodnett, you have some grammar superpowers. Really, you freaking rock.

Finally, Jenny Carlsrud Sims, my amazing editor, took an interest in my story and held my hand through the editing process. I’m looking forward to working with you in the future.

And last but not least, my family for their support and patience. I love you. XOXO

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