The Red Door (The Door Series Book 1) (35 page)

Read The Red Door (The Door Series Book 1) Online

Authors: J. L. Massey

Tags: #contemporary romance

BOOK: The Red Door (The Door Series Book 1)
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“Nothing. Bullshit about the clubs.”

“I’ve tried calling Ari’s cell phone and never got through.” I saw Jackson walk in and up to Calvin. I didn’t know exactly what was going on there but knew it wasn’t sexual. Not yet, anyways. I walked that way knowing Jackson might have some idea where she might be.

“Can I talk with Jackson?” I sneered the question at Calvin. I hate that he made me seem like a stupid idiot for staying here.

“You don’t need permission, Alex.”

“Do you know where she might go?”

“Her house? If not there she might go to Mom and Dad’s or over to Becca’s house.”

“Okay another question. Who besides me calls Ari, Angel?”

“Hmm. Well, we’ve all joked with her about it. Teased her and called her it.”

“Not recently. Someone from before she moved away.”

“I don’t know. She never dated anyone long enough to have that endearment. And as far as friends, there was only one guy and that was…oh. Oh shit! Mark. Her old neighbor Mark Williamson. He called her Angel. Not in public, but in private. I only know because she told Becca, and I heard Becca teasing her about it once. This Mark guy seems legit, he’s a coach at school and is dating my sister.”

“He’s also our prime suspect. Call Becca and see what she is doing.” I pulled my phone and called Sledge.


“Sledge, I need you to pull up the location of Ari’s phone and call me back with it.”

“Gotcha. Will do.” I hung up and saw Jackson doing the same.

“No answer.”

“Shit. This doesn’t feel right.” I looked up to see Calvin on the phone.

“Ari, Becca, and Mark were always together. All through school. Ari and Mark even dated, but they decided to be friends. And all three were together constantly. Even my parents called them the three amigos.” I checked my screen as my phone rang. Sledge.


“Man you’re not going to like this. She’s out in the middle of nowhere. About three hours away. The land is swampy. A good place for someone to go missing. It’s near Caddo Lake Wildlife Management. I pulled the team, and they are heading there now. Get your ass in gear. The address is listed under Benji Williamson.”

“Shit, we just found out Mark Williamson also called Ari Angel.”

“I’ll forward you the address. Keep in touch.”

“Okay, something still isn’t adding up. Play this close and keep the information to our group for now.”

“Will do.”

“Let’s go. He has her at a family cabin in the swamps.”


We talked about old times all the way there. I asked how his family was, and he said well, but never delved into it. Even growing up he never wanted to talk about them. I always thought it would be wonderful to have a big family, but he didn’t seem to like it. He told me his basketball team did well, that he liked coaching. I teased him about how all the young girls had to be crushing on him since he was such a hottie and he became embarrassed. It felt good to be able to relax from all the crap going on in my life. Normal.

When we got to the cabin, he put Becca’s drunken ass in bed and then opened up two Cokes for us to drink as he showed me around. The kitchen was small but comfortable. For some reason I always thought of it as rustic when he would talk about it, but it was a charming cabin with modern furniture. There were two bedrooms and a private room that was locked that he said his dad used.

“Wow. Mark this place is nice. We should have come here a long time ago.” I had some more of my Coke and looked around at the rock fireplace and picture windows. I walked over to the French doors and saw that there was a huge deck and could see the moon shining on the swamp.

“Yeah, looking back, I think I should have brought you up here years ago, too.” He smiled at me, took my Coke can, and walked back to the kitchen area. “Why don’t you change, and I’ll make us some real drinks.” He wiggled his eyebrows, and I laughed at his goofiness.

I looked in at Becca, and she was drooling. I knew she was out for the night and would feel like shit in the morning. I laughed, thinking of her surprise when she woke. I went to my room and quickly threw on my pajamas. It was my usual style, a tight tank and short shorts. I was glad I didn’t bring pants because I was feeling hot and stuffy already. I didn’t think anything about how revealing it was until I came out of the room and Mark was standing at the end of the bar watching my breasts as I walked up to him and took my drink. It was in a shot glass and lighter than a normal coke.

“What is this?”

“Not a drinker, Ari?”

“No. You know I rarely did in high school and haven’t since either.” I looked at the drink already feeling lightheaded and dizzy.

“It’s a shot of Crown. I thought we could consider it a night cap before going to bed. You know how to do a shot right, Ari?” I couldn’t put my finger on it, but I knew something was off. Since we had arrived at the cabin he made sure to say my name in a weird tone. I watched as he took his shot. His was in a regular glass and equaled about four of my half full shot glass.

“Your turn Ari.”

I looked him over and then looked around. I thought he was probably tired. Or ticked off Becca was passed out and was ready to go to sleep. That or I was getting sick since I didn’t feel good. I hadn’t felt good earlier, but that was usual tiredness. This felt like motion sickness. Maybe a nightcap would help me go to sleep quicker. I put my glass to my lips and did my shot. It burned. Dammit. I took a deep breath trying to relieve the fire. There wasn’t a lot, but it was enough to make me wonder why people would want to drink it. It had a sweet taste but burned too bad to think about.

“Good job, Ari.” I heard the sneer loud and clear that time. And when I did it hit me. He never called me Ari. I was always Rory. He was the only one who called me Rory my whole life, and I always liked it. A few times when we were younger and he snuck into my room he called me his Angel, but thinking of it now it didn’t fit. Alex calling me Angel fit, but Mark calling me Angel always reminded me of the night I met his father and was told I looked like an Angel. Why would Mark call me Ari and not Rory? Come to think of it he had not called me Rory once since I had moved back.

“I just realized you’re calling me Ari. I don’t remember you ever calling me Ari when we were younger. Why?”

“Oh, do you not like it? How about Angel? I used to call you Angel. Remember that?” He had leaned against me, and I went to step back and stumbled.

“Wow Angel. I didn’t think one little shot would affect you so much. Let me help you to bed.” He was breathing in my face, but I couldn’t think. I couldn’t say anything. I was too tired and heavy. I wanted to go to sleep. Then everything went black.

I woke up in bed and felt pressure on me before I even opened my eyes. My head was pounding and my mouth felt fuzzy and dry. I slowly cracked my eyes and saw Mark leaned over me.

“What happened?”

“Lots happened. I knew when I gave you the drug it would knock you out so I didn’t give you much knowing if it didn’t work I could give you more. Way out here in the middle of nowhere it’s not like anyone is going to come looking for you or that you have a way of getting away.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I drugged you, but only a little because I want you coherent for what is going to happen.”

“Hmm.” I felt tired and Mark’s rambling was getting on my nerves. I wanted him off me so I could sleep. “What’s going to happen?” I pulled to move my arm. It felt numb and heavy. I felt a tug against my wrist when I looked over and saw it was attached to a rope. My eyes followed the rope to see that it was tied to the bed. I slowly turned my head and saw that my other arm was tied to the other side of the bed. “Why am I tied up?”

“Poor Angel. So confused even when she has all the pieces staring her right in the face.” I felt Mark shift over me and realized he wasn’t wearing a shirt. Why wasn’t he wearing a shirt? Was he asleep?

“Did I wake you? What happened? Why am I tied up?”

“No, Angel, I haven’t gone to sleep yet, but you were out long enough for me to send Becca on a little trip. I was going to keep her, but when they showed up for you I knew I wasn’t going to let you go until I get what’s mine.”

“What are you talking about? Who came for me? Where is Becca?” I watched as Mark leaned down and sucked on my breast. He swirled his tongue around my puckered nipple and then bit down hard. When he released it I could see indentions from his teeth on the area around the nipple. That had to hurt, but I couldn’t feel it.

“I don’t have on a shirt.” Why didn’t I have on a shirt?

“No, Angel, you don’t.” He looked down and ran his finger across my hip bones. From the right one across to the left then back to the middle and down. Down between my folds and into my slit. I watched as he played then lifted his finger to his mouth and sucked. “No panties either. I have full access to you that way. But don’t worry; I don’t have any on either.”

I looked back down to where he was once again playing and saw that he was now rubbing his cock against my slit. “It’s wet. Even when you’re half out of your mind, your pussy prepares to be fucked.” I shook my head trying to clear it.

“Where’s Becca? What’s going on?” My thoughts kept coming in brief little pieces I would almost catch before it would fade again.

“I’m going to tell you a story. An extremely personal story. I know you don’t know my dad well, but he has a lot of influential friends. His friends’ occupations range from a few priests to teachers to business men to politicians. An immensely wide range, but a close group of friends. These are the same men who used to meet my dad and me on our camping trips. Do you remember how I use to go camping, Angel?”

I watched as he pointed his cock down inside my slit then leaned down taking my other nipple in his mouth and sucking. Still numb, not feeling anything—thinking I should be fighting but not able to move.


“We started going camping when I was seven. I was the only boy brought along then, and it started small. I remember the first time one of them touched me was when I was taking a shower. This man stepped in the shower with me. I was about to get out even though I had shampoo in my hair, and he grabbed me and pulled my back up against his front. Told me it was fine. That we were saving water. He proceeded to wash my hair and my body, paying extra attention to certain areas. I, of course, was told to do the same. When I came to his dick, he wrapped my hand around him and showed me how to wash him correctly. It slowly built to how I could wash with my mouth,” he said as he jabbed his cock harder between my slit meeting my entrance but still never going in.

“This went on for a summer but never went further than them using my mouth. We went on a few weekend trips, and there were other kids there. Both girls and boys. They would use this room here, Angel. They would take turns using whoever they brought. Sometimes it would be a gangbang and sometimes they would toy around with us. The most memorable one was when I was nine. I was brought here over Christmas break. By this time, I thought that what happened in this cabin was what men do. They get together, drink, have fun, and spend extra time with the kids who were good. Loving on them and letting the kids show them how much they loved the men back. But that time, the first night there I was brought out with two other little boys and a little girl. They told us we were going to play a Christmas game. It was based off of points and the one with the most points would have the one gift we wanted more than anything. Well, I wanted the new Sega game that was out, and I would have done anything for it. I already knew with my brother and sister at home I wasn’t going to get anything like that from my parents. When asked what I wanted, I told them. When they told me I could win it, I knew I was going to. It started with the usual loving kind ways the men always showered toward us. By that night at dinner they told us how good we were and that we had become part of the secret club of their family. That’s what they called us. Their loving family away from family. They told us about the other members in the club. ‘Remember that girl who let us love on her for hours. She was part of our secret club. And that young man who helps us out every time we come here. He is about to join our ranks. After you have been in our club for so long you get to become one of us and receive the love. Do you remember how much he loves us? You need to show us you love us that much.’ So that night we each went to a room, except for the girl. She was left in the living room to sleep on the foldout. There were eight men all together, two for each of us. I was brought to this room. I did everything they asked with the promise of that game.” I looked up at Mark and realized I could focus more. I saw that he was crying and understood why.

“They were brainwashing you and raping you. Your dad was allowing this?” He was looking off, not focused on me at all.

“I couldn’t move out of bed the next morning. I had to be helped to the bathroom and given a shower. By Christmas morning I had received a visit from seven of the men there. I didn’t understand, because not only did they take from me, but they played with me. Enough to make me respond and showed me how to enjoy my hand. I won the game but never played.” He looked down at me. “No, my dad didn’t allow this. He did this to other kids and taught me to enjoy it enough to become like him.”

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